Display Boolean on Vuetify dataTable - vue.js

I made a data table with vue vuetify and I fetch my data from my api server.
In my table, everything is display except boolean.
Can you help me to see clearer
Table component
export default {
name: 'my_fixtures',
props: ['fixture'],
data () {
return {
headers: [
{ text: 'name',value: 'name'},
{ text: 'State', value: 'on' },
{ text: 'Group', value: 'group' },
{ text: 'Recipe', value: 'recipe' },
{ text: 'start', value: 'startDate' },
{ text: 'end', value: 'endDate' },
{ text: 'Action', value: 'action' },
items: this.fixtures
In the object that I receive , the key 'on' is a Boolean.
I have all display , but nothing in the 'on' column
and this is what I do with props
<my_fixtures v-bind:fixture="fixtures"></my_fixtures>
import my_fixtures from "./greenhouse/fixtures";
export default {
name: "my_client",
data: function (){
return {fixtures: []}
components: {my_fixtures},
mounted() {
.then(result => {
this.fixtures = result;
.catch(error => {

Process and print data using methods.
try this.
<td class="text-xs-right">{{ computedOn(props.fixture.on) }}</td>
export default {
methods: {
computedOn (value) {
return String(value)
Modifying original data due to vuetify bug
export default {
mounted() {
.then(result => {
this.fixtures = result.map(value => {
value.on = String(value.on)
.catch(error => {


How do I work with Bootstrap select options when looping through a non-manual array?

I want to take an object containing an array that I get from a database, and I want the content of this array to appear as an select-option in a Bootstrap's form. I have tried reading Bootstrap's documentation on Form Select, as well as going through some old questions here.
In all cases I get examples of options that have been manually written into the code like this:
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: 'A',
options: [
{ item: 'A', name: 'Option A' },
{ item: 'B', name: 'Option B' },
{ item: 'D', name: 'Option C', notEnabled: true },
{ item: { d: 1 }, name: 'Option D' }
But this is not what I want. In my case I am fetching some data from a database and storing it in an object that contains an array. That array contains stuff like id, name etc. In my case I just want the name.
<b-form-select v-model="myDatabaseData">
export default {
data() {
return {
myDatabaseData: null,
options: []
created() {
.then(result => this.myDatabaseData = result.data)
.catch(error => console.error(error));
I have the v-model set up correctly, but what exactly do I do in options?
I thought this was the correct approach:
<b-form-select v-model="myDatabaseData" :options="options">
export default {
data() {
return {
myDatabaseData: null,
options: [{ value: this.myDatabaseData.name }]
created() {
.then(result => this.myDatabaseData = result.data)
.catch(error => console.error(error));

How to make nested properties reactive in Vue

I hava a component with complex nested props:
<a-tree :tree-data="data" :selected-keys="[selectedKey]" #select="onSelect" />
<a-input v-model="sheet[selectedKey].tableName" />
<ux-grid ref="previewTable">
<ux-table-column v-for="field in sheet[selectedKey].fields"
:key="field.name" :field="field.name">
<a-input slot="header" v-model="field.label" />
export default {
props: {
previewData: { type: Array, default: () => [] }
data () {
return {
data: this.previewData,
selectedKey: '0-0-0',
sheet: { 'none': { tableName: null, fields: [] } }
created () {
this.data.forEach((file, fid) => {
file.sheets.forEach((sheet, sid) => {
this.$set(this.sheet, `0-${fid}-${sid}`, {
tableName: sheet.label,
fields: sheet.fields.map(field => ({ ...field }))
mounted () {
methods: {
onSelect ([ key ], { node }) {
if (key !== undefined && 'fields' in node.dataRef) {
this.selectedKey = key
} else {
this.selectedKey = 'none'
And previewData props is something like:
name: "example.xlsx",
filename: "80b8519f-f7f1-4524-9d63-a8b6c92152b8.xlsx",
sheets: [{
name: "example",
label: "example",
{ label: "col1", name: "col1", type: "NUMBER" },
{ label: "col2", name: "col2", type: "STRING" }
This component allows user to edit the label properties. I have to make Object sheet reactive to user input, and I tried $set and Object.assign, it works for sheets.label but fields[].label is still not reactive.
I wish to know what would be the declarative (and optimal) solution for it
You might need a watcher or computed property in React for previewData to be changed.

Can't get ID to do delete method (VueX,VueJS)

I follow this guy to do my task:"Call an API to delete items"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjRst4qduzM&t=967s, start at 12:35.
According this guy said, If you wanna implement delete method there are 2 steps: Firstly, you delete items from state by get ID then use filter method to filter the id you selected.(but when you reload page item still available).Secondly, you call an api to server to delete item in server.
I get in stuck in step one, I can't get ID to delete though before I can select ID to choose company.
This is my component
<template v-slot:item.actions="{ item }">
<v-menu offset-y>
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
<v-btn class="ma-2" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on" icon>
<v-list-item #click="editCompany(item)">
<span>Edit company</span></v-list-item
<v-list-item #click="deleteCompany()">
<span style="color: #e12d39"> Delete company</span>
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
search: { type: String },
data() {
return {
headers: [
{ text: "Name", align: "start", value: "name" },
{ text: "Phone Number", value: "phoneNumber" },
{ text: "Website", value: "website" },
{ text: "Address", value: "address" },
{ text: "Currency", value: "currency" },
{ text: "Image Name", value: "imageName" },
{ text: "Actions", value: "actions", sortable: false },
computed: {
...mapGetters({ deletedCompany: "companies/deletedCompany" }),
methods: {
deleteCompany(delID) {
console.log("dispatch:", delID);
this.$store.dispatch("companies/deleteCompany", delID);
and this is my store
import NProgress from "nprogress";
export const namespaced = true;
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
import { create } from "#/http/companies";
import VueToast from "vue-toast-notification";
import "vue-toast-notification/dist/theme-sugar.css";
import { getCompanies } from "#/http/companies";
// import { deleteCompanies } from "#/http/companies";
export const state = {
companies: [],
selectedCompanyId: "",
export const getters = {
allCompanies: (state) => state.companies,
selectedCompanyId: (state) => state.selectedCompanyId,
deletedCompanyId: (state) => state.deletedCompanyId,
selectedCompany: (state) => state.companies.find((c) => c.id === state.selectedCompanyId),
deletedCompany: (state) => state.companies.filter((c) => c.id != state.deletedCompanyId)
export const mutations = {
GET_COMPANIES(state, companies) {
state.companies = companies;
DELETE_COMPANIES(state, deletedCompanyId) {
console.log("mutations:", deletedCompanyId)
state.deletedCompanyId = deletedCompanyId;
SET_SELECTED_COMPANY_ID(state, selectedCompanyId) {
state.selectedCompanyId = selectedCompanyId
STORE_ID(state, payload) {
state.routeId = payload;
export const actions = {
storeID({ commit }, payload) {
commit("STORE_ID", payload);
getCompanies({ commit }) {
return getCompanies(NProgress.start()).then((response) => {
commit("GET_COMPANIES", response.data);
selectCompany({ commit }, companyId) {
commit("SET_SELECTED_COMPANY_ID", companyId, NProgress.start());
console.log("đây là id", companyId)
deleteCompany({ commit }, delId) {
console.log("actions:", delId)
return commit("DELETE_COMPANIES", delId);
registerCompany({ commit }, companyInfor) {
return create(companyInfor)
.then(() => {
message: "Create company successfully!",
type: "success",
duration: 3000,
dismissible: true,
position: "top-right",
.catch((error) => {
message: error,
type: "error",
duration: 3000,
dismissible: true,
position: "top-right",
pass the id via the click event handler <v-list-item #click="deleteCompany(item.id)">:
methods: {
deleteCompany(delID) {
console.log("dispatch:", delID);
this.$store.dispatch("companies/deleteCompany", delID);
// or this.$store.dispatch("companies/deleteCompany", delID);
you forgot to pass parameter as item_id to function
<v-list-item #click="deleteCompany(item)">
perhaps this will do the trick

Search in vuetify datatable (server side)

I'm using vuetify datatables with server side in my app.
Pagination and sorting works fine but I have problem with search input - when I write something in input, new requests dont't send to api.
I found solution with pagination.sync in options but when I try it I get an error in the console:
[BREAKING] 'pagination' has been removed, use 'options' instead. For
more information, see the upgrade guide
My code is here:
<v-container fluid>
export default {
data: () => ({
totalUsers: 0,
usersList: [],
search: "",
loading: true,
options: {},
headers: [
{ text: 'Nazwa użytkownika', value: 'name' },
{ text: 'Adres e-mail', value: 'email' },
{ text: 'Opcje', value: 'actions', sortable: false },
watch: {
options: {
handler () {
deep: true
mounted () {
methods: {
getUsers() {
this.loading = true;
userService.getAll(this.options).then(data => {
if (data.status == "success") {
this.usersList = data.items;
this.totalUsers = data.total;
} else {
console.log("Nie udało się pobrać użytkowników.");
this.loading = false;

Vue.js: Child Component mutates state, parent displays property as undefined

I have a parent component that lists all the tasks:
<div class="tasks-wrapper">
<div class="tasks-header">
<h4>{{ $t('client.taskListingTitle') }}</h4>
<b-button variant="custom" #click="showAddTaskModal">{{ $t('client.addTask') }}</b-button>
<AddTaskModal />
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import AddTaskModal from '#/components/modals/AddTaskModal'
import moment from 'moment'
export default {
name: 'TaskListing',
components: {
data () {
return {
tasks: [],
fields: [
{ key: 'createdOn', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.date'), formatter: 'formatDate' },
{ key: 'domain', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.task') },
{ key: 'comment', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.comment') },
{ key: 'status', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.status') }
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
formatDate: function (date) {
return moment.utc(date).local().format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm')
showAddTaskModal () {
async mounted () {
const currUserId = this.$router.history.current.params.id
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
Inside this component there is a child which adds a task modal.
<form ref="form" #submit.stop.prevent="handleSubmit">
required />
<b-button-group class="float-right">
<b-button variant="danger" #click="$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal')">{{ $t('common.cancel') }}</b-button>
<b-button #click="addTask">{{ $t('modals.addTask.sendMail') }}</b-button>
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'AddTaskModal',
data () {
return {
comment: '',
commentState: null,
taskTypesOptions: [
{ value: null, text: this.$t('modals.addTask.taskType') },
{ value: 'OnBoarding', text: 'Onboarding' },
{ value: 'Accounts', text: 'Accounts' },
{ value: 'TopUp', text: 'Topup' },
{ value: 'Overdraft', text: 'Overdraft' },
{ value: 'Aml', text: 'Aml' },
{ value: 'Transfers', text: 'Transfers' },
{ value: 'Consultation', text: 'Consultation' },
{ value: 'TechnicalSupport', text: 'TechnicalSupport' },
{ value: 'UnblockPin', text: 'UnblockPin' },
{ value: 'Other', text: 'Other' }
taskType: null,
taskTypeState: null
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user']),
...mapGetters('tasks', ['tasks'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['addNewTask', 'fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
async addTask (bvModalEvt) {
if (!this.checkFormValidity()) { return }
const currUserId = this.$router.history.current.params.id
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
const data = {
clientPhone: this.user.phoneNumber,
comment: this.comment,
clientReferenceNumber: this.user.clientNumber,
domain: this.taskType
await this.addNewTask(data)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
// this.tasks may be useless here
this.$nextTick(() => { this.$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal') })
checkFormValidity () {
const valid = this.$refs.form.checkValidity()
this.commentState = valid
this.taskTypeState = valid
return valid
resetModal () {
this.comment = ''
this.commentState = null
this.taskTypeState = null
When I add a task I call getalltasks to mutate the store so all the tasks are added. Then I want to render them. They are rendered but the property createdOn on the last task is InvalidDate and when I console log it is undefined.
The reason I need to call gettasks again in the modal is that the response on adding a task does not return the property createdOn. I do not want to set it on the front-end, I want to get it from the database.
I logged the store and all the tasks are added to the store.
Why is my parent component not rendering this particular createdOn property?
If I refresh the page everything is rendering fine.
If you add anything into a list of items that are displayed by v-for, you have to set a unique key. Based on your explanation, I assume that your key is the index and when you add a new item, you mess with the current indexes. Keys must be unique and unmutateable. What you need to do is to create a unique id for each element.
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000)
When you create a new task, use the same code to generate a new id, and use id as key. If this doesn't help, share your d-table and related vuex code too.