Overwriting Null values in an existing column in Big Query table - google-bigquery

I have a column in my source table which has a certain amount of null values. I want to replace those null values by "TV" without creating a new column for it. Is there any way using IFNULL() or is there another solution to it?
Tried this solution but it creates a new column. I don't want that

You can UPDATE your table:
UPDATE `project.dataset.full_of_nulls`
SET c='TV'


How to update null data fields to match another columns data field?

I have a table with a 'user_id' column. Within that same table I have another data field labeled 'GMID'. Within that GMID column there are some fields that are null, the ones that aren't null have values that match the user_id data field within that row. Is there a way to create a script or query that will update all null fields in the GMID column to match the corresponding data values in the user_id row within that row? Are there any best practices I should follow, different approaches? Thanks in advance for anyone that can help.
Of course there is
UPDATE your_table
SET GMID=user_id
But you even don't need WHERE if GMID always should be same as user_id.
By the way, why do you need two columns with same data in one table?
Another approach would be using the 'coalesce' function. It will return the first non-null value. This approach does not involve data changes on your table. On a query you can 'select coalesce(GMID, user_id) as GMID ...' it will return the first column that is not null.
Documentation for oracle DB:
Update: I just reversed the name of the columns inside the coalesce function...

Efficiently add a column with a value

I am trying to add a column to a tsql table, i do this using SMO in c#. Altering the table is fine but i want to set the column to have a value. The table contains 650 million rows and the update query is taking over a day and a half to run.
Update [TempDatabase].[dbo].[table1] set RawSource = 'DTP'
This is the query I am running above.
Can anyone think of a more efficient way of doing this?
Thanks in advance.
Sometimes, it is more efficient to copy the table with the new value and re-create the table in a single command. Also, you might want to be sure that you have minimal logging for these operations.
Probably the best solution is to use a default value when you create the column:
alter table table1 add RawSource varchar(255) not null default 'DTP';
If you don't want the default moving forward, you can remove it after the column is added.
Another method uses computed columns, but basically does the same thing:
alter table table1 add _RawSource varchar(255);
alter table1 add RawSource as (coalesce(_RawSource, 'DTP'));
at the time of addition of column to table only we can set a default value which will applies for all rows
Note:U should keep not null compulsory because if not all rows are applicable with nulls
alter table table_name
add row_source nvarchar(5) not null default(N'DTP')

Empty string default values for many columns

I am working in SQL Server 2008. I have a table with many columns that will not have values (at least, for the given situation). So, they will have a NULL value when I query each of them. I would like to instead make these NULL values be empty strings (i.e., ''). What is the best way to achieve this? My current idea is to set a DEFAULT value of '' on each them at the time that the table is created. However, since there are so many of them, this will be very tedious.
You have 2 options:
As you said, give it a default value of empty string for columns you don't want to be null when you create table/add new columns.
When you select nullable columns from the table you can use IsNull(ColumnName,'') which means if ColumnName is null it'll return empty string ('').
Create a table with the same structure as your current table, with a different name, and the default value as ''.
Insert into that table from your original table.
Delete the original table.
Change the name of the new table to the original table name.

How to return columns before update using returning?

Hey in PL/SQL consider this query :
update cards s set s.column1= null, s.column2= null
where s.column3= in_column3
returning s.column1,s.column2
into v_column1,v_column2;
Problem is this puts the new records in the variables, which are null but I'm intrested in the values before the update.
Is there any way I can achieve this using RETURNING clause?
No, returning will give you the column values that result after the update. So better select the column values before you update.
select s.column1,
into v_column1,v_column2
from cards s
where s.column3= in_column3;
You can write a before update trigger on this table which will store the previous values in a specific table in a specific condition. Or you can prevent the insertion if the new values being inserted are null.

Is there an easy way to add a custom migration script to SQL Compare scripts?

At my work we are currently having some serious pains pushing our database changes across environments. The issue starts to show up when we create a new non-nullable column on an existing table. The script that SQL Compare generates creates the column as non-nullable, so it will always fail. I was hoping that there was some alternative to having to manually edit the script. Is there any way to get around this? If not, how do you guys handle it?
Create a table:
create table #bingo ( id int )
Add a value:
insert into #bingo values (1)
Add a new column:
alter table #bingo add userid int
Populate the new column:
update #bingo set userid = 1 where id = 1
Change the new column to not nullable:
alter table #bingo alter column userid int not null
You would have to manually edit the RedGate Sql Compare to make it work like this.
How do you plan on filling the NOT NULL column? I don't see how SQL Compare could really come up with a solution since it has no way of knowing how you would fill it.
You could create the column with a DEFAULT, then simply add an update statement at the end of the generated scripts to properly update the column if you have some source for the values.
add a default onto the new not null column
when creating a new not null column, what value do all the existing rows get? If you don't know, make the column nullable.