Bamboo Deployment Projects - Can You Call Projects from Other Projects? - bamboo

I have inherited a collection of Bamboo build plans and corresponding deployment projects. Here is a particular example of how I would like to leverage reuse. We a four deployment projects (say ProjA, ProjB, ProjC, ProjD) that can be run individually/independently. However, we also have a project where we deploy them together (call it ProjABCD). Currently, ProjABCD replicates the steps from the individual A, B, C, D projects and executes them consecutively (e.g., if each has 10 steps, ProjABCD has 40 steps).
Is there a way to have a super-project (ProjABCD) that simply simply "calls" the four individual ProjA, ProjB, ProjC, ProjD? Ideally, this would also be able to roll-back to baseline state if any project in the group fails to deploy properly.

You should be able to come up with a scheme using the triggers functionality. There should not be a need to have a 40 step combined deployment (that breaks a lot of the value the deployments provide). There are multiple ways to solve/simplify this problem. For example you may choose to have two different builds, and only one of them triggers the 4 deployments.


Run multiple Selenium Test Projects across Azure DevOps

We have a main CRM application, that used to be housed externally but has been brought in-house. We have all our stand-alone websites/apps/etc that update/read from this main application. Each of those individual projects have their own selenium tests associated with them. What I assume those projects due, is drum up the resources, builds the tests, and runs against those existing websites, and gets rid of the resources, because no longer needed.
It seems like we should be able to reference those build pipelines from one project into another. Is there a way to do this? Seems like it would be easier to manage this way.
From what I have read, copy the test dll's into the main crm project to run. Is that what is needed to be done? The test piece on the CRM application will find all those test dlls? And then all the reporting are under the main crm sometimes and sometimes under the stand alone projects in other times? I much rather would like the test results to be associated with the repos/projects associated with the functional area.
So, the solution is that you can add a deployment group, with the Deployment Group you could test the applications in different machines.
In your scenario, you could see all projects included in that deployment group under your main CRM, then you could kick off each build pipeline has your tests in them.
Please refer to Automating Selenium Tests in Azure Pipelines for details

Separating building and testing jobs in Jenkins

I have a build job which takes a parameter (say which branch to build) that, when it completes triggers a testing job (actually several jobs) which does some stuff like download a bunch of test data and checks that the new version is works with the test data.
My problem is that I can't seem to figure out a way to show the test results in a sensible way. If I just use one testing job then the test results for "stable" and "dodgy-future-branch" get mixed up which isn't what I want and if I create a separate testing job for each branch that the build job understands it quickly becomes unmanageable because of combinatorial explosion (say 6 branches and 6 different types of testing mean I need 36 testing jobs and then when I want to make a change, say to save more builds, then I need to update all 36 by hand)
I've been looking at Job Generator Plugin and ez-templates in the hope that I might be able to create and manage just the templates for the testing jobs and have the actual jobs be created / updated on the fly. I can't shake the feeling that this is so hard because my basic model is wrong. Is it just that the separation of the building and testing jobs like this is not recommended or is there some other method to allow the filtering of test results for a job based on build parameters that I haven't found yet?
I would define a set of simple use cases:
Check in on development branch triggers build
Successful build triggers UpdateBuildPage
Successful build of development triggers IntegrationTest
Successful IntegrationTest triggers LoadTest
Successful IntegrationTest triggers UpdateTestPage
Successful LoadTest triggers UpdateTestPage
So especially I wouldn't look into all jenkins job results for overviews, but create a web page or something like that.
I wouldn't expect the full matrix of build/tests, and the combinations that are used will become clear from the use cases.

How to Identify Overlapping Resources in Multiple Projects - Microsoft Office

My questions is as follows:
Is there a way to make a master project plan incorporating multiple projects (not necessarily sub projects) in Microsoft office. As our resources get pushed around due to parts and items not arriving and shipping dates being moved forward amongst other things etc, sometimes the resource plan has to be changed regularly. I want to be able to pull all current projects into a master project plan so that I can identify where project resources are overlapping. Not necessarily by task but more by employee.
To try and explain a bit better:
Project 1:
Project Manager: John
Project Engineer: Jack. Task - Drawing
John assigns Jack to work on a task in Project 1.
Project 2:
Project Manager: Mark
Project Engineer: Jack. Task - Documentation
Jack wasn't supposed to be working on Project 2 for a further 2 weeks but the deadline has been moved forward and Mark has also assigned Jack to work on a task on his project.
I'd like to create a master project where I can pull in Project 1 and Project 2 and find a way for it to identify the resource overlap, regardless of the fact that Jack has been assigned to 2 different tasks, but more because he as an employee has been assigned to two projects at once.
Is this possible?
On a larger scale realistically I'll need this to incorporate about 6 Projects and about 20 staff members across, so I can find all the overlaps.
I am aware that there is a way to split a person between 2 tasks by assigning a percentage that they will work on both, i.e 90% on task 1 and 10% on task 2 but obviously this won't be project exclusive and my aim is to identify the overlaps rather than create them on purpose for resource sharing.
You are basically looking for software to support your "resource leveling" process.
The ]project-open[ open-source PPM software is capable of importing MS-Project schedules. After the import, you can get Resource Management reports from the system that allow you to perform manual resource leveling.
Another interesting open-source tool is TaskJuggler. TJ actually does multi-project scheduling or automatic resource leveling. However, TJ does not include a MS-Project integration at the moment AFAIK.
Affiliation note: I'm a member of the ]project-open[ team.
Depending on how you want to approach this, you can have a single master project and make all of your other project files sub projects in that master file. You can work in this master file and it will save your updates to the other files. It is sort of like having Project server on your desktop. You can create veiws for each project, or simply roll them up and they show as a single summary task.
You can do this by using a shared resource file but the best way now would be to just get a Project Online subscription and do your projects there.

TFS Builds, Project Files: Orphaned references to files not being pushed are causing endless build errors

We are using TFS 2010 (Visual Studio) for our deployments and have client code projects (.csproj files) and database projects (.dbproj files) We understand that when our Developers add files to our application there is a corresponding reference to these files in the Project file. If I push a changeset from Dev to QA that includes the project file, and the project file contains a reference to a file that's been added that is not in the changeset, I will receive a build error.
Once we started pushing just changesets (as opposed to performing full builds) this quickly became our number one bottleneck in doing TFS builds. I would deploy the database project and there would be 20 errors. The only way I could correct them was to navigate down the entire solution explorer tree and exclude each orphaned reference individually. This has proved far too time consuming and on the advice of our lead programmer we have returned to doing full builds of QA and UAT.
We are in the early stages of this product, and therefore we will be adding many files for some time. We need a better solution for this problem. Neither the manual exclusions nor asking developers to not check in code until it is ready for qa will suffice for us. Has anybody out there had any experience with this problem and if so how did you deal with it? Thanks!
Pushing changesets to QA selectively is known as cherry picking and causes the sorts of issues that you are experiencing. This is not the recommended practice, instead setup the Qa build so that successful build is part of checkin. This way that if a part of a fix is missed ( as it may be in multiple change sets ) the build will fail and the checkin cannot be performed.
Second have the developers do the second checkin to QA or merge the dev change sets to Qa and have the team lead coordinate changes to project files by watching for changes by turning on "notify changes made by others " or setting a policy for the dev team. Full builds should always be done as partials do not always pick up the complete pick up the dependency graph.

msbuild & wix - multiple installers?

I'm working with an application framework that has multiple products. It has a single installer and plugins are included/excluded based on build-server configuration.
I would like to change my build process so that multiple msi files are produced from a single build (one for each product, based on the framework). Is that possible ?
I was strugling the same problem.
I had 2 different builds from 1 wxs file, and for 4 configurations from 1 build. e.g. build=server\client,conf=debug\release,platf=x86\x64.
My issue: to cerate a solution with projects, numbered by the variable of build (in my case there was 2 projects, for server and for client separate). every project needs to be based on one wxs file, and build properties need to be different. I used the standard env variables on Configuration and Platform, and used my own variable Build. I've done in that way. If u need more biulds, create more projects, use more variables...
P.S. If u find the better way, plz contact me.