Visual Basic Validation -

I'm new to Visual Basics, and I tried implementing input validation for the Mark input in my application where the input can't be empty or < 0 or > 100 or isnumeric(Mark) = False or else an error message would be displayed. However, I tried leaving the input as empty or entering alphabetical values but it returned me a run time error instead. Could anyone assist me in some explanations as well as how to overcome this? Apologies if this is a dumb question.
Note: The data type for the variable "Mark" is set as single. Thank you for your time!
Sub InputMark()
4: For I = 0 To 3
Console.WriteLine("Please enter test marks for test " & I + 1)
Mark(I) = Console.ReadLine
While Mark(I) = Nothing Or Mark(I) < 0 Or Mark(I) > 100 Or IsNumeric(Mark(I)) = False
Console.WriteLine("Please enter valid test marks.")
GoTo 4
End While
End Sub

A couple of things:
Turn option strict on:
Using Single.TryParse on the result of ReadLine.
ABANDON GOTO'! In this case a simple Do loop will suffice.
Take a look at this example:
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Public Module Module1
Public Sub Main()
' Declare an array of Single values
Dim marks(3) As Single
' Loop from 0 to n (in this case 3)
For counter As Integer = 0 To marks.Length - 1
' Declare a variable to check if the conversion was succesful
Dim success As Boolean = False
' Start a Do/Until loop
' Propt the user to enter something
Console.WriteLine("Please enter test marks for test " & counter + 1)
' Check if the conversion from ReadLine to a Single is valid
success = Single.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), marks(counter)) AndAlso marks(counter) >= 0 AndAlso marks(counter) <= 100
' If not then scold the user
If (Not success) Then
Console.WriteLine("Please enter valid test marks.")
End If
Loop Until success
' Debug - just print out the values of marks
For Each mark As Single In marks
End Sub
End Module
Live Demo:

The data type for the variable "Mark" is set as single.
One of the nice things about strongly-typed platforms like .Net is most of your validation rules are already enforced. You will not be able to assign a non-number value to Mark, and as a value-type it can't even be null (VB.Net's Nothing will evaluate to 0 for a Single type).
So what we need to do instead is back up, and find where the data is received from the user, before it's assigned to the Mark variable. Somewhere you'll have code like Mark(I) = Console.Readline(), or similar. That's where your testing needs to be. Check the string value received from the user before assigning it to the Single value. And when you come to that point, the best way to accomplish this testing is with the Single.TryParse() function. Then, you can verify the parsed Single value is within the correct range.
Okay, with more complete code we can start to give you some real improvements.
One suggestion is to think in terms of returning a value. It's better design to let this function return the array, rather than communicating through a global variable. I mention that here because it will also mean changing how you call this function.
That out of the way:
Function InputMarks() As Single()
Dim result(3) As Single
For I As Integer = 0 To 3
Dim ErrorMsg As String = ""
Console.Write($"{ErrorMsg}Please enter test marks for test {I+1}: ")
Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine()
ErrorMsg = $"{vbCrLf}Please enter valid test marks.{vbCrLf}{vbCrLf}"
While Not Single.TryParse(input, result(I)) OrElse result(I) < 0 OrElse result(I) > 100
Return result
End Function
No GOTO required or wanted.
If you haven't seen them yet, the $"strings" are using string interpolation and the OrElse operator instead of Or is to get short-circuiting behavior. Modern VB.Net should use OrElse and AndAlso instead of Or and And pretty much all the time.
In this case, using OrElse means we're sure Single.TryParse() completed successfully and we will have a valid number before attempting to verify the range. If the parse operation failed, the range tests won't even be attempted.

I'm going to break this into smaller functions.
First, here is a function to process a string, which returns either a number if it satisfies your conditions, or Single.NaN.
Private Function validateMarkOrNaN(input As String) As Single
Return If(Single.TryParse(input, validateMarkOrNaN) AndAlso 0 <= validateMarkOrNaN AndAlso validateMarkOrNaN <= 100, validateMarkOrNaN, Single.NaN)
End Function
Here is a second function which calls the first when it needs to process the user input. This function handles the flow of a single input. It can be called any number of times, requiring that you pass in the index only so it can be typed in the console.
Private Function getMarkInput(index As Integer) As Single
Dim result As Single
Console.WriteLine($"Please enter test marks for test {index + 1}")
result = validateMarkOrNaN(Console.ReadLine())
If Single.IsNaN(result) Then Console.WriteLine("Please enter valid test marks.")
Loop While Single.IsNaN(result)
Return result
End Function
Your main program dictates the overall flow. Here you can declare how many marks will be read, and loop over your array, getting each input into each element.
Sub Main()
Dim numberOfMarks = 4
Dim Mark(numberOfMarks - 1) As Single
For i = 0 To numberOfMarks - 1
Mark(i) = getMarkInput(i)
End Sub
Similar to your code, this will loop indefinitely as long as the user doesn't enter a valid float.


Issue with ByVal and Arrays in Functions (VB.NET)

I've ran into an issue with my code for the last week or so, and its been killing me trying to figure out what's wrong with it. I've extracted and isolated the issue from my main project, but the issue still isn't apparent.
Essentially, I have a function that usually does a lot of stuff, but in this example just changes 1 element in an array called FalseTable. Now, I have set this variable to be ByVal, meaning the original variable (ie: TrueTable) shouldn't change, however, it does! Here is the full code:
Dim TrueTable(7) As Char
Sub Main()
Dim FalseTable(7) As Char
For x = 0 To 7
TrueTable(x) = "T"
For x = 0 To 7
FalseTable(x) = "F"
For x = 0 To 7
For x = 0 To 7
End Sub
Function Test(ByVal FalseTable() As Char) As Char()
FalseTable(0) = "0"
Return FalseTable
End Function
Now, I used to think that it was the repetition of the name "FalseTable" in the function, however even if I change the function to:
Function Test(ByVal SomeTable() As Char) As Char()
SomeTable(0) = "0"
Return SomeTable
End Function
And not modify the rest, the issue still persists - for some reason, TrueTable is being updated when it shouldn't due to the ByVal status.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated; it's probably something stupid that I've overlooked, but it's pulling my hair out!!
Many thanks,
Alfie :)
If you don't want to change the TrueTable, define another Array and copy TrueTable to it.
Here's the code you can refer to.
Dim TrueTable(7) As Char
Dim TrueTable2(7) As Char
Sub Main()
For x = 0 To 7
TrueTable(x) = "T"c
For x = 0 To 7
TrueTable.CopyTo(TrueTable2, 0)
For x = 0 To 7
End Sub
To understand why that happens just imagine this scenario.
You have a regular TextBox1 (this will be your TrueTable), now you want to pass the object TextBox1 to a function, something like this:
Function Test(ByVal TextBoxAnything as TextBox) As String
TextBoxAnything.Text = "0"
Return ""
End Function
Do you understand that you're passing thru TextBox1 and once inside the function Test the object TextBoxAnything is just TextBox1, anything you do to TextBoxAnything you're just doing it to TextBox1. TextBoxAnything doesn't exist, it just points to Textbox1. That's why the value of your TrueTable is also changed.

how to remove a specific string from a label

I'm trying to remove a specific string out of a label. The label is suppose to print an error message while the input is invalid, as soon as the user changes the textbox input to a number, the error message should disappear for that specific input.
Here is what I tried so far but the "-=" did not work as I expected.
Sub errorOutput(toggleError As Boolean, courseNumber As Integer)
Dim err(6) As String
err(courseNumber) = "please ensure that what you input in Course " + courseNumber.ToString + " is a number between 0 and 100"
If toggleError = True Then
lblError.Text += err(courseNumber)
lblError.Text -= err(courseNumber)
End If
End Sub
When applied to two Strings, the + operator does concatenation. It appends the string on the right-hand side of the operator to the string on the left-hand side of the operator.
(Technically, it creates a new String object that represents the concatenation of the left-hand and right-hand strings, since strings are immutable in .NET, but that's a technical detail you probably don't care about.)
The += operator is referred to as a compound assignment operator. It merges together an operator that modifies the value (in this case, the +) with the assignment operator (=), so that you can get both at once.
Okay, so you know how this works already. You're using +=, and you can append two strings, and everything is good.
So, by way of analogy, you try -=. Wait…what should happen? What does it mean to subtract two strings? Subtracting two numbers, well, that makes perfect sense. But how do you subtract a string?
It's not obvious what operation would be performed, so the subtraction operator doesn't do anything for String objects. It hasn't been defined, because its semantics are not clear. Only concatenation is defined, using the + operator (and also the & operator).
If you need to "remove" a portion of a string, you will have to write a bit more code, using one or more of the methods provided by the String class to spell out exactly what operation you want to happen. For example, you could use the String.Replace method to replace all occurrences of one string with another string (or even an empty string):
Dim message As String = "My favorite color is yellow."
message = message.Replace("yellow", "blue")
But in this case, you probably just want to clear the Label control first, and then only add in the error messages. This is essentially what Ry- suggested in a comment; e.g.:
Sub errorOutput(toggleError As Boolean, courseNumber As Integer)
lblError.Text = String.Empty
Dim err(6) As String
err(courseNumber) = "please ensure that what you input in Course " + courseNumber.ToString + " is a number between 0 and 100"
If toggleError = True Then
lblError.Text += err(courseNumber)
End If
End Sub
There is some built in things that can be used for validating user input. This is just some info I saved on the subject. Easy to use.
Private err As New ErrorProvider()
Or add to your form from Toolbox -> Components in Design View
.SetError(Control, “Error Message”)
Private Sub TextBox1_Validating(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Validating
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
e.Cancel = True
err.SetError(TextBox1, "This text box cannot be blank.")
End If
End Sub

How to check if input comes null/empty

I need to check if an input comes null/empty.
If input <= 100 And input > 0 And Not input = "" Then
subjectsInt.Add(subjects(i), input)
check = True
End If
I know in that code I am checking it as String but I already did Not input = Nothing and Not input = 0 and I am getting an error:
Run-time exception (line -1): Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
Stack Trace:
[System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.]
[System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.]
Any suggestions?
Here is the code in case you want to take a look:
Well, I have looked at your code and there are many problems, all caused by the freely approach to Data Types that VB.NET allows when you have Option Strict set to Off. In this context VB.NET allows you to assign the return value of Console.ReadLine to an Integer trying to help you adding an implicit conversion of the input. Of course if the user types ABCD this implicit conversion has no other way to inform you than triggering an Exception. So I really, really recommend you to use Option Strict set to On (MSDN Option Strict)
Now with Option Strict On your code has a lot of errors, I have rewritten your code and then explain in comments the changes.
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Module Module1
Public Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
' I use a List of strings instead of an untyped array list
Dim subjects As New List(Of String)() From
Dim subjectsInt As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
Dim i, input As Integer
Dim check As Boolean
For i = 0 To subjects.Count - 1
check = False
Console.WriteLine(subjects(i) & ": ")
' The input is passed to a string
Dim temp = Console.ReadLine()
' Check if this string is really a number
If Int32.TryParse(temp, input) Then
If input <= 100 And input > 0 Then
subjectsInt.Add(subjects(i), input)
check = True
End If
End If
Loop While check = False
For i = 0 To subjects.Count - 1
Console.WriteLine(subjects(i) & ": " & subjectsInt(subjects(i)))
End Sub
End Module
The error is telling you that the input is an integer, you can't compare an integer with a string which is precisely what's happening.
Even if the string contains only digit, the type system doesn't convert it inferring from the operator.
In your example, input = "" input can never be "". You should change the type of input to a string and then check before converting it to an integer.
This would be a solution:
Dim integerInput As Integer
Dim stringInput = Console.ReadLine()
If Integer.TryParse(stringInput, integerInput) AndAlso integerInput <= 100 And integerInput > 0 Then
To use < > = with an integer you need to convert the string:
If Integer.Parse(input) <= 100 And Integer.Parse(input) > 0 And Not input = "" Then
Integer.Parse will do the job.
Obviously, if your input is a string and it's not guaranteed that it is going to contain just digit you need either to do some check before or use Integer.TryParse.
The closest you can get to a null check with a value type is EqualityComparer(Of Integer).Default.Equals(id, Nothing); unless you start using Nullable, but it would be too late as the code will fail on the input = Console.ReadLine() when you input a non-digit string.

input validation in vb 2013 input box string conversion error

My program crashes when I enter letter characters into the input box or leave the input box blank. Why is my validation if statement not working?
Option Strict On
Public Class frmPickUpSticks
Dim playersTurn As Boolean = False
Dim remainingSticks As Integer 'count sticks
Dim losses As Integer = 0 'count player losses
Private Sub btnNewGame_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewGame.Click
lblOutput.Text = ""
remainingSticks = CInt(InputBox("How many matchsticks would you like (5 - 25)?", "Pick Number of Matches!"))
'Validate input
If IsNumeric(remainingSticks) Then
If (remainingSticks >= 5) And (remainingSticks <= 25) Then
If (remainingSticks Mod 4 = 1) Then
MessageBox.Show("You go first!")
playersTurn = True
MessageBox.Show("I go first.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number between 5 and 25.")
End If
MessageBox.Show("Input must be numeric.", "Input Error")
End If
You can't automatically take what your user types in an InputBox and pass this input to any function or method that expects a number for input. The InputBox method has been designed to return a string and this string need to be converted but you need to use methods that know how to parse a string. Otherwise methods that are not designed to handle nonnumeric values (CInt) will cause exceptions.
Instead you should try some kind of parsing and the NET Library offers many tools to use. In your case the correct one is Int32.TryParse
Dim remainingSticks As Integer
Dim userInput = InputBox("How many matchsticks .....")
If Int32.TryParse(userInput, remainingSticks) Then
.... ok your remainingStick contains the converted value
MessageBox.Show("You should type a valid integer number between 5-25")
The Int32.TryParse will look at your input string and try to convert to a valid integer value. If it succeed then the second parameter contains the converted integer and returns True, if it fails it return false and your second parameter will have the default value of zero.
Of course after a succesfull conversion to an integer your don't need anymore a check with IsNumeric
You should use a string variable in the inputbox
dim st as string
st = InputBox("How many matchsticks would you like (5 - 25)?", "Pick Number of Matches!"))
remainingSticks = val(st)
. . .

How can I make this VB program recursive?

I need to use recursion in this program for a school project. The program checks if the number inputted is a real number (in this case defined by a number with a decimal with the characters 0-9 (e.g. 56.7). How would I make the function recursive?
Thanks :-)
Module Real_Numbers
Sub Main()
Dim number As String
Dim check As Boolean
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number to check if it is a real number:")
number = Console.ReadLine()
check = CheckNumber(number)
If check = True Then
Console.WriteLine("The number is a real number")
Console.WriteLine("The number is not a real number")
End If
End Sub
Function CheckNumber(ByVal number As String) As Boolean
Dim current As Char
For i As Integer = 0 To number.Length - 1
current = number.Substring(i, 1)
If current = "." Then
' Do nothing
If IsNumeric(current) Then
' Do nothing
Return False
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
End Module
Given that this is a homework assignment, I'm not going to write the code out for you. But I will say this -- there are a couple of ways to set this up. One straightforward way would be to pass the string (of the number) to CheckNumber and then check the first character -- if it's numeric, call CheckNumber again with the remainder of the string (everything minus what you just checked). If it's not numeric, return false. You'll need a special case to handle the very last character -- if it's numeric, then return true. If you propagate the boolean response properly, your recursion should unwind itself at the end with the right answer.
Good luck!
You should call the CheckNumber function from within itself, that is a recursion. Learn more about recursion here.