How to use KSH variable in string and Robotframework not to interpret it for a case variable - variables

I tried to use Robot to do the following operation in KSH to remove the ".auto" postfix in a directory:
Write for file in .auto; do mv $file ${file%.}; done
The ${file%.} is for KSH variable however Robot always considered it as Robot variable and gave the error message: "Resolving variable '${file%.}' failed: Variable '${file}' not found."
Is there any way to tell Robot that the ${file%.*} is not for a Robot variable?

If a string has something the framework may interpret as inline variable usage - escape it, with the \ char.
In your case, put it in front of the ${:
Write for file in .auto; do mv $file \${file%.}; done


Run sql plus commands on Unix machine

I am working on a unix machine and the only way to execute oracle sql commands is through a unix script we grant access like this :
#! /user/bin/ksh
User = 'PATH' # I can't read the file in this path
sqlplus $user << word # I don't know what it is used for
And then I start writing sql commands then execute the script through cmd
My question is:
Do I have any way to login to sqlplus directly through the info above through cmd
I tried to use this command to log in directly to SQL*Plus:
sqlplus $user << word # I don't know what it is used for
But it prompted username: # which I don't know
User = 'PATH' # I can't read the file in this path
There is no file to read. You are assigning the string literal 'PATH' to the environment variable "User". You could just as well say "User = 'FUBAR'"
sqlplus $user << word # I don't know what it is used for
It is telling the OS to launch the executable 'sqlplus', pass it the value of the environment variable "$user", then redirect other input from the next lines of the script until it comes to the string literal 'word'. This is call 'input redirection, and the commands between this line and the line beginning with the word 'word' are sometimes referred to as "a 'here' document". Using the string literal 'word' to terminate it is wierd and misleading at best. Most people use some variation of 'EOF' for this purpose.
I don't know what it is expected to be used for either. In *nix, environment variables (as are file names) are case sensitive. So this variable , "user" is not the same variable, "User" as you set in the previous line.
And then i start writing sql commands then execute the script through
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you saying that at this point, your script has sql commands intended to be processed by sqlplus? As indicated by your use of input redirection?
But it prompted username : # which I don't know
Well, in spite of all the other issues, if you don't know the username and password, you will never be able to connect to the database.
If your unix box is setup correctly the variable PATH should include /usr/local/bin you can test by typing in the command echo $PATH.
if its setup, the source in the oracle file oraenv like so
. oraenv
Note there should be a space between the period a the word oraenv. By doing this it should append the directories $ORACLE_HOME:$ORACLE_HOME/bin to the PATH variable. Since sqlplus is in $ORACLE_HOME/bin it should now be found.
I wouldn't recommend deviating from this standard. You should speak to your unix admin and Oracle dba to make sure this is setup correctly

Jenkins variable not working with sed command in pipeline

The Sed command is giving me issues with incorporating the $tag variable witch is equal to "latest${GIT_COMMIT:0:7}". Here is the Sed command:
sh "sed -i 's/{BUILD_NUMBER}/$tag/' /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/${JOB_NAME}/em-api/dev-nics-emapi-svc-param.json"
I obviously want to put into my .json file the commit information but It doesnt pull the actual commit sha. When I take a look at the .json file it inserted the literal definition of the variable which is “latest${GIT_COMMIT:0:4}”. I am trying to do this on a declarative pipeline on my jenkins server running on linux.
I would like it to insert "latestxxxx". Any suggestions on how I can get around this?
GIT_COMMIT is an environment variable available to you; tag is a groovy variable, you have set to 'latest${GIT_COMMIT:0:4}'. So this gets replaced since you are using " for your sed command. But you are using ' for your sed expression, which then again will not replace environment variables. So you have basically two options:
Use " to quote the sed command, if you feel safe about the content, that gets replaced (you can use """ triple quotes for the whole command to don't have to quote the " for groovy)
Resolve the variable from the environment yourself in groovy (e.g. something like System.env['GIT_COMMIT].substring(0,4))

How to pass shell variable to pig param file

How we can pass shell variable to pig param file. As an example I have a shell variable defined as DB_NAME. i would like to define my pig parameter file as
I tried like above which does not work and i did try like echo $DB_NAME does not work either.
I'm aware that i can pass this by using -param in command line but i have many variables which i would like to put it in param file but the values will be defined in shell script. I searched many topics in google and didn't have any luck!!!
My question is similar what was posted in but i see no workable solution is posted.
Can anyone help?
you can pass parameter file using –param_file option.
if Parameter File named "pig.cfg" defined like below,
in the shell, pig command will be like this,
pig -param_file pig.cfg
and finally in your pig, you can use does variables named by KEY in the cfg file. (in this case, $p_db_nm)

How do I escape a "$" in bitbake/yocto?

One of my recipes in Yocto need to create a file containing a very specific line, something like:
To do this, I have the recipe task:
do_install() {
echo '${libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
Keeping in mind that I want that string exactly as shown, I can't figure out how to escape it to prevent bitbake from substituting in its own value of libdir.
I originally thought the echo command with single quotes would do the trick (as it does in the bash shell) but bitbake must be interpreting the line before passing it to the shell. I've also tried escaping it both with $$ and \$ to no avail.
I can find nothing in the bitbake doco about preventing variable expansion, just stuff to do with immediate, deferred and Python expansions.
What do I need to do to get that string into the file as is?
Bitbake seems to have particular issues in preventing expansion from taking place. Regardless of whether you use single or double quotes, it appears that the variables will be expanded before being passed to the shell.
Hence, if you want them to not be expanded, you need to effectively hide them from BitBake, and this can be done with something like:
echo -e '\x24{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
This uses the hexadecimal version of $ so that BitBake does not recognise it as a variable to be expanded.
You do need to ensure you're running the correct echo command however. Under some distros (like Ubuntu), it might run the sh-internal echo which does not recognise the -e option. In order to get around that, you may have to run the variant of echo that lives on the file system (and that does recognise that option):
/bin/echo -e '\x24{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
By default this task will be executed as shell function via /bin/sh, but it depends on your system what it will be as you can have a symlink named /bin/sh pointing to bash. The BitBake's manual prevents from using bashism syntax though.
You can consider just adding this task in your recipe as python function:
python do_install () {
with open('/path/to/your/file', 'a') as file:
'a' stands for append.
This should eliminate the problem with variable expansion.
There is no standard way to escape these sorts of expressions that I am aware of, other than to try to break up the expression - accordingly this should work:
do_install() {
echo '$''{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
The best solution is simply this:
bitbake_function() {
command $libdir/whatever
Bitbake will only expand ${libdir}; $libdir is passed through verbatim.
We don't have to worry about dollar signs that are not followed by {, and in this case, there is no need for libdir to be wrapped in braces.
The only time we run into a problem with just $foo is if we have something like ${foo}bar where the braces are required as delimiters so that bar isn't included into the variable name. In that situation, there are other solutions, such as for instance generating the shell syntax "$foo"bar. This is less cryptic than resorting to \x24.
If you need to use $ in variable assignment, remember that bitbake won't evaluate $whatever so you have to escape it for the underlying shell.
For instance I set gcc/ld Rpath option to use $ORIGIN keyword this way:
TARGET_LDFLAGS_append = " -Wl,-rpath-link=\\$$ORIGIN"
You can define a variable to be a literal dollar sign.
DOLLAR = "$"
do_install() {
echo '${DOLLAR}{libdir}/something' >/path/to/my/file
no extra quoting required.

Using variables in a vim shell command

How would I go about using a variable in a vim shell command (one done with !) in a vimscript? For instance, something kind of like this: (just an example, not what I'm really trying to do)
function Ls(dir)
!ls a:dir
Use the execute command. Everything after it is an expression that evaluates to a string, which it then executes like a command you had typed in yourself.
function Ls(dir)
execute '!ls ' . a:dir
This says, "Evaluate the expression '!ls ' . a:dir and then execute it." The variable a:dir is expanded, the dot concatenates the two strings into '!ls whatever' and then that is executed as if you had typed it.