How to synchronize Azure Mobile Services Offline Sync from an Xamarin app - azure-sql-database

previously, there was the possibility of creating an app services in azure that allowed you to connect an SQL database through the creation of "Easy Tables" but this will be deleted on November 11 (, but you can no longer add more tables this way, but you have to do it by the App Service Editor (preliminary version).
I can create the table as the link attached says, the problem is that when I synchronize my data from my xamarin app it says that the resource does not exist or has been removed, that it has been changed or that it is temporarily unavailable.
I think the problem is some configuration or package or extension that I must install in this new app services but I cannot identify it.
My code C #
public async Task SyncAllAsync(bool SyncForce = false)
ReadOnlyCollection<MobileServiceTableOperationError> syncErrors = null;
long PendingChanges = CurrentClient.SyncContext.PendingOperations;
await CurrentClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
await PatientTable.PullAsync("SyncPatientAsync", PatientTable.CreateQuery());
catch (MobileServicePushFailedException exc)
if (exc.PushResult != null)
syncErrors = exc.PushResult.Errors;
// Simple error/conflict handling. A real application would handle the various errors like network conditions,
// server conflicts and others via the IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
if (syncErrors != null)
foreach (MobileServiceTableOperationError error in syncErrors)
if (error.OperationKind == MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update && error.Result != null)
//Update failed, reverting to server's copy.
await error.CancelAndUpdateItemAsync(error.Result);
// Discard local change.
await error.CancelAndDiscardItemAsync();
string message = "Error executing sync operation. Item: " + error.TableName + " (" + error.Item["id"] + "). Operation discarded.";
"softDelete" : true,
"autoIncrement": false,
"insert": {
"access": "anonymous"
"update": {
"access": "anonymous"
"delete": {
"access": "anonymous"
"read": {
"access": "anonymous"
"undelete": {
"access": "anonymous"
var table = module.exports = require('azure-mobile-apps').table();
// (context) {
// return context.execute();
// });
//, table.operation);

The Easy Tables is just a Web API - each table is at and the pull operation basically does something like GET ge datetimeoffset'some-iso-date'). Enable logging on your Xamarin host (details here plus the end of the same file) to see the actual HTTP requests that are happening.
The error you are receiving is probably a 404. Common issues:
You specified http instead of https in the client
The name of the table is wrong


error handling in angular 5, catch errors from backend api in frontend

I need advise for handling errors in front-end of web application.
When I call a service to get the community according to community in web app, I want it to catch an error. For example for catching errors like 404.
There is a service for getting community according to id provided.
getCommunity(id: number) {
return this.http.get(`${this.api}/communities/` + id + ``);
that is called in events.ts file
setCommunityBaseUrl() {
this.listingService.getCommunity(environment.communityId).subscribe((data: any) => {
this.communityUrl = data.url + `/` + data.domain;
The id is provided in environment. Let's say there are 20 communities in total. When I provide id = 1 the events according to community = 1 appears.
export const environment = {
production: ..,
version: 'v2',
apiUrl: '...',
organization: '...',
websiteTitle: '...',
communityId: 1,
googleMapsApiKey: '...'
The problem is that when I provide id = null all community events are occurring | all events list in the backend is occurring.
Please, help ^^
When you subscribe you subscribe with an Observer pattern. So the first function you pass in
.subscribe(() => {} );
fires when the Observable calls .next(...)
and after that you can provide another function which will fire whenever the Observable calls .error(...)
.subscribe(() => {}, (error) => { handleTheError(error); } );
The this.http.get(...); returns an Observable which will fire the .error(...) on http error
We also know that this.http.get(...) completes or "errors" and it's not an endless one (a one that never completes). So you can make it a promise and manipulate on it promise like.
async getMeSomething(...) {
try {
this.mydata = await this.http.get(...).toPromise();
catch(error) {
But what I really recommend is to use Swagger for your backend and then generate the API Client class with NSwagStudio so you don't have to write the client manually or adjust it or deal with error catching. I use it all the time and it saves us an enormous amount of time
Because you are using ".subscribe" you can create your own error handler and catch the errors like this, directly on the method.
This is an example on how you can use this:
private _suiteAPIService: SuitesAPIService,
private _testcaseService: TestcaseService,
public _tfsApiService: TfsApiService,
private _notificationService: NotificationService) { }
errorHandler(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
return observableThrowError(error.message || "Server Error")
public something = "something";
GetTestcasesFromSuiteSubscriber(Project, BuildNumber, SuiteId) {
this._suiteAPIService.GetTestResults(Project, BuildNumber, SuiteId).subscribe(
data => {
this._testcaseService.ListOfTestcases = data;
//Notofication service to get data.
error => {
//Here we write som error
return this.something;

How to recover a error message from oData response [SAPUI5]

I had this issue and i searched a lot how to fix it, but i can't find any solution at the moment...
well, the issue is the next error message, i can write the error but i need a specific entry of this batch.
the code showed on the message box:
"message": "HTTP request failed",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/xml;charset=utf-8",
"Content-Length": "1333",
"DataServiceVersion": "1.0"
"statusCode": "400",
"statusText": "Bad Request",
"responseText": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><error xmlns=\"http://schemas\"><code>SY/530</code><message xml:lang=\"es\">No posee permisos para el Centro seleccionado</message><innererror><application><component_id/><service_namespace>/SAP/</service_namespace><service_id>ZQMGW_LECTURATANQUE_SRV</service_id><service_version>0001</service_version></application><transactionid>9488BBDEFA9E11E685950000705EE2FB</transactionid><timestamp>20170224144147.5230000</timestamp><Error_Resolution><SAP_Transaction>Run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP Gateway hub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details</SAP_Transaction><SAP_Note>See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis (https: //service. sap .com/sap/support/notes/1797736)</SAP_Note><Batch_SAP_Note>See SAP Note 1869434 for details about working with $batch (https: //service. sap. com/sap/support/notes/1869434)</Batch_SAP_Note></Error_Resolution><errordetails><errordetail><code/><message>No posee permisos para el Centro seleccionado</message><propertyref/><severity>error</severity><target/></errordetail><errordetail><code>/IWBEP/CX_SD_GEN_DPC_BUSINS</code><message>No posee permisos para el Centro seleccionado</message><propertyref/><severity>error</severity><target/></errordetail></errordetails></innererror></error>"
i need to recover the message tag only, but i don't know how....
the code what i'm using is the native error handling for Sapui5 Fiori Apps:
constructor: function(oComponent) {
this._oResourceBundle = oComponent.getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle();
this._oComponent = oComponent;
this._oModel = oComponent.getModel();
this._bMessageOpen = false;
this._sErrorText = this._oResourceBundle.getText("errorText");
this._oModel.attachMetadataFailed(function(oEvent) {
var oParams = oEvent.getParameters();
}, this);
this._oModel.attachRequestFailed(function(oEvent) {
var oParams = oEvent.getParameters("message");
// An entity that was not found in the service is also throwing a 404 error in oData.
// We already cover this case with a notFound target so we skip it here.
// A request that cannot be sent to the server is a technical error that we have to handle though
if (oParams.response.statusCode !== "404" || (oParams.response.statusCode === 404 && oParams.response.responseText.indexOf(
"Cannot POST") === 0)) {
}, this);
* Shows a {#link sap.m.MessageBox} when a service call has failed.
* Only the first error message will be display.
* #param {string} sDetails a technical error to be displayed on request
* #private
_showServiceError: function(sDetails) {
if (this._bMessageOpen) {
this._bMessageOpen = true;
this._sErrorText, {
id: "serviceErrorMessageBox",
details: sDetails,
styleClass: this._oComponent.getContentDensityClass(),
actions: [MessageBox.Action.CLOSE],
onClose: function() {
this._bMessageOpen = false;
if someone knows how to recover that value, I'll be very greatful.
i fixed this issue, changing this part of the code
if (oParams.response.statusCode !== "404" || (oParams.response.statusCode === 404 && oParams.response.responseText.indexOf(
"Cannot POST") === 0)) {
}, this);
if (oParams.response.statusCode !== "404" || (oParams.response.statusCode === 404 && oParams.response.responseText.indexOf(
"Cannot POST") === 0)) {
}, this);
Check if you have HCM_LRQ_CRE BSP application in your SAP ABAP Repository, actually it is an HCM Leave Request Fiori app. You can find there DataManager-dbg.js file. Look into parseErrorMessages method, it parses SAP messages nicely. Probably you can use it as a starting point.

node-sqlserver, Azure Mobile Services and Azure SQL - old rows are returned even after transaction commit

I have following code on server side:
let query = `
EXEC sp1_update ...,
EXEC sp2_insert ...,
EXEC sp3_update ...,
EXEC sp4_delete ...,
SELECT 1 as [###];
mssql.query(query, params, {
success: function (res) {
if (res && res.length === 1 && res[0]['###'] == 1) {
}, error: (err)=>response.status(500).send(err)
Then client immediately requests modified content using provided id.
Problem: old data is returned for ~2-3 seconds. I tried to specify READ UNCOMMITED in subsequent SELECT, but it didn't help - old rows were mixed with new ones.
To use transactions with Azure Mobile Services you'll want to use the open method on mssql to get a connection which supports transactions. See documentation of open method here. For example:{
success: function(connection) {
//start a transaction
connection.beginTransaction(function(errTransaction) {
if (errTransaction) {
//handle the error and respond error
//define a queryString and queryParams
connection.query(queryString, queryParams, function(errQuery, results) {
if (errQuery) {
//handle the error and respond error
//respond OK
error: function(errOpen) {
//handle the error

Opening chrome should cause the extension to check the output of an API.How can this be possible?

Hi I am developing a website as my chrome extension.the extension periodically checks the output of a server file and then works according to the output of the server file.Now what I need is that presently it checks the output of the server file every 5 min.So what I need is that when the output of the server file changes at any time,at that moment I have to do some operations.How can I do this?
Here is my background.js
var myNotificationID = null;
var oldChromeVersion = !chrome.runtime; (){
chrome.tabs.onCreated.addListener(function (){
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (){
function getGmailUrl() {
return "";
function isGmailUrl(url) {
return url.indexOf(getGmailUrl()) == 0;
} (){
function onInit() {
if (!oldChromeVersion) {
chrome.alarms.create('watchdog',{periodInMinutes:5,delayInMinutes: 0});
function onAlarm(alarm) {
if (alarm && == 'watchdog') {
else {
function onWatchdog() {
chrome.alarms.get('refresh', function(alarm) {
if (alarm) {
console.log('Refresh alarm exists. Yay.');
else {
if (oldChromeVersion) {
else {
It is the updateIcon() which reads the server file.And when there is change in the output of server file,I have to call the updateIcon() itself.Presently only in every 5 min,the output is checked and updated in extension.But I need it to happen at the moment the status of server file changes.Anyone please help me.
In short,what I need is that when the output of API changes at any time at that time I have to call updateIcon().
Here is my updateIcon()
function updateIcon(){
var urlPrefix = '';
var urlSuffix = '/2';
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status == 200) {
var item=req.responseText;
// do something
else {
alert("ERROR: status code " + req.status);
var url = urlPrefix + encodeURIComponent(localStorage.username) + urlSuffix;"GET", url);
I need to periodically monitor the API for output.
You could use a WebSocket to maintain a persistent, two-way channel between the server and your extension.
But, considering that PHP does not have native support for WebSockets (i.e. you would need to use an external library) and the fact that the interaction will be infrequent (only at log-in/-out), it might be unnecessary overhead.
I suggest you communicate the login-status directly from your web-page to your extension. For a more detailed description of the process, see my answer to one similar question of yours.
Since it turned out you don't have control of the domain you need to "monitor", there is unfortunately no other option (that I know of) than polling at frequent intervals on that server-resource.
If you are using a non-persistent background-page (which is advisable due to its resource-friendliness) you must use the chrome.alarms API, which allows at most 1 triggering per minute: (in order to reduce the load on the user's machine - note: to help debug your extension, this limit is no imposed on unpacked extensions).
If you decide to use a persistent background-page, you can use setInterval() with an arbitrarily smal period (in milliseconds):
setInterval(function() {
/* Check up on the server */
}, 30000); // <-- trigger every 30.000 milliseconds (== 30 seconds)

How to execute code before store configuration takes effect?

In our app we rely on the sessionStorage for persistence. However on mobile Safari the sessionStorage is not available when browsing in private mode.
However, for those customers using Safari in private mode it's ok to switch to an in-memory approach. Our app continues to be usable to some extend (you will lose data when you refresh the browser but since it's a single page application you never have to refresh anyway).
The fix was quite easy to do in development mode. However, after running a production build I faced a huge problem.
So, code is worth a thousand words. Here is what we currently use:
<script type="text/javascript">
var isSessionStorageAvailable = true;
var storage = window.sessionStorage;
if (typeof window.sessionStorage == 'undefined' || window.sessionStorage === null) {
isSessionStorageAvailable = false;
} else try {
storage.setItem('__ccTest', '__ccTest');
} catch (err) {
isSessionStorageAvailable = false;
<script id="microloader" type="text/javascript" src="../sencha/microloader/development.js"></script>
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
requires: ['App.model.QuoteItem',''],
config :{
model: 'App.model.QuoteItem',
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
identifer: 'uuid',
type: isSessionStorageAvailable ? 'sessionstorage' : 'memory',
So, before sencha get's loaded we first check for the sessionStorage and set a global variable. So at the time when the store file loads the right configuration is picked up.
However, I really dislike this solutions as I had to alter the index.html file. In development mode you can just write this check anywhere in the app.js file because all the other files are loaded afterwards. But in production that's not the case. So I wonder how would you do that properly without altering the index.html file?
I also tried to use the applier like this:
applyProxy: function(proxy, oldProxy){
proxy.type = 'sessionstorage';
var storage = window.sessionStorage;
if (typeof window.sessionStorage == 'undefined' || window.sessionStorage === null) {
proxy.type = 'memory';
} else try {
storage.setItem('__ccTest', '__ccTest');
} catch (err) {
proxy.type = 'memory';
this.callParent([proxy, oldProxy]);
However, the first time some code calls sync() on this store it raises an error inside the sencha framework:
It's inside the sync method of the store class on this line (it's from the minified source, sorry):
d.getProxy().batch({operations: b,listeners: d.getBatchListeners()})
It raises an error because getProxy() returns undefined. So it seems as if the applier didn't work :(.
Use the applier...
Ext.define('', {
extend : '',
requires : ['App.model.QuoteItem', ''],
config : {
model : 'App.model.QuoteItem',
autoLoad : true,
autoSync : true,
identifer : 'uuid',
proxy : {
id : 'ccCart'
applyProxy : function (config, oldProxy) {
config.type = isSessionStorageAvailable ? 'sessionstorage' : 'memory';
return this.callParent([config, oldProxy]);
Just create your store like so :
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
requires: ['App.model.QuoteItem',''],
config :{
model: 'App.model.QuoteItem',
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
identifer: 'uuid'
And then, whenever you check if sessionStorage is available, then just do
type: isSessionStorageAvailable ? 'sessionstorage' : 'memory',
Hope this helps
Are you sure the else..try brackets aren't causing issues (JSHint was complaining)?
var isSessionStorageAvailable = true;
var storage = window.sessionStorage;
if (typeof window.sessionStorage == 'undefined' || window.sessionStorage === null) {
isSessionStorageAvailable = false;
} else {
try {
storage.setItem('__ccTest', '__ccTest');
} catch (err) {
isSessionStorageAvailable = false;