UPDATE Table value from other table like distribution - sql

I have a table 1 where I have to distribute award from other table table 2 but in a manner of First in first serve from other table row.
Table 1
ATTIME | Absent | LeaveType
2019-01-01| 1 |
2019-01-02| 1 |
2019-01-03| 1 |
2019-01-04| 1 |
2019-01-05| 1 |
2019-01-06| 1 |
Table 2
LeaveType | Total
Casual | 3
Sick | 2
I have achieved it by using cursor, but want a set base UPDATE QUERY or any other option which optimize my execution plan,
Final Result will be....
Table 1
ATTIME | Absent | LeaveType
2019-01-01| 1 | CL
2019-01-02| 1 | CL
2019-01-03| 1 | CL
2019-01-04| 1 | SL
2019-01-05| 1 | SL
2019-01-06| 1 |

In a supported version of SQL Server, you would use a cumulative sum and row_number():
with toupdate as (
select t1.*,
row_number() over (order by attime) as seqnum
from table1 t1
update toupdate
set leavetype = t2.leavetype
from (select t2.*,
sum(total) over (order by leavetype) as runningtotal
from table2 t2
) t2
where toupdate.seqnum between t2.runningtotal + 1 - total and t2.runningtotal;
In archaic, unsupported versions of SQL Server, the cumulative sum is more cumbersome. One method uses a correlated subquery:
with toupdate as (
select t1.*,
row_number() over (order by attime) as seqnum
from table1 t1
update toupdate
set leavetype = t2.leavetype
from (select t2.*,
(select sum(total)
from table2 tt2
where tt2.leavetype <= t2.leavetype
) as runningtotal
from table2 t2
) t2
where t1.seqnum between t2.runningtotal + 1 - total and t2.runningtotal;


single column value in multiple columns

ID|Class | Number
1 | 1 | 58.2
2 | 1 | 85.4
3 | 2 | 28.2
4 | 2 | 55.4
The desired result would be:
Column1 |Number | Column2 | Number
1 | 58.2 | 2 |28.2
1 | 85.4 | 2 |55.4
What would be the required SQL?
You can user row_number() and aggregate:
select 1, max(case when seqnum % 2 = 1 then number end),
2, max(case when seqnum % 2 = 0 then number end)
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by class order by id) as seqnum
from t
) t
group by ceiling(seqnum / 2.0);
The aggregation uses arithmetic to put pairs of rows for each class into one row.
try this
SELECT 1 AS Column1,t2.Number,2 AS Column2,t1.Number
FROM test11
) t2
FROM test11
) t1
ON t1.Class = t2.Class
WHERE t1.ID < t2.ID
Demo in db<>fiddle

Filter rows and select in to another columns in SQL?

I have a table like below.
If(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') Is Not Null)
Drop Table #Temp
create table #Temp
Type int,
Code Varchar(50),
Insert Into #Temp
SELECT 1,'1'
SELECT 1,'2'
SELECT 1,'3'
SELECT 2,'4'
SELECT 2,'5'
SELECT 2,'6'
select * from #Temp
And would like to get the below result.
I have tried with union and inner join, but not getting desired result. Please help.
You can use full outer join and cte as follows:
With cte as
(Select type, code,
Row_number() over (partition by type order by code) as rn
From your_table t)
Select t1.type, t1.code, t2.type, t2.code
From cte t1 full join cte t2
On t1.rn = t2.rn and t1.type =1 and t2.type = 2
Here is a query which will produce the output you expect:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT t.[Type], t.Code
FROM #Temp t
SELECT Type_1 = t1.[Type], Code_1 = t1.Code
, Type_2 = t2.[Type], Code_2 = t2.Code
FROM cte t1
JOIN cte t2 ON t1.rn = t2.rn AND t2.[Type] = 2
AND t1.[Type] = 1
This query is will filter out any Type_1 records which do not have a Type_2 record. This means if there are an uneven number of Type_1 vs Type_2 records, the extra records will get eliminated.
Since there is no obvious way to join the two sets of data, because there is no shared key between them, we need to create one.
So we use this query:
SELECT t.[Type], t.Code
FROM #Temp t
Which assigns a ROW_NUMBER to every row...It restarts the numbering for every Type value, and it orders the numbering by the Code.
So it will produce:
| Type | Code | rn |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 1 | 3 | 3 |
| 2 | 4 | 1 |
| 2 | 5 | 2 |
| 2 | 6 | 3 |
Now you can see that we have assigned a key to each row of Type 1's and Type 2's which we can use for the joining process.
In order for us to re-use this output, we can stick it in a CTE and perform a self join (not an actual type of join, it just means we want to join a table to itself).
That's what this query is doing:
FROM cte t1
JOIN cte t2 ON t1.rn = t2.rn AND t2.[Type] = 2
AND t1.[Type] = 1
It's saying, "give me a list of all Type 1 records, and then join all Type 2 records to that using the new ROW_NUMBER we've generated".
Note: All of this works based on the assumption that you always want to join the Type 1's and Type 2's based on the order of their Code.
You can also do this using aggregation:
select max(case when type = 1 then type end) as type_1,
max(case when type = 1 then code end) as code_1,
max(case when type = 2 then type end) as type_2,
max(case when type = 2 then code end) as code_2
from (select type, code,
row_number() over (partition by type order by code) as seqnum
from your_table t
) t
group by seqnum;
It would be interesting to know which is faster -- a join approach or aggregation.
Here is a db<>fiddle.

SELECT statement that shows continuous data with condition

I consider myself good at SQL but failed at this problem.
I need a SELECT statement that shows all rows above 100 if there are
3 rows or more with 100 next to it.
Given Table "Trend":
| id | volume |
| 0 | 200 |
| 1 | 90 |
| 2 | 101 |
| 3 | 120 |
| 4 | 200 |
| 5 | 10 |
| 6 | 400 |
I need a SELECT statement to produce:
| 2 | 101 |
| 3 | 120 |
| 4 | 200 |
I suspect that you are after the following logic:
select *
from (
select t.*,
sum(case when volume > 100 then 1 else 0 end) over(order by id rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) cnt
from mytable t
) t
where volume > 100 and cnt >= 3
This counts how many values are above 100 in the range made of the two preceding rows, the current row and the next two rows. Then we filter on rows whose window count is 3 or more.
This uses a syntax that most database support (provided that window functions are available). Neater expressions may be available depending on the actual database you are using.
sum(volume > 100) over(order by id rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) cnt
In Postgres:
count(*) filter(where volume > 100) over(order by id rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) cnt
sum((volume > 100)::int) over(order by id rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) cnt
This is tricky because you want the original rows . . . I am going to suggest lag() and lead():
select id, volume
from (select t.*,
lag(volume, 2) over (order by id) as prev_volume_2,
lag(volume) over (order by id) as prev_volume,
lead(volume, 2) over (order by id) as next_volume_2,
lead(volume) over (order by id) as next_volume
from t
) t
where volume > 100 and
( (prev_volume_2 > 100 and prev_volume > 100) or
(prev_volume > 100 and next_volume > 100) or
(next_volume_2 > 100 and next_volume > 100)
Another method is to treat this as a gaps-and-islands problem. This makes the solution more generalizable. You can assign a group by counting the number of rows less than or equal to 100 up to each row. Then count the number that are greater than 100 to see if those groups qualify to be in the final results:
select id, volume
from (select t.*,
sum(case when volume > 100 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by grp) as cnt
from (select t.*,
sum(case when volume <= 100 then 1 else 0 end) over (order by id) as grp
from t
) t
) t
where volume > 100 and cnt >= 3;
Here is a db<>fiddle with these two approaches.
Key point here is "3 rows or more". MATCH_RECOGNIZE could be used:
FROM trend
ORDER BY id -- ordering of a streak
MEASURES FINAL COUNT(*) AS l -- count "per" match
ALL ROWS PER MATCH -- get all rows
PATTERN(a{3,}) -- 3 or more
DEFINE a AS volume >= 100 -- condtion of streak
-- choose the group that has the longest streak
The strength of this approach is a PATTERN part which could be modifed to handle different scenarios like a{3,5} - between 3 and 5 occurences, a{4} exactly 4 occurences and so on. More conditions could be defined which allows to build complex pattern detection.
db<>fiddle demo
Get the min value of volume for all consecutive 3 rows of the table.
Then join to the table and keep only the ones belonging to a group that has min > 100:
select distinct t.*
from Trend t
inner join (
select t.*,
min(t.volume) over (order by t.id rows between current row and 2 following) min_volume,
lead(t.id, 1) over (order by t.id) next1,
lead(t.id, 2) over (order by t.id) next2
from Trend t
) m on t.id in (m.id, m.next1, m.next2)
where m.min_volume > 100 and m.next1 is not null and m.next2 is not null
See the demo for SQL Server, MySql, Postgresql, Oracle, SQLite.
> id | volume
> -: | -----:
> 2 | 101
> 3 | 120
> 4 | 200
a simplistic approach:
--CREATE TABLE Trend (id integer, volume integer);
--insert into Trend VALUES
-- (0,200),
-- (1,90),
-- (2,101),
-- (3,120),
-- (4,200),
-- (5,10),
-- (6,400);
t1.id, t1.volume
--,t2.id, t2.volume
--,t3.id, t3.volume
FROM Trend t1
INNER JOIN Trend t2 ON t2.id>t1.id and t2.volume>100 and not exists (select * from Trend t5 where t5.id between t1.id+1 and t2.id-1)
INNER JOIN Trend t3 ON t3.id>t2.id and t3.volume>100 and not exists (select * from Trend where id between t2.id+1 and t3.id-1)
WHERE t1.volume>100
union all
--t1.id, t1.volume
t2.id, t2.volume
--,t3.id, t3.volume
FROM Trend t1
INNER JOIN Trend t2 ON t2.id>t1.id and t2.volume>100 and not exists (select * from Trend t5 where t5.id between t1.id+1 and t2.id-1)
INNER JOIN Trend t3 ON t3.id>t2.id and t3.volume>100 and not exists (select * from Trend where id between t2.id+1 and t3.id-1)
WHERE t1.volume>100
union all
--t1.id, t1.volume
--t2.id, t2.volume
t3.id, t3.volume
FROM Trend t1
INNER JOIN Trend t2 ON t2.id>t1.id and t2.volume>100 and not exists (select * from Trend t5 where t5.id between t1.id+1 and t2.id-1)
INNER JOIN Trend t3 ON t3.id>t2.id and t3.volume>100 and not exists (select * from Trend where id between t2.id+1 and t3.id-1)
WHERE t1.volume>100

I want to get minimum of starttime of each id. But I'm not able to achieve it using min function. How to solve it?

id | starttime | grade
1 | 4PM | A
1 | 5PM | C
2 | 2PM | A
2 | 3PM | B
In output I should get all the ids that have minimum starttime with all the columns.
For the above table output should be like this:
id | starttime | grade
1 | 4PM | A
2 | 2PM | A
Using top with ties and row_number() to get the minimum starttime for each id.
select top (1) with ties *
from t
order by row_number() over (partition by id order by starttime);
rextester demo: http://rextester.com/RJVT1405
| id | starttime | grade |
| 1 | 4PM | A |
| 2 | 2PM | A |
In SQL Server, use top with ties:
select top (1) with ties t.*
from t
order by starttime;
TOP (1) only returns one row. TOP (1) WITH TIES returns all rows that have the same key value as in the first row specified by the ORDER BY.
You can use group by:
with minTimes (id, startTime) as
select id, min(startTime) from myTable
group by id
select t1.*
from myTable t1
inner join minTimes t2 on t1.id = t2.id and t1.startTime = t2.startTime
;WITH cte(id,starttime, grade)
SELECT 1 , '4PM','A' Union all
SELECT 1 , '5PM','C' Union all
SELECT 2 , '2PM','A' Union all
SELECT 2 , '3PM','B'
,Final AS (
,Row_Number() OVER (
) Seq
,CAST(starttime AS TIME) AS starttime
,MIN(CAST(starttime AS TIME)) OVER (
) AS MinStartTime
FROM cte
) Dt
,CONVERT(VARCHAR(15), MinStartTime, 100) AS starttime
FROM final
WHERE Seq = 1

T-sql rank for max and min value

I need help with a t-sql query.
I have a table with this structure:
id | OverallRank | FirstRank | SecondRank | Nrank..
1 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 5
2 | 15 | 24 | 12 | 80
3 | 10 | 40 | 37 | 12
I need a query that produces this kind of result:
When id: 1
id | OverallRank | BestRankLabel | BestRankValue | WorstRankLabel | WorkRankValue
1 | 10 | SecondRank | 30 | Nrank | 5
When id: 2
id | OverallRank | BestRankLabel | BestRankValue | WorstRankLabel | WorkRankValue
1 | 15 | FirstRank | 24 | SecondRank | 12
How can I do it?
Thanks in advance
with cte(id, RankValue,RankName) as (
SELECT id, RankValue,RankName
(SELECT id, OverallRank, FirstRank, SecondRank, Nrank
FROM ##input) p
(RankValue FOR RankName IN
(OverallRank, FirstRank, SecondRank, Nrank)
)AS unpvt)
select t1.id, max(case when RankName = 'OverallRank' then RankValue else null end) as OverallRank,
max(case when t1.RankValue = t2.MaxRankValue then RankName else null end) as BestRankName,
MAX(t2.MaxRankValue) as BestRankValue,
max(case when t1.RankValue = t3.MinRankValue then RankName else null end) as WorstRankName,
MAX(t3.MinRankValue) as WorstRankValue
from cte as t1
left join (select id, MAX(RankValue) as MaxRankValue from cte group by id) as t2 on t1.id = t2.id
left join (select id, min(RankValue) as MinRankValue from cte group by id) as t3 on t1.id = t3.id
group by t1.id
Working good with your test data. You should only edit RankName IN (OverallRank, FirstRank, SecondRank, Nrank) by adding right columns' names.
WHEN OverallRank > FirstRank and OverallRank > FirstSecondRand and OverallRank > nRank THEN 'OverallRank'
WHEN FirstRank > OverallRank ... THEN 'FirstRank'
This kind of query is why you should normalise your data.
declare #id int, #numranks int
select #id = 1, #numranks = 3 -- number of Rank columns
;with cte as
select *
select *,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by id order by rank desc) rn
select * from YourBadlyDesignedTable
unpivot (Rank for RankNo in (FirstRank, SecondRank, ThirdRank))u -- etc
) v2
) v1
where id=#id and rn in (1, #numranks)
tMin.RankNo as BestRankLabel,
tMin.Rank as BestRankValue,
tMax.RankNo as WorstRankLabel,
tMax.Rank as WorstRankValue
from (select * from cte where rn=1) tMin
inner join (select * from cte where rn>1) tMax
on tMin.id = tmax.id
You can take out the id = #id if you want all rows.