Query to find students that failed all given subjects - sql

I'm trying to find the students that have failed every subject in a set of subjects via PostgreSQL queries.
Students fail a subject if they have a not null mark < 50 for at least one course offering of the subject. And I want to find the students that have failed all subjects in the set of subjects Relevant_subjects.
NOTE: students can have several records per course.
SELECT People.name
JOIN Courses on (Courses.subject = Relevant_subjects.id)
JOIN Course_enrolments on (Course_enrolments.course = Courses.id)
JOIN Students on (Students.id = Course_enrolments.student)
JOIN People on (People.id = Students.id)
Course_enrolments.mark is not null AND
Course_enrolments.mark < 50 AND
With the code above, I get the students that has failed any of the Relevant_subjects but I my desired result is to get the students that has failed all Relevant_subjects. How can I do that?

Students fail a subject if they have a not null mark < 50 for at least one course offering of the subject.
One of many possible ways:
SELECT id, p.name
FROM students s
CROSS JOIN relevant_subjects rs
HAVING bool_and( EXISTS(
SELECT -- empty list
FROM course_enrolments ce
JOIN courses c ON c.id = ce.course
WHERE ce.mark < 50 -- also implies NOT NULL
AND ce.student = s.id
AND c.subject = rs.id
) -- all failed
) sub
JOIN people p USING (id);
Form a Carthesian Product of students and relevant subjects.
Aggregate by student (s.id) and filter those who failed all subjects in the HAVING clause with bool_and()over a correlated EXISTS subquery testing for at least one such failed course for each student-subject combination.
Join to people as final cosmetic step to get student names. I added id to get unique results (as names probably are not guaranteed to be unique).
Depending on actual table definition, your version of Postgres, cardinalities and value distribution, there may be (much) more efficient queries.
It's a case of relational-division at its core. See:
How to filter SQL results in a has-many-through relation
And the most efficient strategy is to eliminate as many students as possible as early in the query as possible - like by checking the subject with the fewest failing students first. Then proceed with only the remaining students etc.
Your case adds the specific difficulty that the number and identities of subjects to be tested are unknown / dynamic. Typically, a recursive CTE or similar offers best performance for this kind of problem:
SQL query to find a row with a specific number of associations

I would use aggregation:
SELECT p.name
FROM Relevant_subjects rs JOIN
Courses c
ON c.subject = rs.id JOIN
Course_enrolments ce
ON ce.course = c.id JOIN
Students s
ON s.id = ce.student JOIN
People p
ON p.id = s.id
WHERE ce.mark < 50
GROUP BY p.id, p.name
HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM relevant_subjects);
Note: This version assumes that students only have one record per course and relevant_subjects has no duplicates. These can easily be handling using COUNT(DISTINCT) if necessary.
To handle duplicates, this would look like:
SELECT p.name
FROM Relevant_subjects rs JOIN
Courses c
ON c.subject = rs.id JOIN
Course_enrolments ce
ON ce.course = c.id JOIN
Students s
ON s.id = ce.student JOIN
People p
ON p.id = s.id
WHERE ce.mark < 50
GROUP BY p.id, p.name
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT rs.id) = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT rs2.id) FROM relevant_subjects rs2);


Finding out zero frequency values from a column with inner join

I have two tables named courses and teachers. I need to find the list of teachers who don't take any courses.
This is the query I wrote for getting the teacher who took the most numbered courses -
SELECT t.name AS teacher_name
, COUNT(c.teacher_id) AS courses_taken
FROM courses c
JOIN teachers t
ON c.teacher_id = t.id
BY c.teacher_id
BY courses_taken DESC
By reversing this query I am getting the teacher's list who take minimum numbers of courses which is 1 but I need to find the list of teacher who don't take any courses.
Left Join and Where condition can help you.
FROM teachers t
JOIN courses c
ON t.id = c.teacher_id
WHERE c.teacher_id IS NULL
Teachers don't usually "take" courses. They "teach" courses. Students "take" courses.
That said, not exists seems appropriate:
FROM teachers t
FROM courses c
WHERE c.teacher_id = t.id
If you think about this, it is almost a direct translation of your question: Get teachers where there is no course that the teacher teachers.

SQLITE3 Inner Join Returning Too Many Tuples

I have 4 tables in sqlite3:
students(student_id, student_name)
instructors(instructor_id, instructor_name)
courses(course_id, course_name)
enrollments(enroll_id, student_id, instructor_id, course_id)
With the last 3 columns having a foreign key reference to the relevant columns in the first 3 tables
When I try to do a query that shows only the student’s name, instructor’s name and course name where an enroll_id is equal to 001 for example
SELECT students.student_name, instructors.instructor_name, courses.course_name
FROM users, instructors, courses INNER JOIN enrollments
WHERE enrollments.enroll_id = 001;
I'm getting a lot of data from all tables, but not a single tuple with just the relevant enroll data assigned to enroll_id 001. Any help is appreciated
Never use commas in the FROM clause. Always use proper, explicit JOIN syntax. The right way to express this query is:
SELECT s.student_full_name, i.instructor_name, c.course_name
FROM enrollments e JOIN
instructors i
ON e.instructor_id = i.instructor_id JOIN
courses c
ON e.course_id = c.course_id JOIN
students s
ON e.student_id = s.student_id
WHERE e.enroll_id = 001;
The use of table aliases is highly recommended. It makes the query easier to write and to read.
Try this:
SELECT students.student_full_name, instructors.instructor_name, courses.course_name
FROM users, instructors, courses, enrollments
WHERE enrollments.enroll_id = 001
and enrollments.student_id = users.student_id
and enrollments.instructor_id = instructors.instructor_id
and enrollments.course_id = courses.course_id;

What Join to use against 2 Tables for All Data

Hi I am looking to find out what join I would use if I wanted to join 2 tables together. I currently have a list of all students so 25 students to 1 class and the other table only shows 7 of those names with their test results.
What I would like is to have 1:1 join for the ones with the test results and the other ones without I would like to show them underneath so all in all I have 20 records.
If somebody could please advise on how I could achieve this please.
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you want an OUTER JOIN.
For this example, we'll assume that there is a table named student and that it contains a column named id which is UNIQUE (or PRIMARY) KEY.
We'll also assume that there is another table named test_result which contains a column named student_id, and that column is a foreign key referencing the id column in student.
For demonstration purposes, we'll just make up some names for the other columns that might appear in these tables, name and score.
, s.name
, r.score
FROM student s
JOIN test_result r
ON r.student_id = s.id
BY r.student_id IS NULL
, s.score DESC
, s.id
Note that if student_id is not unique in test_result, there is potential to return multiple rows that match a row in student.
To get (at most) one row returned from test_result per student, we could use an inline view.
, s.name
, r.score
FROM student s
JOIN ( SELECT t.student_id
, MAX(t.score) AS score
FROM test_result t
GROUP BY t.student_id
) r
ON r.student_id = s.id
BY r.student_id IS NULL
, s.score DESC
, s.id
The expressions in the ORDER BY clause are designed to return the students that have matching row(s) in test_result first, followed by students that don't.
This is just a demonstration, and very likely excludes some important criteria, such as which test a score should be returned for. But without a sample schema and some example data, we're just guessing.
You are looking for a left outer join or a full outer join.
The left outer join will show all students and their tests if they have them.
select *
from Students as s
left outer join Tests as t
on s.StudentId = t.StudentId
The full outer join will show all students with their tests if they have them, and tests even if they do not have students.
select *
from Students as s
full outer join Tests as t
on s.StudentId = t.StudentId

SQL Count and Group by - Do count and group, used together, allow for this?

i'm working on an exercise query, using standard SQL.
What I need, in this example, is get the Name and the ID of every student who has enrolled in any course more than 2 times. In this case, the tables have the following information (I'll list only the columns that matter for this exercise):
Student has the ID and the name of the student.
Course has the course ID.
Class has the group ID and the course ID.
Registration has the reg. ID, the student ID, the class ID and the grade obtained.
So, it all sums up to find out which students have more than 2 entries in Registration that are matched to the same course, via Class. So far I've gotten this:
SELECT Student.id, Student.name FROM
Student S JOIN Registration R on S.id = R.studentID
Course C JOIN Class L on L.courseId = C.id
JOIN Registration R on R.classId = L.id
group by C.id ) > 2
The question is, do Count and Group by work this way?? Do they allow me to get the amount of matches on each group, or do they just give me the results on the set, as I fear they do?
If so, any ideas on how may I approach this problem??
Thanks for the help!!
Start reading up on the HAVING clause. Also, you aliases Student as S, so you need to use the prefix "S" for the SELECT clause, not "Student"
SELECT S.id StudentID, S.name, C.id CourseID
FROM Student S
JOIN Registration R on S.id = R.studentID
JOIN Class L on R.ClassId = L.id
JOIN Course C on L.courseId = C.id
GROUP BY S.id, S.name, C.id
HAVING COUNT(R.studentID) > 2;
All 4 tables are joined to produce a resultset representing all students registrated for any class of a course. Then we GROUP BY the student-course combination, and find out the ones where there are more than 2 registrations using the HAVING clause. Of course, if you meant "2 or more" instead of "more than 2", you'd use > 1 or >= 2 instead of > 2.

ORACLE AVG function query

I have four tables with the following construct:-
I am trying to construct a query which will output offerings which have an attendance below the average attendance for offerings of the course to which they belong. I have constructed two queries so far
This outputs the total number of attendees for each course
This outputs the total number of offerings for each course.
I think what i need to do is divide the results of the first query, by the results of the second query (which will give me the average attendance for each offering of each course) and then output only the offerings with attendance below that result. I really am struggling to build this query so I am basically looking for some help
Any help is much appreciated as always
One way to do it is to first find the number of attendees for each offering, then from this result find the average attendance for each course, join the average attendances to each related offering, and then select the ones where the actual attendance is lover than the average.
This can be done using a CTE:
WITH attendee_counts AS
(SELECT c.course_id, o.offering_id,
COUNT (Student_id) AS attendees -- find attendance
FROM course c
INNER JOIN offering o
ON o.course_id = c.course_id
LEFT JOIN attendance a
ON a.offering_id = o.offering_id
GROUP BY c.course_id, o.offering_id) -- for each offering
SELECT ac.course_id, ac.offering_id,
ac.attendees, avgs.avg_attendees
FROM attendee_counts AS ac
(SELECT course_id, AVG(attendees) AS avg_attendees -- then average
FROM attendee_counts
GROUP BY course_id) AS avgs -- by course
ON avgs.course_id = ac.course_id
WHERE ac.attendees < avgs.avg_attendees;
The query (that works in PostgreSQL) can be tested here: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!1/f5b60/20/0
Oracle seems to require a slightly different solution:
WITH attendee_counts AS
(SELECT c.course_id, o.offering_id,
COUNT (Student_id) AS attendees
FROM course c
INNER JOIN offering o ON o.course_id = c.course_id
LEFT JOIN attendance a ON a.offering_id = o.offering_id
GROUP BY c.course_id, o.offering_id)
SELECT o.course_id, o.offering_id, o.attendees,
avg(c.attendees) AS avg_attendees
FROM attendee_counts o -- connect attendance by offering
LEFT JOIN attendee_counts c
ON c.course_id = o.course_id -- to each offering of the same course
GROUP BY o.course_id, o.offering_id, o.attendees
HAVING o.attendees < avg(c.attendees);
This can be tested here http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/e50e4/4/0 (for Oracle 11g R2)