reading ID3 tag in NativeScript + Vue - vue.js

I am trying to read id3 tags of mp3 files in my project but it seems all the node plugins has a dependency on fs ,
since I get this error: TypeError: fs.exists is not a function
so How can I read id3 tags in NativeScript?

{N} !== Node, You will have to fetch the meta data in native iOS / Android way. Use nativescript-media-metadata-retriever plugin.
tns plugin add nativescript-media-metadata-retriever

You could try nativescript-nodeify, but I remember having problem afterwards with with bundling.
Also, I used this back in NativeScript 4. I don't know if this still works in NS 6.

I share my usage of this module in sake of noobies like me, who can waste their times just for a misunderstanding :))
import { MediaMetadataRetriever } from "nativescript-media-metadata-retriever";
const imageSourceModule = require( "tns-core-modules/image-source" );
const fs = require("tns-core-modules/file-system");
and the code:
// ------- init MediaMetadataRetriever
let mmr = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
mmr.setDataSource( newValue );
.then( ( args ) => {
// ------- show the albumArt on bgIMG
var albumArt = this.$refs.bgIMG.nativeView;
var img = new imageSourceModule.ImageSource();
// ------- setNativeSource is a **Methods** of imageSourceModule
img.setNativeSource( args );
albumArt.set( "src" , img );
console.log("ImageSource set...");
// ------- save the albumArt in root of SDCARD
// ------- fromNativeSource is a **Function** of imageSourceModule
let imageSource = imageSourceModule.fromNativeSource( args );
let fileName = "test.png";
const root = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath().toString();
let path = fs.path.join( root , fileName);
let saved = imageSource.saveToFile(path, "png");
if (saved) {
console.log("Image saved successfully!");
} );


Forge Data Visualization not working on Revit rooms [ITA]

I followed the tutorials from the Forge Data Visualization extension documentation: on a Revit file. I used the generateMasterViews option to translate the model and I can see the Rooms on the viewer, however I have problems coloring the surfaces of the floors: it seems that the ModelStructureInfo has no rooms.
The result of the ModelStructureInfo on the viewer.model is:
t {model: d, rooms: null}
Here is my code, I added the ITA localized versions of Rooms as 3rd parameter ("Locali"):
const dataVizExtn = await this.viewer.loadExtension("Autodesk.DataVisualization");
// Model Structure Info
let viewerDocument = this.viewer.model.getDocumentNode().getDocument();
const aecModelData = await viewerDocument.downloadAecModelData();
let levelsExt;
if (aecModelData) {
levelsExt = await viewer.loadExtension("Autodesk.AEC.LevelsExtension", {
doNotCreateUI: true
// get FloorInfo
const floorData = levelsExt.floorSelector.floorData;
const floor = floorData[2];
levelsExt.floorSelector.selectFloor(floor.index, true);
const model = this.viewer.model;
const structureInfo = new Autodesk.DataVisualization.Core.ModelStructureInfo(model);
let levelRoomsMap = await structureInfo.getLevelRoomsMap();
let rooms = levelRoomsMap.getRoomsOnLevel("2 - P2", false);
// Generates `SurfaceShadingData` after assigning each device to a room (Rooms--> Locali).
const shadingData = await structureInfo.generateSurfaceShadingData(devices, undefined, "Locali");
// Use the resulting shading data to generate heatmap from.
await dataVizExtn.setupSurfaceShading(model, shadingData, {
type: "PlanarHeatmap",
placePosition: "min",
usingSlicing: true,
// Register a few color stops for sensor values in range [0.0, 1.0]
const sensorType = "Temperature";
const sensorColors = [0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xffff00, 0xff0000];
dataVizExtn.registerSurfaceShadingColors(sensorType, sensorColors);
// Function that provides a [0,1] value for the planar heatmap
function getSensorValue(surfaceShadingPoint, sensorType, pointData) {
const { x, y } = pointData;
const sensorValue = computeSensorValue(x, y);
return clamp(sensorValue, 0.0, 1.0);
const sensorType = "Temperature";
dataVizExtn.renderSurfaceShading(, sensorType, getSensorValue);
How can I solve this issue? Is there something else to do when using a different localization?
Here is a snapshot of what I get from the console:
Which viewer version you're using? There was an issue causing ModelStructureInfo cannot produce the correct LevelRoomsMap, but it gets fixed now. Please use v7.43.0 and try again. Here is the snapshot of my test:
BTW, if you see t {model: d, rooms: null} while constructing the ModelStructureInfo, it's alright, since the room data will be produced after you called ModelStructureInfo#getLevelRoomsMap or ModelStructureInfo#getRoomList.

Import image with threejs in VueJS project

I followed threejs documentation in vuejs project to import image using :
texture.load( "./clouds" )
This code is not working, I have to import image using require :
texture.load( require( "./clouds.png" ) )
Now I want to use functions for sucess or error, so thank's to the internet i found that
texture.load( require( "./clouds.png" ), this.onSuccess, this.onProgress, this.onError )
The problem is in success function, I want to create a cube with texture and nothing happened. I also tried on success function to add color in material but it didn't work.
onSuccess( image ) {
this.material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {
color: 0xf3ffe2,
map: image
generateCube() {
let geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 100, 100, 100 );
this.forme = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, this.material );
this.forme.position.z = -200
this.forme.position.x = -100
this.scene.add( this.forme );
Your problem is not related to VueJS /ThreeJs (again ^^), you should learn how to use this inside a callback, here is a E6 fix :
texture.load( require( "./clouds.png" ), t => this.onSuccess(t), e => this.onProgress(e), e => this.onError(e) )
You can put your images in the "public" folder.
And then you can load your texture by
texture.load( "/clouds.png" )

Set a variable messagingSenderId in service worker (Firebase) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Passing state info into a service worker before `install`
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I would like to set a variable messagingSenderId value in my service worker, not an hardcoded one. Is it possible?
I register my service worker like this:
navigator.serviceWorker.register( 'firebase-messaging-sw.js' )
.then( function( registration ) {
messaging.useServiceWorker( registration );
And in my firebase-messaging-sw.js, I initialize firebase like this
importScripts('' );
importScripts('' );
'messagingSenderId': 'my-id' // <- I want this to be variable
The problem is I can't find how to pass data to my service worker file. Any idea?
As mentionned, Passing state info into a service worker before 'install' answered the question. Thanks.
Here is the answer for this use case:
You need to pass the variable in the URL like so:
var myId = 'write-your-messaging-sender-id-here';
navigator.serviceWorker.register( 'firebase-messaging-sw.js?messagingSenderId=' + myId )
.then( function( registration ) {
messaging.useServiceWorker( registration );
And then, in firebase service worker (firebase-messaging-sw.js), you can get this variable like so:
importScripts('' );
importScripts('' );
var myId = new URL(location).searchParams.get('messagingSenderId');
'messagingSenderId': myId
This works. But URL.searchParams is a very new tool. It is less compatible than Firebase itself.
URL.searchParams: Chrome 51+, Firefox: 52+, Opera: unknown
Firebase: Chrome 50+, Firefox 44+, Opera 37+
So instead of:
var myId = new URL(location).searchParams.get('messagingSenderId');
I suggest using:
var myId = get_sw_url_parameters( 'messagingSenderId' );
function get_sw_url_parameters( param ) {
var vars = {};
self.location.href.replace( self.location.hash, '' ).replace(
/[?&]+([^=&]+)=?([^&]*)?/gi, // regexp
function( m, key, value ) { // callback
vars[key] = value !== undefined ? value : '';
if( param ) {
return vars[param] ? vars[param] : null;
return vars;

ColdFusion CFDOCUMENT with links to other PDFs

I am creating a PDF using the cfdocument tag at the moment. The PDF is not much more than a bunch of links to other PDFs.
So I create this PDF index and the links are all HREFs
Another PDF
if I set the localURL attribute to "no" my URLs have the whole web path in them:
Another PDF
if I set the localURL attribute to "yes" then I get:
Another PDF
So this index PDF is going to go onto a CD and all of the linked PDFs are going to sit right next to it so I need a relative link ... more like:
Another PDF
cfdocument does not seem to do this. I can modify the file name of the document and make it "File:///Another_PDF.pdf" but this does not work either because I don't know the driveletter of the CD drive ... or if the files are going to end up inside a directory on the CD.
Is there a way (possibly using iText or something) of opening up the PDF once it is created and converting the URL links to actual PDF GoTo tags?
I know this is kind of a stretch but I am at my wits end with this.
So I've managed to get into the Objects but I'm still struggling with.
Converting from:
5 0 obj<</C[0 0 1]/Border[0 0 0]/A<</URI(File:///75110_002.PDF)/S/URI>>/Subtype/Link/Rect[145 502 184 513]>>endobj
To this:
19 0 obj<</SGoToR/D[0/XYZ null null 0]/F(75110_002.PDF)>>endobj
20 0 obj<</Subtype/Link/Rect[145 502 184 513]/Border[0 0 0]/A 19 0 R>>endobj
Wow this is really kicking my ass! :)
So I've managed to get the document open, loop through the Link Annotations, capture the Rect co-ordinates and the linked to document name (saved into an array of Structures) and then successfully deleted the Annotation which was a URI Link.
So now I thought I could now loop over that array of structures and put the Annotations back into the document using the createLink method or the setAction method. But all the examples I've seen of these methods are attached to a Chunk (of text). But my document already has the Text in place so I don't need to remake the text links I just need to put the Links back in in the same spot.
So I figured I could reopen the document and look for the actual text that was the link and then attache the setAction to th ealready existing chunk of text .... I can't find the text!!
I suck! :)
This thread has an example of updating the link actions, by modifying the pdf annotations. It is written in iTextSharp 5.x, but the java code is not much different.
The thread provides a solid explanation of how annotations work. But to summarize, you need to read in your source pdf and loop through the individual pages for annotations. Extract the links and use something like getFileFromPath() to replace them with a file name only.
I was curious, so I did a quick and ugly conversion of the iTextSharp code above. Disclaimer, it is not highly tested:
util = createObject("component", "");
util.fixLinks( "c:/path/to/sourceFile.pdf", "c:/path/to/newFile.pdf");
component {
Convert all absolute links, in the given pdf, to relative links (file name only)
#source - absolute path to the source pdf file
#destination - absolute path to save copy
public function fixLinks( string source, string destination) {
// initialize objects
Local.reader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init( arguments.source );
Local.pdfName = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName");
// check each page for hyperlinks
for ( Local.i = 1; Local.i <= Local.reader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i++) {
//Get all of the annotations for the current page = Local.reader.getPageN( Local.i );
Local.annotations = Local.PdfName.ANNOTS ).getArrayList();
// search annotations for links
for (Local.x = 1; !isNull( Local.annotations) && Local.x < arrayLen(Local.annotations); Local.x++) {
// get current properties
Local.current = Local.annotations[ Local.x ];
Local.dictionary = Local.reader.getPdfObject( Local.current );
Local.subType = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.SUBTYPE );
Local.action = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.A );
Local.hasLink = true;
//Skip this item if it does not have a link AND action
if (Local.subType != Local.PdfName.LINK || isNull(Local.action)) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//Skip this item if it does not have a URI
if ( Local.hasLink && Local.action.get( Local.PdfName.S ) != Local.PdfName.URI ) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//If it is a valid URI, update link
if (Local.hasLink) {
// extract file name from URL
Local.oldLink = Local.action.get( Local.pdfName.URI );
Local.newLink = getFileFromPath( Local.oldLink );
// replace link
// WriteDump("Changed link from ["& Local.oldLink &"] ==> ["& Local.newLink &"]");
Local.pdfString = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfString");
Local.action.put( Local.pdfName.URI, Local.pdfString.init( Local.newLink ) );
// save all pages to new file
copyPDF( Local.reader , arguments.destination );
Copy all pages in pdfReader to the given destination file
#pdfReader - pdf to copy
#destination - absolute path to save copy
public function copyPDF( any pdfReader, string destination) {
try {
Local.doc = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Document").init();
Local.out = createObject("java", "").init( arguments.destination );
Local.writer = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy").init(Local.doc, Local.out);
// open document and save individual pages;
for (Local.i = 1; i <= arguments.pdfReader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i++) {
Local.writer.addPage( Local.writer.getImportedPage( arguments.pdfReader, Local.i) );
// cleanup
if (structKeyExists(Local, "doc")) { Local.doc.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "writer")) { Local.writer.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "out")) { Local.out.close(); }
I finally got it:
public function resetLinks( string source, string destination) {
try {
// initialize objects
Local.reader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init( arguments.source );
Local.pdfName = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName");
Local.annot = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAnnotation");
Local.out = createObject("java", "").init( arguments.destination );
Local.stamper = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(Local.reader, Local.out);
Local.PdfAction = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfAction");
Local.PdfRect = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.Rectangle");
Local.PdfBorderArray = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfBorderArray").init(javacast("float", "0"), javacast("float", "0"), javacast("float", "0"));
Local.newAnnots = [];
// check each page for hyperlinks
// Save the data to a structure then write it to an array
// then delete the hyperlink Annotation
for ( Local.i = 1; Local.i <= Local.reader.getNumberOfPages(); Local.i = Local.i + 1) {
//Get all of the annotations for the current page = Local.reader.getPageN( Local.i );
Local.annotations = Local.PdfName.ANNOTS ).getArrayList();
// search annotations for links
for (Local.x = arrayLen(Local.annotations); !isNull( Local.annotations) && Local.x > 0; Local.x--) {
// get current properties
Local.current = Local.annotations[ Local.x ];
Local.dictionary = Local.reader.getPdfObject( Local.current );
Local.subType = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.SUBTYPE );
Local.action = Local.dictionary.get( Local.PdfName.A );
Local.hasLink = true;
//Skip this item if it does not have a link AND action
if (Local.subType != Local.PdfName.LINK || isNull(Local.action)) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//Skip this item if it does not have a URI
if ( Local.hasLink && Local.action.get( Local.PdfName.S ) != Local.PdfName.URI ) {
Local.hasLink = false;
//If it is a valid URI, update link
if (Local.hasLink) {
// extract file name from URL
Local.oldLink = Local.action.get( Local.pdfName.URI );
Local.newLink = getFileFromPath( Local.oldLink );
Local.Rect = Local.dictionary.Get(PdfName.Rect);
arrayStruct = StructNew();
arrayStruct.rectSTR = Local.Rect.toString(); = Local.newLink; = Local.i;
ArrayAppend(Local.newAnnots, arrayStruct);
// Delete
// Now really remove them!
// Now loop over the saved annotations and put them back!!
for ( Local.z = 1; Local.z <= ArrayLen(Local.newAnnots); Local.z++) {
// Parse the rect we got save into an Array
theRectArray = ListToArray(ReplaceNoCase(ReplaceNoCase(Local.newAnnots[z].rectSTR, "[", ""), "]", ""));
// Create the GoToR action
theAction = Local.PdfAction.gotoRemotePage(javacast("string", '#Local.newAnnots[z].link#'), javacast("string", '#Local.newAnnots[z].link#'), javacast("boolean", "false"), javacast("boolean", "false"));
// Create the Link Annotation with the above Action and the Rect
theAnnot = Local.annot.createLink(Local.stamper.getWriter(), Local.PdfRect.init(javacast("int", theRectArray[1]), javacast("int", theRectArray[2]), javacast("int", theRectArray[3]), javacast("int", theRectArray[4])), Local.annot.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT, theAction);
// Remove the border the underlying underlined text will flag item as a link
// Add the Annotation to the Page
Local.stamper.addAnnotation(theAnnot, Local.newAnnots[z].page);
finally {
// cleanup
if (structKeyExists(Local, "reader")) { Local.reader.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "stamper")) { Local.stamper.close(); }
if (structKeyExists(Local, "out")) { Local.out.close(); }
I couldn't have done this without the help of Leigh!!

How to get correct SHA1 hash of BLOB using CryptoJS?

CryptoJS v3.1.2, sha1.js rollup
In JS I want to calculate the SHA1 of a blob before sending it to the server. On the server I want to calculate the SHA1 of the resulting file and compare it to the SHA1 received from JS. The problem is that the hash generated by CryptoJS.SHA1() is incorrect (always 9844f81e1408f6ecb932137d33bed7cfdcf518a3)
JS Code:
function uploadFileslice (slice) { // slice is a blob
var fileReader = new FileReader()
fileReader.onload = function(event){
var arrayBuffer =
var wordArray = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(arrayBuffer)
var sha1crc = CryptoJS.SHA1(wordArray).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex)
requestParams.append('fileslice', slice)
requestParams.append('sha1crc', sha1crc)
PHP code:
$file_crc = sha1_file($_FILES['fileslice']['tmp_name']);
if ($_REQUEST['sha1crc'] !== $file_crc) {
echo "Invalid CRC: {$_REQUEST['sha1crc']} (expected $file_crc)";
Invalid CRC: 9844f81e1408f6ecb932137d33bed7cfdcf518a3 (expected 3ebe2cd2d8fd8d8f977b6d715f0b1adf5b08b407
I was hoping for something like myHash = CryptoJS.SHA1(blob)
From the info that you've provided I'm not sure exactly how you have things setup but in order for ArrayBuffers to be supported you have to include components/lib-typedarrays-min.js.
There's a discussion about this at
Hope this helps!
If you are using modules and import you can:
import Hex from 'crypto-js/enc-hex'
import WordArray from 'crypto-js/lib-typedarrays'
import sha1 from 'crypto-js/sha1'
const hash = sha1(WordArray.create(arrayBuffer)).toString(Hex)