Return both instance id and prediction from predict() method of a Keras model - tensorflow

Supposing I have a Keras model which is already trained. When using predict() method, I want to get the instance key value and corresponding prediction at the same time( I can pass key value as a feature/column in the input).
I wonder is it realistic to do that?

I struggled with this for a while. I'm using the infrastructure so my first approach was to see if I could ensure that the order of the examples produced by the datasets was deterministic, but that wasn't optimal because it gave up a bunch of the parallel processing performance benefits and ended up not being the case in any event. I ended up processing predictions using model.predict_on_batch feeding in batches iterated out of the dataset manually instead of feeding the entire dataset into model.predict. That way I was able to grab the ids from the batch and associate them with the returned prediction.
I was surprised there wasn't a more ready made solution to a problem that must come up a lot. I haven't gotten up to speed on the Estimator interface or custom training/prediction loops yet, but hopefully this problem becomes trivial there.


Using dynamically generated data with keras

I'm training a neural network using keras but I'm not sure how to feed the training data into the model in the way that I want.
My training data set is effectively infinite, I have some code to generate training examples as needed, so I just want to pipe a continuous stream of novel data into the network. keras seems to want me to specify my entire dataset in advance by creating a numpy array with everything in it, but this obviously wont work with my approach.
I've experimented with creating a generator class based on keras.utils.Sequence which seems like a better fit, but it still requires me to specify a length via the __len__ method which makes me think it will only create that many examples before recycling them. Can someone suggest a better approach?

Individual increment for Tensorflow global_step with Estimator API

again I have a question regarding Tensorflow. For various reasons I want to have a variable representing not the number of steps done by the optimizer, but the number of samples processed (which would correspond to the optimizer steps in case of batchsize = 1).
I think best fitting would be using the global_step variable, because it is already existing and automatically loaded/saved by the Estimator API.
Is there a possibility to specifiy the increment size dynamically or is there a way to achieve the same save/restore behaviour with a newly created variable?
Important is the compatibility with the Tensorflow Estimator API.
-- Edit for clarification for the reason
I want to experiment with batchsizes changing during experimentation. Generally this is possible with Tensorflow. Batchsizes are varied on a dynamic way, thus a simple computation/sum of the values will not be possible
Thanks a lot in advance

Reusing transformations between training and predictions

I'd like to apply stemming to my training data set. I can do this outside of tensorflow as part of training data prep, but I then need to do the same process on prediction request data before calling the (stored) model.
Is there a way of implementing this transformation in tensorflow itself so the transformation is used for both training and predictions?
This problem becomes more annoying if the transformation requires knowledge of the whole dataset, normalisation for example.
Can you easily express your processing (e.g. stemming) as a tensorflow operation? If yes, then you can build your graph in a way that both your inputs and predictions can make use of the same set of operations. Otherwise, there isn't much harm in calling the same (non tensorflow) function for both pre-processing and for predictions.
Re normalisation: you would find the dataset statistics (means, variance, etc. depending on how exactly you are normalizing) and then hardcode them for the pre/post-processing so I don't think that's really an annoying case.

Tensorflow - How to ignore certain labels

I'm trying to implement a fully convolutional network and train it on the Pascal VOC dataset, however after reading up on the labels in the set, I see that I need to somehow ignore the "void" label. In Caffe their softmax function has an argument to ignore labels, so I'm wondering what the mechanic is, so I can implement something similar in tensorflow.
In tensorflow you're feeding the data in feed_dict right? Generally you'd want to just pre-process the data and remove the unwanted samples - don't give them to tensorflow for processing.
My prefered approach is a producer-consumer model where you fire up a tensorflow queue and load it with samples from a loader thread which just skips enqueuing your void samples.
In training your model dequeue samples in the model (you don't use feed_dict in the optimize step). This way you're not bothering to write out a whole new dataset with the specific preprocessing step you're interested in today (tomorrow you're likely to find you want to do some other preprocessing step).
As a side comment, I think tensorflow is a little more do-it-yourself than some other frameworks. But I tend to like that, it abstracts enough to be convenient, but not so much that you don't understand what's happening. When you implement it you understand it, that's the motto that comes to mind with tensorflow.

How to save two different checkpoints during training in Tensorflow

Assume we have test/val/train splits. During training, we want to save some model checkpoints [save_1] that can be used to restart the training later.
In addition, we want to save another model during training that shows the best performance on the validation sets [save_2]. After done with training, we use save_2 to report the performance on the test data.
My question is that how we can have two different tf.savers during training in TensorFlow? whatever examples that I have seen, only save [save_1].
Pointer to any codes would be appreciated.
You can get quite close by using an Estimator to wrap your model. Specifically see the options surrounding saving multiple checkpoints in RunConfig (you don't have to throw any away). Could be combined with a ValidationMonitor to find the lowest validation error.