What is the role of `slotShared attribute? - spartacus-storefront

For what is the slotShared attribute on each slot in the pages request response used for?
"slotId" : "FooterSlot",
"slotUuid" : "eyJpdGV",
"position" : "Footer",
"name" : "Footer",
"slotShared" : true,
"components" : {
"component" : [ {} ]

slotShared tells you if the slot is shared by multiple pages. For example, a slot for a header or a logo could be shared/used by different pages.


Karate - Conditional JSON schema validation

I am just wondering how can I do conditional schema validation. The API response is dynamic based on customerType key. If customerType is person then, person details will be included and if the customerType is org organization details will be included in the JSON response. So the response can be in either of the following forms
"customerType" : "person",
"person" : {
"fistName" : "A",
"lastName" : "B"
"id" : 1,
"requestDate" : "2021-11-11"
"customerType" : "org",
"organization" : {
"orgName" : "A",
"orgAddress" : "B"
"id" : 2,
"requestDate" : "2021-11-11"
The schema I created to validate above 2 scenario is as follows
"customerType" : "#string",
"organization" : "#? response.customerType=='org' ? karate.match(_,personSchema) : karate.match(_,null)",
"person" : "#? response.customerType=='person' ? karate.match(_,orgSchema) : karate.match(_,null)",
"id" : "#number",
"requestDate" : "#string"
but the schema fails to match with the actual response. What changes should I make in the schema to make it work?
Note : I am planning to reuse the schema in multiple tests so I will be keeping the schema in separate files, independent of the feature file
Can you refer to this answer which I think is the better approach: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47336682/143475
That said, I think you missed that the JS karate.match() API doesn't return a boolean, but a JSON that contains a pass boolean property.
So you have to do things like this:
* def someVar = karate.match(actual, expected).pass ? {} : {}

Mongodb query problem, how to get the matching items of the $or operator

Thank you for first.
MongoDB Version:4.2.11
I have a piece of data like this:
"administration" : [
"shareholder" : [
I want to match some specified data through regular expressions:
For a example:
{"$match" :
"$or" :
{"name" : {"$regex": "Keyword"}}
{"administration.name": {"$regex": "Keyword"}},
{"shareholder.name": {"$regex": "Keyword"}},
I want to set a flag when the $or operator successfully matches any condition, which is represented by a custom field, for example:{"name" : {"$regex": "Keyword"}}Execute on success:
{"$project" :
"name" : true,
"__regex_type__" : "name"
{"administration.name" : {"$regex": "Keyword"}}Execute on success:"__regex_type__" : "administration.name"
I try do this:
{"$project" :
"name" : true,
"__regex_type__" :
{"case": {"$regexMatch":{"input":"$name","regex": "Keyword"}},"then" : "name"},
{"case": {"$regexMatch":{"input":"$administration.name","regex": "Keyword"}},"then" : "administration.name"},
{"case": {"$regexMatch":{"input":"$shareholder.name","regex": "Keyword"}},"then" : "shareholder.name"},
"default" : "Other matches"
But $regexMatch cannot match the array,I tried to use $unwind again, but returned the number of many array members, which did not meet my starting point.
I want to implement the same function as mysql this SQL statement in mongodb, like this:
SELECT name,administration.name,shareholder.name,(
WHEN name REGEXP("Keyword") THEN "name"
WHEN administration.name REGEXP("Keyword") THEN "administration.name"
WHEN shareholder.name REGEXP("Keyword") THEN "shareholder.name"
)AS __regex_type__ FROM db.mytable WHERE
name REGEXP("Keyword") OR
shareholder.name REGEXP("Keyword") OR
administration.name REGEXP("Keyword");
Maybe this method is stupid, but I don’t have a better solution.
If you have a better solution, I would appreciate it!!!
Thank you!!!
Since $regexMatch does not handle arrays, use $filter to filter individual array elements with $regexMatch, then use $size to see how many elements matched.
[{"$match"=>{"$or"=>[{"a"=>"test"}, {"arr.a"=>"test"}]}},
[{"case"=>{"$regexMatch"=>{"input"=>"$a", "regex"=>"test"}},
{"$regexMatch"=>{"input"=>"$$this", "regex"=>"test"}}}}},
[{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('5ffb2df748966813f82f15ad'), "a"=>"test", "src"=>"a"},

$in query with $elemMatch in mongoDB

I need to find a document where "components" not exist OR if exists, its id is 1111 and isActive is true and "issues" not exist OR its id is 1111 and isActive is true.
Document 1: ////this contains "components" but not "issues"
"components" : [
"id" : "1111",
"name" : "component1",
"isActive" : true
Document 2://this contains "issues" but not "components"
"issues" : [
"id" : "1111",
"name" : "issue 1",
"isActive" : true
Document 3://This is not having both
"issues":{$in:[null, {"$elemMatch" : {"id":"1111","isActive": {"$in":[true,null]}}}]},
"components":{$in:[null, {"$elemMatch" : {"id":"1111","isActive": {"$in":[true,null]}}}]}
But I am getting an error, "errmsg" : "cannot nest $ under $in",
Please help to form the query that returns all the above 3 documents.
You don't require $in. You need $or operator.
{"issues":{$exists:true,"$elemMatch" : {"id":"1111","isActive": true}}},
{"components":{$exists:true,"$elemMatch" : {"id":"1111","isActive": true}}}
Based on OP's comments. here is the working version.
"components":{$exists:false} },
{"issues":{$exists:true,"$elemMatch":{"id":"1111","isActive": true}},
{"issues":{$exists:false}, "components":{$exists:false}}

Complex attribute that holds another complex attribute

As per the RFC7643 section 2.3.8
A complex attribute MUST NOT contain sub-attributes that have sub-attributes (i.e., that are complex).
But when I read the Schema definition in the same RFC section 8.7.2 line 88, I noted the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Schema description is:
"attributes" : [
"name" : "attributes",
"type" : "complex",
"multiValued" : true,
"description" : "A complex attribute that includes the
attributes of a schema.",
"required" : true,
"mutability" : "readOnly",
"returned" : "default",
"subAttributes" : [
"name" : "subAttributes",
"type" : "complex",
"multiValued" : true,
"description" : "Used to define the sub-attributes of a
complex attribute.",
"required" : false,
"mutability" : "readOnly",
"returned" : "default",
"subAttributes" : [
What did I miss?
For all schema definitions, Complex Attributes may contain another Complex Attribute.
In the RFC7643 section 7 we can read
Unlike other core resources, the "Schema" resource MAY contain a
complex object within a sub-attribute, and all attributes are
REQUIRED unless otherwise specified.

FIWARE-Orion Context Broker metadata updates trigger notifications

I'm using 3 FIWARE GEs: IDAS+Orion+CEP.
As reported in the Orion documentation (https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion/blob/develop/doc/manuals/user/metadata.md) "changing the metadata of a given attribute or adding a new metadata element is considered a change even if attribute value itself hasn't changed".
Is there a way to send notifications from Orion only if the value of the attribute specified in the subscription changes?
I've tried the solution proposed in the documentation, delete and re-create the attribute, in order to remove the metadata. But, since the messages to Orion are produced by IDAS, the metadata are created with the new communication.
GEs Version:
- Orion - 0.26.1-next
- IoTAgent (IDAS) - 1.3.1
The metadata added by IDAS are:
"attributes" : [
"name" : "temperature",
"type" : "int",
"value" : "37",
"metadatas" : [
"name" : "TimeInstant",
"type" : "ISO8601",
"value" : "2015-12-29T12:46:04.421859"
Specifically, from mongodb query:
"temperature" : { "value" : "37", "type" : "int", "md" : [ { "name" : "TimeInstant", "type" : "ISO8601", "value" : "2015-12-29T12:46:04.421859" } ], "creDate" : 1450716887, "modDate" : 1451393164 }
As far as I know, TimeInstant metadata sending from IDAS/IoTAgent to Orion couldn't be disabled by the time being.
A possible workaround could be to have a proxy between IDAS and Orion ir order to remove the TimeInstant metadata (or the whole metadata field in JSON to prevent some other metadata could be causing a similar problem).