how can I select rows that column does NOT have more than 1 value? - sql

I am very new to SQL and I am wondering how to solve this issue. For example, my table looks as follows:
As you see in the table item_id 1 appears in both city_id 1 and 2, so does the item_id 4, but I want to get all the items where appears only in one city_id.
In this example, these would be item_id 2 (appearing only in city_id 2) and item_id 3 (appearing in city_id 1).

Use aggregation on item_id and count distinct values of city_id. The having clause can be used to filter on aggregates.
select item_id from mytable group by id having count(distinct city_id) = 1

You can use the following query:
SELECT item_id
FROM table_name
GROUP BY item_id
In case you want to see the city_id to you can use this query:
SELECT item_id, MIN(city_id) AS city_id
FROM example
GROUP BY item_id
Since there is only one city_id you can use MIN or MAX to get the id.
demo on

You want all the id where they have only one distinct city:
SELECT item_id
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
HAVING count(distinct city_id) = 1
It works by counting all the different values that city_id has for the same item_id. For those item ids where they repeat a lot, but the city_id is always the same the count of unique values in the city id is 1, and we can look for these using a HAVING clause. "Having" is like a where clause that runs after a GROUP BY operation is completed. It is the conceptual equivalent of this:
SELECT item_id
SELECT item_id, count(distinct city_id) as cdci
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
) x
WHERE cdci = 1
If you want the city id too you can either get the MAX city (because in this case there is only one city so it's safe to do):
SELECT item_id, MAX(city_id) as city_id
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
HAVING count(distinct city_id) = 1
or you could join this query back to the item table as a subquery:
SELECT item_id
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
HAVING count(distinct city_id) = 1
) x
table t
ON x.item_id = t.item_id
This technique is the more general process for performing a group by that finds some particular set of rows, then bringing in the rest of the data from that row. You cant always stick every other column you want in a MAX because it will mix row data up, and you can't put the extra columns in your group by because that will subdivide what you're grouping on, giving the wrong results. Doing the group as a subquery and joining it back is a typical way to get all the row data when you have to group it to find which rows are interesting
In your case this form of query will bring all the duplicated rows (whereas the group by/max won't). If you don't want the duplicate rows you can make the top line SELECT DISTINCT t.* but don't make a habit of slapping distinct in to get rid of duplicated rows; if your tables don't have duplicates to start with but suddenly after you wrote a JOIN you got duplicated rows, google fornwhat a Cartesian product is in database queries and how to prevent it

You just need a group by on item id with having
Select item_id from table group by
item_id having count(distinct city_id)
Also, if you want to have majority of same no of rows as input then
Select item_id, city, rank()
over(partition by item_id order by city)
From table where rn=1;


How to use Array_agg without returning the same values in different Order?

When using Array_agg, it returns the same values in different orders. I tried using distinct in a few places and it didn't work. I tried using an order before and after the array and it would fail or not properly exclude results.
I am trying to find all fields in the field column that share the same time and same ID and put them into an array.
Columns are Fieldname, ID, Time
select b.Field, count(*)
from (select Time, ID, array_agg(fieldname) as Field
from a
group by 1,2
order by 3) b
group by b.field
order by 1 desc
This produces duplicate results
For example I will have:
Field Name Count
Ghost,Mark 1234
Mark,Ghost 1234
I also tried this below where I add a subquery where I first order the fields alphabetically when grouping time and ID but it failed to execute. I think due to array_agg not being the root query?
select a.Field, count(*)
(select Time, ID, array_agg(fieldname) as field
(select Time, ID, fieldname
from a
group by 1,2
order by 3 desc) a
group by 1,2 ) b
group by 1
order by 2 desc

COUNT of GROUP of two fields in SQL Query -- Postgres

I have a table in postgres with 2 fields: they are columns of ids of users who have looked at some data, under two conditions:
viewee viewer
------ ------
93024 66994
93156 93151
93163 113671
137340 93161
92992 93161
93161 93135
93156 93024
And I want to group them by both viewee and viewer field, and count the number of occurrences, and return that count
from high to low:
id count
------ -----
93161 3
93156 2
93024 2
137340 1
66994 1
92992 1
93135 1
93151 1
93163 1
I have been running two queries, one for each column, and then combining the results in my JavaScript application code. My query for one field is...
SELECT "viewer",
FROM "public"."friend_currentfriend"
GROUP BY "viewer"
How would I rewrite this query to handle both fields at once?
You can combine to columns from the table into a single one by using union all then use group by as below:
select id ,count(*) Count from (
select viewee id from vv
union all
select viewer id from vv) t
group by id
order by count(*) desc
This is a good place to use a lateral join:
select v.viewx, count(*)
from t cross join lateral
(values (t.viewee), (t.viewer)) v(viewx)
group by v.viewx
order by count(*) desc;
You can try this :
SUM(a.Total) as Total
COUNT(t.Viewee) AS Total
FROM #Temp t
GROUP BY t.Viewee
SELECT t.Viewer AS ID,
COUNT(t.Viewer) AS Total
FROM #Temp t
GROUP BY t.Viewer
) a

Filter by number of occurrences in a SQL Table

Given the following table where the Name value might be repeated in multiple rows:
How can we determine how many times a Name value exists in the table and can we filter on names that have a specific number of occurrances.
For instance, how can I filter this table to show only names that appear twice?
You can use group by and having to exhibit names that appear twice in the table:
select name, count(*) cnt
from mytable
group by name
having count(*) = 2
Then if you want the overall count of names that appear twice, you can add another level of aggregation:
select count(*) cnt
from (
select name
from mytable
group by name
having count(*) = 2
) t
It sounds like you're looking for a histogram of the frequency of name counts. Something like this
with counts_cte(name, cnt) as (
select name, count(*)
from mytable
group by name)
select cnt, count(*) num_names
from counts_cte
group by cnt
order by 2 desc;
You need to use a GROUP BY clause to find counts of name repeated as
select name, count(*) AS Repeated
from Your_Table_Name
group by name;
If You want to show only those Which are repeated more than one times. Then use the below query which will show those occurrences which are there more than one times.
select name, count(*) AS Repeated
from Your_Table_Name
group by name having count(*) > 1;

How do I select those records where the group by clause returns 2 or more?

I'd like to return a list of items of only those that have two or more in the group:
select count(item_id) from items group by type_id;
Specifically, I'd like to know the values of item_id when the count(item_id) == 2.
You're asking for something that's not particularly possible without a subquery.
Basically, you want to list all values in a column while aggregating on that same column. You can't do this. Aggregating on a column makes it impossible to list of all the individual values from that column.
What you can do is find all type_id values which have an item_id count equal to 2, then select all item_ids from records matching those type_id values:
SELECT item_id
FROM items
WHERE type_id IN (
SELECT type_id
FROM items
GROUP BY type_id
HAVING COUNT(item_id) = 2
This is best expressed using a join rather than a WHERE IN clause, but the idea is the same no matter how you approach it. You may also want to select distinct item_ids in which case you'll need the DISTINCT keyword before item_id in the outer query.
If your SQL dialect includes GROUP_CONCAT(), that could be used to generate a list of items without the inner query. However, the results differ; the inner query returns one item id per row, where GROUP_CONCAT() returns multiple ids as a string.
SELECT type_id, GROUP_CONCAT(item_id), COUNT(item_id) as number
FROM items
GROUP BY type_id
HAVING number = 2
Try this sql query:
select count(item_id) from items group by type_id having count(item_id)=2;

How can I count the non-unique combinations of values in MySQL?

I have a table with some legacy data that I suspect may be a little messed up. It is a many-to-many join table.
I'd like to run a query that will count the occurrences of each list_id-address_id pair and show the occurrence count for each from highest to lowest number of occurrences.
I know it's got to involve COUNT() and GROUP BY, right?
select list_id, address_id, count(*) as count
group by 1, 2
order by 3 desc
You may find it useful to add
having count > 1
select count(*), list_id, address_id
from list_membership
group by list_id, address_id
order by count(*) desc