brightcove player replace controlbar paly and pause button with play and pause images - video.js

I trying to replace play/pause controlbar icon with images.
.video-js .vjs-play-control.vjs-playing .vjs-icon-placeholder:before, .vjs-icon-pause:before {
background-image: url(pause.png);
Using above class image get displayed but old icon not remove.

The standard icons are fonts not images. You can set content: none on the :before pseudoeleemnts to remove them and set background-image on the elements themselves rather than :before.


Is it possible to add a background image to a plot in vega or vega-lite?

I see from that it is possible to change the background color. But i don't see any docs for adding an underlay background image.
vega-lite creates a canvas element.
So adding a background image is explained in a question about how to add a background to a canvas element.
HTML5 Canvas background image
But you can just do it with css:
canvas {
background: url("my_background.png");
This is just like any other background image css.

Image orientation issue in android react native

i'm using CameraRoll.getPhotos for get photos from gallery.
import {
} from 'react-native';
CameraRoll.getPhotos(fetchParams).then((data) => {
I have a problem with the orientation of the images on some android phones. I have been able to detect what happens in most SAMSUNGs.
It has an orientation depending on the way you take the picture.
portrait with home button in bottom position: 90º
landscape with home button left position: 180º
portrait with home button in top position: 270º
landscape with home button right position: 0º
Related with this issue
Base on CameraRoll Documentation the orientation value is not returned by getPhotos.
I'm try with:
transform: [{ rotateX: '0deg' }, { rotateY: '0deg' }] or rotate: '0deg'
Using react-native-media-meta for get metadata info (not works)
Use another image component instead native Image
but notting works. :(
The problem is that the images appear rotated in my application, but in the native gallery ignores the degree of rotation they have and shows them correctly with 0º.
In this case the image appear with 90º and it's showed perfectly by native gallery but bad in my app.
- Is there any way to detect the current rotation of the image?
- Can the <Image> component be forced in some way to place the orientation at 0º?
i found a library this module and its possible get the orientation of image and with that can fix this problem. But this process is very delayed and affect considerably the perfomance.

html5 video // autoplay

I am showing a div width Text over the poster image while the video is loading and when the video is paused.
How can I detect the moment the video is fully loaded and autoplay starts? Because then, the div should be hidden.
It you have defined autoplay then detect using the play event:
video.onplay = function() { /* remove overlay here */ };
alternatively use canplay or canplaythrough when you want to manually trigger play.

Set specific color in qt5 webview transparent

I'm developing Qt5 webview based application and I need to make a specific color inside webview be transparent or have an alpha channel.
For example, web page, loaded into webview, may have fullscreen div with a background color (black in most cases, but may be another color). I need to make this color (with webview itself) be semi-transparent. All others elements on the application form should be visible through this webview.
I think I understand your question, you want to let the WebView with the semi-opaque background (or something).
You can try to remove the background of webview, use this (source: ):
QPalette palette = ui->webView->palette(); //Get webView palette
palette.setBrush(QPalette::Base, Qt::transparent);
ui->webView->page()->setPalette(palette); //Set transparent palette
ui->webView->setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false);//Remove opaque
In your css file (into html), use this:
body {
background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2);//Edit "0.2" to obtain the opacity needed.

Sencha Touch 2 image animation on touch

I have come to see that Sencha Touch framework is improving noticeably. Since I couldn't see something like what I want, I wanted to ask here and see if it's possible. I would like to hear your opinion on how to do some image change animation when the image is touched. When you touch the image, another image will animate growing from the middle.
Actually I also want to detect (if possible) the location of the touch on the image (Things I could do on iOS).
Is this possible? If so, any advice is appreciated.
Panel has some properties to find out location of the touch:
var Xscroll = somePanel.scroller.offset.x;
var Yscroll = somePanel.scroller.offset.y;
Also, for your animation, you can do something like this:
Have 1 image on your 1st panel (make that image fit to the panel and keep it to background) like this:
App.somePanel= new Ext.Panel({
cls: 'somePanel',
html: '<h1>Welcome to my app!</h1>',
//some other properties
.somePanel {
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
Have second panel like that.
On some event on the first panel do:
Hide that panel with animation
Show the second panel with animation
The list of animations is given in Sencha Touch API