How to test function in laravel Unit testing - api

Using Unit Testing for the first time.
Ceated Test File by cmd:
php artisan module:make-test ProjectTest Projects
I can test by cmd:
But I want to test my function, My function is like:
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$project = Project::find($id);
$project->project_name = request('project_name');
return response()->json([
'message' => "Project Updated Successfully",
'updatedId' => $project->id
], 200);
Can anyone please guide me on how to test this Controller in PHPUnit?
On PostMan testing the function like:
URL:(POST method) http://localhost:8000/api/updateProject/1
On Body
How to use PHP Unit Testing in Laravel for the above Controller ?. Kindly explain to me with code Snippets.

You can test by using HTTP test . In order to test this you can make a request to defined route .
public function testUpdateProject()
$response = $this->json('POST', '/api/updateProject/project-id',$updatedData);
'field_that_return' = true


Laravel 8 Jetstream how to redirect user to custom route after resetting password

I am using Laravel 8 jetstream for authentication. My question is, how can I redirect the user after resetting the password to the custom route? I don't want to redirect the user to the login page. I didn't find the route in all Fortify classes; I am sure it should override.
protected $redirectTo
But I don't know in which file I have to do this change.
Here’s what I ended up doing to have a redirect back to the login route after a user submits a password reset action:
Copy the file SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponse.php from \vendor\laravel\fortify\Http\Responses\ to a folder on your project at app\Http\Responses.
In your new file SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponse.php, change the namespace to:
namespace App\Http\Responses;
Open app\Providers\FortifyServiceProvider.php
Inside the boot() function add:
public function boot()
$this->app->singleton(SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponseContract::class, SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponse::class);
In this same FortifyServiceProvider.php file, add the namespaces:
use App\Http\Responses\SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponse;
use Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponse as SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponseContract;
In your new SuccessfulPasswordResetLinkRequestResponse.php file, edit the toResponse() function:
public function toResponse($request)
return $request->wantsJson()
? new JsonResponse(['message' => trans($this->status)], 200)
: redirect()->route('login')->with('status', trans($this->status));
Here's a helpful link that shows all of the response classes that Fortify uses at the time of this writing:
Overriding other Jetstream and Fortify functionality
EDIT: It is not recommended to edit a file in vendor, use BillD's solution.
Check out vendor\laravel\fortify\src\Http\Responses\PasswordResetResponse.php
You should be able to modify the response in the method:
* Create an HTTP response that represents the object.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function toResponse($request)
return $request->wantsJson()
? new JsonResponse(['message' => trans($this->status)], 200)
: redirect()->route('login')->with('status', trans($this->status));
I had the same issue using jetstream and found the accepted solution is better especially if there are admin and user models each has reset password functionality,
You don't need to edit PasswordResetResponse.php in vendor but simply:
copy it to App\Http\Responses
then as you can find /vendor/laravel/fortify/routes/routes.php
Route::post('/reset-password', [NewPasswordController::class, 'store'])
->middleware(['guest:' . config('fortify.guard')])
It points to /laravel/fortify/src/Http/Controllers/NewPasswordController.php.
Store function has the default PasswordResetResponse.php.
public function store(Request $request): Responsable
'token' => 'required',
Fortify::email() => 'required|email',
'password' => 'required',
$status = $this->broker()->reset(
$request->only(Fortify::email(), 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'token'),
function ($user) use ($request) {
app(ResetsUserPasswords::class)->reset($user, $request->all());
app(CompletePasswordReset::class)($this->guard, $user);
return $status == Password::PASSWORD_RESET
? app(PasswordResetResponse::class, ['status' => $status])
: app(FailedPasswordResetResponse::class, ['status' => $status]);
So only need to change is the namespace in NewPasswordController.php file to point to your PasswordResetResponse.php you've made.
use Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\PasswordResetResponse;
use App\Http\Responses\PasswordResetResponse;

Mock API when performing a WebTestCase and do $client->submitform() in Symfony 5

I have a Test which submits a form. This form usually results in performing doing a external API call. I want to mock that because I'm not interested in the API but in the action.
Whenever I call submitForm the client is still making an external call, but I don't want that.
The test also fails because the api expects a api key which the test does not have.
class SubscriptionControllerTest extends WebTestCase
public function testSubscribe(): void
$client = static::createClient();
$userRepository = static::$container->get(UserRepository::class);
$testUser = $userRepository->findOneBy(['email' => UserFixtures::$testUser]);
$clientMock = $this->createMock(ApiClient::class);
//replace the api with the mock one
self::$container->set(ApiClient::class, $clientMock);
$client->request('GET', '/subscription/new');
$client->submitForm('btn-submit', [
'subscribe[firstName]' => 'firstname',
'subscribe[lastName]' => 'lastname'
What am I doing wrong here?
So the problem is described in this post:
2 requests are being done in my test. A GET and a submitForm (POST). First one uses the proper Mock, second request rebuilds the kernel and the mocks are gone.
My solution was to just use 1 request by submitting the form with a POST request. Using the CSRF token manager to generate a csrf token:
public function testSubscribe(): void
$client = static::createClient();
$userRepository = static::$container->get(UserRepository::class);
$testUser = $userRepository->findOneBy(['email' => UserFixtures::$testUser]);
$csrfTokenGenerator = $client->getContainer()->get('security.csrf.token_manager');
$apiClient = $this->createMock(ApiClient::class);
$client->getContainer()->set(ApiClient::class, $apiClient);
$client->request('POST', '/subscription/new', [
'subscribe' => [
"firstName" => 'firstname',
"lastName" => "lastname",
"_token" => $csrfTokenGenerator->getToken('subscribe')->getValue()

How to get rid of error 422 laravel in a unit test?

So I'm writing unit tests for a laravel 5.7 web app and when I test the login it gives me error 422(I know that it has something to do with invalid data, I just don't know how to fix it)
public function testRegularUserLogin_CreatedRegularUse_ReturnsStoreView()
$regularUser = factory( User::class)->create();
$response = $this->json('POST','/login',
'email' => $regularUser->email,
'password' => $regularUser->password,
'_token' => csrf_token()
I've tried using the csrf token on the header
This is the output that test gives me
You should just mock authentication:
do something like this
public function getFakeClient()
$client = factory(App\User::class)->create();
return $this->client;
$user = $this->getFakeClient();
as recommended by Taylor Otwell himself here.

Class 'KeenIO\Client\KeenIOClient' not found

I am including Keen in my product (code snippet below)
require INCLUDE_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Autoloader for Composer (
use KeenIO\Client\KeenIOClient;
class Statistics extends Model {
private $client;
public function __construct( $id = null ){
$this->client = KeenIOClient::factory([
'projectId' => KEEN_PROJECT_ID,
'writeKey' => KEEN_WRITE_KEY,
'readKey' => KEEN_READ_KEY
but I continue to get an "Class 'KeenIO\Client\KeenIOClient' not found" error when the "KeenIOClient::factory" line runs. I was able to successfully install through Composer - I feel it's something simple I'm missing - any ideas?
So I can't leave a comment, but I am wondering if there is maybe an issue with the include path? I was able to get this PHP snippet to work:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use KeenIO\Client\KeenIOClient;
$client = KeenIOClient::factory([
'projectId' => "53f3a8687d8cb95095000001",
'readKey' => "99a06e48fd7fb1279bc40995160eb0b61a9e0efaab8b651b029f0d895f77c0a804ba089282eff28bf8ad07f337422441d0542b7feaac9fea1e92fc153ee7efc51afad3276bda8d7754a338b349d540bfb402cba0dfdc82498c217054efd8abd0f47a0c0bc963bbdf0dc938c91b17d9f2"
$count = $client->count('bitcoin-prices', [
'impressions' => [
'interval' => 'daily',
'timeframe' => 'this_30_days',
'group_by' => 'keen.timestamp'
That project id and read key are from the keen io open data sets (good to test with).

Blocking access via HTTP Authentication with Zend Framework 2

I'm trying to implement HTTP-based authentication through a Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http as explained in the ZF2 documentation about the HTTP Authentication Adapter.
I want to block every incoming request until the user agent is authenticated, however I'm unsure about how to implement this in my module.
How would I setup my Zend\Mvc application to deny access to my controllers?
What you are looking for is probably a listener attached to the Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH event of your application.
In order, here's what you have to do to block access to any action through an authentication adapter. First of all, define a factory that is responsible for producing your authentication adapter:
namespace MyApp\ServiceFactory;
use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http as HttpAdapter;
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http\FileResolver;
class AuthenticationAdapterFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
$config = $serviceLocator->get('Config');
$authConfig = $config['my_app']['auth_adapter'];
$authAdapter = new HttpAdapter($authConfig['config']);
$basicResolver = new FileResolver();
$digestResolver = new FileResolver();
return $adapter;
This factory will basically give you a configured auth adapter, and abstract its instantiation logic away.
Let's move on and attach a listener to our application's dispatch event so that we can block any request with invalid authentication headers:
namespace MyApp;
use Zend\ModuleManager\Feature\ConfigProviderInterface;
use Zend\ModuleManager\Feature\BootstrapListenerInterface;
use Zend\EventManager\EventInterface;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Zend\Http\Request as HttpRequest;
use Zend\Http\Response as HttpResponse;
class MyModule implements ConfigProviderInterface, BootstrapListenerInterface
public function getConfig()
// moved out for readability on SO, since config is pretty short anyway
return require __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';
public function onBootstrap(EventInterface $event)
/* #var $application \Zend\Mvc\ApplicationInterface */
$application = $event->getTarget();
$serviceManager = $application->getServiceManager();
// delaying instantiation of everything to the latest possible moment
->attach(function (MvcEvent $event) use ($serviceManager) {
$request = $event->getRequest();
$response = $event->getResponse();
if ( ! (
$request instanceof HttpRequest
&& $response instanceof HttpResponse
)) {
return; // we're not in HTTP context - CLI application?
/* #var $authAdapter \Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http */
$authAdapter = $serviceManager->get('MyApp\AuthenticationAdapter');
$result = $adapter->authenticate();
if ($result->isValid()) {
return; // everything OK
$response->setBody('Access denied');
$event->setResult($response); // short-circuit to application end
return false; // stop event propagation
And then the module default configuration, which in this case was moved to MyModule/config/module.config.php:
return array(
'my_app' => array(
'auth_adapter' => array(
'config' => array(
'accept_schemes' => 'basic digest',
'realm' => 'MyApp Site',
'digest_domains' => '/my_app /my_site',
'nonce_timeout' => 3600,
'basic_passwd_file' => __DIR__ . '/dummy/basic.txt',
'digest_passwd_file' => __DIR__ . '/dummy/digest.txt',
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
=> 'MyApp\ServiceFactory\AuthenticationAdapterFactory',
This is the essence of how you can get it done.
Obviously, you need to place something like an my_app.auth.local.php file in your config/autoload/ directory, with the settings specific to your current environment (please note that this file should NOT be committed to your SCM):
return array(
'my_app' => array(
'auth_adapter' => array(
'basic_passwd_file' => __DIR__ . '/real/basic_passwd.txt',
'digest_passwd_file' => __DIR__ . '/real/digest_passwd.txt',
Eventually, if you also want to have better testable code, you may want to move the listener defined as a closure to an own class implementing the Zend\EventManager\ListenerAggregateInterface.
You can achieve the same results by using ZfcUser backed by a Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http, combined with BjyAuthorize, which handles the listener logic on unauthorized actions.
Answer of #ocramius is accept answer But you forget to describe How to write two files basic_password.txt and digest_passwd.txt
According to Zend 2 Official Doc about Basic Http Authentication:
basic_passwd.txt file contains username, realm(the same realm into your configuration) and plain password -> <username>:<realm>:<credentials>\n
digest_passwd.txt file contains username, realm(the same realm into your configuration) and password hashing Using MD5 hash -> <username>:<realm>:<credentials hashed>\n
if basic_passwd.txt file:
user:MyApp Site:password\n
Then digest_passwd.txt file:
user:MyApp Site:5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99\n
Alternatively you can use Apache Resolver for HTTP Adapter
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http\ApacheResolver;
$path = 'data/htpasswd';
// Inject at instantiation:
$resolver = new ApacheResolver($path);
// Or afterwards:
$resolver = new ApacheResolver();
According to