short if statement in VB.Net -

Can i make short that my code IF statement in one single IF Statement?
If randomNumber = strWords2(StrwrVal.Text) Then
If randomNumber = strWords3(StrwrVal.Text) Then
If randomNumber = strWords4(StrwrVal.Text) Then
If randomNumber = strWords5(StrwrVal.Text) Then
TxtRnd1.Text = TxtRnd1.Text & vbNewLine & randomNumber
End if
End if
End if
End if

You should NEVER have an empty If block. If you don't want to do something if a condition is True, don't test whether that condition is True in the first place. Test for the inverse condition. In your case, you should be doing this:
If randomNumber <> strWords2(StrwrVal.Text) AndAlso
randomNumber <> strWords3(StrwrVal.Text) AndAlso
randomNumber <> strWords4(StrwrVal.Text) AndAlso
randomNumber <> strWords5(StrwrVal.Text) Then
TxtRnd1.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & randomNumber)
End if

Instead of a bunch of Else and If, or a bunch of ElseIf, you can use a Select Case. It's easier to read, among other things.
The Select Case will evaluate a variable and you can choose the outcome depending on what you find. You can also test for True if you want to evaluate things more complicated than one variable.
Select Case randomNumber
Case strWords2(StrwrVal.Text)
'some code
Case strWords3(StrwrVal.Text)
'some other code
Case strWords4(StrwrVal.Text)
'you got the idea
Case Else
TxtRnd1.Text = TxtRnd1.Text & vbNewLine & randomNumber
End Select
For what I read this would be the cleanest answer, but it always depends on the algorithm. Have fun!


VBA If Statement within For (Else Running even when If condition is met)

I'm pretty new to VBA and having issues with a Else statements running even when If conditions are met.
Pretty sure this is due to the If statement being within a For & Next
For iCnt = 1 To Len(Firstname)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Firstname, iCnt, 1)) Then
MsgBox "The Firstname cannot contain Numeric values"
ElseIf Len(Firstname) > 100 Then
MsgBox "The Firstname exceeds the character limit (100)"
Sheet3.Cells(lRow, 2).Value = Me.Firstname.Value
End If
Next iCnt
Please any suggestions how to fix this?
Really you only want the first condition to exist in that FOR loop. The rest of it should be tested afterwards and only if that first condition never trips.
Consider instead:
Dim nameHasNumbers as boolean: nameHasNumbers = False
For iCnt = 1 To Len(Firstname)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Firstname, iCnt, 1)) Then
'number found toggle flag and exit the loop
nameHasNumbers = True
exit For
End If
Next iCnt
'Now alert the user or update the name cell
If nameHasNumbers Then
MsgBox "The Firstname cannot contain Numeric values"
ElseIf Len(Firstname) > 100 Then
MsgBox "The Firstname exceeds the character limit (100)"
Sheet3.Cells(lRow, 2).Value = Me.Firstname.Value
End If
For each letter in the name you are going to get the Else to happen. Need to restructure the whole thing. I would put the checking into a function and then based on that result do your other work. If you need a message to inform the user of the reason for the name being invalid add that to the function. Your function can then do other testing on other conditions without affecting your calling code.
Private Function IsValidName(ByVal value As String) As Boolean
If Len(value) > 100 Then
IsValidName = False
Exit Function
Dim charCounter As Long
For charCounter = 1 To Len(value)
If IsNumeric(Mid(value, charconter, 1)) Then
IsValidName = False
Exit Function
End If
IsValidName = True
End If
End Function
When you want to check whether a string includes a digit, you can compare it to a Like pattern which matches a digit: FirstName Like "*[0-9]*"
That approach is simpler than looping through the string checking whether each character is a digit. And since it does not require the For loop, it should be easier to avoid the logic error in your code sample. (As long as the string length did not exceed 100 characters, it wrote a value to Sheet3.Cells(lRow, 2).Value again for each and every non-numeric character contained in FirstName.)
If FirstName Like "*[0-9]*" Then
MsgBox "The Firstname cannot contain Numeric values"
ElseIf Len(FirstName) > 100 Then
MsgBox "The Firstname exceeds the character limit (100)"
Sheet3.Cells(lRow, 2).Value = Me.FirstName.Value
End If

Working with 1-Result-Linq with For Each? Any alternative?

If I got a Linq-Query where I am knowing that it'll return 1 result only, like this:
Dim result = From g In Foo.Bar
Where g.keyID = 1
Select g I still have to use the For Each loop to get the values or is there anything else I could use to work with 1-result-queries?
For Each x In result
TextBox1.Text = x.field1
TextBox2.Text = x.field2
TextBox3.Text = x.field3
You can use Enumerable.First/ Enumerable.FirstOrDefault or Enumerable.Single/ Enumerable.SingleOrDefault(if it was exceptional if there were more than one).
Dim firstResult = result.FirstOrDefault()
If firstResult IsNot Nothing Then
TextBox1.Text = firstResult.field1
TextBox2.Text = firstResult.field2
TextBox3.Text = firstResult.field3
End If
So use First if it's possible that there are more than one but you want the first
Use Single if you want the first but it was a bug if there were more than one
The methods without OrDefault in the name will throw an exception if none was found
The OrDefault methods will return the default value(Nothing for reference types).

If textbox.text = more then 1 option

This should be the easiest question all day!
All I want to see is how to condense some code.
If textbox.text = "0000" then
'do something
End If
If textbox.text = "0001" then
'do something
End If
What I want to do, is have that in 1 statement.
You can use the .Contains from an array of data. Here is a simple example.
Dim choices = {"0000","0001","0002"}
If choices.Contains(textbox.text) Then
'do something
End If
If you want each condition to do something different:
If testbox.text = "0000" Then Do.Something Else If testbox.text = "0001" Then Do.SomethingDifferent
If you have multiple conditions to test to do the same thing:
If testbox.text = "0000" OR testbox.text = "0001" OR testbox.text = "0002" Then Do.Something

If ElseIf And Or functions VBA

I have a really long IF AND OR formula that I'm trying to convert to VBA so it's quicker.
I thought this should look like:
IF range("H10").Value <>""GL402"" or ""GL412"" or ""GL422"" or ""GL432"" or ""GL442"" _
or ""GL452"" or ""GL492"" or ""GL480"" or ""GL370"" or ""GL380"" or ""GL710"" AND _
range("D10").Value <>3 or 9 or 10 and range("E10").Value <>""ASX"" and _
range("F10").Value <>""AUD""
range("I10").Value = ""F126""
Range("H2").Value = ""GL402"" Or ""GL412"" Or ""GL422"" Or ""GL432"" Or ""GL442"" Or ""GL452"" Or ""GL492"" _
And Range("D2").Value <> 3 Or 9 Or 10 And Range("E2").Value = ""ASX"" And Range("F2").Value = ""AUD""
Range("I2").Value = ""D111""
another lengthy conditions with ANDs and ORs
plus I was hoping to loop this so it applies this whole IF formula until the value of cell A (whichever row) is blank.
I sort of know the loop should be
Do .........
next (with something like A1 + 1)
until A1 + 1 = ""
any help appreciated!
The first rule of good code is that it should be clear - easy to read and debug. Only afterwards do you try to make it "fast". Converting your current expression to VBA may give a speed advantage but you still don't meet the first test...
You can make things cleaner with an expression like this (you can put this right in your spreadsheet):
This will evaluate to "true" if the the value in H10 does not match any of the values in the array.
When you have a lot of or conditions in parallel, you can basically stop when the first condition is true.
An expression like that can be written in VBA as follows:
Sub test()
Dim matchStrings
Dim match1, match2
matchStrings = Array("GL402", "GL412", "GL422", "GL432", "GL442", "GL452", "GL492", "GL480", "GL370", "GL380", "GL710")
firstPart = Application.Match(Range("H10"), matchStrings, 0)
If IsError(firstPart) Then
MsgBox "no match found"
match1 = true
MsgBox "match found at index " & firstPart
End If
End Sub
You can repeat similar code with other expressions, building match2, match3, etc - then combining with all the And and Or that you would like - for example
If match1 And (match2 Or match3) Then
... do something
... do something else
End If
This won't work as expected:
If x = 1 Or 2 Or 3 Then
MsgBox "x is either 1, 2, or 3"
End If
because 2 and 3 aren't boolean (true/false) conditions (at least not the way you expect them to be).
The proper syntax is:
If x = 1 Or x = 2 Or x = 3 Then
MsgBox "x is either 1, 2, or 3"
End If
This is only a partial answer that nevertheless does address one of the many issues in your code.

If Statement that evaluates two conditionals if first is true?

say I wanted the following code:
Sub X
If TextBox1.Text = "Value" then
' Do something
ElseIf TextBox1.Text = "Value1" then
' Also do some other code
End IF
End Sub
How would I do this?
I would like the program to check something first, and if that is true then check something else, and if that is true, also execute that code.
Are you looking for AndAlso?
If TextBox1.Text = "Value" AndAlso TextBox2.Text = "Value1" Then
End If
The AndAlso operator performs a logical operation between the two sides of the expression. It evaluates the first condition and if this condition is false it stop further processing (without evaluating the second expression). Only if both conditions are true the code inside the if is executed. This behavior is called short-circuiting evaluation
However, the code in your question cannot be evaluated as true in both conditions for the same TextBox1
If condition1
if condition2
// do something
end if
end if
If the example in your code is valid, equals value1 then equals value2, do you mean you want if either, because it cannot be both equal?
In this case you can use OR.
Instead of else-if, do:
If TextBox1.Text = "Value" then
' Do something
end if
If TextBox1.Text = "Value1" then
' Also do some other code
End IF
If TextBox1.Text = "Value" then
' Do something
If TextBox1.Text = "Value1" then
' Also do some other code
End IF
end if
Depending on whether you want to execute B only if A is also true.