custom email verification getFromJson does not exist - laravel-6

im noob on laravel i'm trying to set up a custom email verification on laravel 6
i get this error
Method Illuminate\Translation\Translator::getFromJson does not exist.
i try
php artisan view:clear but didn't work for me
any help please
Method Illuminate\Translation\Translator::getFromJson does not exist

There are chances your application is still using outdated cache views. Try this
php artisan view:clear
php artisan view:cache


Class not found error when attempting to publish kyslik/column-sortable package

When i attempt to publish kyslik/column-sortable package with the command
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="KyslikColumnSortableColumnSortableServiceProvider" --tag="config"
I get the error
In ProviderRepository.php line 208:
Class "KyslikColumnSortableColumnSortableServiceProvider" not found
following instructions from
I ran into the same issue when following those instructions. It looks like there's a typo in two parts.
In config/app.php there needs to be some back slashes to properly identify the provider class. Use this instead:
And same thing when running the php artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kyslik\ColumnSortable\ColumnSortableServiceProvider" --tag="config"
That fixed the issue for me. I haven't made it further in the instructions yet to see if anything else needs to be adjsuted. I found the correct commands on these instructions:

Laravel 8 none existing route after deleting work

i had checkAuth route in routes early and now it doesn't defined in routes because i deleted that
you can see this output:
php artisan route:list
Your application doesn't have any routes matching the given criteria.
now when i try to test this route, it worked :|
True, you are logged!!
this commands with restarting server and change host with port couldn't resolve this issue:
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan clear-compiled
composer dump-autoload
we had the same problem in our project. If you had the websockets package, the problem is in the WebSocketsServiceProvider.php file.
In my package on line 49, I have the line $this->registerDashboard(); which registers routing and gateway for the dashboard from WebSockets. You can return an empty string in registerDashboardRoutes if you don't need the dashboard.

Unable to resolve NULL driver for [Illuminate\Mail\TransportManager]. in laravel 6 driver smto gmail

this my .env config
does anyone have a solution?
I think you get value from .env file but the value was not got.I just
suggest first confirm your parameter was got value or not by using
php artisan tinker
and check by
If you don't got the value then try to clear cache by using given
php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
and then try again with tinker.

BadMethodCallException Method Illuminate\Translation\Translator::getFromJson does not exist

Method Illuminate\Translation\Translator::getFromJson does not exist.
Bad Method Call
Did you mean Illuminate\Translation\Translator::getLine() ?
I have tried by given command but it's not working for me. same error
is showing.
php artisan view:clear
php artisan view:cache
also tried by these :
php artisan config:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan route:clear
I have also deleted cache files from bootstrap/cache
** BUT till now It's Not Working :( **
Laravel 6+ replaced Translator getFromJson() to just get(). If you find and replace all instances that should fix the issue.

migration:rollback not rolling back with Laravel 4

I am trying to roll back my migrations in Laravel 4.
When I use php artisan migrate:rollback command, I get the following error:
MacBook-Pro:laravel-master ****************$ php artisan migrate:rollback
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'CreateFansTable' not found","file":"\/Applications\/MAMP\/htdocs\/crowdsets\/laravel-master\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Database\/Migrations\/Migrator.php","line":301}}
I am not sure why this is happening. Running the migration works fine, but rolling back I am getting this error. Thank you for your help.