V8 elements kinds optimization - optimization

After reading this article: https://v8.dev/blog/elements-kinds, I wondering if null and object are considered same type by V8 in terms of internal optimizations.
[{}, null, {}] vs [{}, {}, {}]

Yes. The only types considered for elements kinds are "small integer", "double", and "anything". null is not an integer or a double, so it's "anything".
Note that elements kinds are tracked per array, not per element. An array's elements kind is the most generic elements kind required for any of its elements:
[1, 2, 3] // "integer" elements (stored as integers internally)
[1, 2, 3.5] // "double" elements (stored as doubles: [1.0, 2.0, 3.5])
[1, 2, {}] // "anything" elements
[1, 2, null] // "anything" elements
[1, 2, "3"] // "anything" elements
The reason is that the benefit of tracking elements kinds in the first place is that some checks can be avoided. That has significant impact (in relative terms) for operations that are otherwise cheap. For example, if you wanted to sum up an array's elements, which are all integers:
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) result += array[i];
adding integers is really fast (one instruction + overflow check), so checking for every element "is this element an integer (so I can do an integer addition)?" (another instruction + conditional jump) adds a relatively large overhead, so knowing up front that every element in this array is an integer lets the engine skip those checks inside the loop. Whereas if the array contained strings and you wanted to concatenate them all, string concatenation is a much slower operation (you have to allocate a new string object for the result, and then decide whether you want to copy the characters or just refer to the input strings), so the overhead added by an additional "is this element a string (so I can do a string concatenation)?" check is probably barely measurable. So tracking "strings" as an elements kind wouldn't provide much benefit, but would add complexity to the implementation and probably a small performance cost in some situations, so V8 doesn't do it. Similarly, if you knew up front "this array contains only null", there isn't anything obvious that you could speed up with that knowledge.
Also: as a JavaScript developer, don't worry about elements kinds. See that blog post as a (hopefully interesting) story about the lengths to which V8 goes to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your code; don't specifically contort your code to make better use of it (or spend time worrying about it). The difference is usually small, and in the cases where it does matter, it'll probably happen without you having to think about it.


Binary search start or end is target

Why is it that when I see example code for binary search there is never an if statement to check if the start of the array or end is the target?
import java.util.Arrays;
public class App {
public static int binary_search(int[] arr, int left, int right, int target) {
if (left > right) {
return -1;
int mid = (left + right) / 2;
if (target == arr[mid]) {
return mid;
if (target < arr[mid]) {
return binary_search(arr, left, mid - 1, target);
return binary_search(arr, mid + 1, right, target);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = { 3, 2, 4, -1, 0, 1, 10, 20, 9, 7 };
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Index: " + i + " value: " + arr[i]);
System.out.println(binary_search(arr, arr[0], arr.length - 1, -1));
in this example if the target was -1 or 20 the search would enter recursion. But it added an if statement to check if target is mid, so why not add two more statements also checking if its left or right?
As pointed out in the comments, I may have misinterpreted the initial question. The answer below assumes that OP meant having the start/end checks as part of each step of the recursion, as opposed to checking once before the recursion even starts.
Since I don't know for sure which interpretation was intended, I'm leaving this post here for now.
Original post:
You seem to be under the impression that "they added an extra check for mid, so surely they should also add an extra check for start and end".
The check "Is mid the target?" is in fact not a mere optimization they added. Recursively checking "mid" is the whole point of a binary search.
When you have a sorted array of elements, a binary search works like this:
Compare the middle element to the target
If the middle element is smaller, throw away the first half
If the middle element is larger, throw away the second half
Otherwise, we found it!
Repeat until we either find the target or there are no more elements.
The act of checking the middle is fundamental to determining which half of the array to continue searching through.
Now, let's say we also add a check for start and end. What does this gain us? Well, if at any point the target happens to be at the very start or end of a segment, we skip a few steps and end slightly sooner. Is this a likely event?
For small toy examples with a few elements, yeah, maybe.
For a massive real-world dataset with billions of entries? Hm, let's think about it. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that we know the target is in the array.
We start with the whole array. Is the first element the target? The odds of that is one in a billion. Pretty unlikely. Is the last element the target? The odds of that is also one in a billion. Pretty unlikely too. You've wasted two extra comparisons to speed up an extremely unlikely case.
We limit ourselves to, say, the first half. We do the same thing again. Is the first element the target? Probably not since the odds are one in half a billion.
...and so on.
The bigger the dataset, the more useless the start/end "optimization" becomes. In fact, in terms of (maximally optimized) comparisons, each step of the algorithm has three comparisons instead of the usual one. VERY roughly estimated, that suggests that the algorithm on average becomes three times slower.
Even for smaller datasets, it is of dubious use since it basically becomes a quasi-linear search instead of a binary search. Yes, the odds are higher, but on average, we can expect a larger amount of comparisons before we reach our target.
The whole point of a binary search is to reach the target with as few wasted comparisons as possible. Adding more unlikely-to-succeed comparisons is typically not the way to improve that.
The implementation as posted by OP may also confuse the issue slightly. The implementation chooses to make two comparisons between target and mid. A more optimal implementation would instead make a single three-way comparison (i.e. determine ">", "=" or "<" as a single step instead of two separate ones). This is, for instance, how Java's compareTo or C++'s <=> normally works.
BambooleanLogic's answer is correct and comprehensive. I was curious about how much slower this 'optimization' made binary search, so I wrote a short script to test the change in how many comparisons are performed on average:
Given an array of integers 0, ... , N
do a binary search for every integer in the array,
and count the total number of array accesses made.
To be fair to the optimization, I made it so that after checking arr[left] against target, we increase left by 1, and similarly for right, so that every comparison is as useful as possible. You can try this yourself at Try it online
Binary search on size 10: Standard 29 Optimized 43 Ratio 1.4828
Binary search on size 100: Standard 580 Optimized 1180 Ratio 2.0345
Binary search on size 1000: Standard 8987 Optimized 21247 Ratio 2.3642
Binary search on size 10000: Standard 123631 Optimized 311205 Ratio 2.5172
Binary search on size 100000: Standard 1568946 Optimized 4108630 Ratio 2.6187
Binary search on size 1000000: Standard 18951445 Optimized 51068017 Ratio 2.6947
Binary search on size 10000000: Standard 223222809 Optimized 610154319 Ratio 2.7334
so the total comparisons does seem to tend to triple the standard number, implying the optimization becomes increasingly unhelpful for larger arrays. I'd be curious whether the limiting ratio is exactly 3.
To add some extra check for start and end along with the mid value is not impressive.
In any algorithm design the main concerned is moving around it's complexity either it is time complexity or space complexity. Most of the time the time complexity is taken as more important aspect.
To learn more about Binary Search Algorithm in different use case like -
If Array is not containing any repeated
If Array has repeated element in this case -
a) return leftmost index/value
b) return rightmost index/value
and many more point

Determine if List of Strings contains substring of all Strings in other list

I have this situation:
val a = listOf("wwfooww", "qqbarooo", "ttbazi")
val b = listOf("foo", "bar")
I want to determine if all items of b are contained in substrings of a, so the desired function should return true in the situation above. The best I can come up with is this:
return a.any { it.contains("foo") } && a.any { it.contains("bar") }
But it iterates over a twice. a.containsAll(b) doesn't work either because it compares on string equality and not substrings.
Not sure if there is any way of doing that without iterating over a the same amount as b.size. Because if you only want 1 iteration of a, you will have to check all the elements on b and now you are iterating over b a.size times plus, in this scenario, you also need to keep track of which item in b already had a match, and not check them again, which might be worse than just iterating over a, since you can only do that by either removing them from the list (or a copy, which you use instead of b), or by using another list to keep track of the matches, then compare that to the original b.
So I think that you are on the right track with your code there, but there are some issues. For example you don't have any reference to b, just hardcoded strings, and doing it like that for all elements in b will result in quite a big function if you have more than 2, or better yet, if you don't already know the values.
This code will do the same thing as the one you put above, but it will actually use elements from b, and not hardcoded strings that match b. (it will iterate over b b.size times, and partially over a b.size times)
return b.all { bItem ->
a.any { it.contains(bItem) }
Alex's answer is by far the simplest approach, and is almost certainly the best one in most circumstances.
However, it has complexity A*B (where A and B are the sizes of the two lists) — which means that it doesn't scale: if both lists get big, it'll get very slow.
So for completeness, here's a way that's more involved, and slower for the small cases, but has complexity proportional to A+B and so can cope efficiently with much larger lists.
The idea is to preprocess the a list, to generate a set of all the possible substrings, and then scan through the b list just checking for inclusion in that set.  (The preprocessing step takes time proportional* to A.  Converting the substrings into a set means that it can check whether a string is present in constant time, using its hash code; so the rest then takes time proportional to B.)
I think this is clearest using a helper function:
* Generates a list of all possible substrings, including
* the string itself (but excluding the empty string).
fun String.substrings()
= indices.flatMap { start ->
((start + 1)..length).map { end ->
substring(start, end)
For example, "1234".substrings() gives [1, 12, 123, 1234, 2, 23, 234, 3, 34, 4].
Then we can generate the set of all substrings of items from a, and check that every item of b is in it:
return a.flatMap{ it.substrings() }
(* Actually, the complexity is also affected by the lengths of the strings in the a list.  Alex's version is directly proportional to the average length, while the preprocessing part of the algorithm above is proportional to its square (as indicated by the map nested in the flatMap).  That's not good, of course; but in practice while the lists are likely to get longer, the strings within them probably won't, so that's unlikely to be significant.  Worth knowing about, though.
And there are probably other, still more complex algorithms, that scale even better…)

Is this an example of logarithmic time complexity?

It is commonly said that an algorithm with a logarithmic time complexity O(log n) is one where doubling the inputs does not necessarily double the amount of work that is required. And often times, search algorithms are given as an example of algorithms with logarithmic complexity.
With this in mind, let’s say I have an function that takes an array of strings as the first argument, as well as an individual string as the second argument, and returns the index of the string within the array:
function getArrayItemIndex(array, str) {
let i = 0
for(let item of array) {
if(item === str) {
return i
And lets say that this function is called as follows:
getArrayItemIndex(['John', 'Jack', 'James', 'Jason'], 'Jack')
In this instance, the function will not end up stepping through the entire array before it returns the index of 1. And similarly, if we were to double the items in the array so that it ends up being called as follows:
...then doubling the items in the array would not have necessarily caused the running time of the function to double, seeing that it would have broken out of the loop and returned after the very first iteration. Because of this, is it then accurate to say that the getArrayItemIndex function has a logarithmic time complexity?
Not quite. What you have here is Linear Search. Its worst-ccase performance is Theta(n) since it has to check all the elements if the search target isn't in the list. What you have discovered is that its best-case performance is Theta(1) since the algorithm only has to run a few checks if you get lucky.
Binary search on pre-sorted arrays is an example of an O(log n) worst-case algorithm (the best case is still O(1)). It works like this:
Check the middle element. If it matches, return. Otherwise, if the element is too big, perform binary search on the first half of the array. If it's too big, perform binary search on the second half. Continue until you find the target or you run out of new elements to check.
In Binary Search, we never look at all the elements. That is the difference.

Trie Implementation Question

I'm implementing a trie for predictive text entry in VB.NET - basically autocompletion as far as the use of the trie is concerned. I've made my trie a recursive data structure based on the generic dictionary class.
It's basically:
class WordTree Inherits Dictionary(of Char, WordTree)
Each letter in a word (all upper cased) is used as a key to a new WordTrie. A null character on a leaf indicates the termination of a word. To find a word starting with a prefix I walk the trie as far as my prefix goes then collect all children words.
My question is basically on the implementation of the trie itself. I'm using the dictionary hash function to branch my tree. I could use a list and do a linear search over the list, or do something else. What's the smooth move here? Is this a reasonable way to do my branching?
Just to clarify, I'm basically asking if the dictionary branching approach is obviously inferior to some other alternative. The application in which I'm using this data structure only uses upper case letters, so maybe the array approach is the best. I might use the same data structure for a more complex typeahead situation in the future (more characters). In that case, it sounds like the dictionary is the right approach - up to the point where I need to use something more complex in general.
If it's just the 26 letters, as a 26 entry array. Then lookup is by index. It probably uses less space than the Dictionary if the bucket-list is longer than 26.
If you are worried about space, you can use bitmap compression on the valid byte transitions, assuming the 26char limit.
class State // could be struct or whatever
int valid; // can handle 32 transitions -- each bit set is valid
vector<State> transitions;
State getNextState( int ch )
int index;
int mask = ( 1 << ( toupper( ch ) - 'A' )) -1;
int bitsToCount = valid & mask;
for( index = 0; bitsToCount ; bitsToCount >>= 1)
index += bitsToCount & 1;
transitions.at( index );
There are other ways to do the bit counting Here, the index into the vector is the number of set bits in the valid bitset. the other alternative is the direct indexed array of states;
class State
State transitions[ 26 ]; // use the char as the index.
State getNextState( int ch )
return transitions[ ch ];
A good data structure that's efficient in space and potentially gives sub-linear prefix lookups is the ternary search tree. Peter Kankowski has a fantastic article about it. He uses C, but it's straightforward code once you understand the data structure. As he mentioned, this is the structure ispell uses for spelling correction.
I have done this (a trie implementation) in C with 8 bit chars, and simply used the array version (as alluded to by the "26 chars" answer).
HOWEVER, I am guessing that you want full unicode support (since a .NET char is unicode, among other reasons). Assuming you have to have support for unicode, the hash/map/dictionary lookup is probably your best bet, as a 64K entry array in each node won't really work very well.
About the only hack up I could think of on this is to store entire strings (suffixes or possibly "in-fixes") on branches that do not yet split, depending on how sparse the tree, er, trie, is. That adds a lot of logic to detect the multi-char strings, though, and to split them up when an alternate path is introduced.
What is the read vs update pattern?
---- update jul 2013 ---
If .NET strings have a function like java to get the bytes for a string (as UTF-8), then having an array in each node to represent the current position's byte value is probably a good way to go. You could even make the arrays variable size, with first/last bounds indicators in each node, since MANY nodes will have only lower case ASCII letters anyway, or only upper case letters or the digits 0-9 in some cases.
I've found burst trie's to be very space efficient. I wrote my own burst trie in Scala that also re-uses some ideas that I found in GWT's trie implementation. I used it in Stripe's Capture the Flag contest on a problem that was multi-node with a small amount of RAM.

How do you pre-size an array in Lua?

I've got a Lua program that seems to be slower than it ought to be. I suspect the issue is that I'm adding values to an associative array one at a time and the table has to allocate new memory each time.
There did seem to be a table.setn function, but it fails under Lua 5.1.3:
stdin:1: 'setn' is obsolete
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'setn'
stdin:1: in main chunk
[C]: ?
I gather from the Google searching I've done that this function was depreciated in Lua 5.1, but I can't find what (if anything) replaced the functionality.
Do you know how to pre-size a table in Lua?
Alternatively, is there some other way to avoid memory allocation when you add an object to a table?
Let me focus more on your question:
adding values to an associative array
one at a time
Tables in Lua are associative, but using them in an array form (1..N) is optimized. They have double faces, internally.
So.. If you indeed are adding values associatively, follow the rules above.
If you are using indices 1..N, you can force a one-time size readjust by setting t[100000]= something. This should work until the limit of optimized array size, specified within Lua sources (2^26 = 67108864). After that, everything is associative.
p.s. The old 'setn' method handled the array part only, so it's no use for associative usage (ignore those answers).
p.p.s. Have you studied general tips for keeping Lua performance high? i.e. know table creation and rather reuse a table than create a new one, use of 'local print=print' and such to avoid global accesses.
static int new_sized_table( lua_State *L )
int asize = lua_tointeger( L, 1 );
int hsize = lua_tointeger( L, 2 );
lua_createtable( L, asize, hsize );
return( 1 );
lua_pushcfunction( L, new_sized_table );
lua_setglobal( L, "sized_table" );
Then, in Lua,
array = function(size) return sized_table(size,0) end
a = array(10)
As a quick hack to get this running you can add the C to lua.c.
I don't think you can - it's not an array, it's an associative array, like a perl hash or an awk array.
I don't think you can preset its size meaningfully from the Lua side.
If you're allocating the array on the C side, though, the
void lua_createtable (lua_State *L, int narr, int nrec);
may be what you need.
Creates a new empty table and pushes
it onto the stack. The new table has
space pre-allocated for narr array
elements and nrec non-array elements.
This pre-allocation is useful when you
know exactly how many elements the
table will have. Otherwise you can use
the function lua_newtable.
There is still an internal luaL_setn and you can compile Lua so that
it is exposed as table.setn. But it looks like that it won't help
because the code doesn't seem to do any pre-extending.
(Also the setn as commented above the setn is related to the array part
of a Lua table, and you said that your are using the table as an associative
The good part is that even if you add the elements one by one, Lua does not
increase the array that way. Instead it uses a more reasonable strategy. You still
get multiple allocations for a larger array but the performance is better than
getting a new allocation each time.
Although this doesn't answer your main question, it answers your second question:
Alternatively, is there some other way to avoid memory allocation when you add an object to a table?
If your running Lua in a custom application, as I can guess since your doing C coding, I suggest you replace the allocator with Loki's small value allocator, it reduced my memory allocations 100+ fold. This improved performance by avoiding round trips to the Kernel, and made me a much happier programmer :)
Anyways I tried other allocators, but they were more general, and provide guarantee's that don't benefit Lua applications (such as thread safety, and large object allocation, etc...), also writing your own small-object allocator can be a good week of programming and debugging to get just right, and after searching for an available solution Loki's allocator wasthe easiest and fastest I found for this problem.
If you declare your table in code with a specific amount of items, like so:
local tab = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... , n }
then Lua will create the table with memory already allocated for at least n items.
However, Lua uses the 2x incremental memory allocation technique, so adding an item to a table should rarely force a reallocation.