Manage drupal 8 modules with composer and drush - module

I'm newcomer in drupal management with composer. As it, I need to do updates on my D8 websites (migrated from D6).
And I get mismatched informations between drush and composer, like this:
$ composer outdated drupal/*
drupal/feeds 3.0.0-alpha5 3.0.0-alpha6 Aggregates RSS/Atom/RDF feeds, imports CSV files and more.
drupal/migrate_tools 4.3.0 4.4.0 Tools to assist in developing and running migrations.
$ drush #sited8 pml --filter=feed
--------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------
Package Name Status Version
--------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------
Feeds Feeds (feeds) Disabled 8.x-3.0-alpha4
$ drush #sited8 pml --filter=migr
-------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --
Package Name Status Version
-------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Migration Migrate Tools (migrate_tools) Disabled 8.x-4.1
So what's the good way to proceed with disabled modules ? Do I need to delete them with composer ? Doesn't exist a similar status as "disabled" for composer ?
EDIT: good practice fixed, but what about mismatched informations between drush and composer ?
EDIT2: another case of mismatched informations
composer outdated drupal/*
drupal/admin_toolbar 1.27.0 2.0.0 Provides a drop-down menu interface to the core Drupal Toolbar.
drupal/better_exposed_filters 3.0.0-alpha6 4.0.0-alpha1 Provides advanced options (such as links, checkboxes, or jQueryUI widgets) for exposed Views elements.
drupal/webform 5.4.0 5.5.0 Enables the creation of webforms and questionnaires.
#ssh4:~/www/celony/sited8$ composer update drupal/admin_toolbar drupal/better_exposed_filters
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
More info: if update is mentionned as red I can run composer update, if it's in yellow, I do use composer require instead. Perhaps normal way ?


How to add module to environment module? So I can load it using module load

When I run module avail, I got:
--------------------------------- /usr/share/modules/modulefiles ---------------------------------
dot module-git module-info modules null use.own
--------------------------------- /usr/share/modules/modulefiles ---------------------------------
dot module-git module-info modules null use.own
And I notice people uses module to load gcc5 cuda10.0 by module load gcc5 cuda10.0 . Like this person did in:
Slurm sbatch for a PyTorch script draining node; gres/gpu: count changed for node node002 from 0 to 1
How do I add things like gcc5 and cuda10.0 to my modules?
You need to craft these modulefiles by hand if you manually install these specific software or the specific version of these software.
If you use a package manager like Spack or EasyBuild to build the software, those tools can also generate the corresponding modulefiles to use the software they built and install.

selenium2 for composer install facing with phalcon/incubator error in PHP

I am using window command prompt,When I update composer facing with below error
C:\xampp\htdocs\myproject>composer update
Warning: This development build of composer is over 60 days old. It is recommend
ed to update it by running "C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.phar self-
update" to get the latest version.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Failed to decode response: zlib_decode(): data error
Retrying with degraded mode, check for more info
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Installation request for phalcon/incubator dev-master -> satisfiable by ph
- phalcon/incubator dev-master requires ext-phalcon >=2.0.4 -> the requested
PHP extension phalcon is missing from your system.
The last line should give you a clue: You haven't yet installed PhalconPHP on your system, which is required by the Incubator package.
Also, run a composer self-update as recommended.

ubuntu PDF::Template installation

trying to install CPAN PDF::Template module, I got this error message :
Tests succeeded but one dependency not OK (pdflib_pl)
[dependencies] -- NA
Running make install
make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
Failed during this command:
RKINYON/PDF-Template-0.22.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (pdflib_pl)
Any idea why ?
As module docs say you need PDFlib lite.
You can get it from PDFlib website

osTicket 1.9 LDAP pear issue

I'm following the instructions here: to install the LDAP plugin for osticket 1.9.2.
I have the download in the correct place however when I run the command:
php make.php hydrate
I get loads of 'could not load...' messages and the main fatal one being:
Problem 1
- The requested package pear-pear/net_ldap2 could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
Enabling the plugin within osTicket then works but obvious throws PHP Fatal errors about not finding the ldap files, as you would expect.
Does anyone know how to resolve it?
You need to install the pear package net_ldap2, either via pear or via composer.

How to load VMMaker in Squeak?

I am using Squeak 4.4 update 12327, and VM version 4.1.1. I tried to load VMMaker with ConfigurationOf scripts but always fails with exceptions mainly in the Freetype package.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfVMMaker';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfVMMaker) project version: '1.4') load
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfVMMaker';
(Smalltalk at:#ConfigurationOfVMMaker) project lastVersion load.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfVMMaker';
(ConfigurationOfVMMaker project version: '1.5') load.
Neither the package repository page, nor the wiki pages (this one, or this one) include instructions or a link to load the VMMaker, although contains a lot of explanations.
This is thanks to David Lewis, in the CI scripts we use to test the Interpreter VM:
MCMcmUpdater updateFromRepositories: #('').
(Smalltalk at: #VMMaker) initializeBrowserSupport. "activate Slang browsing"
Unfortunately, the Metacello configuration has been created and used only by Pharo-centric users until now...
You could eventually correct the Squeak branch in the configuration, but that ain't going to be easy to boot up from there.
If you are interested in oscog VM branch, then there is one prebuilt 4.3 image with pre-loaded packages distributed in this svn repository
Look under image subdirectory, open the CogTrunk43.image, there is a workspace explaining how the packages were loaded in the image.
If you are interested in classical Interpreter, then the way to load it was by using the update MCM:
Open a Monticello browser
Add the VMMaker repository
location: ''
user: 'squeak'
password: 'squeak')
Select and open the VMMaker repository
On the left pane, select 'update' (bottom item)
On the right pane select the top item (update-dtl.12.mcm)
Select 'browse' button
You get a list of packages displayed, click on 'Install' button
The update configuration is a few versions late though, not sure if it is still maintained, the best is also to ask on "Squeak Virtual Machine Development Discussion"
EDIT I think that this magical incantation can replace all GUI oriented operations above:
MCMcmUpdater updateFromRepositories: {''}.
Or you can open a SqueakMap package browser and load the VMMaker 'head' release. This does the same thing as loading the update from Monticello as described above. Either way you will be getting the latest version of VMMaker and related packages.