I was trying to enable/configure basic workflow in sensenet back-end application. I performed the following steps and I am getting the error mentioned below.
Steps performed
I had enabled approval for one document library (Home / workspaces / Document Workspaces / London Document Workspace / Document library) in Sensenet demo server
I assigned workflow for approval and checked all 4 available options for initiating workflow
I created a new content and while uploading (all workflows were set to automatically execute), I got the following error
The following errors were encountered while processing the workflow tree:\n DynamicActivity : The private implementation of activity 1: DynamicActivity has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression CType(StateContent( Workspace ), SenseNet.ContentRepository.GenericContent).Path & /Tasks .\nReference required to assembly netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51 containing the base class System.Object . Add one to your project.\n
How can I rectify this?
I'm new to .Net Core and I was following Microsoft's tutorial to add a model to my web application from the following link:
when I try to add a scaffold item after adding a model, I get the following error -
"There was an error running the selected code generator. 'The event log is full'"
Can anybody suggest what might be causing this error?
I changed the ivy.jar.url to the above mentioned url and now it came up with a new error as follows:
[Console output redirected to
Buildfile: C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\portlets\build.xml
[get] Getting: https://repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-public-snapshots/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[get] To: C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins.ivy\org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\portlets\build.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-plugins.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common.xml:47: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-ivy.xml:102: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-ivy.xml:38: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Rahul13615\liferay\plugins\build-common-ivy.xml:48: Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant:settings
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any / declarations have taken place.
No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet
This appears to be an antlib declaration.
Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of:
-the IDE Ant configuration dialogs
Total time: 11 seconds
Below please find my steps how I created a new Liferay Plugin Project.
I hope this will be useful to you:
I have downloaded Liferay Developer Studio 3.0.1. GA2 from:
htt ps://web.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-projects/liferay-ide or
ht tps://sourceforge.net/projects/lportal/files/Liferay%20IDE/
Note: there are some known issue with the 3.0.0 version
I extracted the IDE to C:\dstudio3 on my computer
I downloaded the Liferay SDK from:
http s://www.liferay.com/downloads?559250categoryIds=559255
(bottom of the page, additional files section)
I copied the SDK to the IDE's folder and created a personalized build.peter.properties file, based on:
htt ps://web.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/message/76813485
I started Eclipse and set up a new Liferay Server environment
In Eclipse, I created a new "Liferay Plugin Project", and in the wizard, I defined the location of the Plugins SDK.
I created a new Liferay Portlet project inside the Plugin project.
Best Regards,
I found voip example on github for UWP. Now I'm trying to create my voip app, and I want to use VoipHost project in my app. I added existing project, edited package manifest file. When I want to deploy the app to the device I get error:
Severity Code
Description Project
File Line
Suppression State Error
DEP6701 : Bootstrapping failed with unexpected error: 'The ID value is not specified. Parameter name: id'.
And one warning:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\AppxPackage\Microsoft.AppXPackage.Targets(1930,5): warning APPX1708: The executable 'VoipHost.exe' is specified as the implementation for the .winmd file. Only in-process servers are supported for generating registration information in the app manifest. You must specify the out-of-process server registration information in the app manifest.
Any advices?
Many thanks.
I had a similar issue deploying a headless application with Windows IoT running in a Raspberry pi 3. I solved the problem giving an "Assembly Identity" in the project properties.
You can do that following the next steps: Rigth Click to project --> Properties --> Manifest Tool --> General.
Fill the field "Assembly Identity" with any number. After that compiles, run and works like a charm.
I have a fatal error which I do not know how to solve,even after several days of trying.
The error that i have is :
"Could not load file or assembly 'GlobalExceptionHandler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ed6585c9914bae60' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
For more details:
-I had never before seen this error but when I deployed a project I encountered the error cited above...
-So ,after this change, I assume that the action mentioned before caused me this error.
-For this, I executed orders at "Windows PowerShell" as: stsadm-o-name deletesolution solutionName.wsp to remove the solution completely.
-After that, I made sure that the project I deployed is no longer in my server.
-Later, when I logged to the" Sharepoint Central Administration" on port 24427. ,in hoping not to see the error anymore ,i saw that the error has not disappeared .
So , now i no longer have access to the " Sharepoint Central Administration",as the error remains.
I will be grateful to any proposal from you.
Thank you & sorry for my english. .
Please try out below few steps:-
1.Deploy the assembly to GAC or copy the dll to the bin folder of your web application
2.Add the assembly info in your web.config assemblies section and in the safe controls section.
3.Redeploy the solution.
This should help.
I am trying to generate ServiceClient classes.
I have 2 Projects, API and WEB.
The API project contains both ClassLibrary and DataContracts/Interface class files. I have a website which has the SVC files. WEB references the API project.
When I to generate the the Service Client classes, they generate in the API project
Here is the problem I am having
My SvcUtil command line includes /Reference: [full location of API /bin/debug/API.dll ]. It is the same path as the build output from the API project.
When I run the SvcUtil command with that /Reference, the generation fails and I see the following cutdown summary of messages.
Attempting to download metadata from
using WS-Metadata Exchange or DISCO.
Error: Cannot import wsdl:binding
Detail: Cannot locate operation IsSubscribed in Contract IEchoService.
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/']
Error: Cannot import wsdl:port
Detail: There was an error importing a wsdl:binding that the wsdl:port is dependent
XPath to wsdl:binding: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/']
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/']
Generating files...
Warning: No code was generated.
If you were trying to generate a client, this could be because the metadata documents
did not contain any valid contracts or services
or because all contracts/services were discovered to exist in /reference assemblies.
Verify that you passed all the metadata documents to the tool.
Warning: If you would like to generate data contracts from schemas make sure
to use the /dataContractOnly option.
When I remove the /reference, the generation succeeds, but a duplicate set of entity classes that were used in the methods params are generated. When I try to build my API project, I get an error that there are duplicate classes names and that I should change them to partial. So, dont want and need those extra classes.
Hopefully I have provided enough information. Thanks.
The solution was to add the following switches to the svcutil command
/serializer:DataContractSerializer /serializable
Reference url: MSDN forum