PostgreSQL equivalent to MongoDB's Mongoose? - sql

I'm using PostgreSQL for a project , and for that I need a SQL database.
Anyone knows what's PostgreSQL equivalent to MongoDB's Mongoose ?

It depends on what you are coding in. Mongoose is an ODM or object data modelling tool for Node.js.
Those object modelling tools are typically tied to a particular language or framework. In Java, one might use Hibernate. In Django, there is a custom ORM (swap data for relational). With Node, one might use a tool like Sequalize.
Sequalize is probably the answer you are looking for.

you can try Sequelize for PostgreSQL

If you are looking for a way to convert JSONB typed columns into objects that you can load update and save like you do using mongoose:
The ยง "JSONB (PostgreSQL only)" type in the sequelize documentation will show you how.
node-postgres might be an alternative


Open source SQL connector for NoSQL (like MongoDB) [duplicate]

After seeing this image:
I wonder is exists any tool for translating SQL querys into MongoDB map/reduce query model??
Larger version of the image:
Update to the question asked in Jan 2011:
A couple of sites exist now to convert sql to mongodb.
Convert MySQL Queries to MongoDB Syntax
Convert sql to mongodb
The simple anwser? No.
The slightly more complex anwser is some people have had luck translating more complex SQL to Mapreduce functions ...
However, that said ... generally speaking you might as well learn mapreduce properly because if the data is in MongoDB already ... you'll really need to know how to properly query MongoDB to get anything meaningful done!
MongoDB has wonderful and helpful docs
As well as an easy to use online tutorial:
The simple answer: Yes. Hibernate OGM - JPA for NoSQL.
JPA is Java API for mapping objects to data stores.
It includes JPQL, a query language similar to SQL which adds the OOP concepts. It's not SQL, but you don't want pure SQL - that was designed for the relational paradigm.
Hibernate OGM proposes to simplify the programming model by embracing JPA/Hibernate APIs and semantics to store data in NoSQL stores like JBoss Enterprise Data Grid instead of the traditional RDBMS. (source)
Also see this Hibernate OGM: JPA for NoSQL talk by Hardy Ferentschik
Recently I happened to see this website, you can try it.
You can use free sql to mongodb converter like:
Just to add to the last comment
re:The simple answer: Yes. Hibernate OGM - JPA for NoSQL.
JPA is Java API for mapping objects to data stores.
It includes JPQL, a query language similar to SQL which adds the OOP concepts. It's not SQL, but you don't want pure SQL - that was designed for the relational paradigm.
There is a company called UnityJDBC that has released a JDBC driver for Mongo that allows you to run SQL queries against mongo in any java application that supports JDBC.
you can download this driver free at
hope this helps
You can also which gives full range of SQL based access to MongoDB. You can use SQL through JDBC/ODBC or use REST/ODATA based access to MongoDB. Teiid uses MongoDB's aggregation framework to provide advanced SQL MongoDB query conversation.

Grails ORM - advantage of MongoDB over Mysql

Not sure if this is a silly question but as an application developer that is abstracted from the database via an ORM (in my case I'm using Grails/GORM) what would be the advantages of using something like MongoDB vs something like MySQL ?
Does it really matter?... especially given that I'll be using the GORM API to access my data and will be identifying relationships between my objects.
If all you're doing is storing data that's basically relational in a NoSQL store like MongoDB then you might as well use a proper relational database. The big benefit of the GORM wrappers for the NoSQL stores is that for data that is basically table/column-based you can use GORM, but you can easily access the native store to work directly with the document/graph/column/key-value/etc storage mechanism.
Anything having tree structure is better to store in mongodb, otherwise if data has table structure mysql will be better solution

ORM tool to create SQL tables

I need to create a database in SQLite, but I do not want to create the tables manually.
I already have the model of the data I need in the database, and what kind of relationship is each one (many-many, one-many, ...)
I'm wondering if there is a tool that allows me to do that?
I just need the tool to generate the SQL code. Then I will take care of the queries manually using SQL
I was thinking about placing the model in Django, and see what it generates, but there should be a tool not linked to a particular language that allows me to do that. Am I wrong?
Hibernate have the ability to create a scheme from mapped classes. There is support for SQLite.
You can go for dia (see "Tools that generates something from Dia diagrams" at
Also there is SQL::Translator and DBIx::* that allows reading an schema from YAML, Excel, and other sources, but these are Perl specific.
Good luck
You can use Symfony + Doctrine framework. It can generate SQL queries.
Try this module on CPAN: Parse::Dia::SQL

sql query to mongodb?

After seeing this image:
I wonder is exists any tool for translating SQL querys into MongoDB map/reduce query model??
Larger version of the image:
Update to the question asked in Jan 2011:
A couple of sites exist now to convert sql to mongodb.
Convert MySQL Queries to MongoDB Syntax
Convert sql to mongodb
The simple anwser? No.
The slightly more complex anwser is some people have had luck translating more complex SQL to Mapreduce functions ...
However, that said ... generally speaking you might as well learn mapreduce properly because if the data is in MongoDB already ... you'll really need to know how to properly query MongoDB to get anything meaningful done!
MongoDB has wonderful and helpful docs
As well as an easy to use online tutorial:
The simple answer: Yes. Hibernate OGM - JPA for NoSQL.
JPA is Java API for mapping objects to data stores.
It includes JPQL, a query language similar to SQL which adds the OOP concepts. It's not SQL, but you don't want pure SQL - that was designed for the relational paradigm.
Hibernate OGM proposes to simplify the programming model by embracing JPA/Hibernate APIs and semantics to store data in NoSQL stores like JBoss Enterprise Data Grid instead of the traditional RDBMS. (source)
Also see this Hibernate OGM: JPA for NoSQL talk by Hardy Ferentschik
Recently I happened to see this website, you can try it.
You can use free sql to mongodb converter like:
Just to add to the last comment
re:The simple answer: Yes. Hibernate OGM - JPA for NoSQL.
JPA is Java API for mapping objects to data stores.
It includes JPQL, a query language similar to SQL which adds the OOP concepts. It's not SQL, but you don't want pure SQL - that was designed for the relational paradigm.
There is a company called UnityJDBC that has released a JDBC driver for Mongo that allows you to run SQL queries against mongo in any java application that supports JDBC.
you can download this driver free at
hope this helps
You can also which gives full range of SQL based access to MongoDB. You can use SQL through JDBC/ODBC or use REST/ODATA based access to MongoDB. Teiid uses MongoDB's aggregation framework to provide advanced SQL MongoDB query conversation.

What to use for a flexible data access layer - OLEDB or...?

I am creating a quick and dirty prototype (C#) of an object-relational mapping tool. I would like to support at least two kinds of databases - one will be Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 and the other most probably MySQL.
Is there any way to use a single data base access mechanism for both database engines and what would it be?
Of course, I know that there will be differences in SQL query syntax, but in my case it is not that important - I'll use a tool to generate SQL queries which suit the certain db engine and user will be able to optimize those SQL queries.
The main idea is to have as flexible data provider solution as possible. Can it be done or not and how can it be done easier?
Note that I am not using this for a production system, just for a prototype, but still I'm curious how it is achieved in production OR/M tools - are they using completely separate access mechanism for each data provider or there are something common? And are they using DataReaders or there is some more appropriate way to retrieve data if I intend to transform data to business objects?
Thanks for any ideas, links etc.
Ok, I found it:
the solution is to use IDbxxx or Dbxxx as described in
Now I can specify only once what kind of DataProvider I use and then just use Db/IDb everywhere else.
I recommend nhibernate - which does what you want I think.