How to automate reading files in the folder? - automation

I have some folder on my desktop, let's call it FOLDER_X.
I want to read all the names of files which are in the FOLDER_X.
Is it possible to do it with G1ANT, how can I do that?

You can do it also with usage of snippets, i.e. C#:
♥files = ⟦list⟧⊂System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("your path here")⊃
foreach ♥file in ♥files
dialog ♥file
If you want to remove the path from ♥file place this line at the beginning of the loop:
text.replace regex ‴^.*\\‴ text ♥file replace ‴‴ result ♥file

The below script will display all names of files that are in the FOLDER_X.
The directory command will retrieve all the directories and files that are in the specified path and create the ♥result variable containing all the data in a list.
The foreach loop will iterate through the found elements which are of G1ANT path structure. There are several indexes that you can use, for example isfile and name that are useful here.
directory path ‴♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop\FOLDER_X‴
foreach ♥element in ♥result
dialog ♥element⟦name⟧ if ⊂♥element⟦isfile⟧⊃
end foreach


How to get all files and folders recursively using GetMetadata activity

I need to delete many folders with an exempt list which has a list of folders and files that I should not delete. So I tried delete activity and tried to use if function of Add dynamic content to check whether the file or folder name is the same of the specified ones. But I do not have what should be the parameters #if(). In other words, to use these functions, how do we get the file name or folder name?
It is difficult to get all files and folders by using GetMetadata activity.
As workarounds, you can try these ways:
1.create a Delete activity and select List of files option. Then create a file filled with those path of files and folders need to be deleted.(relative path to the path configured in the dataset).
2.using blob SDK to do this thing.

While loop files in folder

I'm relatively new to Netlogo and already struggling ;)
I have the following problem: I want my program to open a folder, check a file in that folder and afterwards remove that file from that folder. I figured the best way to do this is via a while loop, but I'm struggling to find the right syntax. Hope you all can help!
The command 'file-open' will open a file using the path provided (the string after file-open: e.g. file-open "C:\Documents\model-out.txt" will open a file titled model-out.txt in the Documents folder on the C drive.)
You can then use 'file-read' or 'file-write' to read or write to the file respectively.
The command 'file-close' will close the file, which then can be deleted with 'file-delete'.
You can also check if a file exists in a folder using the command if file-exists? "C:\Documents\model-out.txt", and if true, the file can be deleted using file-delete.
Also check the command 'set-current-directory'.

How does one load some variables at runtime in Photoshop Script?

I have about 200 folders with X images in each of them.
I have a master script in the root folder that does some stuff to the images.
Each folder has some variables specific to it and its contents.
I want my master script, when it parses folder Y, load some sort of a config file from within folder Y to get those variables, then when folder Z is to be parsed, load the config file from that one.
I know of #include "config.jsx" that I use at the moment to load it but its at the beginning of the script, I need something dynamic and doesn't need to be a jsx at all.
I store all my parameters in xml format and read that in using the XML objects in extendscript. As long as your parameters file is always named something like 'config.xml' it is easily located.
var file = new File( /c/folder/file.xml );"r");
var str =;
var xml = new XML(str);

Filter files from directory

Straight to the question...I have files such as word documents with extension(.doc) and its respective sample files starting with (.sample)
Now I would like to load only the word documents..
I found the way as shown below to load the files but this loads all the files
Can anyone say me how do I filter these files while loading them ?
This is what I'm trying to do:
Dim files = Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(mydir), Function(x) (Not x.StartsWith(".sample")))
This is my directory consists of files as said above:
The way you use it, all the files are retrieved (paying the whole computational cost) and then they are filtered.
As stated in this article, you can use a search pattern directly in file retrieval from your file system.
I suppose you could do something like that:
Dim files = Directory.GetFiles(mydir,".doc*")
If you gave an example of filenames, perhaps I would give you the right filter to apply too.
Hope I helped!
The GetFiles method returns filenames with the path that you specified included.
So if your files are in a folder C:\working\, your mydir variable will contain "C:\working\" and all of the results of GetFiles will be something like
So your x.StartsWith is always going to return false, because x always starts with C:\
Try this:
Dim files = Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(mydir), Function(x) (Not x.StartsWith(mydir & ".sample")))
Note this assumes that your mydir variable ends with a \ character. If not, add it in in the concatenation within the function.
Try this,
Dim files = Array.FindAll(Directory.GetFiles(mydir), Function(x) (Not Path.GetFileName(x).StartsWith(".sample")))

How to find any "txt" file at particular location in system?

I have a robot to find a file of the given name at a particular location in a system but now I want to find all the text files at that particular location. I have tried to use "*.txt", but it didn't worked out. Is there a way to do that?
file.exists ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Documents\t.txt errormessage ‴Sorry, I could not find a file‴
dialog ‴File exists‴
You can use the directory command. The pattern arguments allows you to filter out files of a particular extension.
directory path ♥environment⟦USERPROFILE⟧\Desktop pattern *.txt result ♥files
dialog ♥files⟦count⟧
The above code should let you know how many files of the given extension exist in the given directory.
You could take values from the returned list and use it with file.exists command.