Recomendation regarding shopify theme developmnet - shopify

Well, Our company has bought shopify theme and was happily using it. now we like make changes to this theme, mostly cosmetic changes, like changing card colors add some background images, then some layout change.
My question is/are:
1) Can we use bootstrap with existing theme?
2) Does making change to css of existing theme get replace if there is theme update, like WordPress?
3) How can we set it up so we can develop new design locally but our store stays live with old design until we're done developing new one?

Can we use bootstrap with existing theme?
ANS: Yes you can use bootstrap in your theme. You just need to include the bootstrap in your new templates and you are ready to go.
Does making change to css of existing theme get replace if there is theme update, like WordPress?
ANS: Suppose you'd added some CSS or custom code in your theme then new update will not replace your code. What will happen is you need to add the updates code manually in your theme. For reference you can read this article Updating themes.
How can we set it up so we can develop new design locally but our store stays live with old design until we're done developing new one?
ANS: You can use theme kit for local development. To stay live with old theme, you just need to make copy of the theme and used its ID in your theme kit.
When you start learning theme Kit then you will know what is theme ID.
Hope this information will help you.
Best of luck.


Theme builder vs Bought Theme for Prestashop?

I've search for many hours now on the internet,
I'm developing Prestashop website for clients, and do you think I should use a Theme builder like Prestabuilder, a theme with a builder like Warehouse & elementor or a pre-made theme that i will custom through code. What's the better for performance, page speed ?
How do you feel about that ? Do you always develop from scratch for client or just install a theme ?
Thanks for your feedback.
No need to reinvent the hot water...
Start with a premium theme e.g. Warehouse which has about 15 different layouts you can choose from each of them can be further changed if you want.
For the price you get clean responsiveness, a bunch of very useful modules (only the megamenu if bought separately costs more than half the theme's price).
It has the famed Elementor page builder and it shortens the development tine 10x.

How do I access the Bigcommerce Stencil theme editor from a local dev environment?

I'm editing BigCommerce's cornerstone theme template with stencil and want to view and make changes to the admin interface. Much like what's happening in this video tutorial
But I'm not sure how to access the theme editor locally. I saw that the --theme-editor commands were removed from the stencil cli. It says that we should look at this documentation instead but that doesn't show how the theme editor could be accessed from a local environment. Is this possible?
Is the only option to upload the theme and edit it from there? Has the ability to use a theme editor locally been removed?
As far as natively supported features, the Stencil CLI deprecated support for live theme editing due to it no longer matching the experience found on the platform. You can find these details on a related GitHub issue reported here:
Until this feature is reintroduced, you'll need to bundle the theme and apply it to a store to review the theme editor.
I don't think you can access the Theme Editor from a local environment directly.
If you want to add configurable options, you would be editing schema.json and adding new sections there. In that way, you can add entirely new Text Inputs, Checkboxes, Dropdowns, that would allow store administrators to edit those entries.
The values that are being changed are located in config.json -- those are all the theme_settings that you can access inside of Handlebars, and they can also be injected into JavaScript via context.
So essentially you want to create new entries in config.json, and create new mappings in schema.json to allow those entries to be edited in the Theme Previewer. You should be able to put together how to make new sections by trying to parse the existing fields in the schema file, and I think BC has additional docs here:
General Overview:
Adding a new "Text Input" option in schema.json - API reference - you can navigate around that opened section in the sidebar to see all available schema types:

BigCommerce Stencil language files not working

I've enabled stencil themes for my store, and am trying to use "Cornerstone" as my theme. However, the whole reason for opting in and trying out new stencil themes is their built in support for multiple languages. I need my store to at least be available in Swedish, and if possible, English as well.
I've followed the documentation adding a "sv.json" file to the langs folder, and uploaded the modified theme to my store and applied it. No changes. I've ensured my browser is setting the "Accept-Language" header to "sv".
I've also tried modifying the default en.json file, but I still can't see any changes in my store...and that seems a bit strange to me?
What am I missing, is this feature not really implemented yet, or am I screwing something up with the "upload zipped theme to store admin and apply"?
Any pointers are very appreciated!

Using Ext "Neptune" theme with App SDK 2.0

Now that Rally has changed the default UI for their ALM product, I have noticed that the UI components in my apps don't fit the same styling characteristics as the default UI elements. I think it would look a lot cleaner if I could use Ext's "Neptune" theme:
Is there a way I can use this theme by default? If it is hosted anywhere within Rally, I think it would be as easy as including the CSS file in the App.html, but I could be wrong.
2.0rc1 is built on Ext 4.1.1a, so I'm not sure if the neptune theme is included or not. You'll be happy to know that 2.0rc2 is hot off the presses though, and should incorporate most of the new look and feel.

Applying a Silverlight 4 Toolkit Theme to an Existing Business Application?

I have created a new Silverlight 4 solution using the Business Application template. The requirement is to style the application and not use the generic template theme. I have installed the Silverlight 4 toolkit and like the BureauBlue theme.
How do I apply the BureauBlue toolkit theme to the entire solution? That is, is there a way to apply the theme globally (similar to attaching a CSS file to an ASP.NET or HTML site) instead of applying the theme to each control?
I have not experimented with this using a site that runs off an application with many user controls, but this seemed to work for my entire application and may help you.
First you have to have the theme reference added (for example, System.Windows.Controls.Theming.BureauBlue.dll)
Then in your code you can add this line of code:
System.Windows.Controls.Theming.BureauBlueTheme.SetIsApplicationTheme(Application.Current, true);
This applies the theme to the current running application, and if the boolean value is false I believe it will remove the theme.