Raku (née Perl 6) reduce function and reduction metaoperator give different results - raku

my #s=<1 2 3 2 3 4>;
say reduce {$^a < $^b}, #s;
say [<] #s;
# --------
# True
# False
My question is two fold:
Firstly, why does the reduction metaoperator processes the < operator differently? It looks like the reduction metaop is estimatedly using a variable which, at the first change of true to false, retains that change because:
say [\<] #s;
# ----------
# (True True True False False False)
Secondly, I'd like to use this inside the reduce function, too, i.e. introducing some code inside the curly brackets of reduce function so that it gives the same result as the reduction meta operator. How can I do it? Thank you.

Both the meta-operator and reduce take into account the associativity of the operator passed to them; in the case of <, the operator is chaining.
When passing a custom block, reduce cannot see inside of it, and so it falls back to the default of left-associative; it then compares the later values against the boolean returned from the reducer, which numifies to 0 or 1, which is why the result ends up as True in the end.
You can get the semantics you desire by declaring your reduction function as having chaining associativity:
my #s1 =<1 2 3 2 3 4>;
my #s2 =<1 2 3 4>;
sub my-reducer($a, $b) is assoc('chain') {
$a < $b
say reduce &my-reducer, #s1; # False
say reduce &my-reducer, #s2; # True


Why use the OR operator instead of the AND operator for a while loop?

So someone has briefly explained this to me, but unfortunately I still do not understand.
My thinking is, we use an AND because this means we need both conditions to be met in order to pass.
Whereas with an OR, it only requires one condition to pass.
So how come in my example we are using an OR operator for both conditions to be met?
def my_choice ():
choice = 'wrong'
accepted_range = range(1,10)
within_range = False
#Just like our choice we have to give the false answer here to keep
#the while loop- why? I dont know yet, will update
while choice.isdigit()==False or within_range == False:
choice = input('Please enter a value bettwen 1-9, Thanks ')
#Digit check
if choice.isdigit() == False:
print('sorry mate {} is not a digit'.format(choice))
#Range Check
#If we have passed the digit check, we can use it in our range check
if choice.isdigit() == True:
#remember that input returns a string ya?
if int(choice) in accepted_range:
within_range = True
print('Well done, {} is defintely a number in range'.format(choice))
within_range = False
print('Sorry, you have picked a number, just not in range')
If you use boolean algebra you can show that these are equivalent:
is_digit or within_range
not (is_digit and within_range)
not is_digit and not within_range
You can also make a truth table to confirm this.

Raku pop() order of execution

Isn't order of execution generally from left to right in Raku?
my #a = my #b = [9 , 3];
say (#a[1] - #a[0]) == (#b[1] R- #b[0]); # False {as expected}
say (#a.pop() - #a.pop()) == (#b.pop() R- #b.pop()); # True {Huh?!?}
This is what I get in Rakudo(tm) v2020.12 and 2021.07.
The first 2 lines make sense, but the third I can not fathom.
It is.
But you should realize that the minus infix operator is just a subroutine under the hood, taking 2 parameters that are evaluated left to right. So when you're saying:
$a - $b
you are in fact calling the infix:<-> sub:
The R meta-operator basically creates a wrap around the infix:<-> sub that reverses the arguments:
my &infix:<R->($a,$b) = &infix:<->.wrap: -> $a, $b { nextwith $b, $a }
So, if you do a:
$a R- $b
you are in fact doing a:
which is then basically a:
Note that in the call to infix:<R-> in your example, $a become 3, and $b becomes 9 because the order of the arguments is processed left to right. This then calls infix:<->(3,9), producing the -6 value that you would also get without the R.
It may be a little counter-intuitive, but I consider this behaviour as correct. Although the documentation could probably use some additional explanation on this behaviour.
Let me emulate what I assumed was happening in line 3 of my code prefaced with #a is the same as #b is 9, 3 (big number then little number)
(#a.pop() - #a.pop()) == (#b.pop() R- #b.pop())
(3 - 9) == (3 R- 9)
( -6 ) == ( 6 )
...That was my expectation. But what raku seems to be doing is
(#a.pop() - #a.pop()) == (#b.pop() R- #b.pop())
#R meta-op swaps 1st `#b.pop()` with 2nd `#b.pop()`
(#a.pop() - #a.pop()) == (#b.pop() - #b.pop())
(3 - 9) == (3 - 9)
( -6 ) == ( -6 )
The R in R- swaps functions first, then calls the for values. Since they are the same function, the R in R- has no practical effect.
Side Note: In fuctional programming a 'pure' function will return the same value every time you call it with the same parameters. But pop is not 'pure'. Every call can produce different results. It needs to be used with care.
The R meta op not only reverses the operator, it will also reverse the order in which the operands will be evaluated.
sub term:<a> { say 'a'; '3' }
sub term:<b> { say 'b'; '9' }
say a ~ b;
Note that a happened first.
If we use R, then b happens first instead.
say a R~ b;
The problem is that in your code all of the pop calls are getting their data from the same source.
my #data = < a b a b >;
sub term:<l> { my $v = #data.shift; say "l=$v"; return $v }
sub term:<r> { my $v = #data.shift; say "r=$v"; return $v }
say l ~ r;
say l R~ r;
A way to get around that is to use the reduce meta operator with a list
[-](#a.pop, #a.pop) == [R-](#a.pop, #a.pop)
Or in some other way make sure the pop operations happen in the order you expect.
You could also just use the values directly from the array without using pop.
[-]( #a[0,1] ) == [R-]( #a[2,3] )
Let me emulate what happens by writing the logic one way for #a then manually reversing the operands for #b instead of using R:
my #a = my #b = [9 , 3];
sub apop { #a.pop }
sub bpop { #b.pop }
say apop - apop; # -6
say bpop - bpop; # -6 (operands *manually* reversed)
This not only appeals to my sense of intuition about what's going on, I'm thus far confused why you were confused and why Liz has said "It may be a little counter-intuitive" and you've said it is plain unintuitive!

Minimum of empty Seq is infinite, Why?

I'm working on this weeks PerlWChallenge.
You are given an array of integers #A. Write a script to create an
array that represents the smaller element to the left of each
corresponding index. If none found then use 0.
Here's my approach:
my #A = (7, 8, 3, 12, 10);
my $L = #A.elems - 1;
say gather for 1 .. $L -> $i { take #A[ 0..$i-1 ].grep( * < #A[$i] ).min };
Which kinda works and outputs:
(7 Inf 3 3)
The Infinity obviously comes from the empty grep. Checking:
> raku -e "().min.say"
But why is the minimum of an empty Seq Infinity? If anything it should be -Infinity. Or zero?
It's probably a good idea to test for the empty sequence anyway.
I ended up using
take .min with #A[ 0..$i-1 ].grep( * < #A[$i] ) or 0
take ( #A[ 0..$i-1 ].grep( * < #A[$i] ) or 0 ).min
Generally, Inf works out quite well in the face of further operations. For example, consider a case where we have a list of lists, and we want to find the minimum across all of them. We can do this:
my #a = [3,1,3], [], [-5,10];
say #a>>.min.min
And it will just work, since (1, Inf, -5).min comes out as -5. Were min to instead have -Inf as its value, then it'd get this wrong. It will also behave reasonably in comparisons, e.g. if #a.min > #b.min { }; by contrast, an undefined value will warn.
TL;DR say min displays Inf.
min is, or at least behaves like, a reduction.
Per the doc for reduction of a List:
When the list contains no elements, an exception is thrown, unless &with is an operator with a known identity value (e.g., the identity value of infix:<+> is 0).
Per the doc for min:
a comparison Callable can be specified with the named argument :by
by is min's spelling of with.
To easily see the "identity value" of an operator/function, call it without any arguments:
say min # Inf
Imo the underlying issue here is one of many unsolved wide challenges of documenting Raku. Perhaps comments here in this SO about doc would best focus on the narrow topic of solving the problem just for min (and maybe max and minmax).
I think, there is inspiration from
(the greatest lower bound). Let we have the set of integers (or real
numbers) and add there the greatest element Inf and the lowest -Inf.
Then infimum of the empty set (as the subset of the previous set) is the
greatest element Inf. (Every element satisfies that is smaller than
any element of the empty set and Inf is the greatest element that
satisfies this.) Minimum and infimum of any nonempty finite set of real
numbers are equal.
Similarly, min in Raku works as infimum for some Range.
1 ^.. 10
andthen .min; #1
but 1 is not from 1 ^.. 10, so 1 is not minimum, but it is infimum
of the range.
It is useful for some algorithm, see the answer by Jonathan
Worthington or
q{3 1 3
-5 10
andthen .map: *.comb( /'-'?\d+/ )».Int # (3, 1, 3), (-2,), (), (-5, 10)
andthen .map: *.min # 1,-2,Inf,-5
andthen .produce: &[min]
andthen .fmt: '%2d',',' # 1,-2,-2,-5
this (from the docs) makes sense to me
method min(Range:D:)
Returns the start point of the range.
say (1..5).min; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
say (1^..^5).min; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
and I think the infinimum idea is quite a good mnemonic for the excludes case which also could be 5.1^.. , 5.0001^.. etc.

Numpy returning False even though both arrays are the same?

From my understanding of numpy, the np.equal([x, prod]) command compares the arrays element by element and returns True for each if they are equal. But every time I execute the command, it returns False for the first comparison. On the other hand, if I copy-paste the two arrays into the command, it returns True for both, as you can see in the screenshot. So, why is there a difference between the two?
You cannot compare floating-point numbers, as they are only an approximation. When you compare them by hardcoded values, they will be equal as they are approximated in the exact same way. But once you apply some mathematical operation on them, it's no longer possible to check if two floating-points are equal.
For example, this
a = 0
for i in range(10):
a += 1/10
print(a == 1)
will give you 0.9999999999 and False, even though (1/10) * 10 = 1.
To compare floating-point values, you need to compare the two values against a small delta value. In other words, check if they're just a really small value apart. For example
a = 0
for i in range(10):
a += 1/10
delta = 0.00000001
print(abs(a - 1) < delta)
will give you True.
For numpy, you can use numpy.isclose to get a mask or numpy.allclose if you only want a True or False value.

VBA policy on double sided inequalities?

Was fooling around with trying to reduce the length of the code so that it gives off fewer headaches to look at and debug, and I came across this curious little fact:
Debug.Print 5<9<8 'returns "True"
At first I thought this was because it just checked the first set, but then I found that
Debug.Print 5<4<8 '*also* returns "True"
Does VBA interpret this kind of triple inequality as an Or statement? I can't imagine why someone would choose to make that the interpretation VBA makes because it's almost certainly the less used option, but I struggle to think of another explanation.
Also, what is a quick and pretty way of writing If 5 < X < 8 Then (to use sample numbers), without having to resort to endless And statements, ie If 5 < x And X < 8 Then? It's okay for one statement, but the doubling of length adds up quick, especially since variables aren't typically named X.
Edit: okay, it's certainly not an Or because VBA also says that Debug.Print 8<6<2 is True. What on earth is it thinking?
I have no clue but my educated guess would be that it first evaluates the left side of the equation (5<9) which gives TRUE. Then, it proceeds to evaluate the rest (TRUE<8) and implicitly converts TRUE to its integer value (I believe this to be -1 in VB).
-1<8 -> TRUE
Works with the second case as well since FALSE will convert to 0 and 0<8.
Basically it would have everything to do with implicit conversion of boolean to integer and their respective value in VBA.
It's to do with the way VBA evaluates expressions and implicit conversion. The first part of the equation is evaluated and the result stored as a numeric value (the boolean is implicitly converted to an integer)
(well.... technically a boolean is just an integer, but we'll just go along like so...)
'// True = -1
'// False = 0
Debug.Print 5 < 9 < 8
Debug.Print CInt(5 < 9) '// Prints -1
Debug.Print -1 < 8 '// = True
Which is why the following gives "False" instead:
Debug.Print 5 < 9 < -1
Debug.Print Cint(5 < 9) '// True = -1
Debug.Print -1 < -1 '// False
If you want to find out if something is in the middle of two other numbers then you have to use the And operator to force a separate evaluation (either side of the operator is then evaluated and compared logically)
Debug.Print (3 < 5 And 5 < 4) '// False
Looking at it from a parse tree perspective might shed more light about why it works that way.
Excluding whatever instruction comes after the THEN token, the parse tree for If 5 < X < 8 Then might look something like this (quite simplified):
The comparison operators being a binary operator, there's an expression on either side of it, and in order to resolve the Boolean expression for the IfBlockStatement, VBA needs to visit the tree nodes in a specific order: because VBA parses expressions left to right, the 5 < X part stands on its own as an expression, and then the result of that expression is used to resolve the {expression} < 8 part of the expression.
So when VBA resolves 5 < X, because that's a ComparisonExpression the result is a Boolean value; when that Boolean value then needs to be compared to the 8 integer literal, VBA performs an implicit type conversion and actually compares CInt({Boolean}) < 8, which will evaluate to True regardless of the result of the first expression, since False converts to 0 and True converts to -1 when expressed as an integer literal, and both are < 8.
These mechanics are built into how the runtime works, so in order to evaluate if X is between 5 and 8, you need to build your expression so that it's parsed as such:
If X > 5 And X < 8 Then
That gives you two distinct expression trees joined by a LogicalAndOperator, which then works off a valid Boolean expression on either sides.
5<9<8 = True<8 = True
5<4<8 = False<8 = True
The other answers covered up nicely the first part of your question, but didn't satisfactorily cover up the second part of it, i.e. What is a quick and pretty way of writing If 5 < X < 8 Then (to use sample numbers), without having to resort to endless And statements, i.e. If 5 < x And X < 8 Then?
There are two ways. The first:
Select Case X
Case 5 To 8
End Select
Here, the value before the To keyword must be the smaller value of the two. Also note that while this will work for integers, I have no idea if it works for types like Double and such (I suspect it won't though).
The second way, which works irrespective of whether the interval bounds are integers or not, is not necessarily shorter, but it evaluates things in a single comparison:
If Sgn(x - 5) + Sgn(x - 8) = 0 Then ...
This is an interesting way of evaluating whether a value is between some bounds, because it can also provide information on whether the value is equal to one of those bounds or is "outside" them (and on which "side" it is). For example, on a -∞..0..+∞ axis:
if x = 4, the expression above is -2, thus x is to the left of the (5..8) interval
if x = 5, the expression above is -1, thus x is the left bound of the (5..8) interval
if x = 6, the expression above is  0, thus x is inside the (5..8) interval, i.e. between its bounds
if x = 8, the expression above is  1, thus x is the right bound of the (5..8) interval
if x = 9, the expression above is  2, thus x is to the right of the (5..8) interval
Of course, if you want to include the bounds in the interval, say, test If 5 <= x And X <= 8 Then, the comparison above becomes If Abs(Sgn(x - 5) + Sgn(x - 8)) < 2 Then ..., which is another shortcut to check if the expression is -1, 0 or 1.
In the end, none of the ways above are as short as a Between(x, 5, 8) hypothetical function, but at least they are alternatives to the "classical" method.