How to grab apollo client cache content and use it in a query as an input type? - react-native

I am developing a react native application with apollo client and I need to have 2 screens:
Screen A: displays a list of profiles
Screen B: displays some filters which have to be applied to Screen A
So my idea was to use apollo client cache to save the state of the filters in screen B, and then come back to screen A and somehow refetch with the new filters applied.
Since there are a couple of filters that I need to send on each request to the server, I also was thinking about using an input type so I can send my filters in the form of an object instead of a list of comma-separated parameters.
So looking at the docs from apollo client, there is a section to manage the local stage. In there, I found a sub-section called Using #client fields as variables. Basically, this part tells you how to grab whatever filters were stored in the cache and send it as part of the query.
However, I always get the following error:
Invariant Violation: Missing selection set for an object of type ProfileParameters returned for query field profileParameters
some code:
This is how I initialized the cache-store, for now, it only contains page and pageSize but it will contain more parameters.
const cache = new InMemoryCache({
cacheRedirects: {
Query: {
profile: (_, {id}, {getCacheKey}) =>
getCacheKey({__typename: 'Profile', id: id}),
data: {
profileParameters: {
__typename: 'ProfileParameters',
page: 0,
pageSize: 25,
const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: '',
cache: cache,
resolvers: {},
And this is the query component and the query:
const PROFILES_QUERY = gql`
query getFilteredProfiles($type: String, $parameters: ProfileParameters) {
profileParameters #client #export(as: "parameters")
profiles(type: $type, parameters: $parameters) {
type: this.PROFILE_TYPE,
There is a type variable that is being passed in the variables object. That comes from a local variable in the class.
Also, screen B does not exist yet, but the cache is being initialized and I want to read whatever is in there so I can send those filters to the server.


useInfiniteScroll utility of Vueuse is fetching same items again

Here is a reproducable stackblitz -
What's wrong? -
My code fetches 15 items, and with the bottom scroll event it should fetch another 15 different items but it just fetches same items again.
I've followed this bottom video for this implementation, it's okay in the video but not okay in my stackblitz code:
The only difference with this video is that he's using axios while i use useFetch of nuxt 3.
It's not really a cache issue. useFetch is "freezing" the API URL, the changes you make to the string directly will not be reliably reflected. If you want to add parameters to your API URL, use the query option of useFetch. This option is reactive, so you can use refs and the query will update with the refs. Alternatively, you can use the provided refresh() method
const limit = ref(10)
const skip = ref(20)
const { data: users, refresh: refreshUsers } = await useFetch(
//use the data object directly to access the result
//if you want to update users with different params later, simply change the ref and the query will update
limit.value = 23
//use refresh to manually refresh the query
This results in a first API call and then a second with the updated values
You can leave the cache alone, as it is just a workaround, and will not work reliably.
[Updated] The useFetch() documentation is now updated as described below.
The query option is not well documented yet, as discussed in this nuxt issue. I've created a pull request on nuxt/framework to have it reflected in the documentation. Please see a full explanation below:
Using the query option, you can add search parameters to your query. This option is extended from unjs/ohmyfetch and is using ufo to create the URL. Objects are automatically stringified.
const param1 = ref('value1')
const { data, pending, error, refresh } = await useFetch('',{
query: { param1, param2: 'value2' }
This results in
Nuxt3's useFetch uses caching by default. Use initialCache: false option to disable it:
const getUsers = async (limit, skip) => {
const { data: users } = await useFetch(
initialCache: false,
//returning fetched value
return users.value.users;
But you probably should use plain $fetch instead of useFetch in this scenario to avoid caching:
const getUsers = async (limit, skip) => {
const { users } = await $fetch(
//returning fetched value
return users;

Apollo readFragment of optimistic response

What I try to do
I have an app which should work offline.
There is an Item-list. I can add an Item to this list with a mutation.
The update function of the mutation adds the Item to the Item-list. (Optimistic Response)
When I click on an Item, I want to see the details.
My Implementation
Content of Mutation update function:
const queryData = cache.readQuery<{ items: Item[] }>({
query: MY_QUERY,
variables: {
if (!queryData?.items) {
const newData = [...queryData.items, newItem];
query: MY_QUERY,
data: { items: newData },
variables: {
Get details of the item in the vue-file:
fragment: ITEM_FRAGMENT,
The problem
Adding the item to the Query-result works fine.
When I try to read the fragment:
I get null for items which were added by the Mutation update function
I get the expected object for items which were fetched from the backend
There is also the optimistic attribute in readFragment, but that doesn't make a difference.
Other observations
When I write and immediately read the fragment in the Mutation update function, I am able to get it.
fragment: ITEM_FRAGMENT,
data: item,
id: item._id,
const data = cache.readFragment({
fragment: ITEM_FRAGMENT,
id: item._id,
console.log({ data }); // This logs my item Object
Package versions:
"#nuxtjs/apollo": "^4.0.1-rc.3",
"apollo-cache-persist": "^0.1.1",
"nuxt": "^2.0.0",
apollo.readFragement doesn't work for values from an optimistic response.
Maybe someone here has an idea of what I am missing, or a different approach to implement this functionality
To get optimistic values from apollo cache you need to add true as second parameter in your readFragment call.
readFragment(options, optimistic)
(optimistic is false by default.)
In your case:
fragment: ITEM_FRAGMENT,
}, true);
When creating an optimistic response for a resource that is in the process of being created via a mutation (e.g. your item), we need to assign some kind of temporary id to the optimistic data (see example in the docs). This is because the real resource hasn’t been created yet and we don’t know it’s id.
Given this, to read the optimistic response from the cache we need to use that same temporary id (as well as the __typename). When the mutation completes and we have the real response in the cache the optimistic response is discarded and we can use the real id.
I ran into this recently as I was assigning a temporary id, but not using it to retrieve the optimistic response from the cache to render the updated UI in that brief window where I was waiting for the mutation to complete.

How to filter GraphQL query with relational parameters, React Native

I have a React Native App that gives me a list of properties. Each property has it's own page and a link to a screen that lists all the notes that are associated with that property AND that user. So, a user can only see the notes that they have created for this specific property on this screen.
I'm having trouble writing a GraphQL query that gets all notes associated with the current property AND the current user.
My basic instinct is to write it like this...
const getNotes = gql`
query getNotes {
allPropertyNotes(filter: {
AND: [{
propertyId: ${}
}, {
userId: ${}
}, orderBy: createdAt_DESC) {
But this doesn't seem to work because the query is defined outside of the component and doesn't have access to this.props (I'm assuming).
My next though was to do it like this
const getNotes = gql`
query getNotes($userId: ID!, $propertyId: ID!) {
allPropertyNotes(filter: {
AND: [{
propertyId: $propertyId
}, {
userId: $userId
}, orderBy: createdAt_DESC) {
But I'm not sure how to bind the variables to the ID's that I need them to be. Any pointers on how to do this?
If you need only 'query on mount' then just render <Query/> component using props as variables. Example with variables
The same you can do with graphql() options.variables
Passing query (fired at start by default) and [many] mutations as props are for more complex cases. docs
Docs are not verbose here, you have to gather knowledge from many places/pieces or search for tutorials.

Accessing properties of ember-data through relationship (Not in the template)

I want to stress that this problem only occurs outside of a template, such as when I try to access properties of related objects while in a controller, unit test, etc. Rendering the template seem to get the property well and work as expected.
Here is a simple example in JS Bin with a failing test which repros my problem. The passing test asserts that the property is accessible and rendered in the template as expected. The failing test shows that I get null when I try to access the property with get. Really nothing fancy here but I don't understand why it's returning null.
Here is the application part of the JS Bin example:
App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return App.Foo.find();
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: DS.FixtureAdapter.create()
App.Foo = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string"),
* The subject under test
childName: function() {
return this.get("");
child: DS.belongsTo("App.Bar")
App.Bar = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr("string")
App.Foo.FIXTURES = [{
id: 1,
name: "Fred",
child: 3
}, {
id: 2,
name: "Barney",
child: 4
App.Bar.FIXTURES = [{
id: 3,
name: "Pebbles"
}, {
id: 4,
name: "Bam Bam"
This passes.
test("Child name is rendered", function() {
visit("/").then(function() {
This fails.
test("Child name is accessed", function() {
var foo = App.Foo.find(1);
equal(foo.get("childName"), "Pebbles");
equal(foo.get(""), "Pebbles");
This has to be something simple/stupid like forgetting a character or something, but I think I've driven myself too far into frustration to think clearly for a while. Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to use the then to know when the data is loaded
asyncTest("Child name is accessed", function() {
// load the data from server
App.Foo.find(1).then(function(foo) {
// the child id is 3, we need to fetch the remaining data
// and this is async, because of the ajax request
foo.get("child").then(function(child) {
equal(child.get("name"), "Pebbles");
// childName call, but since the
// data is loaded, isn't necessary to use a second then
equal(foo.get("childName"), "Pebbles");
In ember data, like major of the orm's, the data is lazy loaded, for relationships. This is because, isn't needed to return all loaded object graph, let's leave the user ask for what it want, and then load.
Because some implementations are async, like: websql, indexeddb, ajax, websockets etc. The interface of ember-data is async, so you need to use the then method to know when the data is loaded or failed.
The things work in your template, because it are binding aware. Even when the change are async, it will be finished later, and the bindings will be notified and updated.
I have updated your demo, and the tests pass

view is undefine, loading combo box issue in 4.07

I am occassionally ( usually 1 in 3 page loads) receive the following error message
view is undefined
In my view
width: 350
width: 350
// in my controller
onLaunch: function () {
var suppliers = this.getSuppliersStore();
var purchaseOrderStatuses = this.getPurchaseOrderStatusesStore();
var purchaseOrdersStore = this.getPurchaseOrdersStore();
callback: this.onPurchaseOrderLoad,
scope: this
onPurchaseOrderLoad: function (selection) {
var form = Ext.getCmp('purchaseOrderForm');
in my model
It's not clear how the error message you are reporting is linked to any of the code you have revealed so far. So it's difficult to connect the dots here.
However here are a couple of observations:
1. If you need your stores to always load ASAP when your app launches set the autoLoad:true config on those stores. This way you don't have to explicitly load them and they have more time to finish loading before your view is ready to go.
2. If you need to load an instance of your model into the form you can use Model.load method instead of having a store do that for you. You will need to provide API on the model on how to read the records from the server.
3. Model mapping is not necessary if your Model fields match to what the server returns.
If you need further help, please update your question with some more debug info.