Mark all emails read in specified folder - vba

I have an Outlook 2019 IMAP account and I'm trying to use the following VBA code to mark all emails in the "Spam" folder as read automatically.
I found code here on Stack Overflow and changed first IF statement to get only the Spam folder.
It gives me
"Array index out of bounds"_ error (80020009)
after 3rd or 4th iteration (so up to three emails are being deleted) and the code breaks.
Why is it failing, and can I parameterize this code to choose an arbitrary folder name?
Sub MarkAllItemsAsRead()
Dim objStores As Outlook.Stores
Dim objStore As Outlook.Store
Dim objOutlookFile As Outlook.Folder
Dim objFolder As Outlook.Folder
'Process all Outlook files
Set objStores = Outlook.Application.Session.Stores
For Each objStore In objStores
Set objOutlookFile = objStore.GetRootFolder
For Each objFolder In objOutlookFile.Folders
'Process mail folders
If objFolder.DefaultItemType = olMailItem And objFolder.Name = "Spam" Then
Debug.Print objFolder.Name
Call ProcessFolders(objFolder)
End If
End Sub
Sub ProcessFolders(ByVal objCurFolder As Outlook.Folder)
Dim objUnreadItems As Outlook.Items
Dim i As Integer
Dim objItem As Object
Dim objSubFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set objUnreadItems = objCurFolder.Items.Restrict("[Unread]=True")
'Mark all unread emails as read
For i = 1 To objUnreadItems.Count
Set objItem = objUnreadItems.Item(i)
objItem.UnRead = False
End Sub

Simply reversing the order of iteration will likely fix your problem.
What's (probably) happening here is that when you change the messages, the server wants to be extra helpful, and moves them messages elsewhere, and once that is done, what was "message number 2" is now "message number 1". Processing them starting with the highest number ought to solve it, because if the highest-numbered message goes away, no other messages are renumbered.
IMAP offers better ways to solve it (either setting all read with one command, or specifying them by UID instead of by sequence number), but reversing the order of iteration is a small change and probably will work.


Outlook VBA to Replicate 'Sort Subfolders A to Z' in the Folder Pane

Is there a method in VBA to achieve the same effect of right-clicking on a folder in the folder pane and selecting 'Sort Subfolders A to Z'?
As a comparison, the code below from sorts Items in a folder; however, it does not appear that the .Sort method used in this code is available for the Folders object like it is for the Items object.
Sub SortByDueDate()
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim myItem As Outlook.TaskItem
Dim myItems As Outlook.Items
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks)
Set myItems = myFolder.Items
myItems.Sort "[DueDate]", False
For Each myItem In myItems
MsgBox myItem.Subject & "-- " & myItem.DueDate
Next myItem
End Sub
Additionally, it does not appear that there are any methods available for moving folders in the tree.
Is more extensive code required to replicate the native 'Sort Subfolders A to Z' action with VBA?
Can this be achieved with PropertyAssessor and, if so, what is the proper syntax for setting the PR_SORT_POSITION property? For example, the code below results in an error, as commented in the code.
Sub Example()
Dim myProp As String
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim oFolder As Folder
Set oFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
myProp = ""
myValue = "FD7F"
oFolder.PropertyAssessor.SetProperty myProp, myValue 'Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method
End Sub
The Outlook object model doesn't provide any property or method to sort folders. You may find the NavigationPane object helpful. See Customizing the Navigation Pane for more information.
You can sort the folders in the Outlook UI by explicitly setting the PR_SORT_POSITION property on each subfolder - see Get folder list ordered as displayed
I posted my code here because this was high in Google results and all other threads were closed
I've made custom VBA code to sort subfolders Z-A - it will load the folder order [unfortunately you still need to order it A-Z within outlook] and then reverse it so it is Z-A
I needed to quickly adjust a tonne of folders and couldn't find any code anywhere, so I quickly made the below to help patch the issue.
I didn't have the time to write lots of detail about how it works.
Known issues with the code:
It doesn't always sort the first folder. No idea why.
It doesn't seem to like it when you're looking at the list of subfolders - minimise it then run the code
This code is used to reverse the sorting of subfolders under Inbox, you'll need to adjust as required.
Sub sortZA()
Dim email_name: email_name = "" 'write the name of the mailbox as it appears in outlook
Dim objMainFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim Folders As Outlook.Folders
Dim Folderx As Outlook.Folder
Dim sort_order, sort_order_b, arr
Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set arr_sorted = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
dim found_folder: found_folder=0
Set Folders = Application.ActiveExplorer.Session.Folders
For Each Folderx In Folders
If LCase(Folderx.Name) = LCase(email_name) Then
Set objMainFolder = Folderx.Folders("Inbox") 'adjust as required. Add more folders via .folders("name")
End If
if found_folder =0 then
msgbox "the email folder with the name '" & email_name & "' was not found"
exit sub
end if
Dim reloadFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim propertyAccessor As Outlook.propertyAccessor
For Each Folderx In objMainFolder.Folders
' if there is an error, then there might not be any order data. Try reordering them manually. Also make sure loading the email as the main profile instead of as an additional mailbox.
'On Error Resume Next
Set propertyAccessor = Folderx.propertyAccessor
sort_order = propertyAccessor.BinaryToString(propertyAccessor.GetProperty(""))
arr.Add Folderx.Name & "##~~##" & sort_order
arr_sorted.Add Folderx.Name & "##~~##" & sort_order
arr.Sort 'keep A-Z (the original list from outlook isn't in A-Z order)
arr_sorted.Sort 'make A-Z
arr_sorted.Reverse 'make Z-A
Dim t, a, b, i, t2, a2, b2
i = 0
For Each arr_folder In arr
t = Split(arr_folder, "##~~##")
a = t(0) 'which folder name?
b = t(1) 'what is the original order? [should already be A-Z]
Set Folders = Application.ActiveExplorer.Session.Folders
For Each Folderx In Folders
'On Error Resume Next
If LCase(Folderx.Name) = LCase(email_name) Then
Set reloadFolder = Folderx.Folders("Inbox").Folders(a)
End If
t2 = Split(arr_sorted(i), "##~~##")
a2 = t2(0) 'which folder name?
b2 = t2(1) 'what is the reversed order?
Set propertyAccessor = reloadFolder.propertyAccessor
propertyAccessor.SetProperty "", propertyAccessor.StringToBinary(b2)
i = i + 1
End Sub
Additional Notes: I did try experimenting with applying ordering data manually. I couldn't get it to work properly. All the binary converting code wasn't producing the correct values, and I ended up using HEX(). Here is an example of what I was doing:
Dim custom_order As Long
custom_order = 15
For Each arr_folder In arr
'the array only contains a list of folder names.. we need to load the folder in outlook to process it again. The below line of code loads the main email inbox, then the subfolder from the array [different from the above code]
Set reloadFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders(arr_folder)
Set propertyAccessor = reloadFolder.propertyAccessor
hexval = Hex(custom_order)
propertyAccessor.SetProperty "", propertyAccessor.StringToBinary(hexval)
custom_order = custom_order + 1
End Sub

Searching Outlook email (and replying to it) using Excel VBA

I want to search ALL my outlook for latest message in a conversation (I use Subject name as search key).
This latest message can be in Inbox, Sent Items, in a sub folder of Inbox, a sub-sub folder of Inbox (anywhere).
I can achieve this by some very tedious code, going through every level of each major folder, but not only this method is very messy, I can't determine if this found message is the latest in this conversation.
I have the following code, which
--> Searches Inbox for "searchKey"
--> If finds it in Inbox folder, replies to it
--> If not, it moves into subfolders of Inbox, and continues the same process
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNs As Namespace
Dim Fldr As MAPIFolder
Dim olFldr As MAPIFolder
Dim olMail ' As Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Integer
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Fldr = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set olFldr = Fldr
For Each olMail In olFldr.Items
If InStr(olMail.Subject, searchKey) <> 0 Then
Set ReplyAll = olMail.ReplyAll
With ReplyAll
.HTMLBody = Msg & .HTMLBody
emailReady = True
End With
End If
Next olMail
If Not emailReady Then
i = i + 1
If i > Fldr.Folders.Count Then
MsgBox ("The email with the given subject line was not found!")
Exit Sub
Set olFldr = Fldr.Folders(i)
GoTo tryAgain
End If
End If
This code might be confusing and long, so please let me know if you need any clarification.
The question is: How can I search through ALL Outlook, without going manually through every folder/subfolder/sub-subfolder... without this method, and find the LAST message in a specific conversation? Or, at least, how can I optimize this code so I don't miss any folder, and know the dates and times these emails were sent?
You can use the built in AdvancedSearch function, which returns a Search object containing items.
These should have date properties, so you only need your code to go through the search object mailItems and find that with the latest date ( ReceivedTime)?
I would suggest using the bottom example on that page - it gets a table object from the search, and then you use
Set MyTable = MySearch.GetTable
Do Until MyTable.EndOfTable
Set nextRow = MyTable.GetNextRow()
Debug.Print nextRow("ReceivedTime")
From there, you can do the comparison to find the latest time, and if you want to do something with the mailitem you would need to obtain the "EntryID" column from the table.
Then use the GetItemFromID method of the NameSpace object to obtain a full item, since the table returns readonly objects.
You can also apply a date filter to the search if you wish, if you knew a minimum date for instance.
To go through all folders do this:
Go once through all the primary folders in Outlook and then for each major folder go through each subfolder. If you have more branches then is guess you have to add more levels to the code "for each Folder3 in folder2.folders". Also in the if clause you can test the date of the mail and go from the newest to the oldest. Set oMsg.display to see what mail is being checked
Public Sub FORWARD_Mail_STAT_IN()
Dim Session As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim oOutLookObject As New Outlook.Application
Dim olNameSpace As NameSpace
Dim oItem As Object
Dim oMsg As Object
Dim searchkey As String
Set oOutLookObject = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oItem = oOutLookObject.CreateItem(0)
Set olNameSpace = oOutLookObject.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Session = Application.Session
Set Folders = Session.Folders
For Each Folder In Folders 'main folders in Outlook
xxx = Folder.Name
For Each Folder2 In Folder.Folders 'all the subfolders from a main folder
yyy = Folder2.Name
Set oFolder = olNameSpace.Folders(xxx).Folders(yyy) 'in each folder we search all the emails
For Z = oFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1 ' For Z = 1 To oFolder.Items.Count
With oFolder.Items(Z)
Set oMsg = oFolder.Items(Z)
If Format(oMsg.SentOn, "mm/dd/yyyy") = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") And InStr(1, LCase(oMsg.Subject), searchkey, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' insert code
End If
End With
Next Z
Next Folder2
Next Folder

VBA Outlook - Some MailItems produce runtime error 430

I am currently working on a simple VBA macro wich collects some metadata (e.g. EntryId, ReceivedTime, Recipients etc...) of mails in an Outlook mailbox.
To accomplish this it iterates through all folders recursively and collects the data from MailItems in every folder.
But I'm getting errors, which are not restricted to the same object (sometimes the error pops up earlier, but never later), stating the object does not support automation (runtime error 430).
The strange thing is, that roughly 14000 MailItems are processed without failure and usually at number 14232 it crashes.
I have two questions regarding this error:
I am working on a non local mailbox, therefore only a part of the data should be cached in the local .ost file.Could data missing in the cache be the cause for the error?
And if the cache is not the problem, then what is wrong with my code?
A simplified version of the code:
(Please note that all non MailItem objects are ruled out via an explicit typecheck)
Sub cache()
Dim objOl As Outlook.Application
Dim objNs As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim vFolders As Outlook.Folders
Set objOl = New Outlook.Application
Set objNs = objOl.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set vFolders = objNs.Folders
'This is where we're looking for the mailbox to work with
For i = 1 to vFolders.count
If StrComp(vFolders(i), "The Mailbox") = 0 Then
walk vFolders(i)
End If
End Sub
Sub walk(folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
Dim item As Object
Dim vItems As Outlook.Items
Set vItems = folder.Items
If vItems.count > 0 Then
For i = 1 to vItems.Count
Set item = vItems(i)
If item.class = 43 Then
'This is where the debugger shows the runtime error 430
Debug.Print item.EntryID & vbCrLf & item.ReceivedTime
End If
End If
Dim vFolders as Outlook.Folders
Set vFolders = folder.Folders
If (vFolders.count > 0) Then
For i = 1 To vFolders.Count
walk vFolders(i)
End If
End Sub
I updated the code according to the suggestions. No multi-dot notation and no For Each loops, the performance increased but the problem keeps occuring at the exact same item, as soon as I try to access data like (subject, entryID or else).
Since your error is happening in the same mailitem every time, I would validate what item 14232 is. From my experience just because it validates as enum 43 (or olMail) doesn't mean that all of the data will be valid. Is there anything special about 14232?
I am currently working on a project using vb and outlook mailitems. I just identified the Item.MessageClass property defines the sub mailitem type. When I attempt to cast a message with a MessageClass other than IPM.Note it will give me a 430 error. Some of the MessageClass values that have given me problems include IPM.Note.Rues.ReplyTemplate.Microsoft and IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft. When I break on these messages I can see that most of the item's properties are not available. I would add an if check on your loop like this:
If item.class = 43 then
If item.messageclass = "IPM.Note" Then
Debug.Print item.EntryID & vbCrLf & item.ReceivedTime
End If
End If
this will then only print the info for normal messages. You may want to do some debugging on the MessageClass properties that you are currently able to process and see if they are all IPM.Note or if you can pinpoint the sub-type that is causing your problem.
Note: I do see that these mailitems still have a valid EntryID and ReceivedTime so I am not sure what the problem might be. What line of the code is your error occurring? The assignment of vItems(index) to Item? or is it somewhere else?
Firstly, avoid using multiple dot notation. Secondly, try not to use "for each" loops - they keep the collection items referenced until the loop exits. Do not use MailItem.Close - it does nothing unless you are actually showing the item in an Inspector.
dim vItems as Outlook.Items
vItems = folder.Items
for I = 1 to vItems.Count
set item = vItems.Item(I)
if item.Class = 43 Then
Debug.Print item.EntryID & vbCrLf & item.ReceivedTime
End If
set item = Nothing

RDO Session - loop through entire Inbox and move emails

Thanks to the excellent assistance given on this site I found the code below - which works perfectly. I cannot (embarrassingly enough) figure out how to loop through the entire Inbox to move all emails (rather than selection as the code below does).
Any assistance most gratefully appreciated it.
Sub MoveWithRecDate()
' Moves selected emails with correct dates maintained
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Session As Redemption.RDOSession
Dim objRDOFolder As Redemption.RDOFolder
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objRDOMail As Redemption.RDOMail
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Set inbox = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set objRDOFolder = inbox.Parent.Folders("Cabinet")
For Each objItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
Set objRDOMail = Session.GetMessageFromID(objItem.EntryID)
objRDOMail.Move objRDOFolder
End Sub
I had not heard of Redemption before reading your question. It looks very interesting so thank you for the information; I will try it next time I need to write a new Outlook macro.
I assume from the lack of an answer to your question that few others use Redemption either.
The Redemption website implies that the structure of Redemption code will be almost identical to standard Outlook code. I can only recall once writing a macro which operated on user selected items but my recollection is that the code looked like yours. The code below is standard Outlook but I hope that is enough for you to create the equivalent Redemption code.
You macro has the comment ' Moves selected emails with correct dates maintained. This implies you think there is a method by which emails can be moved so that dates are not maintained. I do not know such a method.
The code below examines every item in the Inbox. I did not want to move everything out of my Inbox so I have skipped items that are not mail items and are not from a specific sender.
I hope this is enough to get you going.
Sub MoveWithRecDate()
Dim FolderDest As MAPIFolder
Dim ItemToBeMoved As Boolean
Dim ItemCrnt As Object
Dim FolderSrc As MAPIFolder
Set FolderSrc = CreateObject("Outlook.Application"). _
Set FolderDest = FolderSrc.Parent.Folders("Cabinet")
For Each ItemCrnt In FolderSrc.Items
ItemToBeMoved = True ' Assume item to be moved until discover otherwise
With ItemCrnt
If .Class = olMail Then
If .SenderEmailAddress <> "" Then
' Mail item not from Which
ItemToBeMoved = False
End If
' Not mail item so do not move
ItemToBeMoved = False
End If
If ItemToBeMoved Then
.Move FolderDest
End If
End With
End Sub

For Each loop: Some items get skipped when looping through Outlook mailbox to delete items

I wanted to develop VBA code that:
Loops through all email items in mailbox
If there are any type of other items say "Calendar Invitation" skips that item.
Finds out the emails with attachments
If attached file has ".xml" extension and a specific title in it, saves it to a directory, if not it keeps searching
Puts all email includes .xml attachments to "Deleted Items" folder after doing step 4 and deletes all emails in that folder by looping.
Code works perfect EXCEPT;
For example
There are 8 email received with ".xml" file attached to each one of them in your mailbox.
run the code
you will see only 4 of the 8 items are processed successfully, other 4 remain in their positions.
If you run the code again, now there would be 2 items processed successfully and other 2 remain in your mailbox.
Problem: After running the code, it is supposed to process all files and deletes them all not the half of them in each run. I want it to process all items at a single run.
BTW, this code runs every time I open the Outlook.
Private Sub Application_Startup()
'Initializing Application_Startup forces the macros to be accessible from other offic apps
'Process XML emails
Dim InboxMsg As Object
Dim DeletedItems As Outlook.Folder
Dim MsgAttachment As Outlook.Attachment
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Inbox As Outlook.Folder
Dim fPathTemp As String
Dim fPathXML_SEM As String
Dim fPathEmail_SEM As String
Dim i As Long
Dim xmlDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Dim xmlTitle As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
Dim xmlSupNum As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
'Specify the folder where the attachments will be saved
fPathTemp = "some directory, doesn't matter"
fPathXML_SEM = "some directory, doesn't matter"
fPathEmail_SEM = "some directory, doesn't matter"
'Setup Outlook
Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Inbox = ns.Folders.Item("mailbox-name").Folders("Inbox")
Set DeletedItems = ns.Folders.Item("mailbox-name").Folders("Deleted Items")
'Loop through all Items in Inbox, find the xml attachements and process if they are the matching reponses
'On Error Resume Next
For Each InboxMsg In Inbox.Items
If InboxMsg.Class = olMail Then 'if it is a mail item
'Check for xml attachement
For Each MsgAttachment In InboxMsg.Attachments
If Right(MsgAttachment.DisplayName, 3) = "xml" Then
'Load XML and test for the title of the file
MsgAttachment.SaveAsFile fPathTemp & MsgAttachment.FileName
xmlDoc.Load fPathTemp & MsgAttachment.FileName
Set xmlTitle = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//title")
Select Case xmlTitle.Text
Case "specific title"
'Get supplier number
Set xmlSupNum = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//supplierNum")
'Save the XML to the correct folder
MsgAttachment.SaveAsFile fPathXML_SEM & xmlSupNum.Text & "_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".xml"
'Save the email to the correct folder
InboxMsg.SaveAs fPathEmail_SEM & xmlSupNum.Text & "_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".msg"
'Delete the message
InboxMsg.Move DeletedItems
Case Else
End Select
'Delete the temp file
On Error Resume Next
Kill fPathTemp & MsgAttachment.FileName
On Error GoTo 0
'Unload xmldoc
Set xmlDoc = Nothing
Set xmlTitle = Nothing
Set xmlSupNum = Nothing
End If
End If
'Loop through deleted items and delete
For Each InboxMsg In DeletedItems.Items
Set InboxMsg = Nothing
Set DeletedItems = Nothing
Set MsgAttachment = Nothing
Set ns = Nothing
Set Inbox = Nothing
i = 0
End Sub
Likely cause: When you do this InboxMsg.Move, all of the messages in your inbox after the one that was moved are bumped up by one position in the list. So you end up skipping some of them. This is a major annoyance with VBA's For Each construct (and it doesn't seem to be consistent either).
Likely solution: Replace
For Each InboxMsg In Inbox.Items
For i = Inbox.Items.Count To 1 Step -1 'Iterates from the end backwards
Set InboxMsg = Inbox.Items(i)
This way you iterate backward from the end of the list. When you move a message to deleted items, then it doesn't matter when the following items in the list are bumped up by one, because you've already processed them anyway.
It's often not a good idea to modify the contents of a (sub)set of items while looping over them. You could modify your code so that it first identifies all of the items that need to be processed, and adds them to a Collection. Then process all the items in that collection.
Basically you shouldn't be removing items from the Inbox while you're looping through its contents. First collect all the items you want to process (in your Inbox loop), then when you're done looping, process that collection of items.
Here's some pseudo-code which demonstrates this:
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Dim collItems As New Collection
'Start by identifying messages of interest and add them to a collection
For Each InboxMsg In Inbox.Items
If InboxMsg.Class = olMail Then 'if it is a mail item
For Each MsgAttachment In InboxMsg.Attachments
If Right(MsgAttachment.DisplayName, 3) = "xml" Then
collItems.Add InboxMsg
Exit For
End If
End If
'now deal with the identified messages
For Each InboxMsg In collItems
ProcessMessage InboxMsg
Next InboxMsg
'Loop through deleted items and delete
For Each InboxMsg In DeletedItems.Items
End Sub
Sub ProcessMessage(InboxMsg As Object)
'deal with attachment(s) and delete message
End Sub