Testing individual microservices in Jhipster - testing

So I have started work in an app built with jhipster. I have made changes to one microservice and want to run only that on my local machine. But I am not able as it gives me a 401 error. Frustrated I simply deleted the securityConfig.java file in app/config and now it keeps hitting me with a login page.
please help.


WebApplication crashes on some clients after update

I amb developing a web application with the frontent using typescript and vue, and the backend using spring. All deployed into a machine with tomcat9.
For some reason, everytime I update the application my boss calls me days later stating that the application stoped working. I then go check, but works fine for me, ask me boss to clear cache site and then it works for him to.
I dunno why, but this always happends to my boss and not me.
At first I thought this was happening cause I wasn't updating the version on the package.json file. But this doesn't solved the problem.
Any hint on what I can do to avoid this behaviour? Any workarounds would also be appreciated. As a developer I don't mind clearing the cache but our clients....

I CAN log into Jira through proxy. I CAN get to login page from local host. Authentication fails ONLY from local host

I'm having the strangest problem with Jira.
We were in the process of setting up links between Jira and Confluence and everything seemed to be working. After a restart of the machine we had some startup issues due to disabled plugs. We resolved this by deleting the rows indicating inactive plugins in the MySql database.
Everything seemed to be working. Could log into Jira. Could log into Confluence. Could connect from each to the other using application linker widget in the upper left corner of the applications.
While trying to embed some Jira into a Confluence page a user got an error and we checked the Application links.
Application link from Jira to Confluence looks good.
Application link from Confluence to Jira looks like this.
If I log onto the host machine and try to log into Jira as http://localhost:8080 i get this very strange behavior:
http://localhost:8080 brings up my Jira log on page.
If I try to log on as userX I get a try again screen.
If I try to log on as userY I get a try again screen WITH A CAPCHA.
BOTH logons DO WORK if I try to logon from https://jira.myorg.com!!!
Really confused why I can access the application but authentication fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm still seeing this strange behavior but I've solved the problem by changing the application url to the outward facing one (https://jira.myorg.com). At one point this didn't work (that's why we used http://localhost:8080 in the first place, jira and confluence are on the same server). It seems to not need this at this point.
We did delete and recreate the links from scratch also. This is mention as a suggestion in the documentation if you are having problems with the links.

Why is transfer from test to production of Asp.Net-Core app completely not working

We've been finalizing NopCommerce .Net Core web app which has been running great on a test server. I'm now trying to transfer the app to our production server, which did not have .Net Core. I installed the latest .Net Core hosting bundle and rebooted the server. I also have Web Deploy running on both the host and the client. I exported the app from the test machine and imported it into a newly created IIS site. After setting up the bindings - and enabling stdoutlogging, I try to see what's working, and get indication that "An error occurred while starting the application". No indication what the error is. Logs is not being written to. The event viewer tells me that:
Application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/NOPCOMMERCE' started process '6980' successfully and is listening on port '41573', which is a random port not binded to.
One interesting thing I noticed on the test server is a "user" called nopCommerce which has full rights to the nopCommerce folder in inetpub/wwwroot. However this user does not show when I look at local users and groups. I am not sure therefore what this "user" is and if/how I should create it. Based on some advice from somewhere I temporarily gave everyone full rights to the nopCommerce folder, but that didn't work either.
Can anybody please aim me in the right direction?
Problem was a bad setup - access rights to subfolders of nopCommerce was one, which I solved by giving the users group modify rights. This might be a bad idea and I will do some more research. The other fault was a bad database login in the connectionString.
Ultimately I had to learn that instead of starting the app via IIS, it can be run from the command-line, and then messages and errors will be displayed in the DOS box. What to run is determined from the
I still don't know where the nopCommerce user comes from on the staging server.

unable to login into weblogic console

I'm weblogic newbie, trying to abandon it ASAP, but that's not possible for now, so I have to resolve this. Maybe following is completely normal and trivial. I don't know. Please advice.
I had working weblogic 12.1.3 on 2 PCs for months. But suddenly, I cannot log into admin console on neither of them. I enter username/pass from password store, and it's not accepted. While at the same time intellij idea successfully logs in and deploys app using same pass. OK, fair enough, we reset pass, using:
and update password in intellij settings. Good. Intellij idea is in again, I cannot login. Nothing in logs, neither application, nor server logs.
I cannot login regardless if I start weblogic via intellij run configuration of from bash.
OK, lets try reinstall weblogic. No change.
Weblogic is up and running, app deployed to it, and is responsive. When accessing console URL, it gets printed, that app is being deployed, but I still cannot access it. Cleared caches/cooking etc. nothing. No logs, no error response. Nothing.
Responses to "failed"(?) login on urls j_security_check, console and console/ are http status 302 (moved temporarily). Not sure if it's ok or not, well say I'd expect 401/403, but maybe 302 is valid weblogic response for denied authentication. I don't know.
Any idea?
What you can do is to check web storage and try to clear it. But the most clear way is to use different browser. Or use your current browser in private mode. Also in firefox you can create different profile and use it for this specific purposo.

clientaccesspolicy.xml suddenly stopped working (WCF/Silverlight)

Very frustrated with all of this, hoping someone can assist.
I had a Silverlight application and WCF working together without issue for a year. In order to get them working, I had some pain initially but finally worked through it with help. All of the pain came from configuration/security, 401's, cross-domain hell, etc.
The way I have everything setup is that I have a WCF service that resides in it's own application/directory and runs in its own application pool.
On the same web server (IIS7), I have another application/directory with the Silverlight application that points to the aforementioned service.
The server name (for this exercise) is WEBSERVER1. We've created a CNAME for it that is WEB1. In the past, if the user went to http://WEB1/MyApp/ or http://WEBSERVER1/MyApp/ it would work. Suddenly yesterday it started behaving badly. Normal users started getting the Windows challenge/response prompt (and even if they entered the info they would get a 401 error).
My WCF service runs in a site that enables anonymous access (and this has always worked).
My Silverlight application runs in a site that has windows integrated (and this has always worked), since I capture the Windows username when they connect.
For the record, I did create a NEW application pool yesterday with an ASP.NET application that runs in it. This seems to work fine, but there is a chance creating this new application pool and application/directory has caused something to change.
I have a clientaccesspolicy.xml in my wwwroot folder, as well as in the folder for each of the two applications above (just in case). I have tried to promote NTLM over Negotiate as a provider (as that worked for another issue I was having on another server).
After trying some changes, I can't even get the thing to behave the same each time I call it. Sometimes it will prompt me for credentials. Other times it will work, but then say it failed to connect with the WCF service with a "not found". Other times it will actually work fine, but only if I am using the actual server name and not the CNAME. When using the CNAME I always get the crossdomain error, even though I have the cross-domain xml files in every directory root.
This is a nightmare, and makes advanced algorithm analysis seem fun and easy by comparison. Did Microsoft realize how difficult they made this combination of (IIS7/WCF/Silverlight/providers/permissions/cryptic or missing error messages) to get to work??
I found a solution that appears to be working.
In this case, I had to change the authentication mode for the default web site (which hosted the clientaccesspolicy.xml file) from anonymous access to Windows Integrated. I don't understand why this worked for a year or so and then stopped, but it seems to have resolved it.
The new application that I had deployed yesterday was a standard ASP.NET web application, which I put in it's own application directory and it's own application pool, to ensure that it would not cause this sort of issue. I'm still not even sure if it did.
The way I resolved it was by trying to navigate from my PC to the actual http://servername/clientaccesspolicy.xml file, and that was giving me a 401 error. I switched from anonymous to windows integrated on that default website (which has nothing in it except for that xml file) and that resolved the permission issue. I then had to permission the actual AD groups to have read access to that folder (if not they got the user/pw prompt and could not get through).