How to get slide number of first slide in a section? - vba

I am trying to number only the slides within a specific section. To do this, I need to generate numbering for each slide. Let first be the slide number of the first slide in that section. Then, the formula for the number of each slide in the section is:
Number = Current slide number - first + 1
I currently have code which gives me the current slide number (the Text is within a shape, no need to worry about that).
.Text = "Add. Info" & vbNewLine & _
The section that I'm looking for is named AddInfo.
How do I get the slide number of the first slide in that section?

To get the first slide of a specific section, you may use the following function:
' Returns the index of the first slide under the section `sectionName`.
' Returns -1 if the section is not found or doesn't have any slides.
Public Function GetFirstSlideNumber(ByVal sectionName As String) As Long
With ActivePresentation.SectionProperties
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To .Count
If .Name(i) = sectionName Then
GetFirstSlideNumber = .firstSlide(i)
Exit Function
End If
End With
' Section not found.
GetFirstSlideNumber = -1
End Function
Debug.Print GetFirstSlideNumber("AddInfo")


How to get a page / the beginning of a Section?

Good Day! I have a Word Document and a macro that takes content of that document and inserts it into another Document(with all boundaries, frames etc.), Basically unorganized into organized document.
I would like to check the first page of a section (and any section) and see if any table is present if so, exit the loop, and just readjust the page accordingly with our country document standards.
I have done mostly without checking a table on the first page of a new section.
If objSection.Index = 1 Then 'the first section
'I need to check if there is a table on the first page of a section
Checking page size and orientation for the first Section.'(this is done)
ElseIf objSection.Index > 1 Then 'other sections
'practically the same thing, checking if a table exists on the first page of a section
Checking page size and orientation for all other Sections.'(this is also done)
End If
Something like the following should get you there.
Function TableInFirstPageOfSection(sec As Section) As Boolean
Dim secRange As Range, secStart As Long
Dim tblRange As Range, tblStart As Long
TableInFirstPageOfSection = False
Set secRange = sec.Range
secRange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
secStart = secRange.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
If sec.Range.Tables.Count > 0 Then
Set tblRange = sec.Range.Tables(1).Range
tblRange.Collapse wdCollapseStart
tblStart = tblRange.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
If tblStart = secStart Then TableInFirstPageOfSection = True
End If
End Function

What does a hyperlink range.start and range.end refer to?

I'm trying to manipulate some text from a MS Word document that includes hyperlinks. However, I'm tripping up at understanding exactly what Range.Start and Range.End are returning.
I banged a few random words into an empty document, and added some hyperlinks. Then wrote the following macro...
Sub ExtractHyperlinks()
Dim rHyperlink As Range
Dim rEverything As Range
Dim wdHyperlink As Hyperlink
For Each wdHyperlink In ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
Set rHyperlink = wdHyperlink.Range
Set rEverything = ActiveDocument.Range
rEverything.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes = True
Debug.Print "#" & Mid(rEverything.Text, rHyperlink.Start, rHyperlink.End - rHyperlink.Start) & "#" & vbCrLf
End Sub
However, the output between the #s does not quite match up with the hyperlinks, and is more than a character or two out. So if the .Start and .End do not return char positions, what do they return?
This is a bit of a simplification but it's because rEverything counts everything before the hyperlink, then all the characters in the hyperlink field code (including 1 character for each of the opening and closing field code braces), then all the characters in the hyperlink field result, then all the characters after the field.
However, the character count in the range (e.g. rEverything.Characters.Count or len(rEverything)) only includes the field result if TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes is set to False and only includes the field code if TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes is set to True.
So the character count is always smaller than the range.End-range.Start.
In this case if you change your Debug expression to something like
Debug.Print "#" & Mid(rEverything.Text, rHyperlink.Start, rHyperlink.End - rHyperlink.Start - (rEverything.End - rEverything.Start - 1 - Len(rEverything))) & "#" & vbCrLf
you may see results more along the lines you expect.
Another way to visualise what is going on is as follows:
Create a very short document with a piece of text followed by a short hyperlink field with short result, followed by a piece of text. Put the following code in a module:
Sub Select1()
Dim i as long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Range.Start to .Range.End
End With
End Sub
Insert a breakpoint on the "Next" line.
Then run the code once with the field codes displayed and once with the field results displayed. You should see the progress of the selection "pause" either at the beginning or the end of the field, as the Select keeps "selecting" something that you cannot actually see.
Range.Start returns the character position from the beginning of the document to the start of the range; Range.End to the end of the range.
BUT everything visible as characters are not the only things that get counted, and therein lies the problem.
Examples of "hidden" things that are counted, but not visible:
"control characters" associated with content controls
"control characters" associated with fields (which also means hyperlinks), which can be seen if field result is toggled to field code display using Alt+F9
table structures (ANSI 07 and ANSI 13)
text with the font formatting "hidden"
For this reason, using Range.Start and Range.End to get a "real" position in the document is neither reliable nor recommended. The properties are useful, for example, to set the position of one range relative to the position of another.
You can get a somewhat more accurate result using the Range.TextRetrievalMode boolean properties IncludeHiddenText and IncludeFieldCodes. But these don't affect the structural elements involved with content controls and tables.
Thank you both so much for pointing out this approach was doomed but that I could still use .Start/.End for relative positions. What I was ultimately trying to do was turn a passed paragraph into HTML, with the hyperlinks.
I'll post what worked here in case anyone else has a use for it.
Function ExtractHyperlinks(rParagraph As Range) As String
Dim rHyperlink As Range
Dim wdHyperlink As Hyperlink
Dim iCaretHold As Integer, iCaretMove As Integer, rCaret As Range
Dim s As String
iCaretHold = 1
iCaretMove = 1
For Each wdHyperlink In rParagraph.Hyperlinks
Set rHyperlink = wdHyperlink.Range
Set rCaret = ActiveDocument.Range(rParagraph.Characters(iCaretMove).Start, rParagraph.Characters(iCaretMove).End)
If RangeContains(rHyperlink, rCaret) Then
s = s & Mid(rParagraph.Text, iCaretHold, iCaretMove - iCaretHold) & "" & IIf(wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay <> "", wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay, wdHyperlink.Address) & ""
iCaretHold = iCaretMove + Len(wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay)
iCaretMove = iCaretHold
Exit Do
iCaretMove = iCaretMove + 1
End If
Loop Until iCaretMove > Len(rParagraph.Text)
If iCaretMove < Len(rParagraph.Text) Then
s = s & Mid(rParagraph.Text, iCaretMove)
End If
ExtractHyperlinks = "<p>" & s & "</p>"
End Function
Function RangeContains(rParent As Range, rChild As Range) As Boolean
If rChild.Start >= rParent.Start And rChild.End <= rParent.End Then
RangeContains = True
RangeContains = False
End If
End Function

Adding a Slide at the beginning of a section

I am trying to code an automatic agenda/table of contents generator in VBA for PowerPoint, which generates agenda bullet points based on the titles of the sections inside the PowerPoint presentation. Since I also want the agenda to appear at the beginning of every section, I am struggling with the fact that the method
.AddSlide(Index (I am inserting the ID of a section´s first slide here), pCustomLayout )
adds the slide(s) just before the section (so actually at the end of the previous section) because it's just based on an ID and does not say "insert the slide at a section's beginning".
Is there an easy solution (without deleting and recreating the section for instance) to achieve that the slides are created just at the beginning of a section and not at the end of the previous section?
Sub moveSlidesToSectionStart(pSectionIndex, pFirst, pLast)
Dim objPresentation As Presentation
Set objPresentation = Application.ActivePresentation
totalSlides = pLast - pFirst + 1
Dim arr()
ReDim arr(totalSlides - 1)
For i = 0 To totalSlides - 1 'fill array with all slides (slide numbers) that need to be moved
arr(i) = pFirst + i
Next i
End Sub
You could use the MoveToSectionStart method available on the slide. Pass in the section index as the argument and it will place the slide right at the start of that section.
Function MoveSlideToSectionStart(Sld As Slide, SectionIndex As Long) As Boolean
If Sld.Parent.SectionProperties.Count < SectionIndex Then
MoveToSection = False
Exit Function
End If
Call Sld.MoveToSectionStart(SectionIndex)
MoveToSection = True
End Function
Sub Test()
Debug.Print MoveToSection(ActivePresentation.Slides(6), 1)
End Sub

Transferring text range from 1 power point to another to change template

I am very new with Powerpoint VBA and would like to know if there is a short way to transfer one text range from PowerPoint A to another text range located in Powerpoint B in a specific sequence.
Page a1 = b1
Page a2 = b2
Page a3 = b3
The template is changing and I need to adapt 5 powerpoints of 100 slides so I tought it would be easier with this solution.
Thank you in advance for your help.
PRECISION : I don't want to copy and paste the text range but to copy the text inside the range to put it inside the new range. Please find below the code I already have but It doesnt' Paste it inside my new range.
Sub copier_texte() 'je veux copier le contenu de la forme, et non pas la forme en entier
Dim nb_slide As Integer
nb_slide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
With ActivePresentation
.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Copy 'je sélectionne uniquement le contenu de la forme
For i = 2 To .Slides.Count
Next i
End With
End Sub
Short Answer:
Is there're a short way to transfer one text range from PowerPoint A to another text range located in Powerpoint B?
I think that there's no short way to do it, but let's try something first!
Long Answer:
Note: This solution based not on your desired behaviour (since it's unclear for me and there're many and more "what if" cases), but on similar problem, so I think that it's legit. Anyway it's a good fundament to start of.
I dont know how exactly your presentations looks like, so I made a reference one (Presentation A) and a "broken" one (Presentation B). Let's take a look on them:
Presentation A (5 slides: 1x"Title slide" with 2 triangle shapes, 3x"Title and Content" slides, 1x"Section Header" slide):
Presentation B (5 slides: 1x"Title slide" missing triangle shapes, 3x"Title and Content" slides with empty/without shapes(placeholders), 1x"Blank" slide (wrong layout)):
Both presentations are in the same folder:
Desired behaviour:
Some sort of synchronisation, if we miss a shape - then create one and put desired text to it, if there's one - put desired text only (based on Presentations A's shape). There're some "what if" cases in logic:
"What if" the number of slides in each presentation isn't equal? In which order compare slides then? (In our case the number is equal, so in code we drop that part and compare slides pair by pair).
"What if" the compared slides have a different layout? (In our case difference in blank layout, so we can easily handle it, but what we should do in general?)
...and many other cases not considered in this solution
Logic is plain and simple. The entry point to our routine is in the Presentation A, since it's an our reference file. From that point we acquire a reference to Presentation B (when opening it), and start iteration in two loops (thru each pair of slides and thru reference shapes).
If we found a "broken" (or not so, there's no check for that) shape by a reference one - we put text and some options in it or create a new one shape (or placeholder) otherwise.
Option Explicit
Sub Synch()
'define presentations
Dim ReferencePresentation As Presentation
Dim TargetPresentation As Presentation
'define reference objects
Dim ReferenceSlide As Slide
Dim ReferenceSlides As Slides
Dim ReferenceShape As Shape
'define target objects
Dim TargetSlide As Slide
Dim TargetSlides As Slides
Dim TargetShape As Shape
'define other variables
Dim i As Long
'Setting-up presentations and slide collections
Set ReferencePresentation = ActivePresentation
With ReferencePresentation
Set TargetPresentation = Presentations.Open(FileName:=.Path & "/Presentation B.pptm", _
Set ReferenceSlides = .Slides
End With
Set TargetSlides = TargetPresentation.Slides
'Check slide count
If ReferenceSlides.Count <> TargetSlides.Count Then
'What's a desired behaviour for this case?
'We can add slides to target presentation but it adds complexity
Debug.Print "ERROR!" & vbTab & "Reference And Target slides counts are not equal!"
'"mainloop" for slides
For i = 1 To ReferenceSlides.Count
Set ReferenceSlide = ReferenceSlides(i)
Set TargetSlide = TargetSlides(i)
'Check slide layout
If ReferenceSlide.Layout <> TargetSlide.Layout Then
'What's a desired behaviourfor this case?
'We can change layout for target presentation but it adds complexity
'But let's try to change a layout too, since we have an easy case in our example!
Debug.Print "WARNING!" & vbTab & "Reference And Target slides layouts are not same!"
TargetSlide.Layout = ReferenceSlide.Layout
End If
'"innerloop" for shapes (for placeholders actually)
With ReferenceSlide
For Each ReferenceShape In .Shapes
Set TargetShape = AcquireShape(ReferenceShape, TargetSlide, True)
If TargetShape Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "WARNING!" & vbTab & "There's no shape like " & ReferenceShape.Name
ElseIf TargetShape.HasTextFrame Then
With TargetShape.TextFrame.TextRange
'paste text
.Text = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
'and options
.Font.Size = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
.Font.Name = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name
.Font.Color.RGB = ReferenceShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB
End With
End If
End With
End If
'Save and close target presentation
Call TargetPresentation.Save
Call TargetPresentation.Close
End Sub
Function AcquireShape(ByRef ReferenceShape As Shape, ByRef TargetSlide As Slide, _
Optional ByVal CreateIfNotExists As Boolean) As Shape
Dim TargetShape As Shape
With ReferenceShape
'seek for existed shape
For Each TargetShape In TargetSlide.Shapes
If TargetShape.Width = .Width And TargetShape.Height = .Height And _
TargetShape.Top = .Top And TargetShape.Left = .Left And _
TargetShape.AutoShapeType = .AutoShapeType Then
Set AcquireShape = TargetShape
Exit Function
End If
'create new
If CreateIfNotExists Then
If .Type = msoPlaceholder Then
Set AcquireShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddPlaceholder(.PlaceholderFormat.Type, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
Set AcquireShape = TargetSlide.Shapes.AddShape(.AutoShapeType, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
End If
End If
End With
End Function
I know that it's hard to find any difference by a screenshot (it's can be even photoshoped, anyway there're a few difference for that purpose), but for a full answer, here it is:
As you see, it isn't a hard task to achieve something similar to your desire, but complexity of solution depends on inputs and on "what if" cases, hence there's no short way to overcome this task in general (in my humble opinion). Cheers!
Your question has a number of different interpretations, below is my attempt to answer what I believe the question is. There are a number of stage to this solution.
1. Ensure we save the VBA we write
Firstly, we have to assume a master presentation, that is one that will hold the values to be copied into all others. This will need to be saved as a macro enabled presentation (pptm) to allow us to save our VBA. This is done via File > Save-As and while selecting the save location choose PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation in the Save as type box.
2. Enable Windows scripting runtime
Within the pptm 'master' presentation that we now have, open the VBA IDE (Alt+F11). In the menu bar select Tools > References... and tick Microsoft Scripting Runtime from the list that is presented. Click OK to close the references dialog box with your tick remembered. This is needed for some error handling in the code, it checks to see if the presentation exists before trying to open it.
3. Insert the provided code
Right-click on VBAProject in the upper right area (the Project explorer) and select Insert > Module.
In the main editing area paste the below (I have added commenting to describe what is happening): -
Option Explicit
Public Sub Update()
Dim AryPresentations(4) As String
Dim LngPID As Long
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim PP_Src As Presentation
Dim PP_Dest As Presentation
Dim Sld_Src As Slide
Dim Sld_Dest As Slide
Dim Shp_Src As Shape
Dim Shp_Dest As Shape
Dim LngFilesMissing As Long
Dim BlnWasOpen As Boolean
'If there is an error, this will handle it and stop the process
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
'Increase the size of AryPresentations and and the paths as shown in the example below
AryPresentations(0) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP2.pptx"
AryPresentations(1) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP3.pptx"
AryPresentations(2) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP4.pptx"
AryPresentations(3) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP5.pptx"
AryPresentations(4) = "C:\Users\garye\Desktop\PP6.pptx"
'PP_Src is this, our 'master' presentation
Set PP_Src = ActivePresentation
'This loops through each item in AryPresentations
For LngPID = 0 To UBound(AryPresentations, 1)
'We rememeber if you had it open already as if you did, then we won't close it when we are done
BlnWasOpen = False
'Check all currently open presentations to see if one if the presentation we are due to update
For Each PP_Dest In PowerPoint.Presentations
If Trim(UCase(PP_Dest.FullName)) = Trim(UCase(AryPresentations(LngPID))) Then Exit For
'If it was not already open, check it exists and if it does, then open in
If PP_Dest Is Nothing Then
If FSO.FileExists(AryPresentations(LngPID)) Then
Set PP_Dest = PowerPoint.Presentations.Open(AryPresentations(LngPID))
End If
BlnWasOpen = True
End If
If PP_Dest Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "File note found"
LngFilesMissing = LngFilesMissing + 1
'The below connects to the slide (Sld_Src) you want to pick up from, the shape (Shp_Src) you want to pick up from and then
'places it in the slide (Sld_Dest) you want it to go to into the shape (Shp_Dest) you want it to go in to
Set Sld_Src = PP_Src.Slides(1)
Set Sld_Dest = PP_Dest.Slides(1)
Set Shp_Src = Sld_Src.Shapes(1)
Set Shp_Dest = Sld_Dest.Shapes(1)
Shp_Dest.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Shp_Src.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
Set Shp_Dest = Nothing
Set Shp_Src = Nothing
Set Sld_Dest = Nothing
Set Sld_Src = Nothing
'Repeat the above for each piece of text to copy
'Finally save the changes
'Close the presentation if it was not already open
If Not BlnWasOpen Then PP_Dest.Close
End If
MsgBox "Process complete. Number of missing files: " & LngFilesMissing, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Complete"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There was an error: - " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error"
End Sub
4. Customise code
You'll want to add the paths and location of the changes in and then it should run.

find out cell address having = sheet name

I'm just a beginner for VBA but advance in MS excel. that's why I am very much interested to learn VBA.
ok this is my first question here
Actully i need to format excel sheet where file name is = sheet1 name and it is somewhere in column "A" so I want to select & delete all the rows above this cell & below untill there is a blank cell/row.
I have tried much with InStr & find function but no succeed. Also try to find cell address like B5 but could no do that.
Welcome to StackOverflow. As you have already been informed by newguy, when posting a question you should also show what you have tried so far... some piece of code, printscreens, etc.
Your explanation was not that clear (at least to me), but based on what I have understood, I have made a small code sample for you to get you started. I have broken down the code into the function blocks, so that you can better understand what they are trying to achieve.
Here is the code:
'the following function will find cell with the specific text
Private Function FindCell(ws As Worksheet, strToSearch As String, Optional sColumn As String = "A") As Integer
Dim iCounter As Integer
'as you do not know where exactly it exists, we loop from first cell in the particular row
'to the very last celll
With ws
For iCounter = 1 To .Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row ' or .UsedRange.Rows.Count, or any other method
If .Range(sColumn & iCounter).Value = strToSearch Then
'yay, we have found the cell!
'pass out the reference
FindCell = iCounter
'now call exit function as we no longer need to continue searching for the cell (we have already found it!)
Exit Function
End If
Next iCounter
End With
'in case the cell does not exist, we can return -1
FindCell = -1
End Function
'the following cell will search the very first cell to the top (starting from specific row), which is blank / empty
Private Function FindEmptyCell(ws As Worksheet, iStartRow As Integer, Optional sColumn As String = "A") As Integer
'This function does the same, as if you have selected specific cell
'and then pressed left Ctrl + Up arrow at the same time
'Try it!
'You can do the same with Right + Left + Bottom arrow as well
FindEmptyCell = ws.Range(sColumn & iStartRow).End(xlUp).Row + 1
End Function
Private Sub EraseRows()
Dim iStartCell As Integer
Dim iEndCell As Integer
On Error GoTo 0
'First let's find the "bottom" cell which is the cell with the specific text you are looking for
iEndCell = FindCell(ActiveSheet, "TextIAmLookingFor")
'now let's see find the top blank cell (so that we get the range of from - to that you want to erase)
iStartCell = FindEmptyCell(ActiveSheet, iEndCell)
'now we can delete the rows!
'iEndCell-1 because you don't want to erase the cell with your search string, right?
ActiveSheet.Rows(CStr(iStartCell) & ":" & CStr(iEndCell - 1)).EntireRow.Delete (xlUp)
End Sub