Is there a Set-AzureADApplication equivalent in Az module? - azure-powershell

Currently I am using Set-AzureADApplication (from AzureAD module) with -RequiredResourceAccess option to set the access to the resources I need, I am converting my script to Az module however the closest thing I found to Set-AzureADApplication was Update-AzADApplication however it does not have a -RequiredResourceAccess option.
Is there an Az module that let's me update the azure app in a similar way as Set-AzureADApplication?
Thank you!

No, there is no such parameter like -RequiredResourceAccess for you to set the API permission in Az powershell module.
The one way is to use the azure cli az ad app permission add as mentioned in the comment.
Actually, if you want to fix the cross-platform issue with Powershell (I am not sure, but I don't think there will be a reason except this one), you could try the powershell core, it is cross-platform, refer to the link1 and link2 to install AzureAD.Standard.Preview module which supports AzureAD commands.


VSF Unable to get integration template from git repository

I want to set up a new vue storefront project and I've got this error. I don't know why this is happening, can someone help out in this situation?
command: npx #vue-storefront/cli init
? What's your project name? smso
? Choose integration Commercetools
ERROR VSF Unable to get integration template from git repository
Did you connect your frontend application with a commercetools project yet?
You can register for a free trial here:
And the following documentation describes how to create a project:
So basically just register with your Merchant Center user and then click your initials in the upper right hand corner to create an organisation, a team as well as a project.
You might be running the command vsf init <project_name> in the wrong directory. It happened to me when I was following along this URL. Compare the below two print screens:
The error I got:
The right way to do it:
The commercetools integration is an enterprise solution, so the one in the CLI is a mockup just for knowledge sharing on how to build integrations.
You can check our integrations at

testRigor - Is there any Support for Integration with AWS CodeBuild

I could see some bash commands in the CI/CD section of the tool. But is there any case study or proven case where the cases would be integrated with AWS Codebuild please ? Also is it Supported with testRigor at the moment ? If Yes, can you explain how ?
Yes, AWS CodeBuild is supported by testRigor out of the box.
The way it works is you copy the script from CI/CD section and paste it as a bash script which is triggered in CodeBuild. Works out of the box.
I know it is not exactly the same but here is a video showing how to use it with GitHub Actions which is hopefully will clarify some things:

How to install npm packages from Telerik private repository in VSTS build?

I have a nice application where I'm using Telerik's Kendo UI for Angular 2. It is getting better and better. I would like to setup my builds in VSTS where installing packages, compiling TypeScript files are part of the build. Getting packages from Telerik repository requires authentication. I haven't found so far any usable description how to do it.
Telerik says that I should either directly authenticate or use .npmrc file and refers to an MS site.
The funny thing is that npm login (which is needed to connect Telerik's npm repo) does not accept username and password as parameter (doesn't matter how the community screams for it). I don't know why Telerik refers to this.
The .npmrc option is also funny, because it says that I should use vsts-npm-auth package to get credentials. I assume it means that I'll get the credentials of the build machine and it will be written in .npmr file. It is not a good solution for me. I got the build machines from a pool and the credentials rather a strongly limited credentials (enough fora build machine and nothing more) which does not equal my username and password at Telerik.
So, that's where my story ends and I need some help from you guys. How to do it? Did I misunderstand something? Is there anybody out there who did it?
First, vsts-npm-auth is used for VSTS.
Secondly, after logging in (npm login) the .npmrc will be populated with an authentication token that can be copied to build agents or store file per-project. So try to use this .npmrc file and check the result.
It figured out that vsts-npm-auth doesn't work together other private repositories than VSTS feeds. I let the team know and they, hopefully, will implement it.

DotNetOpenAuth not working for oauth2

I downloaded the latest package through Nuget, and installed using the package manager.
1) First, I did not see DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2 in the references. I had to google around like a wild child to get this through another nuget install
2) After doing that, the IAuthorizationServerHost interface is not being recognized.
I am just getting started using DotNetOpenAuth2, but the lack of proper steps and documentation is frankly a turn off. Not everyone using this has built an authorization server before. Any help in getting me up and running is greatly appreciated
If you still want to use NuGet, you can try out DotNetOpenAuth.Ultimate
A single assembly that adds OpenID 1.1/2.0, OAuth 1.0(a)/2.0, & InfoCard authentication and authorization functionality for client and server applications.
PM> Install-Package DotNetOpenAuth.Ultimate
Turns out that downloading it manually, and then adding the dll manually fixes my issues.

Azure powershell - accessing compute emulator

Can you point me to how I can use Get-AzureRole cmdlet on the Compute Emulator? I am trying to find the various values that needs to be passed while calling Set-AzureSubscription and Select-AzureSeubscription (for compute emulator) which seems to be a pre-requisite for Get-AzureRole
You can run a startup task cmd/powershell and install the cmdlet snap-in shown here:
That will install the Cmdlets snap-in and execute your powershell script(s).
Not sure what you are trying to do though, you do have the OnStart() method you can override and add code in programatically inside a web/worker role. Would be a lot easier to debug.
Get-AzureRole is maeant to be used agaisnt live azure. Access to the compute emulator is through the start-azureemulator command or the csrun command line tool.
What information would you actually like to get about the role?