Quickly-editable config file, not visible to public visitors? - vuejs2

I am in the middle of working with, and getting a handle on Vuejs. I would like to code my app in a way that it has some configurable behaviors, so that I could play with parameter values, like you do when you edit your Sublime preferences, but without having to compile my app again. Ideally, I would want a situation where I could have my colleagues be able to fiddle with settings all day long, by editing a file over FTP maybe, or over some interface....
The only way I know how to do it now, is to place those settings in a separate file, but as the app runs in the client, that file would have to be fetched via another HTTP request, meaning it's a publicly readable file. Even though there isn't any sensitive information in such a configuration file, I still feel a little wonky about having it public like that, if it can be avoided in any way...
Can it be avoided?

I dont think you can avoid this. One way or another your config file will be loaded into the vuejs application, therefore being visible to the end user (with some effort).
Even putting the file outside of the public folder wouldnt help you much, because then it is unavailable for HTTP to request the file. It would only be available to your compile process in this case.
So a possible solution could be to have some sort of HTTP request that requests GET example.com/settings and returns you a JSON object. Then you could have your app make a cookie like config_key = H47DXHJK12 (or better a UUID https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) which would be the access key for a specific config object.
Your application must then request GET example.com/settings (which should send the config_key cookie), and your config object for this secret key will be returned. If the user clears his cookies, a new request will return an empty config.


how to keep properties file outside the mule code in mulesoft

i have defined a dev.properties file for the mule flow.where i am passing the username and password required to run the flow.This password gets updated everymonth.So everymonth i have to deploy the code to the server after changing the password.Is there a way , where we can keep the properties file outside the code in mule server path.and change it when required in order to avoid redeployment.
One more idea is to completely discard any usage of a file to pickup the username and password.
Instead try using a credentials providing service, like a http requestor which is collecting the username and password from an independent API(child API/providing service).
Store it in a cache object-store of your parent API (the calling API). Keep using those values, unless the flow using them fails or if the client needs to expire them after a month. Later simply refresh them.
You can trigger your credentials providing service using a scheduler with a Cron expression having Monthly Triggers.
No, because even if the properties file is outside the application, properties are loaded on application deployment. So you would need to restart the application anyway to pick up the new values.
Instead you can create a custom module that read the properties from somewhere (a file, some service, etc), assign the value to a variable, and use the variable instead at execution time. Note that some configurations may only be set at deployment time, so variables will not be evaluated as such.
If the credentials are not exposing your application security or data, then you can move them to another config file(place it Outside mule app path). Generate a RAML file which will read & reload the credentials after application deploy/start-up, and store them in cache with timeToLive around 12 hours.
The next time when you have to change Username/Password, change in the file directly and cache will refresh it automatically after expiry time.
Actually not because all the properties secure properties needs to be there at runtime and is it is not there your application will get failed,
There is one way but it’s not best one, instead of editing code you can directly edit secure property I.e username and password in your case directly in cloudhub runtime manager properties tab.
After editing just apply changes then api will restart automatically and will deploy successfully

Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol for CID: (email), how to handle duplicate URLs

This is somewhat a duplicate of this question, but that question has no (valid) answer and is 1.5 years old so asking my own with hopes people have more info now.
If you are using multiple instances of a WebBrowser control, MSHTML, IHTMLDocument, or whatever... from inside the APP instance, mostly IInternetProtocol::Start, is there a way to know which instance is loading the resource? Or is there a way to use a different APP for each instance of the control, maybe by providing one via IDocHostUIHandler or ICustomDoc or otherwise? I'm currently using IInternetSession::RegisterNameSpace to make it process wide.
Optional reading below, don't feel you need to read it unless above isn't clear.
I'm working on a legacy (Win32 C++) email client that uses the MS ActiveX WebBrowser control (MSHTML or other names it goes by) to display HTML emails. It was saving everything to temp files, updating the cid: URLs, and then having the control load that. Now I want to do it the correct way, using APP. I've got it all working with some test code that just uses static variables/globals and loads one email.
My problem now is, the app might have several instances of the control all loading different emails (and other stuff) at the same time... not really multiple threads so much, just the asynchronous nature of the control. I can give each instance of the control a unique URL to load the email, say, cid:email-GUID, and then in my APP code I can use that URL to know which email to load. However, when it comes to loading any content inside the email, like attached images using src="cid:", those will not always be unique so I will not always know which image it is, for which email. I'd like to avoid having to modify the URLs of the HTML before displaying it (I'm doing that now for the temp file thing, but want to do it a better way).
IInternetBindInfo::GetBindString can return the referrer, BINDSTRING_XDR_ORIGIN, or the root URL, BINDSTRING_ROOTDOC_URL, but those require newer versions of IE and my legacy app must support older XP installs that might even have IE6 or IE7, so I'd rather not use these.
Tagged as TWebBrowser because that is actually what I'm using (Borland Builder 6 C++), but don't need answers specific to that platform.
As the Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol Handler us very low level, you cannot attach handlers individually to different rendering controls.
Here is a way to get the referrer:
Extract the referrer by parsing the line Referer: http://....
See also How can I add an extra http header using IHTTPNegotiate?
Here is another crazy way:
Create another Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol Handler by calling RegisterMimeFilter.
Monitor text/plain and text/html
Scan the incoming email source (content comes incrementally) and parse store all image links in a dictionary
In NameSpaceHandler you can use this dictionary to find the reference of any image resources.

is possible to keep session alive using NSURLConnection doing different requests?

I am using NSRULConnection to make http request on my iphone application. All works just fine.
The problem is after logged in I need to keep the same session to get data from the server.
I read a few posts saying all I need was using the same instance of NSURLConnection and it would use the same session... if that is true, that doesn't make sense to me, cause the NSURLConnection is not mutable and there is no method to change the request since I have to access different pages.
Is there anyway simple way to keep a session using NSURLConnection.
If you are managing sessions using cookies, there is no need to do anything special to achieve session management.The URL loading system automatically sends any stored cookies appropriate for an NSURLRequest. unless the request specifies not to send cookies. So, your sessions should be managed automatically for you.
However, as the Apple's doc says, if someone has set the cookie-acceptance policy to reject all cookies or only accept cookies selectively, you might be in a fix (you can change the cookie acceptance policy yourself too). In such a case, you might resort to URL based session-management; in which you append a session-identifier to the URL as a parameter (You can get this identifier as a part of the successful log-in response), which can be extracted on the server-side. This, however, is considered really bad practice.
Another way, which I have come across more often, is to get a session-identifier as part of the response for a successful log-in and include that identifier in all your subsequent requests as a parameter. Although this would require a major change in the way the server handles the sessions.

IIS/Cache problem?

I have a program that checks if a file is present every 3 seconds, using webrequest and webresponse. If that file is present it does something if not, ect, that part works fine. I have a web page that controls the program by creating the file with a message and other variables as entered into the page, and then creates it and shoots it over to the folder that the program is checking. There is also a "stop" button that deletes that file.
This works well except that after one message is launched and then deleted, when it is launched the second time with a different message the program still sees the old message. I watch the file be deleted in IIS, so that is not the issue.
I've thought about meta tags to prevent caching, but would having the file be dynamically named solve this issue also? How would I make the program be able to check for a file where only the first part of the filename is known? I've found solutions for checking directories on local machines, but that won't work here.
Any ideas welcome, thanks.
I'm not that used to IIS, but in Apache you can create a .htaccess and set/modify HTTP-Headers.
With 'Cache-Control' you can tell a proxy/browser not to cache a file.
A solution like this may work in IIS too if it is really a cache problem.
(To test this, open using your preffered browser with caching turned off
A simple hack is to add something unique to the url each time
Adding a random number to the URL forces it to be fresh. Even if you don't use the querystring param, IIS doesnt know that, so executes the page again anyways.

How to store Application Messages for a .NET Website

I am looking for a method of storing Application Messages, such as
"You have logged in successfully"
"An error has occurred, please call the helpdesk on x100"
"You do not have the authority to reset all system passwords" etc
So that "when" the users decide they don't like the wording of messages I don't have to change the source code, recompile then redeploy - instead I just change the message store.
I really like the way that I can easily access strings in the web.config using keys and values.
However as I could have a large number of application messages I didn't want to use the web.config directly. I was going to add a 2nd web config file and use that but of course you can only have one per virtual directory.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this without writing much custom code?
In your Web.config, under appSettings, change it to:
<appSettings file="StringKeys.config">
Then, create your StringKeys.config file and have all your keys in it.
You can still use the AppSettings area in the main web.config for any real application related keys.
Put the strings in an xml file and use a filewatcher to check for updates to the file
Put the strings in a database, cache them and set a reasonable expiration policy
You can use ResourceManager class. See "ResourceManager and ASP.NET" article at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa309419(VS.71).aspx