Jenkinsfile sh module read file line by line - while-loop

I am trying to put up a Jenkinsfile where one of the step is to read a text file line by line and assign it to a variable. But the input to the While loop is not working.
Code Snippet:
dir(FilePath) {
while read -r line; do
args+="--arg $line"
done < env

I would use Jenkins basic step. Then you can pass it to shell or do whatever you need.
dir(FilePath) {
script {
def file = readFile file:"file.txt"
sh("do whatever ${file}")


jenkins on windows. Declarative pipeline jenkinsfile. how to set and get correct variable values

I use Jenkinsefile file to run the Stages.
It is in Jenkins pipeline installed on windows, Declarative pipeline.
On the begining I do:
pipeline {
agent { label 'master'}
environment {
My_build_result = 7
stage('Test') {
steps {
echo 'Testing..'
bat """
cd Utils
"C:\\Program Files\\MATLAB\\R2019b\\bin\\matlab.exe" -wait -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('automatic_tests\\run_test.m');"
echo %errorlevel%
set /a My_build_result_temp = %errorlevel%
set My_build_result = %My_build_result_temp%
script {
My_build_result = bat(returnStatus:true , script: "exit (2)").trim()
echo "My_build_result ${env.My_build_result}"
if (My_build_result != 0) {
echo "inside if"
The variable My_build_result get value 7 at the begining
Inside the bat section, it suppose to get value 0 from %errorlevel%
Inside the script section it suppose to get value 2
in the echo "My_build_result ${env.My_build_result}" I get print of 7
(and it goes inside the if sentense)
How do I define variable that can be set value in bat"""
and in script """
section of the stage
and also be familiar in another stages and in the post { always { .. }} at the end ???
BTW: add env.before My_build_result (env.My_build_result ) does not work
Thanks a lot
In the first bat call, you are setting the environment variable only inside of the batch script environment. Environment variable values that are assigned through set don't persist when the script ends. Think of these like local variables. Simply use returnStatus: true to return the last value of ERRORLEVEL. There is no need to use %ERRORLEVEL% in the batch script here.
steps {
script {
My_build_result = bat returnStatus: true, script: """
cd Utils
"C:\\Program Files\\MATLAB\\R2019b\\bin\\matlab.exe" -wait -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('automatic_tests\\run_test.m');"
// My_build_result now has the value of ERRORLEVEL from the last command
// called in the batch script.
In the 2nd bat call the 1st mistake is to call the trim() method. Result type of bat step is Integer, when returnStatus: true is passed. The trim() method is only available when returnStdout: true is passed in which case the result type would be String. The 2nd mistake is to use brackets around the exit code value. The fixed code should look like:
My_build_result = bat returnStatus: true, script: "exit 2"
// My_build_result now equals 2

GAWK Print string to STDOUT with -i inplace option

I would like to run a GNU AWK script that is editing files in-place (e.g. with the -i inplace option) and have it print the filenames it is working on to STDOUT. Is there a way to do this? The following just adds the filename as the first line in the modified file, rather than printing the filename on the command line:
Here is a workaround; drop -i inplace from the command line (not an obligatory though, see -e/-f) and place following at the very beginning of your script. Before starting to process a file's content, this will disable inplace temporarily and print FILENAME. Then inplace's BEGINFILE rule will enable itself again.
if (inplace::filename != "") {
inplace::end(inplace::filename, inplace::suffix)
inplace::filename = ""
#include "inplace"
See how inplace is implemented for a better understanding.

How to read gz file line by line in Perl6

I'm trying to read a huge gz file line by line in Perl6.
I'm trying to do something like this
my $file = 'huge_file.gz';
for $file.IO.lines -> $line {
say $line;
But this give error that I have a malformed UTF-8. I can't see how to get this to read gzipped material from the help page or
I want to accomplish the same thing as was done in Perl5:
How can I read a gz file line by line in Perl6?
I would recommend using the module Compress::Zlib for this purpose. You can find the readme and code on github and install it with zef install Compress::Zlib.
This example is taken from the test file number 3 titled "wrap":
use Test;
use Compress::Zlib;
gzspurt("t/compressed.gz", "this\nis\na\ntest");
my $wrap = zwrap(open("t/compressed.gz"), :gzip);
is $wrap.get, "this\n", 'first line roundtrips';
is $wrap.get, "is\n", 'second line roundtrips';
is $wrap.get, "a\n", 'third line roundtrips';
is $wrap.get, "test", 'fourth line roundtrips';
This is probably the easiest way to get what you want.
use the read-file-content method in the Archive::Libarchive module, but i don't know if the method read all lines into memory at once:
use Archive::Libarchive;
use Archive::Libarchive::Constants;
my $a = operation => LibarchiveRead, file => 'test.tar.gz';
my Archive::Libarchive::Entry $e .= new;
my $log = '';
while $$e) {
$log = get-log($a,$e) if $e.pathname.ends-with('.txt');
sub get-log($a, $e) {
return $$e).decode('UTF8-C8');
If you are after a quick solution you can read the lines from the stdout pipe of a gzip process:
my $proc = run :out, "gzip", "--to-stdout", "--decompress", "MyFile.gz"
for $proc.out.lines -> $line {
say $line;

PowerShell to remove matching line plus immediately following line

I am trying to convert a “sed” script I use on my FreeBSD machine to one using “Powershell” on Windows 10.
This is the sed script. It is used to strip a header from an email plus the immediately following line and send the output to “email_1.txt”. The file is fed to the script on the command line; i.e. “COMMAND file”
sed '/Received: by 2002:a17:90a:3566:0:0:0:0/,/^/d' <$1> email_1.txt
I cannot find a way to get this to work with “PowerShell”.
You have a couple of options.
Install sed -
Something like scoop might be helpful here.
Write a pure powershell solution.
This will be very similar to what you would write if you were to try to do the same thing in "pure" bash. Here is an attempt to do so:
function Delete-TargetLines {
[int]$count = [int]1,
Begin {
[int]$seen = 0
Process {
if ($seen -gt 0) {
$seen -= 1
} elseif ( $haystack -match $needle ) {
$seen = 1
} else {
And an example of running it:
> #("Pre-line", "This is a test", "second line", "post line") | Delete-TargetLines -needle "test"
post line
> Get-Content $myfile | Delete-TargetLines -needle 'value' > $outfile

CGI perl read and print the content of a file

I wanted to open a text file and read the first 10 line by using CGI and Perl
I wrote the script but it does not work. where is my problem
#!C:/wamp/apps/Perl/bin/perl.exe -wt
use CGI;
my $cgi=CGI->new();
$cgi->start_html('Extract the text'),
$cgi->h1({-style=>'color:red;background-color:#eee;'},'Extract CGI'),
'Upload your text File: ',
$cgi->submit(-value=>'Read the File'),
my $txtfile=$cgi->param('filename'),
open my $in,$filename or die("couldnot open");
while (my $line = <$in>)
print $line;
last if $. == 10;
close $in;
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basically, the file uploaded is not named the same as the file passed in from the browser
You need to do some checks on what you've been sent first