SSL free, hosting App infinityfree not working - ssl-certificate

error when verify
Link is working
I use hosting App infinityfree and
I met a problems when trying to verify domain for a free SSL. I do not know why it still has errors even though the link is working. I tried many times but can't solve it. Please help me. thanks a lot


Client Side SSL Certification error received on one computer, but not another?

I'm hoping for some help with troubleshooting a frequently received error on my computer. I often try to navigate to very common websites such as This is fine on my work computer, I receive no error. On my laptop at home, I get the NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED error.
I'm not really all that experienced in troubleshooting these types of errors, but I have been getting this message for so long and would really appreciate some help resolving this issue. Every time I google for an answer, most sources suggest there is really an invalid cert, but I know this isn't true. Other answers point to an incorrectly installed cert, but again, I know this isn't the case.
I think the issue lies somewhere in my configuration on my machine. I don't have any fancy firewall set up. What I have noticed is if I click on the "Not Secure" message in the URL part of the Chrome browser, it tells me the cert was revoked by one source.
On my work computer, for the same website it says it has a valid SSL cert through DigiCert. I looked at my Internet Options SSL Cert providers and DigiCert is on there? Any ideas what I can do to figure this out?

Someone put malicious code with "~" on my website

I made my website in and everything worked well, but today I got a message from google telling me that someone is misusing my website through this address:
Does anyone know how I can solve this security problem please?
After some research, I found that the ~stechies means, home directory of a user perhaps "stechies". I found a website with the same a domain name I am not sure if they are behind this or they are hacked as well.
Any help to stop this redirection is much appreciated.
I solved this problem by contacting my web hosting provider, they updated the php and mysql versions of your linux server,
In a nutshell you do not have enough privileges to do it for yourself, only your web hosting provider can solve it

IIS Remote Manager is missing icons for a specific site

I have a developer that came to me with and issue. He is remotely managing one of his sites on one of our development servers and all of a sudden he lost all of the icons in IIS for this specific site..
All other sites display his icons correctly and when I have him test on another computer everything displays correctly.. So what could have gone wrong on his machine? It was working but is now not working.. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.. Never seen this before and cant seem to figure out what caused it to just go away.. There should be so many more options for him.. Plus if you can see he lost the ability to see the folders on this site also.. And it is every site on this server.. But like I said it is just on his computer, he goes to a different computer he has access to everything..
Guess I cant post a picture.. But if you need to see it I can send it to you if you need to see what I am talking about..
Come to find out he was ignoring the prompt that he was getting saying that there were new versions of the tools to download on his machine that are on the server.. He just hit Cancel instead of selecting them and hitting ok to install the DLL's and enabling them.

IIS7 (Windows) Authentication -- Cannot figure out why new website errors 401

I am trying to make a new website on an IIS server, of which has websites that are using Windows Authentication just fine. However, for the life of me, I cannot figure out why my new website refuses access (401.2)
Basically, I create a new website and add a single .html file ("Hello, World"). I can access it just fine. But turn off Anonymous, leaving on Windows Authentication, I get prompted for ID/PWD, ending always a 401.2
So, I decided to make a new website as a copy of the existing working website on the same webserver. I've even gone and made the new website share the same App Pool and the same Physical Path. This way, as far as I can tell, the only possible differences between the two websites is now the IIS configuration of the two sites. Still can't authenticate.
I've switched the bindings, doesn't help.
I've even compared the settings in applicationHost.config, making sure they're equal.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I've used this article several times for problems like these with some success: Hope it helps!
I was advised to try running iisreset from the command line. This turns out to be what I needed all along. Seems some configuration changes do not get applied properly, even when restarting the particular website, until IIS itself is restarted.

Apache Case insentive URLs

Apache is not allowing me to access a link with a wrong case. This URL case sensitivity really sucks me. Can anyone help me out how to configure my apache so that however I call my URL it has to work.
I am running my site on a shared linux server and not provided with SSH. I tried all the solutions in google but nothing worked for me. Anybody please help me. Please do not tell me to get into so and so option (as there are limited services provided in my cPanel, find them in the below screenshot).