How to read data in background in React Native - react-native

I have an app in React Native, that uses the bluetooth connection to read data from external devices.
I need a way to continue to read this data in background when, for example, the user starts a reading session and put the app in background.
What should I use to do this?
My code is divided in two parts:
Scan and Connect
Reading Data from external devices.

You need a background service for this. The following link for Android will help you.
github => react-native-foreground-service
If you want, you can do it yourself as described on the RN official site. But you'll have to write Java code for it.
React Native => Native Module


How to publish LocalScreenShare tracks from IOS to Web browser in React-Native using Twilio

I want to integrate Screen Share feature in my react-native application in which I am using Twilio for video communication. In Web we are able to achieve this by following these steps.
1 : We get the media device stream using
video: true,
2 : Then we get the first stream tracks using
const newScreenTrack = first(stream.getVideoTracks());
3 : After that we set this newScreenTrack in some useState
const localScreenTrack = new TwilioVideo.LocalVideoTrack(
4 : After that we first unpublish the previous tracks and publish the new tracks using
videoRoom.localParticipant.publishTrack(newScreenTrack, {
name: "screen_share",
5 : And finally we pass these tracks in our ScreenShare component and render these tracks to View the screenShare from remote Participant.
I need to do the same thing in my react-native application as well. Where if localParticipant ask for screenShare permission to another participant. Participant will accept the permission and able to publish the localScreenShare tracks.
If anyone know this please help me in this. It would be really helpful. Thank you
I think this is an issue with the react-native-twilio-video-webrtc package. It seems that, as you discovered in this issue, that screen sharing was previously a feature of the library and it was removed as part of a refactor.
Sadly, the library does more work than the underlying Twilio libraries to look after the video and audio tracks. The Twilio library is built to be able to publish more than one track at a time, however this React Native library allows you to publish a single audio track and a single video track using the camera at a time.
In order to add screen sharing, you can either support pull requests like this one or refactor the library to separate getting access to the camera from publishing a video track, so that you can publish multiple video tracks at a time, including screen tracks.

React native share:-how to use share functionality with different message for different app

I have a requirement in share functionality in which i want to share different different messages for facebook twitter and other apps. But in react native share i have only one message variable in which we pass the data. Can anyone help me about how to pass different message in different apps. Like how i can identify that facebook is selected or twitter is selecr or other app is selected and then send specific message to. That app in react native.
Please help me i am new to react native. It will be a great help.

Bluetooth scanner device receive data in React Native

I want to make in React Native a app that connects to a bluetooth scanner device, and receive data from it (barcodes id) after the scanned was made. It is possible? What I need to use?
Thank you!
You can scan barcodes directly from your phone and there are libraries that support such functionality for react native. However if using a bluetooth scanner device is a requirement then you have two options you can choose from -
Get access to bluetooth functionality through Native Modules
Use an existing library that provides bluetooth capabilities to react-native. A really good option can be this library
In general it is possible to achieve what you need

Using <input type=file> in react native

Is there anywhere i can use a similar function like the in react native to upload image and take picture? I need to push this function via code-push, if i'm using library like react-native-image-picker, i can't push it via code-push. Or is there any pure js library can achieve this?
This is not possible as the code you'd need to achieve what you want requires access to native APIs (read/write storage, camera, etc.). You will therefore need to push an actual update through the App Store and Google Play.

codepush react native new package

I tried react native code push and it works flawlessly. Let's say I modify the text in my buttons to say something else, then with a single command, the update is sent to the users.
Now, lets say I am using a new npm library which requires some native code. Say react-native-image-picker ( Can code push handles this? I want the image picker functionality to be updated too in my users app. Thank you.
No - CodePush can only update JavaScript code and images.
CodePush does not update native code at all so any changes to native code require a full app build and deploy via the relevant app store or app distribution tool (e.g. HockeyApp).
Note: There are some limitations around images - full details here.