How can i set background app icon in ios? - react-native

I am creating a new react native application. I set the app icon in Xcode but when I open the background apps my icon seems unset.
But in the main menu, it seems normal.


Create camera app using react native (Expo)

Is it possible to make a camera app using Expo so that the camera will be opened right after I start the app. The solution I found needs to tap a button 'start camera' after the app is started. But I want my app to open camera without pressing any buttons (right like the native camera app on iOS)

React Native Expo run in webview resize app

When using expo to run react native and running in a web browser, the app takes up the entire screen. How do I make it so that the app can resize and look like a phone screen? I tried opening f12, but there's no button on the top right that allows me to resize the view. Here is a screenshot.
if your question is how to resize your browser? you can follow this.

Xcode 11.7 can't set LaunchImage as a Launch Screen

I'm using Xcode 11.7 to set Launch screen for my react native app :
I created a LaunchImage and i put all launch screen sizes
I created a Launch Screen storyboard and i keep it empty
I selected my target and in the build settings tab i selected Assets Catalog Compiler and i
selected LaunchImage as Asset Catalog Launch Image Set Name
I faced a problem that i can't show the splash screen when the icon is launched

grey square icon as android notification icon when android app in forground(active)

in my react native android app, for implementing of cloud messaging, i use this tutorial for android devices:
and i set my notification icon with put this to androidmanifest.xml
<meta-data android:name=""
that i set my notif icon that be in drawable folder in src/main/res.
i correctly give my notify from firebase console and try it from my laravel backend.
when the app is in background, my icon was shown very well(notif_icon is a white image with transparent back).but when i am in the app, and notification come(from console or backend) the little icon doesnt set.but big icon exist that is ic_luncher icon in mipmap.
how can i handle this that i set little icon in notification when app is active(forgrounds)

macOS Mojave: Change app icon to match Dark/Light Mode

Is there a way to change my app icon dynamically when switching between Dark/Light Mode in macOS Mojave?
I wish to change the icon appearance to appear appropriately in system alerts and notifications.