How to get height of Header component in React Native Navigation - react-native

I have been searching for a good way to get the height of the Header component of a react-native stack navigator to no avail. I've come across a stale, complicated answer that doesn't provide the header height specifically, but seems to unavoidably combine the bottom tab bar height as well. I'd like to know how to calculate the height of just the navigation header and status bar with react-navigation.
For reference, my project is using react-navigation 3.11 however I would happily attempt an upgrade if there is a solution involving features exclusive to 4.x. I have checked the documentation and see how I could supply a static header style but I don't want this. I'd just like to be able to access the navigation header style's height attribute from within a view.

In React Navigation >4.x you can use HeaderHeightContext or useHeaderHeight with React's Context API to get the height of the header:
import { HeaderHeightContext } from '#react-navigation/stack';
// ...
{headerHeight => (
/* ... */
import { useHeaderHeight } from '#react-navigation/stack';
// ...
const headerHeight = useHeaderHeight();


header height outside screen components in react native

I am having difficulty in determining the height of a header in the headerTitle option of a stackNavigator. when I attempt to use the useHeaderheight hook outside a screen component, it returns a 'Couldn't find the header height. Are you inside a screen in a navigator with a header?' error. Who can suggest a work around please?
You can access the header height using the following method. Note that this is a deprecated method by react-navigation so you will get a warning when using the following, but it works.
import { Header } from 'react-navigation';

How to unmount screen on blur in a StackNavigator?

Im using React Navigation x5, I have StackNavigator that's loading bunch of screens. I want to unmount one particular screen component on blur to get the same result of using unmountOnBlur when using a DrawerNavigator.
How can I achieve that?
There are currently three ways to do it since 5.x. You can either
use useFocusEffect hook to trigger an action (recommended), or
use useIsFocused hook, or
listen to the focus event
Example of useFocusEffect
import { useFocusEffect } from '#react-navigation/native';
function Sample(props) {
const [shouldHide, setShouldHide] = React.useState(false);
useFocusEffect(() => {
return () => {
return shouldHide ? null : <InnerComponent {...props} />;
Example of useIsFocused hook
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import { useIsFocused } from '#react-navigation/native';
function Profile() {
// This hook returns `true` if the screen is focused, `false` otherwise
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
return {isFocused ? <Text>Inner component</Text> : null};
Using this hook component may introduce unnecessary component re-renders as a screen comes in and out of focus. ...
Hence we recommend to use this hook only if you need to trigger a re-render.
More information can be found in the documentation Call a function when focused screen changes
Besides that, stack navigators come with a prop called detachInactiveScreens which is enabled by default. Link to the documentation
Boolean used to indicate whether inactive screens should be detached from the view hierarchy to save memory. Make sure to call enableScreens from react-native-screens to make it work. Defaults to true.
(The instruction on enabling React Native Screens can be found at
Inside the stack navigator's options object, there is also a detachPreviousScreen prop to customise the behaviour of certain screens. This option is usually enabled as well.
Boolean used to indicate whether to detach the previous screen from the view hierarchy to save memory. Set it to false if you need the previous screen to be seen through the active screen. Only applicable if detachInactiveScreens isn't set to false. Defaults to false for the last screen when mode='modal', otherwise true.

BottomNavigation in react native

I create a bottom navigation in my react native project. But its not looking good in Iphone10.
It showing extra space in bottom.Please help me how to resolve this.
This is below code i tried.
import BottomNavigation,{FullTab} from 'react-native-material-bottom-navigation'
onTabPress={newTab => this.clickoftab(newTab.key)}
My render tab part is this
renderTab = ({ tab, isActive }) => {
return (
This is my output which i want to change in bottom navigation
Depending of your architecture app, if like you say in the comments, if you use SafeAreaView I thought in create the BottomNavigation at the same level of the SafeAreaView. I mean (sorry my english), I suppose that you have the SafeAreaView in your "Father file" like App.js. So, at the same time you can manage the BottomNavigation from there. So, you could put SafeAreaView inside of BottomNavigation making BottomNavigation the father of your app I guess. I don't know if I am explaining well. The conclusion could be that
just apply SafeArea To things that are inside of Navigation instead of
full application.

React Native Custom Icons w/ Vector Icons

I'm new to React Native and I'm trying to have icons that are able to have their color changed based on json data received. I've been able to use React Native Vector Icons. However, I have my own icons that I would like to use. On the linked repo page there is something that talks about generating your own icons, but I'm not familiar enough to know how it is supposed to work. My icons are .png files and I'd like to make them so I can give them a color attribute on the fly in my app. I wanted to see what the process was to be able to do that if it was even possible. Can I use the process described in the repo?
Thanks in advance!
So, to create your own icon component, this could be a simple representation:
import React from 'react'
import { View, Image } from 'react-native'
export default class Example extends React.Component{
renderIcon = (iconName, color) => {
iconName = this.props.iconName
color = this.props.color
return<Image source={require(`/example/icons/${exampleIcon}${color}.png`)}/>
For example, your .png Icon is called IconHomeFocused, and it's an icon of the home icon when it's focused...then you would put, in your component that you want your Icon to be in: <Example iconName = 'IconHome' color = 'Focused'/>. Of course, this requires you to name your icons carefully. I didn't want to write a million if statements so this seemed like the easiest sort of integration for me. I'm sure there are much better interpretations out there though. Good luck.

React native detect screen rotation

I'm using onLayout to detect screen orientation and it's working fine inside my root view, but when I implemented inside the drawer it didn't work, any reason why this happens ?
code :
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer'
onLayout(e) {
<Drawer onLayout={this.onLayout}
It didn't log any thing when orientation changed!
This is because the Drawer component doesn't take onLayout as a prop. You can see in the source code that the rendered View does use onLayout, but it's not pulling from something like this.props.onLayout.
I'm not exactly sure what you're looking to do, but maybe this issue will help you. As it shows, you can pass a function into openDrawerOffset instead of an integer or a ratio in order to be a little more dynamic with how you set your offset:
openDrawerOffset={(viewport) => {
if (viewport.width < 400) {
return viewport.width * 0.1;
return viewport.width - 400;
You might also benefit from the Event handlers that react-native-drawer has to offer.