Bluetooth Mesh provisioning using Meshctl: "connect" not working - bluez

I am able to provision, configure and control using BlueZ's meshctl tool on Raspberry Pi3. However, after restarting meshctl, or using "disconnect", I am not able to control my device. I tried the "connect" command after restarting meshctl, but it only starts discovery it seems. Is there any way to retain the control after restarting meshctl? Here is a snippet of my logs:
[meshctl]# connect 0 0100
Looking for node id 0100 on network with net index 0000
SetDiscoveryFilter success
Discovery started
Adapter property changed
[CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:46:C1:29 Discovering: yes
I am assuming the arguments for connect command are network key index which is 0 and Unicast address of the node to connect to which is 0100.
If it helps, going to onoff menu and trying to control gives the error "Failed to AcquireWrite". And BlueZ version is 5.50.
Thanks in advance!


Web HUE is not getting loaded though HUE is workin on the port 8000

I have installed the Hue on the Linux whixh is an instance from Azure. I have made all the required changes in ambari and hue.ini conf file. And when I run the supervisor job, it runs fine
hue 83933 sshuser 3u IPv4 15707246 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
But when I try to access the wb hue, I don't get any page loaded. It shows refused to connect.
Tried deleting caches and reset up was done.
I am using hue 4.7 version and I don't find any issues in error.log file. Yet, I don't see any data in access.log file. Could you please help me?
Do you have
in the hue.ini?
#Ruthikajawar here is a working hue.ini for ambari
I have noticed that sometimes, after initial install, it takes 1 or 2 restarts to get the WEBUI to work. I have also noticed sometimes, after a restart, it takes quite a few moments before the WEBUI starts to respond.
Give it some time after restart and check the WEBUI. If you still are not getting it to answer you need to check /var/log/hue/error.log as it should be very specific with errors causing the WEBUI to fail on startup.

Using 'connmanctl config' to set static IP without wired connection

I am currently using 'connmanctl config' to set static and DHCP settings with a wired connection. I'm curious if anyone has been successful with applying settings with the wire unplugged?
I would typically use 'connmanctl services' for a list of services then perform a string.match(blah, "ethernet_%w+_cable") to use that wired service name. I have been able to find and apply that service name with the ethernet cable unplugged BUT now when using 'connmanctl config':
connmanctl config ethernet_f8dc7a04ea82_cable --ipv4 manual --nameservers
I get this error:
Error ethernet_f8dc7a04ea82_cable: Method "SetProperty" with signature "sv" on interface "net.connman.Service" doesn't exist
As you can see I have the service applied to the command and this is the same service name as when the cable is plugged in. This feature would be nice for equipment that needs to be pre-programmed before reaching the customer. I have also researched this error but can't find it being an issue with others the same as it is with my situation. Have also read many blogs, articles, etc...on trying to achieve this with nothing that jumps out at me.
...Any ideas ?
I had to perform this action via back-end with the code that I am using to configure. Just an example...settings are applied to /var/lib/connman/ethernet_?????cable/settings. I created the adapter name with the MAC address because it does not exist until the network is detected, created the directory /ethernet?????_cable then created an empty settings file on the fly. When programming and saving the settings via the equipment I am using I just insert the settings manually. When a network cable is plugged in and detected the settings you have applied work wonderfully.

Selenium Standalone Servers giving error "DefaultRemoteProxy unknown version,Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out"

Selenium Grid Testing:
I have installed virtual box in my system and I am trying to use my local system as hub and the windows machine in the virtual box as node.
Whatever the selenium standalone server I use ( I tried a lot of versions) but it is always giving me the error "DefaultRemoteProxy unknown version,Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out" on the grid console.
In the Command Prompt initially it is saying that the node is registered successfully but after some time it is saying " Marking the node as down: cannot reach the node for 2 tries".
I have attached the screenshot. Because of this the tests are failing.
I have disable the windows firewall as well on both local and virtual box windows systems. But still no luck.
Is there anything wrong I am doing?
Can someone please help me with this?
Selenium Grid Console:
After trying a lot, I got the answer finally. This is related to network setup between my local host and the VM.
In VMBox, under the settings for a particular system, under network I have added one more adapter which is "Host-only adapter" in addition to the NAT and it resolved my problem.

Connect via ssh to CF - Error

I need to debug my application , we are using version 2.65 (Diego)
I use the following wiki
while running cf ssh myapp via cli
nothing happens , what should I do in order
1. To see the container FS
2. To be able to debug it ?
The application was deployed successfully to CF.
Im using nodejs app.
all other commands are working well.
When I run the command cf ssh myapp I got this error after two minutes :
Error opening SSH connection: dial tcp getsockopt: operation timed out
It sounds like a platform issue using non-standard ssh port.
You can find a bit more ssh access manual steps/troubleshooting tips on
If you believe it is a instance issue, you can download a copy of droplet/fs using api, more on

iOS 9 SimpleTunnel sample - Starting a new tunnel

I am trying hard to follow the example of SimpleTunnel given by Apple.
I try to track how they make the customized call.
However I cannot link the relationship between the connect button action with starting a new tunnel.
I tried to track it with PacketTunnelProvider but without success.
I know they are override classes. I cannot find the point where the whole VPN connection starts.
My goal is to create a SSL VPN tunnel.
After asking Apple and a few trial and error, I can finally trigger the extension part.
Prerequisite: (Network Extension permission)
Add a new target -> Packet Tunnel Provider
Trigger the extension by
NEVPNConnection *conn = [manager connection];
NSError *connError;
[conn startVPNTunnelWithOptions:settingsDict andReturnError:&connError];
Debug with the following steps
(1) Build & run the app
(2) Stop the app
(3) Debug > attach to process by PID or name > Enter "PacketTunnel"
(4) Start the app from your iPhone screen and you can debug for the extension
Hope the small steps I experienced can help the others to start.
However, there are more upcoming questions and I need to check!
The sample application and Packet Tunnel provider runs as a separate process. sample application is called as container app and the packet tunnel provider runs as app extension. These two components uses IPC for communication.
In sample application whenever connect toggle button is enabled startVPNTunnel() API will be called and the OS starts the packet tunnel provider which in turn calls your overrided method startTunnelWithOptions(). So this is where you start your connection to the VPN server.
To answer your question link the connect action to a method that invokes startVPNTunnel() which in turn triggers packet tunnel provider. You cannot directly invoke start packet tunnel provider without the container application.
Same gets applied to stop your VPN tunnel
Hope this answer helps you
if you are asking about the connect / enable buttons inside the SimpleTunnel app, then startVPNTunnel() is the call used in startStopToggled() method of StatusViewController.swift file
if you are asking about how the extension handles vpn connection start (after configuration is done), then OS network system calls startTunnelWithOptions() in PacketTunnelProvider.swift depending on how the tunnel is configured. for eg: of on-demand is enabled for this tunnel, OS will try to setup/start the tunnel whenever there is network activity. if not, OS will try to start tunnel, when you go to Settings|VPN and try to switch ON the config. This is similar to the iOS8 personal vpn connection stuff.