Are there any open source solutions for mining bitcoins using WebAssembly? - bitcoin

I'm a little late to the game, but I just learned about Web Assembly and am considering using this to mine bitcoin instead of serving ads (which tend to expose a user's identity/data). I have never mined bitcoin and haven't learned Web Assembly yet, so it would be convenient to have an open source solution for this to begin my learning. Does anyone know of an open-source project for this? (Preferably written in Java or C#)
I did find this: But honestly, I'm not sure if it's what I need and it doesn't seem to create a web assembly, but a javascript.

Contrary to what David Schwartz says, there are a significant number of people that think using WebAssembly to mine cryptocurrency on the web does make sense. A recent study found that 1 in 600 of the top 1,000,000 websites on the internet use WebAssembly. They estimated that approx. 50% of these sites were using it for cryptocurrency mining.
The paper points to CoinHive as the mining software often used for this purpose. It compiles to both WebAssembly and asm.js. However, I would strongly warn against going down this route. Hijacking a user's CPU cycles without consent is widely considered malicious.
Finally, there is anecdotal evidence that ventures of this type don't really make much money.
So - unless you've got an incredibly popular site, and you're willing to ask your users whether it's OK to mine on their hardware, I wouldn't even bother.
(and you're not going to find a Java or C# miner either, they require garbage collection so will be bloated and slow)

No, that wouldn't make any sense. Users aren't going to be browsing your web site using a bitcoin miner, they're going to be browsing using a general purpose computer. General purpose computers are so bad at mining bitcoins there's really no point in doing something like this. If you did go to all the trouble, you would likely materialize zero revenue because no machine would ever mine enough to even cover the fees associated with transferring the value of the mining to you.


What's an insanely ballpark estimate for design & development of a big old intranet?

I work in a big organization, spread around the world, about 17,000 people. Have to ask for money wayyyyyy in advance for projects before even really knowing what they are.
So we're redesigning an old intranet. Spending a chunk of money we have on user research and UX design phase. More on the 1.0 and piloting it and dealing with content migration and all that fun stuff.
Any ideas (insane ballpark here) about how much $ to ask for the next phase (rolling it out, more testing, actually replacing the legacy intranet)? I know details are sparse but there are some silly budget deadlines that require me to pull a figure out of thin air before I even really know what our end users want. If I don't come up with a number, we get nothing and have to hunt around in various budgets to get cash.
What would you throw out for low / medium / high numbers here? Low being open source, out of the box functionality, not insane customization, no more UX research beyond what we're already doing, and off we go. Medium being a nicer step up, and high being paying someone like Igloo $400k to use their out of the box platform, and then another bunch of custom plugin development and design work on top of that.
Right now I'm thinking 250k, 500k, 750k. Am I in the right ballpark, or am I over in some other arena that's not even in the same league and hasn't seen a baseball game in years?
As you've all but acknowledged, it's an impossible question to answer. You are constrained by an illogical system which seeks to reduce risk by increasing control in the mistaken belief that accounting for all spend in advance will increase return on investment. Your challenge is to learn how to play that system to your advantage, secure your funding and achieve the freedom to deliver your project with minimal interference.
Fortunately, you are the best-placed person to do this. You have the best understanding of your organisational context and if you look at broadly similar (global, cross-functional) internal projects, you can get a good idea of how these projects are regarded and how they secure and maintain support and funding. Talk to colleagues and learn what you can. Ultimately you aren't looking for a right answer - you need to know what constitutes an acceptable answer and how to proceed when your guess proves to be "wrong".
Start looking externally to learn what you can about projects in similar organisations. Listening to others' experiences will give you a better understanding of potential risks, so dig deeper than the run-of-the-mill success stories. You might consider attending conferences, intranet-focused meetup groups and participating in online communities.
What is important is that you have a vision for your intranet project. As you go on, this vision may change. You will hear lots of assumptions about what people expect to be on the intranet. It's great to read you are conducting UX research as it's vital to understand what people actually need and use.
A guest presenter at a recent intranet event I ran showed us an intranet she'd built in-house over a five year period which was designed solely to help employees do their jobs effectively.
There were no generic calendar tools, no pages of content that no one ever looks at and no fashionable social features. Instead there was a lean, focused business tool, written in PHP, on which she'd spent GBP20,000 each year.
Equivalent value? Probably a month of Sharepoint consultancy.
It takes careful leadership and communication, but once you stop trying to deliver mediocre generic solutions based on what everything thinks "should" be on an intranet, you can ditch out-of-the-box tools and start focusing on your users' real needs.

Code theft prevention - Chaperon or anything similar

Has anyone heard of Chaperon? is it effective in preventing code theft?
Now i understand that there can be many ways if someone was to steal code and there is nothing that could be completely foolproof, so please don't give me this as an answer.
I want to know how effective this is and how does this utility/software exactly work?
Are there any other tools that are similar to this one?
It is the wrong question to ask. See Secure collaborative software development environment in the cloud
Why would you want to work with people you don't trust? The costs of organizing the control needed to make that effective are so large that your efficiency would be too low to survive in the market.
The reason that Chaperon doesn't have much competition is simply that there is no market. Start using it, go out of business fast.
One strong thing to consider when implementing any "code theft prevention" scheme is the fact that you're willingly trading productivity for security. The most productive environment for creating and debugging code is an open and easily shared one. This is why there are millions of lines of Open Source code written every year, even though most people involved aren't being paid for it.
Consider carefully whether the increased overhead and costs in terms of developer time is worth the theoretical potential for theft by one of your developers, who is already familiar with your algorithms and architecture, and could probably re-create the code if it was really something worth stealing.
Now, protecting your source code repositories from external access, and protecting your code "in transit" from people external to your development group who might be stealing it really boils down to Network Security, and you'd probably be better off posting it on or
You can't effectively do what you're asking, especially in an environment where you don't trust the people working there.
A proper solution is to build a business model that is robust in the face of someone else getting the software. If as you say the “work ethics are unreliable”, you should count on the software getting spread around anyway.
Don't rely on artificial scarcity of the software – especially if, as you say, you can't trust your staff to maintain that scarcity – instead, rely on being the people who know the most about it.
I think all that can be done is monitor in situations like this. Firewall network. Deny https traffic. So users can not securely upload. Have softwares that email/log when external I/O devices are plugged.
Fire people whom you cant trust if that is an option.

Is Seaside still a valid option?

Seaside just released a release candidate for the upcoming 3.0 version, so it appeared on my radar again. As I'm currently pondering what web framework to use for a future project, I wonder whether it's something to consider. Alas, most of the publicity for Seaside is from '07, which is probably one or two generations for the web. So I'm hoping that the community here can answer some questions
Continuation-based frameworks were pretty great when most of your workflow was mostly in HTML, e.g. form submits. For today's JavaScript-heavy environments, that hardly seems worthwhile anymore.
Is Squeak able to handle a reasonable workload? From other questions here and elsewhere, it seems that for proper scaling another implementation (Gemstone etc.) would probably fare better in the long run, but I don't have a proper idea how far away that is. Sessions seem to be rather expensive.
I know that comparisons are hard, but most of the articles you find on the net set Seaside and Rails side by side. How would combinations like Scala/Lift, Clojure/Compojure or Erlang/Nitrogen do instead?
I have answers to question one and two:
This is true. However since version 2.8 Seaside is not a strictly "continuation-based" framework anymore. Seaside uses continuations in the flow module only. Since Seaside 3.0 the flow module is even optional. Also note that Seaside has strong Javascript support since 2005, this is long before mainstream frameworks started to add Javascript functionality. Today Seaside comes with JQuery and JQueryUI support built-in.
Of course that depends on what you store within your session objects, but typically sessions are small (less than 20 KiB). Use the memory profiler in your application to determine the exact memory consumption.
And there is a new seaside book:
I find the productivity of working in a Smalltalk IDE with a good set of abstractions outweights all other issues in engineering dominated projects. It works well as an enterprise system for a small company with about 100 (simultaneous, but not heavy) users on a single server (without going to SSD). Since 2007:
Seaside has shown to be able to make the switch from html workflows to javascript ones;
Seaside has been ported to a lot of different Smalltalks;
Has seen Gemstone release GLASS;
The new 'cog' vm with much improved performance has been released a few weeks ago and shows great promise for improved performance.
In Smalltalk we have now three web frameworks to consider, besides Seaside also
Aida/Web and
Both later effectively solve three-like control flow, but without needing continuations. Both also have a very strong Ajax integration, actually you don't realize anymore that you are working with Ajax.
Both also scale in memory consumption well. 10.000 sessions spend 220MB in Aida/Web, that is about 23KB per session, which can be further optimized down to mere 400B per session. This means, that you can run not only but many websites from the single Smalltalk image. Of course you can always upgrade to load balancing solution, when you really need. Which is from my experience very rarely needed.
Comparing to Ruby on Rails, a friend of mine complained that he needs 50MB of memory initially for every webshop site he is selling. He then turned to the Aida/Web solution where he needs about the same MB for the image, but then just few KB for every additional webshop site.
Avi Bryant, the developer of Seaside, said that AJAX triumphs continuations in almost all situations. Nevertheless, you can build reasonably powerful applications with Seaside and AJAX, too.
The Application part of a Web-App can be done in other frameworks quite well using Ajax.
I think a Seaside integrated Smalltalk-to-Javascript Framework like Cappuccino-for-Clamato is missing, currently. I'd like to be able to build real Javascript-Apps using Smalltalk.
Javascript is awesome but being capable of dealing with complicated workflow in a clean cheap way in the server side (as Seaside allows you to) is preventing it to become obsolete. Economy and utility are things that gives return in the short and long run. But telling this in the abstract has no value at all. You should be talking about a precise application and deciding if seaside is part of your bunch of competitive advantages to form an equation that rocks (and knowing why).
About scaling workload with Seaside, the short answer is that you can scale it like hell yah (for the long answer check my answer here: Does Seaside scale?).
too unanswerable man :) rty a variation of what you're really trying to ask
I think the best thing you can do is a prototype of something in a weekend.
If you can do a prototype in two days and you can capture some attention and you enjoyed the developing experience of doing it with seaside then you'll have the foundation of your next thing.
It costs only your time (you can publish in an amazon server).
BTW, this week I've heard about a startup that made its prototype by hand (was everything static and they processed stuff manually). Pretty amazing and crazy and cheap. When they felt that they had enough traction on the idea (which the had) they implemented the app (with whatever tech, I'm sure is no challenge for a seaside developer)

As a programmer how much are you expected to know outside of programming? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I'm wondering what you do as a programmer that's not programming but necessary for your task (eg: local setup, server setup, deployment, etc). I'm curious to know how many non-programming related tasks people are performing.
For example, when on web development projects I often:
Install servers
Manage user right/access to servers
Perform backups
Configure IIS/Apache
Setup FTP sites
On non-web projects I often:
Write build scripts
Setup source code management tools/procedures
Probably more stuff I'm not thinking of
Some tasks are more related to programming than others (such as writing build scripts) but others fall outside of my area of expertise (domain setup comes to mind). Just interested to know how many people perform tasks in their jobs that are not programming related.
The sad reality is that non-technical people look at technical people and expect them to know everything that is technology related, not understanding that there are specializations within technology which we might know nothing about.
I often think it is very much like a doctor that specializes in a particular discipline. All doctors have a baseline of knowledge in the medical field, but will not know the specifics of other specializations (a cardiologist will not know as much about anesthesiology and vice versa).
So while I think it is unreasonable for people to expect technologists to know everything, I do think that it is reasonable for them to expect that we know something when it comes to technology.
I think a more important facet of this question is how much one is expected to know about the specific domain where they apply their skills (finance, manufacturing, etc, etc). I think that is incredibly important, as having that domain knowledge makes them much more valuable as a programmer, as they can understand the problems on a deep level, and as a result, provide more comprehensive solutions for them.
Expected? Almost nothing, but everyone's always really happy when you know more.
The more you know outside the narrow confines of programming, the more valuable you are to your employer.
Things that have come up for me:
requirements gathering
writing use cases
evaluating test plans
negotiating with vendors
tax law
revenue recognition rules
ideas about how users behave
basic economic theory
usability guidelines
differences in consumer behavior in different countries
system administration (being a full on sysadmin)
database configuration, optimization, setup (basically being a DBA)
monitoring systems
networking principles and techniques (you'd be amazed how handy a packet trace can be when debugging something...)
being able to evaluate a business plan written by someone else
image manipulation
how to diffuse a situation and avoid arguments
how to corner someone and make them to commit to something when they don't want to
how to choose battles
I think the non-programming skill I use the most in my programming job is writing. It's really crucial to be able to explain ideas, designs, algorithms, and so on, and you can never count on being around to do it in person (or having the time). I spend a good amount of time at work writing up design documents and other documentation so other engineers can get their heads around my code and algorithms. So I'm really thankful that I had good writing classes in school and can put a sentence together. :-)
Probably depends on the size of the company you work for. As someone who has worked mainly at small to medium sized businesses, I've also been responsible for:
database creation, management, and tuning
supporting the internal applications I launch
managing website certificates
setting up external hosting
and I'm sure there's more as well
Well, since a programmer's primary tool is his computer, I think it's fair to assume some expertise with it. Most of those sorts of things you've described are difficult for someone unfamiliar with computers, but pretty easy (even with little prior experience) for someone who understands the domain and knows how to find and read documentation.
In a big, well-organized business or project, I'd expect someone who was more specifically familiar with those sort of administrative things to take care of them. However, if there's not enough of them to warrant a full-time job, then I don't think it's unreasonable to have anyone competent work on it; and programmers are probably at the head of the queue in that regard.
I find the vast majority of "bugs" discovered by users are configuration problems with the systems on which the application is installed. Having developers that understand the common machine and network setup errors is very desirable.
For example if an application sends email as part of its operation its useful to have developers knowledgable in DNS and SMTP configuration.
Of course it depends on your size of business, large organisations can probably shield developers from this by using other specialists.
I realized I'm never hired for the actual job, but as a problem solver. Whether I figure out what's going on, and fix it through code, or software, or something on the network, this seems to be the main perception of what clients want.
This will vary greatly depending on where you are. I've worked with people who know none of this stuff, and people who are experts.
Knowing this will help you greatly. In general it's always better to understand the environment your code is running in. Not understanding the context leaves you somewhat helpless.
Additionally there are often bugs that are not code related but configuration related, for example a page not showing up because of the apache configuration. You're very handicapped in debugging if you don't understand the environment.
People around a work place probably expect a programmer to be their IT HelpDesk guy... it happens around here to me. argh.
Where I work, all developers are expected to be able to use Subversion and have to be able to setup and configure Apache and Tomcat on their PC.
The biggest challenge is not the technical issues associated with getting the environment up and running but the domain knowledge required to effectively develop software in a small shop. For me, I work on a lot of different projects from a variety of sources in a mostly isolated development environment. This means that I need to come up to speed on the domain of the project pretty quickly in order to be effective in developing a solution. In the past I've worked on print accounting solutions, active directory management, research survey databases, and currently a quasi-CRM solution for a charitable organization. I wish I only had to know the nuts and bolts of setting up my development and build environment.
It often depends on the size of the company. In a little company, you have to know how to do everything, including systems admin, and network admin, even if your job is focused on programming.
In a big company, you get to see a little slice of the universe, and they often don't like you peeking outside of your box. Not only do you not need to learn everything, they're often unhappy with you if you try.
However, the more you understanding about the machines, how they work, and how they function in an operational environment, the easier it is to diagnose problems and write better software. The more you understanding about the domain you're writing applications for, the better you are able to differentiate between the users needs and their desires.
One of the coolest things about being a software developer is you have a life long excuse for sticking your nose into both the technologies and the various business domains. If you've shifted around to a few different industries, you tend to become loaded down with all sorts of interesting tidbits. There is always more to learn ...
It's good to expose yourself to other technologies, but I really think it's a bad idea for you to not fully disclose the fact that you aren't experts in those areas (esp. domain setup). I've worked with people who thought they could do it all but ended up doing those tasks so poorly that with all the time (and money) they've spent trying to get it right, a consultant would have been paid for several times over.
I've worked at a company where I was responsible for everything "related to a computer" including the domain, PCs, database, custom software, builds, MS Office, PowerPoint, Quickbooks...; a mid-size company where it was development and builds; and a large company where I focus solely on the .Net code for my project (someone else handles the database and another handles reporting).
The mid-size company has been the best experience so far (pretty new at the large company) where I was given enough responsibility to feel useful and had easy access to everyone else to ask questions about those other tasks.
You are not alone out there. The position I signed up for was "ASP.NET Web Developer"... However, my job consists of:
Windows Server Administration
Limited Linux Administration (running
top to monitor CPU utilization and changing apache configs)
LDAP Administration / Tuning
MS SQL Server 2005 Administration /
Database Development
Crystal Reports Developer
Perl Scripts
C# Win32 Developement
C# / ASP.NET Web Developement
Managing User Access Rights for
Windows Servers
Limited Network Troubleshooting
Being in a company that is constantly striving for supreme "Operation Effectiveness" my task list only grows by the day. I did not make up that list either. All of the items mentioned above, I have either touched or supported in the past 3 years I have worked in this company.
That being said, in a good development shop, you should have one specific task. As the saying goes, Jack of all trades ... master of none.
This depends greatly on what you're programming. If you're doing low level device drivers, it's vital that you understand the underlying hardware. If you're doing a standalone Java app, the better you understand the JVM and libraries you're using, the better - but it isn't strictly necessary to know a lot.
In general, the more you understand about your system environment, the better. How much your peers and management expect you to know depends on them.
Ignorance will, eventually, be punished. If not by your peers and management, the world will do it. Check any week's headlines or RISKS digest for examples where ignorance of the system environment cause software failure.
[rant mode on]
Ha, the curse of Excel and Word.
Outside work - particularly friends and family but sometimes when consulting or delivering software too, any and all non-technical people expect you to understand these. There's that internal groan when someone asks you across to have a look at a small problem they're having with some facet of Office. And because it's a client and you want to appear helpful you agree.
There's just this blanket expectation that because you're a developer you have an innate knowledge of configuring spreadsheets, fixing Word templates, and any and all other office techie tasks, and furthermore you can cast your eye over some badly configured Office mess and instantly diagnose what the problem is.
I can only just about manage to put together a spreadsheet to schedule my reoccuring invoices and set up a Word template to write them. I regularly tell people that too - but no-one ever listens.
It depends a lot on the type of software you're currently developing
For example, when I was working on software for a local government, I had to learn things like
What are the rules for registering animals (pets). What are the types of registrations, what discounts apply, what are penalties for not registering on time
How are council rates calculated. How are rates raised yearly (actually, the algorithm for raising yearly rates and its implementation was the most complex task I met so far).
How are building permits issued. What types of inspections can be performed. Who is involved in the process of issuing a building permit (owner, builder, architect, officers etc.)
How often are water meters read. How are water meters assigned to properties, how many dials are on a water meter, how to detach a water meter from one property and to attach to a different one
What are different pension types. What are different discounts that are granted depending on a pension type.
What are different types of receipts. What different types of terminal printers (those that are used to print small receipts) exist and how to print to them.
What are properties, strata children, what are rules for dividing properties into 'parcels' ...
Well, that's just part of non-programming stuff that I learned during the 2 years on the project. The most unfortunate thing here is that now that I moved to a different company, there is very little chance that any of this knowledge I will ever use.
My job title is "Senior Software Engineer". In point of fact, for most of the past several years, I did fairly little software development, but did do a lot of:
Systems & web administration
Static web page development with HTML (I don't consider that programming, although I have done PHP, CGI, and JavaScript).
As others have said, help desk sorts of stuff, although not as much as in the past.
As a "task leader", I'm expected to have some people/management skills, although that usually devolves to writing monthly reports. I also get sucked into CMMi stuff from time to time, which in an ideal world might be somewhat relevant, but is usually just record keeping so the employer can bid on new contracts which require it.
Working in science lab, there's a need to know some of the science, especially if you want/need to work on the code doing the scientific calculations.
Working in a (U.S.) government facility, there's lots of paperwork and a need to know lots of government regulation (e.g. Freedom of Information Act)
Fortunately, I've recently made an internal transfer where I'm doing more development work and less of this other stuff!
Personally, I find that knowing more is always good, it paves the way to the next level. The hardest things in life is at the integration point. Literally. People focus a lot on specializing, but don't forget that you need people who can straddle both realms.

How is it possible to sell code written in an interpreted language?

It seems to me that if you are writing in an interpreted language that it must be difficult to sell software, because anyone who buys it can edit it/change it/resell it without much difficulty.
How do you get around this? I have a couple of PHP apps that I'm reluctant to sell to people as it seems that it's too simple for them to change/read/edit/sell what I've produced.
Hardly anyone sells code. We sell the ability to create, edit, support and understand the code.
As a potential buyer of your application, I might find these features attractive:
The ability to change the code to suit my needs
The ability to read the code to better understand what it's doing
... and yes ...
The ability to sell my modifications
All three of those are features.
The third one might be a feature you can't afford to give me. Fix that through legal measures, not technical measures. That's what licensing is for. You could also sell more expensive licenses which do allow resale.
There are things you could do to remove the first two features, but bear in mind that in doing so you are reducing the overall value of your product to some people, and therefore its sale price.
For many people the primary reason for using Open Source software is not that it costs nothing -- it's that you get the source code.
People sell the service of creating web sites all the time. Also, even a compiled language can be altered, it`s just more difficult.
Most of the time the user base does not understand how to make the changes or what to do with the scripts so you are really selling your knowledge of how to install and change the scripts.
Don't sell the software, sell "licences".
I'll try to explain better, build the web app but provide hosting for it. this way your client will never get to "hold" the source code.
If you really must deliver the source code, Obfuscating is the way to go ;)
Possible routes to go:
Translate to a bytecode, binary or an obfuscated format
For instance, Splunk is written mostly in Python, and distribute bytecode. The EVE online client uses Stackless Python to compile to an executable binary.
Host the solution yourself
Put up a website, charge for use.
License the software
They get the source, but cannot legally modify or redistribute the source.
Open source the solution
Anyone can change the code, but you are the de-facto authority on it, and you can earn money by selling support, consultancy and customization services.
You could also consider a combination of approaches. E.g., partition your solution into several stand alone packages, and then open source some of them, and sell bytecode versions of other parts. What you then sell is the complete solution, as well as other services, and some people may benefit and enhance other parts of the solution.
Plenty of companies make money off of applications in interpreted languages and happily distribute the source code with them. Don't take this personally, but your program probably isn't going to be popular enough to have a large following of pirates. And anybody who would pirate your software probably isn't going to buy it in the first place. If they can't pirate it, they'll pirate somebody elses.
Whatever you do, please don't obfuscate your code. It's not an effective means of preventing infringement and it won't do anything other than make life miserable for you and your customers.
Protecting your secret bits is getting more and more difficult.
IMHO, your solution really depends on your target market. If you are targeting business, just give them the code with a good license, and possibly some type of defect so you can determine who gave your code away if that ever happens. Businesses will mostly pay for your app just to stay compliant; it's not worth the legal hassles. And if an individual gets your app for free, that's probably a good thing, since they will try to convince their current and future employers to buy it.
If you are targeting individuals, and can do it as a web app (which you obviously are with PHP), do it as a hosted service, and either sell a monthly subscription or allow free access and find another way to monetize it.
If you definitely need to or want to distribute it to individuals for whatever reason, you can give it away for free, and try to monetize customizations, add-ins, & other support features.
This is a problem that's been discussed a lot, and a few hours’ worth of really focused googling should reveal all the current philosophies on this.
I hope this helps.
Obfuscation may be a good way to go
With PHP you have the option of using the Zend Guard for PHP. I believe it compiles the source code in a way similar to what the php interpreter does,
so it should also increase performance. Of course the price of $ 600 may be too much for your liking ;-)
Anyway, I see no reason why you shouldn't distribute your code with an open source license (see the Open Source Initiative for a list of licenses available). You can find one that prohibits your customer from redistributing your app.
As Novelocrat points out in his comment, a license that prohibits distribution is per definitionem not an Open Source license, the term Open Source refers to a lot more than just the availability of the source code. (See also the answers to this related question for further discussion).