sql query with multiple partial match condition - sql

i have a table column looks like below.
what is the sql query statement i can use to have multiple partial match conditions?
search by ID or Name
if search abc then list the row A1 , row A2
if search test then list the row A1 , row A2, row 3
if search ghj then list the row A2
i was trying this but nothing return:
SELECT * FROM table where colB LIKE '"ID":"%abc%"'
updating data in text
{"ItemId":"123","IDs":[{"ID":"abc","CodingSystem":"cs1"}],"Name":"test itemgh"}
{"ItemId":"123","IDs":[{"ID":"ghj","CodingSystem":"cs1"}],"Name":"test abc"}
{"ItemId":"123","IDs":[{"ID":"defg","CodingSystem":"cs1"}],"Name":"test 111"}

JSON parsing
Looked into the JSON parsing capabilities of Oracle and I managed to make running a query like this:
select * from table t where json_exists(t.colB, '$.IDs[?(#.ID=="abc")]') or json_exists(t.colB, '$.IDs?(#.name=="abc"')
And inside the same JSON query expression:
select * from table t where json_exists(t.colB, '$.IDs[?(#.ID=="abc" || #.name=="abc")]')
The call of function json_exists() is the key to this.
The first parameter can be a VARCHAR2, and I also tried with a BLOB containing text, and it works.
The second parameter is the path to your json object attribute that needs to be tested, with the condition.
I wrote two ORed conditions for the ID and for the Name, but maybe there is a better JSON query expression you can use to include them both.
More information about json_exists() function here.
There is a JSON datatype in Postgres that supports parsing in queries.
So, if your colB column is declared as JSON you can do something like this:
select * from table where colB->>'Name' LIKE '%abc%';
And in order to have available the array elements of the IDs array, you should use the function json_array_elements().
select * from table, json_array_elements(colB->'IDs') e where colB->>'Name' LIKE '%abc%' or e->>'ID' = 'abc';
Check an example I created for you here.
Here is an online tool for online testing your JSON queries.
Check also this question in SO.
MSSQL Server 2017
I made a couple of tests also with MS SQL Server, and I managed to create an example searching for partial matching in the name field.
select * from table where JSON_VALUE(colB,'$.Name') LIKE '%abc%';
And finally I arrived to a working query that does partial match to the Name field and full match to the ID field like this:
select * from table t
CodingSystem VARCHAR(10)
) e
where JSON_VALUE(t.colB,'$.Name') LIKE '%abc%'
or e.ID = 'abc';
The problem is that we need to open the IDs array, and make something like a table from it, that can be queried also by accessing its columns.
The example I created is here.
LIKE text query
Your tries are good but you misplace the % symbols. They have to be first and last in your given string:
If you want the ID to be the given value:
SELECT * FROM table where colB LIKE '%"ID":"abc"%'
If the given value can be anywhere, then don't put the "ID" part:
SELECT * FROM table where colB LIKE '%abc%'
If the given value can be only on the ID or Name field then:
SELECT * FROM table where colB LIKE '%"ID":"abc"%' OR colB LIKE '%"Name":"abc"%'
And because you are giving hard-coded identifiers of fields (eg ID and Name) that can be in variable case:
SELECT * FROM table where lower(colB) LIKE '%"id":"abc"%' OR lower(colB) LIKE '%"name":"abc"%'
Assuming that the number of spaces do not vary between the : character and the value or the name of the properties.
For partial matching you can use more % in between like '%"name":"%abc%"%':
SELECT * FROM table where lower(colB) LIKE '%"id":"abc"%' OR lower(colB) LIKE '%"name":"%abc%"%'
Regular Expressions
A different option would be to test with regular expressions.
Consider checking this: Oracle extract json fields using regular expression with oracle regexp_substr


SQLite, LIKE column name

What query could I use in sqlite to get the names of columns beginning with (for example) "thing" in a DB
Such as if they were formatted like this:
You can use pragma_table_info() with the table's name:
FROM pragma_table_info('tablename')
WHERE name LIKE 'thing%'
You can use this query:
FROM pragma_table_info('tablename')
WHERE name LIKE 'thing%'
which returns only 1 column columns with a string value like 'thing_column1,thing_column2,thing_column3' and you can use it to construct a SELECT statement in your application.

How do I select a value in a key:value pair within a list in a column using SQL?

In a table called payouts, there is a column stripeResponseData where the data is in the following structure:
Within my SQL SELECT statement, I want to return only the value of the key "destination". How do I write my SQL query?
My desired result of the query:
SELECT "stripeResponseData" FROM payouts [...]
(where I don't know how to write [...]) should look like the following (assume we have 3 rows with different values on "destination"):
How do I extract that value from the list within the stripeResponseData column?
See this sqlfiddle. This query will fetch the ID from stripResponseData where the id is a specific id (Probably not very useful, but does show you how to select and query):
SELECT data->>'id' FROM stripeResponseData WHERE data #> '{"id":"tr_1BlSHbGQXLV7RqqnHJffUVO0"}';
Because you mentioned your data was a string, you need to to type conversions to query/use it correctly. See this sqlfiddle:
SELECT data::jsonb->>'id' FROM stripeResponseData WHERE data::jsonb #> '{"id":"tr_1BlSHbGQXLV7RqqnHJffUVO0"}';
Per your edit, you can simply query destination in almost the exact same way. This will get all the id's from stripeResponseData where destination = acct_1BWWAmAzms5xPfV9:
SELECT data::jsonb->>'id' FROM stripeResponseData WHERE data::jsonb #> '{"destination":"acct_1BWWAmAzms5xPfV9"}';

PostgreSQL: return row where any column value like variable

I am trying to have the user search for a value in a SQL table, and the user is returned with any row that contains that value. At the moment, I can make it work such that the code is:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE lower('foo') in (lower('col1'),lower('col2'),etc)
However, I would like it to be able to search every column and return any row LIKE 'foo'. For instance,
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (lower('col1'), lower('col2'), etc) like lower('%foo%')
But that doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
I believe you need to use multiple WHERE clauses instead of grouping them all into one statement. Try this:
WHERE lower(col1) like lower('%foo%')
OR lower(col2) like lower('%foo%')
OR etc like lower('%foo%')
You can convert the whole row to a string and then use LIKE on the result of that:
select *
from the_table
where lower(the_table::text) like '%foo%';
the_table::text returns all columns of each row as a comma separated list enclosed with parentheses, e.g. (42,Arthur,Dent). So the above is not 100 identical to a LIKE condition applied on each column - but probably does what you want.

Querying using like on JSONB field

I have a field in a PostgreSQL database with a JSONB type in the format of ["tag1","tag2"] and I am trying to implement a search that will provide results for a predictive dropdown (i.e. if a user types "t" and the column above exists both tags are returned.
Any suggestions on how to do this?
I tried the query below but it is not working:
SELECT table.tags::JSONB from table where table.tags::TEXT like 't%';
One way you can do that is using jsonb_array_elements_text() function (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-json.html)
Example test:
FROM jsonb_array_elements_text($$["tag1","tag2","xtag1","ytag1"]$$::jsonb)
WHERE value LIKE 't%';
(2 rows)
Since jsonb_array_elements_text() creates set of records and in your case there is no other condition than LIKE then using LATERAL (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/queries-table-expressions.html#QUERIES-LATERAL) should help you out like this:
FROM table T,
LATERAL jsonb_array_elements_text(T.tags) A
WHERE A.value LIKE 't%';

SQLite WHERE-Clause for every column?

Does SQLite offer a way to search every column of a table for a searchkey?
Selects all rows where ... was found in the column id. But instead to only search in the column id, I want to search in every column if the searchstring was found. I believe this does not work:
Is that possible? Or what would be the next easy way?
I use Python 3 to query the SQLite database. Should I go the route to search through the dictionary after the query was executed and data returned?
A simple trick you can do is:
FROM table
WHERE ((col1+col2+col3+col4) LIKE '%something%')
This will select the record if any of these 4 columns contain the word "something".
No; you would have to list or concatenate every column in the query, or reorganize your database so that you have fewer columns.
SQLite has full-text search tables where you can search all columns at once, but such tables do not work efficiently with any other queries.
I could not comment on #raging-bull answer. So I had to write a new one. My problem was, that I have columns with null values and got no results because the "search string" was null.
Using coalesce I could solve that problem. Here sqlite chooses the column content, or if it is null an empty string (""). So there is an actual search string available.
FROM table
WHERE (coalesce(col1,"") || coalesce(col2,"") || coalesce(col3,"") || coalesce(col4,"")) LIKE '%something%')
I'm not quite sure, if I understood your question.
If you want the whole row returned, when id=searchkey, then:
select * from table where id=searchkey;
If you want to have specific columns from the row with the correct searchkey:
select col1, col2, col3 from table where id=searchkey;
If you want to search multiple columns for the "id": First narrow down which columns this could be found in - you don't want to search the whole table! Then:
select * from table where col1=searchkey or col2=searchkey or col3=searchkey;