ActiveAdmin and Warden route constraint - devise

We recently updated to ActiveAdmin 1.1.0, on a site which maintains two distinct user models - Users and AdminUsers. ActiveAdmin authenticates AdminUsers, and the rest of the site authenticates Users. Both paths use Devise, like this:
devise_for :users, controllers: {sessions: :practitioner_sessions, passwords: :practitioner_passwords}
admin_devise_config = ActiveAdmin::Devise.config
admin_devise_config[:controllers][:sessions] = :sessions
devise_for :admin_users, admin_devise_config
Now, I have a Rails engine (Resque::Server) mounted which I want to restrict to admins, using a routing constraint like this in config/routes.rb:
module RouteConstraint
class Admin
def self.matches?(request)
request.env['warden'].user && request.env['warden'].user.admin?
mount ResqueWeb::Engine, :at => "/resque", :constraints => RouteConstraint::Admin
This used to work. However, now when an AdminUser is logged in to ActiveAdmin, request.env['warden'].user returns nil and request.env['warden'].authenticated? returns false.
Where do I go to check if a user is authenticated with ActiveAdmin in this configuration?

The "scopes" section of the Warden wiki gave me the clues I needed to rewrite two route constraints. Instead of querying the user method of the Warden object, I passed the relevant Devise scopes as arguments to the authenticated?() method. Remember that the Devise scopes can be found in routes.rb, e.g.:
devise_for :admin_users, admin_devise_config
devise_scope :admin_user do
# some stuff
So then constraints can be written like this:
module RouteConstraint
class SuperAdmin
def self.matches?(request)
warden = request.env['warden']
module RouteConstraint
class LoggedIn
def self.matches?(request)
warden = request.env['warden']
warden.authenticated?(:user) || warden.authenticated?(:admin_user)
Then I was able to use the constraints in the same way as before:
mount Resque::Server, :at => "/resque", :constraints => RouteConstraint::SuperAdmin
mount JobState::Engine, :at => "/job_state", :constraints => RouteConstraint::LoggedIn


Overriding SessionsControllers is not loggin in

I want to add OpenID authentication in my web. To do that I have follow several tutorials and used several plugins and gems and finally I manage to do something with devise_openid_authenticatable gem. I also have normal login/password authentication, Facebook authentication and Twitter authentication. Those three work perfectly.
Now I'm trying to override Devise's Session Controller , but when I do it, the normal login/password stops working. The error I get is:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in Sessions#create
Couldn't find User without an ID
The rest of the authentication forms work OK, even the sign up works perfect. It's only the login/password authentication method...
I use Rails 3.0.1, Ruby 1.8.9 and Devise 1.4.9
MAWeb::Application.routes.draw do
devise_for :admins
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => 'registrations', :sessions => 'sessions'}
match '/users/openid' => 'users#openid_sign_in'
match 'openid/sign_in' => 'openid#sign_in', :as => :openid_sign_in
get 'openid/create'
match '/auth/:provider/callback' => 'authentications#create'
match '/auth/failure' => 'authentications#failure'
resources :subscription_contact_datas
resources :subscription_preferences do
collection do
post :create_with_params
member do
get 'delete_tag'
get 'fill_event_id', :on => :member
resources :event_states
resources :subscription_profiles do
collection do
put :update_profiles
resources :event_criteria_options
resources :subscriptions do
collection do
get :options_for_event_criteria
resources :event_criterias
resources :categories
resources :user_infos do
member do
get 'edit'
resources :events
resources :users do
member do
get 'showUserActivity'
resources :admins
resources :subscriptions_from_poi
root :to => "home#index"
namespace :user do
root :to => "users#index"
namespace :admin do
root :to => "admins#index"
*registrations controller's override works perfectly
EDIT: Added the most of the routes. The ones I omited are not important in my opinion.

How to authenticate single action with two devise?

I have implemented two devise(version: 1.4.8) model in my project for example User and Admin.
Is there any option to configure authentication for single action in same controller with two devise?. example for CartsControler:
index, show -> can access either admin or user
create, update, delete -> can access admin only
Currently I have authenticated by calling below method from application_controller.rb
def authenticate_user_or_admin!
unless user_signed_in? or admin_signed_in?
redirect_to root_url , :flash => {:alert => "You need to sign in as admin/user before continuing..".html_safe }
in carts_controler.rb
class CartsControler < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user_or_admin!, :only => [:index, :show]
before_filter: :authenticate_admin!, :except => [:index, :show]
Is devise providing any default options to authenticate multiple devise models?
Is this proper ways to solve this problem? or any other better solution?

FactoryGirl,Rspec2 and devise rails 3

I am using Rspec, FactoryGirl and Spork for my tests.There are 2 things I am a litte unclear on, first is the location of my factories.rb file. At present I have it located in
And it looks like this
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
email ""
password "password"
password_confirmation "password"
Within my spec_helper I have
config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
Secondly I want to login a user before starting my tests for a controller , this particular controller has a before filter :authenticate_user!
I am using devise for my authentication so have added
config.include Devise::TestHelpers, :type => :controller
Reading the devise docs you can add a controller_macros.rb and specify methods like so to use
def login_user
before(:each) do
#request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
user.confirm! # or set a confirmed_at inside the factory. Only necessary if you are using the confirmable module
sign_in user
And so i added this also to my spec_helper
config.include ControllerMacros, :type => :controller
So when I add login_user before my controller tests i get undefined method login_user. Am i using two tools here to do the same thing? Do I actually need the devise methods or can it all be done with factoryGirl. If so how do i setup the login process before i can test a controller?
Factories location should be in spec/factories. Check out this example app
For login, generally you seems to doing it right. Check the example app again and here:
For the undefined method login_user error be sure to have
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
config.extend ControllerMacros, :type => :controller
in spec_helper. Devise methods should be available wtih subject:
subject.current_user.should_not be_nil

Setting Devise omniauth_path_prefix doesn't work

I'm working on a Rails-based API. I recently started attempting to version it. (I'm using the Versionist gem, in case it matters) One version ('v2') uses Devise and Omniauth to authenticate users through Facebook/Twitter.
I want all the routes associated with this version to have the appropriate version prefix (so users/:username/foo becomes v2/users/:username/foo, etc.), but I've already found out that putting devise_for inside the api_version block prevents the Devise helpers (current_user, user_signed_in?, etc.) from working, so it continues to live outside the block:
devise_for :user, :path => '', :controllers => {:omniauth_callbacks => 'users/omniauth_callbacks'}, :skip => [:registrations, :confirmations, :sessions, :passwords]
api_version(:module => "V2", :path=>"v2") do
resources :authentications, :only => [:update, :destroy]
devise_scope :user do
post 'login' => 'sessions#create', :as => 'user_session'
get 'logout' => 'sessions#destroy'
post 'password' => 'devise/passwords#create'
put 'password' => 'devise/passwords#update'
Everything seemed great... except the Devise-generated omniauth routes:
rake routes output:
user_omniauth_authorize /auth/:provider(.:format)
user_omniauth_callback /auth/:action/callback(.:format)
Now, some google-fu revealed that there's a devise configuration setting for this, so I added the following to our devise initializer (config/initializers/devise.rb):
Devise.setup do |config|
config.omniauth_path_prefix = 'v2/auth'
Now, rake routes produces paths that look sensible:
user_omniauth_authorize /v2/auth/:provider(.:format) v2/users/omniauth_callbacks#passthru {:provider=>/(?!)/}
user_omniauth_callback /v2/auth/:action/callback(.:format) v2/users/omniauth_callbacks#(?-mix:(?!))
However, when I attempt to access this route by calling api.localhost/v2/auth/facebook, I get a routing error:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/v2/auth/facebook")
Any idea what's going on here?
You are missing the provider name in the routes so they don't match the facebook part in /v2/auth/facebook. The correct route destination should look something like v2/users/omniauth_callbacks#(?-mix:facebook).
Have you specified the provider in the user model?
devise_for ..., :omniauthable, :omniauth_providers => [:facebook]
For the record, I'm using Rails 3.2 and Devise 3.0 and the altered route seems to work (I haven't gone further yet to see if something else will break).

Devise and Facebook Custom Routing

I am trying to create the user registration views and model on my website but I am having a small issue :
I am using devise and omniauth to get the facebook connect features working and it works,
But I want my facebook users when they sign in the first time to create their password,
That is also working, I redirect them to the filled sign up form and they only have to enter their password. But I want them to go to a second "sign_up form" named /views/registrations/new_facebook.html.erb where they can only enter their password and I will also add some other information,
I created the correct view and tested it but I have no idea how to create the correct routes to bypass Devise default
match '/facebook' => 'registrations#new', :as => 'new_facebook_user_registration'
I believe the issue is with match because that's what's not recognised,
If anyone can help me that would be great thanks,
I added my controller code for omniauth :
class OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
def all
user = User.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
if user.persisted?
flash[:success] = "Welcome back"
sign_in_and_redirect user
session["devise.user_attributes"] = user.attributes
redirect_to new_facebook_user_registration_url
alias_method :facebook, :all
How can I make the redirect_to new_facebook_user_registration_url actually work ?
devise_scope :user do
match "registrations/new_facebook" => "registrations#new_facebook"
That's the solution I copied in the registrations controller the new method and named it new_facebook and now everything is working as expected !
I think the issue is that you're not overriding the devise method that redirects to that path. Also according to the devise docs your routes should be set up with a "devise_for" call.
Here's the wiki page describing how to do what you are asking to do, although you may need a bit of custom logic to deal with cases that aren't facebook signups.
Some example code from that page:
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
def after_sign_up_path_for(resource)
and the one for routes:
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations" }