GNSS SDR shows incorrect longitude value from GPS-SDR sim signal - gps

When I use GPS-SDR Sim ephemeris and location coordinates (Shangai) from example I get correct values for lat,lng,alt. When I move coordinates around 500m from default location I also get correct values. But when I change coordinates to other side of the world I get correct lat, but longitude and altitude around zero. If I am correct, ephemeris data should work for any coordinate on earth?
this is default location:
gps-sdr-sim -e brdc3540.14n -l 30.286502,120.032669,100
this is the closer one which works fine:
gps-sdr-sim -e brdc3540.14n -l 30.302334,120.036939,100
this one is incorrect:
gps-sdr-sim -e brdc3540.14n -l 44.572710, 12.298724, 10
I use GNSS-SDR as receiver which takes above generated .bin .
Turns out, solution was to use different ephemeris file (brdc file). Still, I would say it should work on any daily ephemeris file downloaded, which is currently not true.

what are the IF and sampling frequency and data type of the IF file generated from gps sdr sim. I want to use GNSS SDR but unable to use it. Thank you


Finete State machine visualizer

I need an application that prints/visualizes input/output pairs during the FST runs. I mean, for each state of the fst, it needs to print out a tuple that contains input for that state and output of the state. Right now I can generate fst files that is compatible with foma,hfst and xfst fst tools. So, I guess the visualization tool I need should be enough to compatible with any of them. Is there anyone who knows such a tool ?
foma can produce dot format files that can be visualized by graphviz. On Debian/Ubuntu, install graphviz with
$ sudo apt-get install graphviz
foma can read att format files (produced with hfst-fst2txt for anything HFST can read, or lt-print for anything from lttoolbox); assuming you've got such a file named myfst.att, you can do
$ foma
foma[0]: read att myfst.att
foma[1]: view
to display the full FST. That will show each input/output pair on each edge between states of the FST.
But you say "during runs" – are you talking about also showing the queue of "live states"? If so, I don't know of a tool that does this, that would be nice! One thing you could do is to modify the HFST source to output the list of live states and string vectors as it's processing, and then combine that with the dot file to e.g. colour in the live states. (If so, you may want to take this to the #hfst channel on
There is also a script on that can be used on the command line like
hfst-fst2txt chv.lexc.hfst | python3 | dot -Tpng -ochv.lexc.png if you prefer something more scriptable. If you use that from the Python library of HFST, you might be able to get the "live states" for every part of an analysis more easily.

QGIS: latitude coordinates are reversed; map upside down

I have been using QGIS to display a map of the long term precipitation average of the Netherlands. However, when QGIS opens the data, the map is shown upside down
I noticed that the coordinates are displayed from 0 - 266 (lon) and -315 - 0 (lat). I figured that the latitude is projected upside down
In stead of -315 - 0 it should be 0 - 315 and the map should look fine. But I can't figure out how to inverse this value.
The file is a NetCdf file. I openend the XML metadata QGIS made for me with EmEditor, but it did show the right coordinates (in lat/lon), So I think it has something to do with the way QGIS sets up the map or the way it converses the lat/lon to meters.
Anybody who encountered the same problem as me? Thank you in advance!
I'm pretty sure you can use the GDAL configuration option GDAL_NETCDF_BOTTOMUP=[YES/NO] to convert from NetCDF to a geotiff, and get the resulting raster correctly oriented north-up. Try using gdal_translate with the above option. See here for some more details.
Thanks to Micha (see the comments):
I was told to solve the problem using GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library), a method to look into and translate/process metadata. This was quitte hard to understand, while I am relatively new in programming and using powerfull 'languages' like GDAL.
To enter GDAL codes I used the OSGeo4W Shell, which comes with QGIS. The command that I used to flip my map was:
gdal_translate -of netCDF -co WRITE_BOTTOMUP=NO my
(see also this short GDAL/netCDF introduction).
In R you can use rotate function
workdir <- "Your workind dir"
ncfname <- ""
# get the variables you want
dname <- c("v10","u10")
# open using raster
datasetName <-dname[1]
r <- raster(ncfname, varname = datasetName)
r2 <- rotate(r)
writeRaster(r2,"wind.tif",driver = "TIFF")

Capture image from oscilloscope and store on PC using LabVIEW

I am trying to remotely control an oscilloscope from Agilent (DSO-X 3034A) using LabVIEW. I want to take a screen capture and store it on the computer. I tried the following:
The commands inside the string are:
I get the following errors:
Thank you
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I managed to save the image on the oscilloscope. I am currently trying to move it and save it on the computer instead. I tried the following:
However after writing the "HARDcopy" commands I get the following error:
Your header is undefined. Refer to the "Serial Communications" documentation in order to see what the instrument is expecting in the header. You should right click your string constant and do "\ Codes Display" so that if the documentation calls for a \n character, you're not accidentally sending a \ character followed by an n character.
Query Unterminated means you're not terminating the query as the instrument expects. It looks like you have a newline, but assuming you're using windows, it's possible that the instrument doesn't want the extra \r that is there by default. Again, you'll have to refer to the documentation to be sure.

How do you convert ttf font to pff2?

I'm looking into grub2 themes, and i can't seem to convert ttf to grub's native format.
I tried to do this:
➜ asdfafdsgsgsg ttf2bdf -p 32 Oxygen_Regular_Oxygen.ttf > oxygen.bdf
➜ asdfafdsgsgsg grub-mkfont -s 32 -o oxygen.pf2 oxygen.bdf
grub-mkfont: error: can't set 32x32 font size.
Generating Grub2 PF2 fonts requires significant patience, as I had to attempt the conversion multiple times.
If your going from TTF -> PF2, you should first try skipping the BDF intermediate stage. Something like this command,
grub2-mkfont -o ./oxygen.pf2 -s 24 ./Oxygen_Regular_Oxygen.ttf
If it was only the -p 32 which caused that error, I would accept that output at face value. Unless you know of other fonts, which successfully specified such a large point size. Additionally I would hope grub-mkfont wouldn't be allowed to generate a font, whose size exceeds Grub2 limitations. However I should mention, grub-mkfont historically had been lacking in proper maintenance. This might not currently be the case, and would expect upstream has rectified this long ago, but distributions often lag behind.

How to edit a device driver file(.sys)

How I can edit a device driver file (.sys) and I want to update the Report Descriptor file. I want to transpose the X and Y value of USB HID device driver. Please help me to transpose the X & Y value in an HID device.
use a binary editor, or if you are really careful, vi. note that whatever you do, leave strings exactly the same length or you will almost definitely crash your operating system.
assuming you are using Windows, good old debug.exe will work fine as a binary editor. the interface is a bit obscure though.
C:\Users\jc>echo bleah > test.sys
C:\Users\jc>debug test.sys
17DD:0100 62.31 6C.32 65.33 61.34 68.35
Writing 00008 bytes
C:\Users\jc>type test.sys
on the line following -e100, I was typing the new values and hitting the spacebar; when done I hit <enter>.
You can use any static disassembler for Win32/Win64. This way you will better see the code instructions, function names, and be able to find your target easily (otherwise reading machine code directly it's for priviledged minds).
One example can be "PEBrowse Professional" (free) but there are many other out there. The one I cited is verified to open 64-sys of Win10.