How to close a nativescript modal after a few navigations? - vue.js

A modal is opened, which has multiple pages. For the navigation I'm using frame navigation. There is a close button on every page clicking on which closes the modal.
What I'm doing now is passing this.$modal as a property to each page which creates a long chain of property passing and on each page I just do this.modal.close() where this.modal is the property of the component that refers to the this.$modal of the first page.
I was wondering if there was a better way, such as accessing the topmost open modal and closing it.
I'm using nativescript-vue and the builtin nativescript modals
Please note that I have multiple modals in other parts of my application. there is only this one that has navigation in it.

A small improvement could be saving the modal into the Vuex store, accessing it anytime instead of chaining props.

Detach modal component by plugin.
const modalDialog = {
install (Vue, options = {}) {
// ...
Designate Vue prototype for plugin.
const modalDialog = {
install (Vue, options = {}) {
Vue.prototype.$modal = {
show () {
// ...
hide () {
// ..
this.$modal is accessible from all components.
this.$ // or hide()


Vue.js 3 : Accessing a dynamically created component

I have a vue.js 3 application that needs to dynamically create components and access them.
The proper way to dynamically create them and injected them in the DOM seems to be th wrap them in an app using createApp, and this part works, when I call test() a new copy of the components appears at the bottom of the DOM.
Now I need to be able to get a reference to that component son I can call public (exposed) methods on it.
In my (actual) code below, what would allow me to get a reference to my component ?
import { createApp, h } from "vue";
import ConfirmModal from '#/views/components/ui/confirm-modal.vue';
function test()
let componentApp = createApp({
setup() {
return () => h(ConfirmModal, { title: "Fuck yeah!", type: "primary" });
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.setAttribute('id', 'confirm-modal-0');
let _confirmModal: ConfirmModal = ???????????????????;
EDIT : Here's my use-case: I have a helper function in a service which is used to confirm actions (like deletes) using a Modal dialog. This helper/service is pure TS, not a Vue component, but needs to instanciate the modal (which is a vue component), have it injected in the DOM and have its public methods callable (by my helper/service).
Right now, the only thing that works is to have a sungle copy of the modal component in my root layout and have to root layout foward the ref to my service, which can then use the component. But this isn't great because I need multiple instances of the dialog, and isn't good SOC to have to root layout handle a modal dialog.

Reload a React Native class component

I have a class component directions in my project. I navigate to another component from it using this.props.navigation.navigate(). Now the problem is that I want to navigate back to the same directions component but with passing new values, ie I want it to reload from scratch, defining state variables once again. How can I do it?
Using navigation.navigate() simply takes me back to the previous state the screen has been.
And this is the componentDidMount of directions.
const {navigation,route}=this.props;
this.state.riderLocation = navigation.getParam('riderLocation');
this.state.ride_id= navigation.getParam('ride_id');
In the "directions" component, use "componentDidMount" method.
Inside "componentDidMount" method, call a function which updates the state value as desired.
Once you are redirected back to the "directions" component, then "componentDidMount" will run and the state will be updated.
Try using componentDidUpdate() method in "directions" component.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (prevProps.navigation.getParam('ride_id') !== this.props.navigation.getParam('ride_id')) {
const {
} = this.props;
riderLocation: navigation.getParam('riderLocation'),
ride_id: navigation.getParam('ride_id')
Also instead of "this.state.riderLocation" and "this.state.ride_id" use this.setState in componentDidMount(), just like I have written in componentDidUpdate().

React Native:How to detect function component will unmount?

My RN 0.62.2 app needs to automatically save page data just before the function component unmounts. The idea is that when the user close the page (detecting losing focus may not work here since user may zoom in image in modal screen), then the save (to backend server) is automatically triggered. Since it is function component, how to know when the component will unmount?
Here is the sample code of a function component shall do:
const MyCom = () => {
//do something here. ex, open gallery to upload image, zoon in image in `modal screen, enter input`
if (component will unmount) {
//save the data by sending them to backend server
The useEffect triggers with every rendering and will have performance issue if keep saving to backend server with each and every rendering. The auto save only happens once just before the component unmount. User may click Back or Home button to leave the page.
Yoı must use useEffect for componentWillUnmount in functional components.
const MyCom = () => {
//do something here. ex, open gallery to upload image, zoon in image in
useEffect(() => {
// Component Did Mount
return => {
// ComponentWillUnmount

Vuetify, how to close drawer?

I have added navigation to the drawer, everything works fine except the case when the link is the same as the page is. The drawer left open after clicking on the link and it isn't obvious for the visitor that the page is the current page.
I have tried to do something like this #click.stop="(this.router.path != '/' ?
this.router.push('/') : drawer = !drawer)" Vue doesn't rapport any mistake and the code doesn't work.
Where am I wrong?
The drawer data key is looking for a boolean, if it's truthy the navigation drawer will show. So, you can add #click="drawer = false" to your menu links, and it will close the draw when any link is clicked.
Example in the docs:
I handled this by making the drawer in my app a child of the route that uses it. The isOpen property is managed in the parent. I pass isOpen as a prop to the drawer and emit open and close events as appropriate.
Oh, I also found that timeouts are necessary to ensure the open / close animations work correctly. Someone please let me know if you found a better way to handle animations as this feels a little wonky.
I handle a few other things, like right/left justify and a return route, but ignore the noise if it isn't helpful.
Here's a parent loading the component
#close="drawerIsOpen = false"
#open="drawerIsOpen = true"
// ...
Here are the methods from within the drawer component:
data() {
return {
closeDelay: 500,
width: 0,
methods: {
closeBtnClick() {
setTimeout(() => { this.$router.push(this.returnRoute); }, this.closeDelay);
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => { this.$emit('open'); }, this.closeDelay);

React native DrawerLayoutAndroid and Switch component doesnt work well

I have a switch component on DrawerLayoutAndroid component. When I drag the switch component, drawer component is being slided.
How do I ensure when i drag switch, drawer panel is in blocked mode.
Attaching the mocks below
Usually a tap on the Switch will toggle the switch state. If you want to make it drag as well and not let the other view become the responder, you can do that by implementing GestureResponseHandler. Something like this.
const RespondHandler = {
onStartShouldSetResponder: function (e) {
return true;
onResponderGrant: function (e) {
return true;
<Switch {...RespondHandler}/>