Settings different Values of element on a state - react-native

So in my react native, I have a spinner which I am using to enter numbers. It has two buttons which increases or decreases a value. But the problem is that I have to set the value to a state and I have multiple elements. So if I change the value of one element, everything else changes too.
Here is the Package
And here is a sample code I am working with:
this.state = {
qty: null,
onChange={(num) => {
this.setState({qty: num});
So on change I am settings the qty state. But I have multiple spinners and changing one changes everything because each uses the same state. What would be the better solution for this? Should I use an array to store each item qty?

For me the better solution is assign at each Spinner an ID and then create an object with key = spinnerID and value = num
this.state = {
qty: {},
value={this.state.qty['1'] || 1}
onChange={(num) => {
let qty = Object.assign({}, this.state.qty);
qty['1'] = num;

yes, obviously you need to maintain multiple states for each spinner, never use one state for that. I would recommend to use an array like
this.state = {
and onChange of that input spinner you can do somewhat like
onChange={(num) => {
let currentState = this.state.spinnerValues;
currentState[i] = num; // here i is the index which you will provide for the spinner num
this.setState({spinnerValues: currentState});
and for value of each spinner
value = {this.state.spinnerValues[i]}


Vuex model update won't reload computed property

I have the following component to quickly configure stops on a delivery/pickup route and how many items are picked up and dropped
and this is the data model, note the 2 is the one next to 'a' on the previous image.
If a click the + or - button, in the first item, it behaves as expected,
But second item doesn't work as expected
I've already checke a couple of posts on object property update likes this ones
Is it possible to mutate properties from an arbitrarily nested child component in vue.js without having a chain of events in the entire hierarchy?
among others, and came up with this code:
ADD_ITEM_TO_SELECTED_STOP(state, payload) {
let count = state.selectedStop.categories[payload.catIndex].items[payload.itemIndex].count;
const selectedCat = state.selectedStop.categories[payload.catIndex];
const currentItem = selectedCat.items[payload.itemIndex];
currentItem.count = count + 1;
selectedCat.items[payload.itemIndex] = currentItem;
Vue.set(state.selectedStop.categories, payload.catIndex, selectedCat);
and as the button event:
addToItem(item) {
this.$store.dispatch("addItemToSelectedStop", {
catIndex: item.catIndex,
itemIndex: item.itemIndex
And finally my computed property code:
items() {
let finalArray = [];
(cat, catIndex) => {
let selected = cat.items.filter((item) => item.count > 0 );
if (selected.length > 0) {
//here we add the catIndex and itemIndex to have it calling the rigth shit
selected = => {
let itemIndex = cat.items.findIndex( itemToFind => ===;
return {
catIndex: catIndex,
itemIndex: itemIndex,
finalArray = finalArray.concat(selected);
return finalArray;
What confuses me the most is that I have almost the same code in another component, and there it's working as expected, and although the model is changed, the computed property is only recalculated on the first item,
After reading this gist and taking a look again at the posts describing this kind of issue, I decided to give it a try and just make a copy of the whole stored object not just the property, update it, then set it back on vuex using Vue.set, and that did the trick, everything is now working as expected, this is my final store method.
ADD_ITEM_TO_SELECTED_STOP(state, payload) {
let selectedLocalStop = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.selectedStop));
let count = selectedLocalStop.categories[payload.catIndex].items[payload.itemIndex].count;
selectedLocalStop.categories[payload.catIndex].items[payload.itemIndex].count = count + 1;
Vue.set(state,"selectedStop", selectedLocalStop );
//Now we search for this step on the main list
const stepIndex = state.stops.findIndex(val => ===;
Vue.set(state.stops,stepIndex, selectedLocalStop );
I had to add the last bit after updating the whole object, because, originally, the array items were updated when the selected item was changed, I guess some sort of reference, but with the object creation, that relationship no longer works "automatic" so I need to update the array by hand

Fluent/Fabric - Is it possible to clear the input of the NormalPeoplePicker programmatically?

Is it possible to clear the input text (e.g. "qweqweqweqwe" in the example below) of the (Fluent/Fabric) NormalPeoplePicker programmatically?
I have tried accessing the input element (via the onBlur event) and attempted to change it's value and innerHtml but that doesn't work. Also, that doesn't seem to be a good way of doing it.
NormalPeoplePicker Component keep input value inside state and its not possible to change it directly:
const picker = React.useRef(null)
onBlur={() => {
if(picker.current) {
picker.current.input.current.value = ""; // Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property value of #<Autofill> which has only a getter
From Official Documentation inside implementation section there is useful method updateValue which allows to change the input value.
const picker = React.useRef(null)
onBlur={() => {
if(picker.current) {
Codepen working example ln: 104.
This is a temporary solution, test every use case before production.
let orgSelected: ITag[] = [];
orgSelected.push({key:0 name:''});
const [selectedOrg,setselectedOrg] = useState(orgSelected);
On TagPicker Property just assign the statevalue like this.
This way the tagpicker property will always be selected with an empty item.

React Native: Checkbox List Structure

A user object has an array prop schools that references one or more school objects. I would like to use a <List> with <CheckBox> to mutate the schools array.
I load the user object into the view, and I load the listOfSchools (from the application state) to generate the checkbox list:
<List data={listOfSchools} keyExtractor={ item=> item._id } renderItem={({item})=>renderItem(item)} />
The renderItem function:
const renderItem = (school) => {
return <ListItem
The renderAccessory function:
const renderAccessory = (school) => {
return <CheckBox checked={() => checkSchool(school._id)} onChange={()=>changeSchool(school._id)} />
The checkSchool function returns boolean on if the school._id is referenced in the user.schools array. The changeSchool function adds or removes the school._id from the users.schools array.
The changeSchool function:
const changeSchool = (schoolId) => {
let checked = checkSchool(schoolId);
if (!checked) {
// add schoolId to user.schools
} else {
// remove schoolId from user.schools
This drastically does not work. It appears that no matter what I use to mutate the state, the checkboxes never update, nor does the user.schools array mutate.
What is the proper way to structure such a design goal?
Assuming that you use UI Kitten, I can see that you got the checked prop value wrong for the CheckBox component.
UI Kitten CheckBox reference
The checked prop needs to be a boolean not a Callable as you have it there
I would try to change the code like this:
const renderAccessory = (school) => {
const isChecked = checkSchool(school._id);
return <CheckBox checked={isChecked} onChange={()=>changeSchool(school._id)} />
Let me know if that helped.
While trying various solutions i can conclude few things here:
With the solution given by #Cornel Raiu the checked and unchecked flags are getting correctly calculated however, the display was not correct with the state of checked/unchecked
I replaced Checkbox with Toggle, just to be sure that it works with iOS too
PROBLEM that i faced still is that, even the State of item getting toggled is correctly populating it was getting reset
The outside container of Toggles is List and ListItem,
OBSERVATION is that the Press event on List was actually getting the Checkbox/Toggle into correct Display State...
After longer time of research and experiments I got my thing working with following approach -
I maintained separate collection of Checked Items
There is already a state of Collection of master items, as input to List
Every time the Checkbox/Toggle is clicked, the master list of Data is cloned and copied back to its state
This was triggering the slight re-render of component and thing is working as expected.
const [cashTransactions, setCashTransactions] = useState([]); // master data
const [selectedTransactions, setSelectedTransactions] = useState([]); // selected data
const renderItem = ({ item, index }) => (
title={'(' + ') ' + item.firstName + ' ' + item.lastName}
description={Moment(item.createdOn).format('yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm:ss')}
accessoryLeft={selectedTransactions.includes( ? RadioOnIcon : RadioOffIcon}
accessoryRight={() => checkBoxSpace(item)}
const checkBoxSpace = (item) => {
let itemChecked = selectedTransactions.includes(;
return (
<View style={styles.actionContainer}>
<Button size='tiny' status='basic' accessoryLeft={rupeeSymbol}>{item.amount}</Button>
<Toggle checked={itemChecked} status='primary' size='small' onChange={checked => checkboxChecked(item, checked)}></Toggle>
const checkboxChecked = (item, checked) => {
console.log('Item -' + + ' ' + checked);
if (checked) {
if (!selectedTransactions.includes( {
} else {
if (selectedTransactions.includes( {
console.log('selectedTransactions ' + JSON.stringify(selectedTransactions));
// This is the thing i applied to get it done.
const cloned = [...cashTransactions];
// View

Trying to change my immutable array in React Native

I have a function that runs every time your location changes and I'm trying to set a value in my array when a certain if statement is found true. All I seem to be doing is removing everything from my variable except the value that I am changing. Bad explanation so here is some code...
The data starts like this:
this.state = { selectedItem: [] }
And will change to something like this during normal app use:
selectedItem: [{address: 'Somewhere', latitude: -37.826835, longitude: 144.992030, found: false }]
Here is where I am trying to change the data (This will always run after some data is added):
const newSelectedItem = () => {
let copyB = {...this.state.selectedItem};
copyB.found = true;
return copyB;
this.setState({selectedItem: newSelectedItem});
When I try to run:
I see the initial value which would be the address "Somewhere" but when my function runs based on location change it disappears. What have I actually done to my data in my above function?
Have I just made it selectedItem: [{found:true}] or something dumb like that?
You were doing fine except for one single thing , in this function :
const newSelectedItem = () => {
let copyB = {...this.state.selectedItem};
copyB.found = true;
return copyB;
this.setState({selectedItem: newSelectedItem});
here copyB is now an object , but yours selected Item was an array. So the problem is now selectedItem is now an object when you do setState with newSelctedItem.
SO copyB.found = true; wouldnt evaluate anything rather, try copyB[0].found = true; so there the value will be accessed and return true accordingly.
And when you try to access the state , replace {this.state.selectedItem.address}
with {this.state.selectedItem[0].address} ,
Hope i helps. feel free to ask any doubts.
You can play around with this pen codepen
Well, this is pretty weird since you still get the initial value. There are some problems in your code:
You want to store your variables in a array: It's fine, but the problem comes from the way you retrieve and set your value. Since selectedItem, your {this.state.selectedItem.address} because this is an object destructuring. To do that, you have to destruct your array first, e.g: item = selectedItem[0] or using map, etc... After that, you can try: item.address.
Another problem is from your newSelectedItem. Since let copyB = {...this.state.selectedItem}; will destruct your selectedItem, take all its properties and set to newSelectedItem, it will make your selectedItem become an object, not an array anymore.
If your selectedItem stores only 1 object, so don't use array. This selectedItem will become:
selectedItem: {
address: 'Somewhere',
latitude: -37.826835,
longitude: 144.992030,
found: false
It looks like a JSON object, hence you can do: selectedItem.address
In case you still don't get it, place a little debug or a console.log("selectedItem", this.state.selectedItem) to see what happend, and you will find out.
I think in the end I was mapping a function to the data and not the data itself. This was my eventual solution...
const newMyWaypoinys = => {
let copyA = {...a};
if (copyA.address === wp.address) {
if (copyA.address === this.state.selectedItem.address) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
selectedItem: {
found: true
copyA.found = true;
return copyA;
myWaypoints: newMyWaypoinys,

React-Native + Redux: Random number of form fields

I am a newbie to react-native, redux and saga and have run into a use case that I have not been able to find a solution for. I understand how to map state to properties and pass around the state between action, reducer and saga. This makes sense to me so far. This is where things seem to get dicey. I have a form that requires a variable number of form fields at any given time depending upon what is returned from the database.
As an example, let's say I have a structure like this:
name: ‘’,
vehicleMake: ‘’,
vehicleModel: ‘’,
carLotCity: ‘’,
carLotState: ‘’,
carLotZipCode: ‘’,
localPartsManufacturers: [{name: ‘’, address: ‘’, zipCode}]
Everything from name to carLotZipCode would only require one text field, however, the localPartsManufacturers array could represent any number of object that each would need their own set of text fields per each object. How would I account for this with redux as far as mapping the fields to the state and mapping the state to the properties? I am confused about how to begin with this scenario. I understand how to project mapping when the fields are fixed.
I would keep the data as it is coming from the backend. That way you'll avoid normalizing it. I think we just have to be smarter when rendering the fields. Here's what I'm suggesting:
function onTextFieldChange(name, index) {
// either name = `name`, `vehicleMake`, ...
// or
// name = `localPartsManufacturers` and `index` = 0
function createTextField(name, index) {
return <input
name={ name }
onChange={ () => onTextFieldChange(name, index) } />;
function Form({ fields }) {
return (
Object.keys(fields).reduce((allFields, fieldName) => {
const field = fields[fieldName];
if (Array.isArray(field)) {
allFields = allFields.concat(;
} else {
return allFields;
}, [])
Form receives all the data as you have it in the store. Then we check if the field is an array. If it is an array we loop over the fields inside and generate inputs same as the other properties createTextField. The tricky part here is how to update the data in the store. Notice that we are passing an index when the text field data is changed. In the reducer we have to write something like:
const { name, index, value } = event.payload;
if (typeof index !== 'undefined') {
state[name][index] = value;
} else {
state[name] = value;
return state;
There is nothing preventing you from keeping a list, map, set or any other object in Redux.
The only thing remaining then, is how you map the state to your props, and how you use them. Instead of mapping a single element from the collection to a prop, you map the entire collection to a single prop, and then iterate over the collection in your render method.
In the action you can pass a new collection back, which is comprised of the form fields making up the parts list. Then, your reducer will replace the collection itself.
Or, upon changing an element in the part collection, you can send an action with its id, find it in the collection in the reducer and replace the element that was changed / add the new one / remove the deleted one.