Retrieve a Github Registry npm package from a Github Action - npm

I have successfully deployed #myorganization/my-super-lib as a GH npm package. Now I would like to use it in an other GH project.
This is a private lib, and a private project (important to remember, as the point is moot with public ones).
Locally, no problem, just add the correct authtoken config with my personal token in my npm config.
Now, when using Github Actions, I am not sure what the elegant solution would be for a token to access the library package. The documentation says to use a personal one, but what if I leave the org? I could also use a dedicated technical account just for that, but that doesn't seem like the "right" solution.
Has anyone got a better idea?
Edit after comments: At first I thought that I could simply use the GITHUB_TOKEN, but it is restricted to access only the current repository, and this is logical from a security perspective after thinking about it.

There is currently no better option than using a personal access token, i.e.:
Create a personal read:packages access token from an account that has read access
Insert that token as "Secret" to the repository (where you execute the Github Actions)
Access the token via in the Secrets in the Github Actions Workflow to authenticate and install the dependency stored in the Github Registry

to use Github actions to install private github package you need also at
actions/setup-node#v1: define the scope of the package registry
npm install: use personal access token with read, repo access. This token should be created by any github account that has access to the private github package that you use and stored as secret to the repo that uses that action.
Note: the --ignore-scripts is an optional flag that adds extra protection against malicious scripts that can steal your personal access token
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: '12.x'
registry-url: ''
scope: '#antecha'
- run: npm install --ignore-scripts
example repo:
Personal Access token as I mentioned can be created by ANY account that has access to the private registry. For orgs best is to create an admin-profile/account at github with only purpose to manage such tokens or/and org's github authentication to 3rd party apps.

I personaly use that script (.github/workflows/my-super-workflow-file.yml)
name: CI
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v1
- name: Setup node
uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: '10.x'
registry-url: ''
- run: npm install --ignore-scripts
- run: npm test


Which settings do I need to change to install packages from another private repo in Github actions?

We've got a monorepo (call it A) that has several packages published to I just started another repo (B), and would like to pull in one of the packages from A, but I'm getting a 403 during the GH Actions build process. Both repos are under the same organization. Here's the relevant bit of my action:
- name: authorize github npm
run: echo "//${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" >> .npmrc
- run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
The .npmrc exists (and is checked in), and should be right:
I can "fix" the problem by adding a PAT to the repository secrets and using that instead of GITHUB_TOKEN but I'd rather not.
Is there something I need to change in the settings for repo A to let its packages be accessible from repo B?

AWS install github private package in codeBuild

Hi I have codepipeline to deploy my angular app, and in that app I am using my private github package. Everything is working locally etc. But on codeBuild I have no idea how to register into github package repository.
my buildspec looks like:
version: 0.2
S3_BUCKET: "{{s3_bucket_url}}"
nodejs: 14
- echo Installing source NPM dependencies...
- npm install
- npm install -g #angular/cli
- echo Build started on `date` with $BUILD_ENV flag.
- ng build $BUILD_ENV
- echo Build completed on `date`
- '**/*'
base-directory: 'dist*'
if fails on npm install because 404 Not Found - GET For example in github actions I just simply define registry-url: '' and thats correct.
Thanks for help :)
It fails because, in the execution context of the CodeBuild process, access to the repo containing the GitHub package is restricted, so it can't find the package because it doesn't have access to the repo's packages. You will need to authenticate to the GitHub Package API.
One way to authenticate is to create a Personal Access Token, include it in your CodeBuild Environment by linking a secret in the SecretsManager, then accessing that token in your buildspec script in the env section:
Create a personal access token: In GitHub, create a Personal access token with the read:packages permission. Here's a link to a tutorial on how to do that.
Register token as a secret in Secrets Manager: In SecretsManager, create a secret with one entry. Name the key of the entry GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN, and in the value field, provide the token that you created in step 1. Pick a descriptive name for your secret (something like codebuild/gh_token). Take note of the secret's name.
Authenticate to GitHub Packages using the Personal Access Token: In your buildspec script, you will need to retrieve the secret containing your Personal Access Token, then use that to authenticate before you run the npm install command:
- echo Installing source NPM dependencies...
# this is needed to set the url where the package is located
- npm config set #OWNER:registry # <- replace OWNER with the organization/owner name
# this is needed to set the personal access token that we created
- npm config set // $GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
- npm install
- npm install -g #angular/cli

Verdaccio: how to publish to custom server from Github Actions with proper credentials?

I have a working verdaccio server hosted on a google cloud server. I am able manually publish to it, but am struggling to create a GitHub Action to publish to it when I push to master branch.
I have a script that works perfectly when publishing to npmjs public repo. Here is the relevant part that works for
- name: Publish to npm
if: steps.semantic.outputs.new_release_published == 'true'
run: |
yarn install
git checkout upm
npm publish
Now, for my own server, I have included the following addition in package.json:
"publishConfig": {
"registry": "http://my.ip.0.0:port"
And then in the repositories secrets, I have created an NPM_TOKEN secret with my user's token copied from my computer's .npmrc file after logging in.
I'm getting the following error from the Github Actions result:
npm ERR! code E401
npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, your authentication token seems to be invalid.
npm ERR! To correct this please trying logging in again with:
npm ERR! npm login
So I'm clearly not authenticating properly.
I tried (on the server's cli) using npm token create but it gave me an unauthorized error, and I tried the same on my computer locally after logging in too, and got the same error.
How can I authenticate my Github Actions publish to my custom Verdaccio server? I'm pretty new to this whole CI business, so I suspect I'm missing something quite basic. I suspect I'm doing it wrong using NPM_TOKEN, but it worked fine to publish to public repo.
Again, I can manually publish using npm publish from the terminal on my Mac (after logging into custom server with npm login), so I know that the server is set up properly.
After much googling, I found a solution from this tutorial
It's not written for GitHub Actions but the same procedure worked.
First, you need to login to your private server from your computer. In your home folder look at the .npmrc file (turn on show hidden files).
add this line to the yaml action file:
echo "//YOURREGISTRYADDRESS/:_authToken=\${NODE_AUTH_TOKEN}" > .npmrc
Note that it should actually be NODE_AUTH_TOKEN, NOT your actual token.
The part in the quotes should mostly match the entry in your .npmrc file (without the token).
So now it looks like this
- name: Publish to npm
if: steps.semantic.outputs.new_release_published == 'true'
run: |
yarn install
git checkout upm
echo "//YOURREGISTRYADDRESS/:_authToken=\${NODE_AUTH_TOKEN}" > .npmrc
npm publish
Then in the Settings -> Secrets part of your GitHub repo, add a secret called NPM_TOKEN and paste in the auth token value from the .npmrc. It's a long series of letters and numbers.
Now this script should properly log in. Apparently the issue is that the default Verdaccio authorization plugin expects it to be used interactively. This line basically creates an .npmrc file on the fly and populates it with the correct info, as if you've already logged in interactively. The file isn't actually created though, and disappears after running, which is a nice touch. It also is pretty secure since it stores the token in the secrets part of the repo. The link above does a better job explaining it, so check it out!

Override npm project auth token with user auth token?

I've got a project that includes a $PROJECT/.npmrc that has an auth token granting read-only access to the proviat repos required by the project:
$ cat .npmrc
How can I override that token with my user token so I can publish packages?
$ cat ~/.npmrc
The documentation states that config files will be loaded in "priority order", where the project configuration has the highest priority, and there doesn't seem to be any way to override this:
$ cd my-project/
$ npm whoami
$ cd ~
$ npm whoami
I know that it's possible to define an NPM_TOKEN environment variable:
But this means that every user of the project will need to define the NPM_TOKEN environment variable, which is undesirable (ie, because it means that every user - including read-only users - will need to define an NPM_TOKEN environment variable before they can use the project).
Just found a solution.
Edit your .npmrc file:
Every time you want to publish(powershell):
npm publish --access public --registry
Obviously the docs have change and setting the auth Token via CLI is not possible anymore on npm publish, so I provide more solution for using NPM with Github Actions + Font Awesome PRO + Github Package Registry:
name: Node.js Package
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
packages: write
- name: Checkout 🛎
uses: actions/checkout#master
- name: Setup node env 🏗
uses: actions/setup-node#v2
node-version: '14.x'
registry-url: ''
scope: '#mindfuel'
- name: Install Packages 🦺
run: npm ci
- name: Build 👷🏼
run: npm run build
- name: Prepare NPM Config 👮🏽‍♂️
run: rm -f .npmrc
- name: Setup publishing Env 🏗
uses: actions/setup-node#v2
node-version: '14.x'
registry-url: ''
scope: '#mindfuel'
- name: Publish Package 🚀
run: npm publish
For me the trick is to recall setup-node after deleting the existing .npmrc.
We have a shared .npmrc that all developers use. It includes a READ ONLY token to our companies registry:
# Font Awesome Pro Config
# Private Packages
CLI arguments have precedence over local .npmrc config, so you could overwrite it this way:
npm publish --registry={my-token}
You could add an npm script for publishing that depends on an environment variable with a private token:
"scripts": {
"publish": "npm publish --registry=${NPM_PUBLISH_TOKEN}"

Nexus OSS 3 - npm install requires npm login

We've started using Nexus OSS 3 as a standalone NPM server and so far it's working great but there's one thing that makes little sense to me, and that is the requirement to do the npm login before being able to npm install self published packages.
We're following the proposed repository structure:
npm_proxy - to use as proxy toward npm public repo
npm_private_internal - to use to upload self created internal packages
npm_private_external - to use to upload 3rd party packages
npm_group - to wrap all of them together so they're reachable with one URL
Now I understand that npm login should be required when publishing a new package, but why is it required when doing npm install of one of the self published packages, and can it be avoided ?
It's not required if you allow anonymous read privileges to your npm repositories. But I guess you've not given these privileges to the anonymous user?
If so, the alternative would be to base64 encode the needed credentials in your .npmrc file as described here:
But using npm login would be preferable.