Flutter SIGINT error on run all tests on VSCODE - testing

When trying to "Run All Tests" from flutter/dart on VSCODE, I'm getting a SIGINT error and the test finish with "loading"on file, only the first one goes ok. The problem is that the same thing does not happen if I run the tests one by one.
loading /Users/marciomontenegro/Documents/Projects/mel/test/domain/usecases/sign_in_test.dart:
ERROR: Failed to load "/Users/marciomontenegro/Documents/Projects/mel/test/domain/usecases/sign_in_test.dart":
Shell subprocess terminated by ^C (SIGINT, -2) before connecting to test harness.
Test: /Users/marciomontenegro/Documents/Projects/mel/test/domain/usecases/sign_in_test.dart
Shell: /Users/marciomontenegro/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/darwin-x64/flutter_tester
dart:async/stream_controller.dart 595:43 _StreamController.addError
dart:async/stream_controller.dart 862:13 _StreamSinkWrapper.addError
package:stream_channel/src/guarantee_channel.dart 144:14 _GuaranteeSink._addError
package:stream_channel/src/guarantee_channel.dart 135:5 _GuaranteeSink.addError
package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart 566:27 FlutterPlatform._startTest
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async/zone.dart 1053:19 _CustomZone.registerUnaryCallback
dart:async-patch/async_patch.dart 71:23 _asyncThenWrapperHelper
package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart FlutterPlatform._startTest
package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart 368:36 FlutterPlatform.loadChannel
package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart 321:46 FlutterPlatform.load
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async/zone.dart 1053:19 _CustomZone.registerUnaryCallback
dart:async-patch/async_patch.dart 71:23 _asyncThenWrapperHelper
package:test_core/src/runner/loader.dart Loader.loadFile.<fn>
package:test_core/src/runner/load_suite.dart 98:31 new LoadSuite.<fn>.<fn>
===== asynchronous gap ===========================
dart:async/zone.dart 1045:19 _CustomZone.registerCallback
dart:async/zone.dart 962:22 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded
dart:async/timer.dart 52:45 new Timer
dart:async/timer.dart 89:9 Timer.run
dart:async/future.dart 172:11 new Future
package:test_api/src/backend/invoker.dart 399:21 Invoker._onRun.<fn>.<fn>.<fn>

Just found some info about this issue.
From https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code/issues/2082 :
Ok, I can only repro this using launch.json and not with the Run All Tests command. The reason for this is that Run All Tests runs without the debugger, but setting up launch.json as as described at #1673 (comment) will run in debug mode, but in a single debug session (and that fails due to multiple VM services).
I don't think there's going to be an easy way to handle this.
As a workaround, if you add "noDebug": true to the launch.json, it should fix it (albeit at the expense of debugging, and a warning from VS Code that it's not a valid option).


Why are my flows not connecting?

Just starting with noflo, I'm baffled as why I'm not able to get a simple flow working. I started today, installing noflo and core components following the example pages, and the canonical "Hello World" example
Read(filesystem/ReadFile) OUT -> IN Display(core/Output)
'package.json' -> IN Read
works... so far fine, then I wanted to change it slightly adding "noflo-rss" to the mix, and then changing the example to
Read(rss/FetchFeed) OUT -> IN Display(core/Output)
'http://xkcd.com/rss.xml' -> IN Read
Running like this
$ /node_modules/.bin/noflo-nodejs --graph graphs/rss.fbp --batch --register=false --debug
... but no cigar -- there is no output, it just sits there with no output at all
If I stick a console.log into the sourcecode of FetchFeed.coffee
parser.on 'readable', ->
while item = #read()
console.log 'ITEM', item ## Hack the code here
out.send item
then I do see the output and the content of the RSS feed.
Question: Why does out.send in rss/FetchFeed not feed the data to the core/Output for it to print? What dark magic makes the first example work, but not the second?
When running with --batch the process will exit when the network has stopped, as determined by a non-zero number of open connections between nodes.
The problem is that rss/FetchFeed does not open a connection on its outport, so the connection count drops to zero and the process exists.
One workaround is to run without --batch. Another one I just submitted as a pull request (needs review).

Erlang app fails to start

When I attempt a _rel/bin/application_name console, I get this:
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"
(not sure what the bad_return is, as this app used to start earlier)
My lager.app.src has both syntax_tools and compiler included
(alongwith goldrush, stdlib and kernel) for applications.
However, when I start lager from a vanilla erl prompt, lager starts after I've started all of its dependencies.
Can I get some help with this? I'm not sure what I'm not seeing/missing. Thanks very much in anticipation!

How to tell whether elaboration has completed at a breakpoint?

When I hit a breakpoint in a VLAB script, how can I find out if I have caused elaboration to finish or not, yet?
My script reaches a statement that raises an error:
Error: (E529) insert module failed: elaboration done
(The command that causes this is vlab.instantiate("stim", "stim"))
So obviously elaboration was unexpectedly (for me) already completed. I need to somehow go back in the process and find out where that happened - so I need some way of asking "is elaboration complete?" at the point where I set breakpoints earlier in the script.
SystemC provides the following function to query the current phase of elaboration or simulation.
sc_status sc_get_status();
See section 4.5.8 in the SystemC Language Reference Manual for more details. Note that this function was only added in the most recent version of the standard, IEEE Standard 1666-2011.
In VLAB, the SystemC API is available from the sysc Python package, so the following script can be used to test if the current phase is at elaboration:
import sysc
print "Is elaboration phase:", sysc.sc_get_status() == sysc.SC_ELABORATION

Getting Timeout Error When Using suspendExecution and resumeExecutionWithResult with NSScriptCommand

I am currently making use of the suspendExecution and resumeExecutionWithResult of NSScript command in order to execute Apple Scripts asynchronously in my application. Provided below are the set of basic steps that I have taken to achieve the same.
1) Get the script command and store it in an IVAR. Now suspend the execution of the command using [NSScriptCommand suspendExecution]
2) Execute any transaction calls which will return the results asynchronously.
3) In the completionHandler of the Async call resume the execution with the fetched results i.e
[NSScriptCommand resumeExecutionWithResult:result]
The steps mentioned above work perfectly fine when I execute scripts from the Script Editor. but using an NSAppleScript object (when executing the scripts from say a scripts menu) to execute the same results in the following error
"AppleEvent timed out. Error Number: -1712"
The timeout error occurs almost instantaneously. Any pointers as to how this issue can be fixed would be greatly appreciated.
I found that using NSUserAppleScriptTask(available with the 10.8 SDK) instead of NSAppleScript to execute the Apple Script resolves this issue.

Erlang finish or kill process

I have erlang application. In this application i run process with spawn(?MODULE, my_foo, [my_param1, my_param2, my_param3]).
And my_foo:
my_foo(my_param1, my_param2, my_param3) ->
some code here
When i open etop i see that this my_foo/3 function status: proc_lib:sync_wait/2
Than i try to put exit(self(), normal) in the end of my function, but i see same behavior: proc_lib:sync_wait/2 in etop.
How can i kill or exit process correctly?
Thank you.
Note that exit(Pid, Reason) and exit(Reason) do NOT do the same thing if Pid is the process itself. exit/1 tells the current process to exit - from the inside if you like - while exit/2 sends an exit signal to the process, even if the process is itself. So when you do exit(self(), normal) you are actually sending the normal exit signal to yourself, which is ignored.
In this case putting the exit call at the end of the function should not make any difference as the process automatically dies (with reason normal) when the function with which it was started ends. It seems like the process is suspended somewhere before that.
proc_lib:sync_wait/2 is called inside proc_lib:start/start_link and sits and waits for the spawned process to do proc_lib:init_ack/1/2 to return the return value for start. It would appear that your process does not call init_ack.
Based on the limited information that you give in the question I would suspect that your process hasn't finished running yet.
Normally you don't need to add exit/2 to your process. It will exit automatically when the function has finished running.
You probably have a long running call in some code here that has not finished running. I recommend that you add logging information and see where you are stuck.