IE11 - failed to open http://localhost:8080 - vue.js

I am trying to access my VueJS application running on my node server on IE11 by accessing the URL http://localhost:8080. However I cant access the same as only a blank screen appears. I have babel polyfill installed and imported in my main file and have babel presets already setup in babelrc file.
My app is currently running and is accessible on Chrome but not on IE11.
I don't get a single error message in console and have no clue what could be going wrong. Has anyone ever faced this?

You need to use polyfills. IE11 does not support ES2015, it needs to be transiled by babel. There seem to be various ways of doing this.
Please check this guide:
or here:


How to make React app created by create-react-app support IE11

I have a simple react app created by the latest version of create-react-app (that only support node version 14+). I am trying to make this app run in IE11. So as recommended, I did following:
installed react-app-polyfill
added two imports at the beginning of index.js: import "react-app-polyfill/ie11", import "react-app-polyfill/stable"
added "ie 11" under the development in the package.json
I installed a chrome extension, IE Tab, and tested there. But still not working, I see following error when I open the chrome devtool:
IE: Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'endsWith'. Source: http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:63700
Can anyone help?
I can reproduce the issue. You can add a polyfill for endsWith() so that it can work well in IE 11.
You can include the polyfill within <script> tag in index.html.
Found this solution on the 3rd page of google. It's going to help you:
The first thing you have to do - include polyfills from react-app-polyfill at the top of your app
Then in package.json set up browserlist (add ie11, ie10, etc)
In the end - add meta tag in your public/index.html

Vue UI not working, Disconnected from UI server

i got some error when execute command to open vue ui,
i've try to fix but still got some error
It seems you're using MS Edge.
In my case, I used a chromium browser as a default HTTP(S) application, and VUE UI did not work in that browser.
But I changed my default browser to Chrome, and Vue UI has started successfully.
I recommend changing the default browser to Chrome.
Most of the web development is based on it.
So when you make a new project, start with Chrome.
(And don't forget to install Vue devtool on your Chrome)

Is there a way to see console.log without choosing debug js remotely?

With old Android versions, app is so slow working when debug js remotely is active. Is there a way to see the logs which we have on Chrome ?
If Chrome is the issue, you can use React Native Tools Extension on Visual Studio. That way you can simply use VS code itself for reading logs.
EDIT: If putting Remote Debugger ON the issue, go ahead and use react-native log-android or react-native log-ios . Click here for more information on accessing console logs
You can use the server terminal for that, all consoles are going to be availabe there for you and you wont need to enable "debug remotly"

ReferenceError: safari is not defined

Whenever I click on a textarea the following message pops up:
What could possibly trigger this?
Note: I'm using JQM 1.4.5 and the textarea is normal, nothing was configured.
I was having the same issue on one of my projects, with the same traceback as yours. It was strange, as there was no bundle.js in my project, or even being loaded. I found it was an issue with one of my extensions, so disabling extensions and clearing cache should fix your issue.
Are you using chrome browser?
If so, sign out of your chrome browser. That should fix it.
It might be that you have some installed chrome extensions whose javascript codes are conflicting with your project

Trouble port PhoneGap project to Windows Phone

Porting to PhoneGap has been successful for Android and iOS, but Windows Phone (8) is causing issues.
The site works if viewed through IE, but when hosted within Cordova the Windows Phone app loads but there's issues with the functionality. We've discovered it's failing on the JavaScript "dojo.require" e.g.
It doesn't seem to matter which library is passed in, so it seems to be an issue with the dojo.require function itself.
I've found this example online - - and have followed step 3 to change the root url in dojo, but this doesn't seem to help.
Anyone have any ideas what the issue might be?
Please mention the version numbers of both Dojo and PhoneGap.
If you are not using the latest available for both, can you try upgrading?
You mentioned that you tried changing the root URL, but did you try to configure the Dojo loader in sync mode (vs async)? Say data-dojo-config="async: 0, ..." in the script tag which loads dojo.js. Does it work better?