Create an object in Visual Basic (not VB.NET) without using "New" -

I've been told to think outside the box, and think of a way to create an object in VB without using the new keyword. I was told it is possible but i'm having trouble figuring it out. I know primitive data gets stored on the stack and the reference to the objects get stored there too but the actual memory space for the object is in the heap and that new does that for us. When i try it without new i mostly get null reference exception, any ideas on how this is possible?
Dim objTest as TestOne()
'some class named TestOne with empty Constructor

In VB you can use the CreateObject function if you have an existing class defined in a COM library that you've created - or a COM library that already exists.
As an example, create a project reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime COM library (scrrun.dll). To do this in the VB IDE select Project, References, then pick the reference 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'. You can then write the following code:
Dim fso As Object
fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

I haven't done VB for quite a while now, but the Activator exists in both C# and VB. Here's couple lines of C# that you can convert to VB:
var newThing = (TestOne)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TestOne));
newThing.ID = 5;
The CreateInstance method returns an object, which I convert to the correct class with
which is the C# syntax for type conversion. Sorry, I forgot how to do this in VB.
Where class 'TestOne' looks like:
class TestOne {
public int ID { get; set; }
Note that 'Activator' is part of .NET reflection.


Get a list of Interface properties

I am working with a COM library in Visual Basic (VB.NET). I am trying to get a list of properties associated with an Interface; however, I am not able to get a list of interface properties. Can someone direct me on the best way to list properties on an Interface?
Below is some sample code that loops over all the properties of a class called "TextBox". The output from this code is a list all the class properties.
This particular code doesn't seem to work for interfaces. By this I mean that this code doesn't return the properties of an interface.
Dim txt As New TextBox
Dim type As Type = txt.GetType()
Dim properties() As PropertyInfo = type.GetProperties()
For Each p As PropertyInfo In properties
Image of COM Library with Interface HYSYS.Valve
Just replace txt.GetType() with the GetType() operator to specify type names instead:
Dim type As Type = GetType(HYSYS.Valve)
You would only use <object>.GetType() when you already have an existing instance of an object. To get the properties of a type in general, for instance a TextBox, it is better to do GetType(TextBox).

Difficulty Registering/using VB .Net DLL for use in VBA/Com Interop

I have created a library I want to be able to share with colleagues, containing functions they can access from the VBIDE within MSOffice applications. I am using Visual Studio Express 2010, so I haven't been able to get the IDE to automatically register the DLL - instead, I have used RegAsm.exe. After several hours of desperate Googling, I finally managed to get the DLL (TLB) to appear in the VBIDE references menu. Whilst I have lots of classes in the DLL, I only exposed one as a ComClass:
<ComClass(RandomDemographicData.ClassId, RandomDemographicData.InterfaceId, RandomDemographicData.EventsId)> Public Class RandomDemographicData
Public Const ClassId As String = "05DC232D-D584-4739-8DDE-6FCA997EDC0C"
Public Const InterfaceId As String = "8FBD540B-3884-4585-9C90-47E42666FB63"
Public Const EventsId As String = "736CDFDC-D240-4DC7-9BE6-9167054221ED"
Public Function aName() As String
Return "Hello World"
End Function
End Class
Then I called it in VBA with:
Sub fgjhfh()
Dim f As New RandomDemographicData
Debug.Print f.aName
End Sub
But I get error "'-2147024894 (80070002)': Automation Error: system cannot find the file specified". I seem tantalizingly close to my goal, but can't quite make it - is anyone able to help?
The RegAsm command I used was "RegAsm.exe MyVBALib.dll /tlb:MyVBALib.tlb /codebase following advice found in the last post here. I have also made a copy of RegAsm.exe in the folder containing the DLL

Creating a user control object in runtime

please help me on creating a user control object in runtime using createobject function or whatever better function in
here is my code:
Dim b As New Security.Sec_Role
b.Name = "Sec_Role"
b.visible = true
but i want to use this code:
dim b as object
b = createobject("Security.Sec_Role")
but it always return an error:
Cannot create ActiveX component.
EDIT: i figure it out..thanks a lot..i use this codes:
Dim asm As System.Reflection.Assembly = Assembly.Load("Security")
Dim b As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(asm.GetType("Security.Sec_Role"))
If it is an .Net UserControl you will not be able to use CreateObject unless it has been exposed as a Com object according to the MSDN page for CreateObject. Using New would be the proper way to create a .Net UserControl.
From above link:
Creates and returns a reference to a COM object. CreateObject cannot
be used to create instances of classes in Visual Basic unless those
classes are explicitly exposed as COM components.
From this MSDN Forum try something like this using System.Activator.CreateInstance:
Dim oType As System.Type = Type.GetType("MyNamespace.ClassName")
Dim obj = System.Activator.CreateInstance(oType)
.Net classes are not ActiveX controls.
You can't do that.
You may be looking for Reflection or a dictionary.
You will want to use Activator.CreateInstance:
Dim b as object
b = Activator.CreateInstance(Nothing, "Sec_Role")
It will be easiest if this method is in the assembly which has the controls. Otherwise, you will need to provide the assembly name in the first parameter.

Get Reference to an object from external application

Hi all
I have handle of a usercontrol on external application in
I know class type of that user control.
I want to get refrence to that object to check some properties of that object.
Is it possible and how?
I hope I do understand your question right...
You may try to insert a reference to your library (I assume your userControl is in this library). As a prerequisite this external application must be written in .Net or have some kind auf COM interface!
Then you may try to access the userControl class by
You can get some info by using interop, with some functions like GetWindowText and SendMessage, however this won't allow you to get all properties, and won't work on every type of application (WPF or Java come to mind).
The Control Class has a method FromHandle:
Dim myCtrl As knownType = Control.FromHandle(knownHandle)
'then get the known property using Reflection
Dim oProp As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo = myCtrl.GetType.GetProperty("KnownProperty")
Dim oValue As Object = oProp.GetValue(myCtrl, Nothing)
'or directly:
Dim oValueD as Object = myCtrl.knownProperty
I don't know if it works between processes.

Curious question - Interface Variables (ie dim x as Iinterface = object?) And also if object is a form windows forms question.
I've got 3 forms that have exactly the same functions, so I decided to create an interface.
public Interface IExample
public sub Add()
Public sub Edit()
Public sub View()
End Interface
Then I created the 3 forms, and added the 'implements interface IExample' to each.
public class frmExample1
implements Interface IExample
Same for frmExample2, frmExample3
Finally, in code, I declare a variable of the interface type ..
Dim objfrmExample as IExample
then ...
objFrmExample = frmExample2
At this point, objfrmExample is now instantiated, even though I've not done a "objfrmExpample = new [what-goes-here?] " and I'm curious as to why.
I could possibly guess that because you cannot instantiate an interface variable, then automatically creates an instance. But thats just a guess. The question is , what is meant by declaring a variable of type Interface, and how does it work?
Anyway, just curious :-)
At this point, objfrmExample is now instantiated, even though I've not done a "objfrmExpample = new [what-goes-here?] " and I'm curious as to why.
This has nothing to do with interfaces. You can always treat a form class name in VB as though it were an instance. The reason is that the VB compiler creates properties of all your forms inside My.Forms. Now you can access a “default” instance of each form by accessing My.Forms.<FormName>.
Now comes the ugly part: you can also omit My.Forms.. In other words, whenever you write just FormName and from the context it’s unambiguous that you need an instance rather than the class name, VB will act as though you’d written My.Forms.<FormName>.
Luckily, this only works for forms, not for any other classes. VB creates each default instance when you first access it. So as long as you don’t access a default instance, it’s not created. Once you access it for the first time, VB creates it and invokes its constructor.
When you declare a variable of type interface you can work with any object that implements the interface. Therefore when setting a variable that is of an interface type equal to a class that implements the interface an implicit cast is done. For example.
Dim oExample as IExample
dim testForm as MyTestForm
oExample = MyTestForm
Now, this is the way that you do it, you can do an explicit cast this way
Dim oExample as IExample
Dim testForm as MyTestForm
oExample = CType(MyTestForm, IExample)
For your specific example with VB.NET and an un-instantiated form this is due to a VB "feature" that auto-creates an instance of the form.