How to verify two Images using Azure Cognitive Face API ? Need Sample Code - authentication

How to verify two Images using Azure Cognitive Face API ? Need Sample Code
I have two images of a single person. Now I want to compare those images and check whether those images are of same person or not. From the documentation I came to know that, I have to send two faceid's along with the url. I tried that, but it is not working. May be, I am missing something. Please help me for the same & provide me some sample code for the same if possible.
Waiting for your response.

Try the console app code below :
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face;
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace FaceIdentityTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string persionPicPath = #"<some path>\personPic.jpg";
String[] picsPath = { #"<some path>\pic1.jpg", #"<some path>\pic2.jpg" };
string endpoint = #"https://<your endpoint name>";
string subscriptionKey = "<your subscription key>";
IFaceClient faceClient = new FaceClient(
new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(subscriptionKey),
new System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler[] { });
faceClient.Endpoint = endpoint;
// Create an empty PersonGroup
Console.WriteLine("create person group");
string personGroupId = "demogroup";
faceClient.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, "demo group").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// Define a person named Bill
Console.WriteLine("create a person in group");
var createPersonResult = faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(
// Id of the PersonGroup that the person belonged to
// Name of the person
//Add a face to Bill
Console.WriteLine("Add a face to person");
using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(persionPicPath))
// Detect faces in the image and add to Anna
personGroupId, createPersonResult.PersonId, s).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
//Train person group
Console.WriteLine("start train person group...");
//Check train status
TrainingStatus trainingStatus = null;
while (true)
trainingStatus = faceClient.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (trainingStatus.Status != TrainingStatusType.Running)
else {
Console.WriteLine("trainning person group...");
foreach (var pic in picsPath) {
Console.WriteLine("start identify faces in :" + pic);
using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(pic))
var faces = faceClient.Face.DetectWithStreamAsync(s).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
var faceIds = faces.Select(face => (Guid)face.FaceId).ToList();
var results = faceClient.Face.IdentifyAsync(faceIds, personGroupId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var identifyResult in results)
Console.WriteLine("Result of face: {0}", identifyResult.FaceId);
if (identifyResult.Candidates.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No one identified");
// Get top 1 among all candidates returned
var candidateId = identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId;
var person = faceClient.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, candidateId).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Console.WriteLine("Identified as {0}", person.Name);
My pics :
Result :
Btw, no matter which programming language you are using , just follow the steps in this demo will be able to use Face API to identify faces .
Hope it helps .
You can import Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face here in VS :


SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE error while accesing the url in browser

Hi i am getting below error while trying to access the website which is hosted in IIS 8 for which the SSL certificate had got expired and i installed the new SSL certificate provided by GoDaddy, it was all working fine for 2 days and now it shows the below error. Let me know if anyone can figure out what is the issue
using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SPT
class Program
public static async Task RecognizeSpeechAsync()
// Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription key and service region.
// Replace with your own subscription key // and service region (e.g., "westus").
var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(" 7cf359266c964dc789960abe063cc65b", "westus");
// Creates a speech recognizer.
using (var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(config))
Console.WriteLine("Say something...");
// Starts speech recognition, and returns after a single utterance is recognized. The end of a
// single utterance is determined by listening for silence at the end or until a maximum of 15
// seconds of audio is processed. The task returns the recognition text as result.
// Note: Since RecognizeOnceAsync() returns only a single utterance, it is suitable only for single
// shot recognition like command or query.
// For long-running multi-utterance recognition, use StartContinuousRecognitionAsync() instead.
var result = await recognizer.RecognizeOnceAsync();
// Checks result.
if (result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech)
Console.WriteLine($"We recognized: {result.Text}");
else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.NoMatch)
Console.WriteLine($"NOMATCH: Speech could not be recognized.");
else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
var cancellation = CancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Reason={cancellation.Reason}");
if (cancellation.Reason == CancellationReason.Error)
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorCode={cancellation.ErrorCode}");
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorDetails={cancellation.ErrorDetails}");
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Did you update the subscription info?");
public static async Task SynthesisToSpeakerAsync()
// Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription key and service region.
// Replace with your own subscription key and service region (e.g., "westus").
// The default language is "en-us".
var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription("7cf359266c964dc789960abe063cc65b", "westus");
// Creates a speech synthesizer using speaker as audio output.
using (var synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer(config))
// Receive a text from console input and synthesize it to speaker.
Console.WriteLine("Type some text that you want to speak...");
Console.Write("> ");
string text = Console.ReadLine();
using (var result = await synthesizer.SpeakTextAsync(text))
if (result.Reason == ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted)
Console.WriteLine($"Speech synthesized to speaker for text [{text}]");
else if (result.Reason == ResultReason.Canceled)
var cancellation = SpeechSynthesisCancellationDetails.FromResult(result);
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Reason={cancellation.Reason}");
if (cancellation.Reason == CancellationReason.Error)
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorCode={cancellation.ErrorCode}");
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorDetails=[{cancellation.ErrorDetails}]");
Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Did you update the subscription info?");
// This is to give some time for the speaker to finish playing back the audio
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
public static async Task SynthesisToVideoAsync()
var apiUrl = "";
var accountId = "56fbb8f8-b9a8-4119-b46a-fa5fb6668ddd";
var location = "westus2";
var apiKey = "6f354f730bc141f9bc3e57e73c6001b0";
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol | System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
// create the http client
var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
handler.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
var client = new HttpClient(handler);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", apiKey);
// obtain account access token
var accountAccessTokenRequestResult = client.GetAsync($"{apiUrl}/auth/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/AccessToken?allowEdit=true").Result;
var accountAccessToken = accountAccessTokenRequestResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result.Replace("\"", "");
// upload a video
var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
// get the video from URL
var videoUrl = "VIDEO_URL"; // replace with the video URL
// as an alternative to specifying video URL, you can upload a file.
// remove the videoUrl parameter from the query string below and add the following lines:
//FileStream video =File.OpenRead(Globals.VIDEOFILE_PATH);
//byte[] buffer =newbyte[video.Length];
//video.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
var uploadRequestResult = client.PostAsync($"{apiUrl}/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/Videos?accessToken={accountAccessToken}&name=some_name&description=some_description&privacy=private&partition=some_partition&videoUrl={videoUrl}", content).Result;
var uploadResult = uploadRequestResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
// get the video id from the upload result
var videoId = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(uploadResult)["id"];
Debug.WriteLine("Video ID: " + videoId);
// obtain video access token
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", apiKey);
var videoTokenRequestResult = client.GetAsync($"{apiUrl}/auth/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/Videos/{videoId}/AccessToken?allowEdit=true").Result;
var videoAccessToken = videoTokenRequestResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result.Replace("\"", "");
// wait for the video index to finish
while (true)
var videoGetIndexRequestResult = client.GetAsync($"{apiUrl}/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/Videos/{videoId}/Index?accessToken={videoAccessToken}&language=English").Result;
var videoGetIndexResult = videoGetIndexRequestResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var processingState = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(videoGetIndexResult)["state"];
// job is finished
if (processingState != "Uploaded" && processingState != "Processing")
Debug.WriteLine("Full JSON:");
// search for the video
var searchRequestResult = client.GetAsync($"{apiUrl}/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/Videos/Search?accessToken={accountAccessToken}&id={videoId}").Result;
var searchResult = searchRequestResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
// get insights widget url
var insightsWidgetRequestResult = client.GetAsync($"{apiUrl}/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/Videos/{videoId}/InsightsWidget?accessToken={videoAccessToken}&widgetType=Keywords&allowEdit=true").Result;
var insightsWidgetLink = insightsWidgetRequestResult.Headers.Location;
Debug.WriteLine("Insights Widget url:");
// get player widget url
var playerWidgetRequestResult = client.GetAsync($"{apiUrl}/{location}/Accounts/{accountId}/Videos/{videoId}/PlayerWidget?accessToken={videoAccessToken}").Result;
var playerWidgetLink = playerWidgetRequestResult.Headers.Location;
Debug.WriteLine("Player Widget url:");
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Please press a key to continue.");

Master data services service Get data using The WCF Service

Hi I am new to MDS i have everything setup webui/ sql db etc and am now looking to write a demo console app to connect via the wcf service and bring back some data.
I have searched high and low with no luck or found what i believe to be an older api to get the data
Should I be using EnityMember Set?
Or other to get to the data in a model?
I know it is a bit late to answer your question but I just stumbled onto it.
I used the following example MSDN blogs to get started and wrote the following basic .Net Core Console app. Although far from complete or detailed I hope my code helps you:
using MDService;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace MDS_WS_Console
class Program
private static ServiceClient mdsProxy;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Connecting ...");
mdsProxy = CreateMdsProxy("");
catch (Exception)
Console.WriteLine("Error connecting ...");
Console.WriteLine("Fetching ...");
public static async Task ReadRecordsAsync()
EntityMembersGetRequest getRequest = new EntityMembersGetRequest();
EntityMembersGetResponse getResponse = new EntityMembersGetResponse();
EntityMembersGetCriteria membersGetCriteria = new EntityMembersGetCriteria
ModelId = new Identifier() { Name = "Model1" },
EntityId = new Identifier() { Name = "Entity1" },
VersionId = new Identifier() { Name = "VERSION_1" },
MemberType = MemberType.Leaf,
MemberReturnOption = MemberReturnOption.DataAndCounts
getRequest.MembersGetCriteria = membersGetCriteria;
//EntityMembersGetResponse getResponse = await mdsProxy.EntityMembersGetAsync(getRequest);
getResponse = await mdsProxy.EntityMembersGetAsync(getRequest);
Console.WriteLine("Member information: \n Membercount: {0} | TotalPages: {1}", getResponse.EntityMembersInformation.MemberCount, getResponse.EntityMembersInformation.TotalPages);
//Console.WriteLine("Members: \n Count: {0}", getResponse.EntityMembers.Members.Count.ToString());
if (getResponse.EntityMembers.Members.Count > 0)
foreach (Member individualMember in getResponse.EntityMembers.Members)
Console.WriteLine("Individual Member: \n Id: {0} | Code: {1} | Name: {2}",
for (int i = 0; i < individualMember.Attributes.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Attributes ({0}): \n Id Id: {1} | Id name: {2} | Type: {3} | Value: {4} \n ",
if (individualMember.Attributes[i].Type == AttributeValueType.Domain)
Console.WriteLine("Domain attribute");
private static ServiceClient CreateMdsProxy(string mdsURL)
// create endpoint using URL
System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress endptAddress = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(mdsURL);
// create and configure WS Http binding
System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding wsBinding = new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding();
// create and return the client proxy
return new ServiceClient(wsBinding, endptAddress);

TFS API to create a TFS Group and set permissions?

Hello I'm trying to use TFS API to create a new group, for it I have this code:
var teamProjects = this.VersionControlServer.GetAllTeamProjects(false);
foreach (var teamProject in teamProjects)
var result = _gss.CreateApplicationGroup(teamProject.ArtifactUri.AbsoluteUri, "NewGroup","TestDescription");
As I need to set the permission "Edit project-level information" for this group I tried lot of methods and different approaches, but anything seems to solve my need. This for example:
var ProjectSecurityToken = AuthorizationSecurityConstants.ProjectSecurityPrefix + teamProject.ArtifactUri.AbsoluteUri;
var groupACL = securityNamespace.QueryAccessControlList(ProjectSecurityToken, new[] {list[4].Descriptor}, false);
securityNamespace.SetAccessControlEntry(ProjectSecurityToken, new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client.AccessControlEntry(list[4].Descriptor, 115, 0), true);
I had hard-coded "list[4]" because it was the group I just created, I need some help to see what is wrong in my code. I get no error message and it doesn't work as well.
I can get the permissions been set via following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
namespace API
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string project = "";
TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(project));
var tps = tpc.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
var ttt = tps.GetTeamProject("ProjectName");
ISecurityService securityService = tpc.GetService<ISecurityService>();
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityNamespace> securityNamespaces = securityService.GetSecurityNamespaces();
IGroupSecurityService gss = tpc.GetService<IGroupSecurityService>();
Identity SIDS = gss.ReadIdentity(SearchFactor.AccountName, "GroupName", QueryMembership.Expanded);//GourName format: [ProjectName]\\GourpName
IdentityDescriptor id = new IdentityDescriptor("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity", SIDS.Sid);
List<SecurityNamespace> securityList = securityNamespaces.ToList<SecurityNamespace>();
string securityToken;
foreach (SecurityNamespace sn in securityList)
if (sn.Description.DisplayName == "Project")
securityToken = "$PROJECT:" + ttt.ArtifactUri.AbsoluteUri;
sn.SetPermissions(securityToken, id, 115, 0, true);

Google+ unable to insert moment - A Year and 6 Revisions After

NOTE: Using the Sign-in button is NOT an option
A year ago I was having a problem creating a moment. Back then I was using version 1.2 of the Google+ API .Net client. As I described in this post, I had it working although the code failed to insert a moment from time to time. I was hoping that the process is more stable and easier to implement now, and it seems like it as can be seen in the example that you can download here - the current version as of this writing is v1.8. So I created a simple project following the SimpleOAuth2 sample in the download, but implementing Google+. This is the code I came up:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private PlusService service;
// Application logic should manage users authentication.
// This sample works with only one user. You can change
// it by retrieving data from the session.
private const string UserId = "user-id";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow;
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(
flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
DataStore = new FileDataStore("GPlusSample.Store"),
ClientSecretsStream = stream,
// Tried only this scope but it did not work
//Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusMe }
// I tried the following: but did not work either
//Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusMe,
// "" }
// I tried this as well and it failed
//Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusLogin }
// Maybe this... but still no joy
Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusLogin,
PlusService.Scope.PlusMe }
var uri = Request.Url.ToString();
var code = Request["code"];
if (code != null)
var token = flow.ExchangeCodeForTokenAsync(UserId, code,
uri.Substring(0, uri.IndexOf("?")), CancellationToken.None).Result;
// Extract the right state.
var oauthState = AuthWebUtility.ExtracRedirectFromState(
flow.DataStore, UserId, Request["state"]).Result;
var result = new AuthorizationCodeWebApp(flow, uri, uri)
.AuthorizeAsync(UserId, CancellationToken.None).Result;
if (result.RedirectUri != null)
// Redirect the user to the authorization server.
// The data store contains the user credential,
// so the user has been already authenticated.
service = new PlusService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
ApplicationName = "Plus API Sample",
HttpClientInitializer = result.Credential
/// <summary>Gets the TasksLists of the user.</summary>
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task InsertMoment()
var me = service.People.Get("me").Execute();
var request = service.Moments.Insert(new Moment()
Target = new ItemScope {
Name = "test message",
Text="test message",
Type = "",
}, me.Id, MomentsResource.InsertRequest.CollectionEnum.Vault);
var response =await request.ExecuteAsync();
output.Text = "<h1>" + response.Id + "</h1>";
catch (Exception ex)
var str = ex.ToString();
str = str.Replace(Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + "<br/>");
str = str.Replace(" ", " ");
output.Text = string.Format("<font color=\"red\">{0}</font>", str);
protected async void createMomentButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
await InsertMoment();
That code always give me a 401 Unauthorized error, even if I have the Google+ API turned on for my project. Here's the actual error I got:
The service plus has thrown an exception: Google.GoogleApiException:
Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Unauthorized [401] Errors [
Message[Unauthorized] Location[ - ] Reason[unauthorized]
Domain[global] ]
It's interesting to see that the insert moment is failing even though the call to People.Get("me") works - get("me") works with all of the scope combinations I listed above. It's important to note that each time I try a new scope, I first log out of my Google account and delete the access token that is stored in GPlusSample.Store.
I tried setting just the Url instead of individual items as suggested by Ian and I got the exact same error.
var request = service.Moments.Insert(new Moment()
Target = new ItemScope {
Url = ""
Type = "",
}, me.Id, MomentsResource.InsertRequest.CollectionEnum.Vault);
var response =await request.ExecuteAsync(); is the right scope for writing moments, but you need to have requested the specific app activity types you want to write as well. The parameter for this is request_visible_actions, and it takes a space separated list of arguments of the types (Listed on - e.g.
The client library may not have a method for adding request_visible_actions, so you may have to add it on to the auth URL you redirect the user to manually (remember to URLencode the app activity type URLs!)

Flag / Unflag email sending in CRM 2011

In CRM 2011, I want to attach Contacts to Quote, no problems for that.
When I save the quote, for each Contact I want to send a email for reminder purpose. (With a plugin)
How It's possible to flag this and give the ability to CRM user to unflag this from the quote form with a checkbox.
The final purpose, It's to give the ability to CRM user to send a new email reminder to one or multiple contacts attached in the quote.
Can you help me ?
You will need to have a ribbon button that will call a JavaScript method in one of the web-resources.
In the CommandDefinition of you RibbonDiff XML you will need to send a parameter to the JS method which will contain all the IDs of selected records in the subgrid.
<CommandDefinition Id="xyz.Button.SendEmail.command">
<JavaScriptFunction Library="$webresource:Test.Js" FunctionName="SendEmail">
<CrmParameter Value="SelectedControlAllItemIds" />
and then the JS method would be something like below wherein you will need to parse all the IDs and then process your logic
function SendEmail(selectedIds) {
if (selectedIds != null && selectedIds != “”) {
var strIds = selectedIds.toString();
var arrIds = strIds.split(“, ”);
for (var indxIds = 0; indxIds < arrIds.length; indxIds++) {
//The logic that you want to process on each record will come here.
} else {
alert(“No records selected !! !”);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Crm;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace SendEmail
public class Email : IPlugin
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceprovider)
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceprovider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
if (!(context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity))
Entity ent = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if (ent.LogicalName != "entityName")//EntityName
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Not a Service Request record! ");
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceprovider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService _service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
string Email="";
if (ent.Contains("emailidfiled"))
Email = (string)ent["emailidfiled"];
#region email template
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression()
EntityName = "template",
Criteria = new FilterExpression(LogicalOperator.And),
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true)
query.Criteria.AddCondition("title", ConditionOperator.Equal, "templateName");
EntityCollection _coll = _service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
if (_coll.Entities.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Unable to find the template!");
if (_coll.Entities.Count > 1)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("More than one template found!");
var subjectTemplate = "";
if (_coll[0].Contains("subject"))
subjectTemplate = GetDataFromXml(_coll[0]["subject"].ToString(), "match");
var bodyTemplate = "";
if (_coll[0].Contains("body"))
bodyTemplate = GetDataFromXml(_coll[0]["body"].ToString(), "match");
#region email prep
Entity email = new Entity("email");
Entity entTo = new Entity("activityparty");
entTo["addressused"] =Email;
Entity entFrom = new Entity("activityparty");
entFrom["partyid"] = "";
email["to"] = new Entity[] { entTo };
email["from"] = new Entity[] { entFrom };
email["regardingobjectid"] = new EntityReference(ent.LogicalName, ent.Id);
email["subject"] = subjectTemplate;
email["description"] = bodyTemplate;
#region email creation & sending
var emailid = _service.Create(email);
SendEmailRequest req = new SendEmailRequest();
req.EmailId = emailid;
req.IssueSend = true;
GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest wod_GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest = new GetTrackingTokenEmailRequest();
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse wod_GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse = (GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse)
req.TrackingToken = wod_GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse.TrackingToken;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Email can't be saved / sent." + Environment.NewLine + "Details: " + ex.Message);
private static string GetDataFromXml(string value, string attributeName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return string.Empty;
XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(value);
// get the Element with the attribute name specified
XElement element = document.Descendants().Where(ele => ele.Attributes().Any(attr => attr.Name == attributeName)).FirstOrDefault();
return element == null ? string.Empty : element.Value;