How to show specific records from a RAML file in anypoint studio? - anypoint-studio

I have used HTTP requester to use external mulesoft training API URL. I want to view only this 3 specific records to end-users after sending GET requests in Postman, like
"destination": "LAX",
"ID": 10,
"code": "eefd4511",
I tried using Dataweave transformation but it is not working efficiently.example responses

are you aware of query parameters? you might need to verify your RAML file to ensure that the GET endpoint is configured to accept certain query-parameters and you can pass it as per the usage described. one example would be to assume that the mule app is equipped to accept a query parameter called destination to which you can pass a value and it acts as a filter where in you will get results back containing files which are destined to go to the location you passed.
an example of url will be http://localhost:1234/api/flights?destination=LAX


The request does not contain a \"file\" part or \"metadata\" part

I have gone through number of forums including the current forum as well, but I couldn't find concrete answer.
Problem Description: Mule sub flow expects JSON (Content-Type=application/json) as input. An attachment with input JSON, should be sent across with http request to third party REST Service.
Following is the source code used.
Sourcecode of Mule subflow
But the third party REST service is responding with Bad request with error message as "code": 400,. "error": "The request does not contain a \"file\" part or \"metadata\" part. However when tried with Postman, the request was successful as shown below
Request successful in Postman
what is wrong with the code?
First, do not specify the Content-Type since the multipart format requires a special boundary section. The proper header will be generated for you once an attachment is present in the Mule Message. If you hard code it, you will have problems.
Second, if the attachment is suppose to be a JSON, then put application/json as the attachment contentType instead of application/octet-stream.
Third, if the problems persists I would suggest enabling HTTP wire logging (<AsyncLogger name="org.mule.module.http.internal.HttpMessageLogger" level="DEBUG"/>) to actually compare the Postman and Mule requests.

How to use a Postman Mock Server

I have followed the guide here to create a postman mock for a postman collection. The mock seem to be successfully created, but I have no idea how to use the mock service.
I've been given a url for the mock, but how do I specify one of my requests? If I issue a GET request to https://{{mockid}} I get the following response:
"error": {
"name": "mockRequestNotFoundError",
"message": "We were unable to find any matching requests for the mock path (i.e. undefined) in your collection."
According to the same guide mentioned above the following url to "run the mock" https://{{mockId}}{{mockPath}} but what exactly is mockPath?
Within my collection I have plenty of folders, and inside one of these folders I have a request with an example response. How do I access this example response through the mock? Thanks for all help in advance!
Here's the Postman Pro API, which doesnt mention a lot more than just creating reading mocks.
I had the same issue seeing an irrelevant error but finally I found the solution. Unfortunately I cannot find a reference in Postman website. But here is my solution:
When you create a Mock server you define your first request (like GET api/v1/about). So the Mock server will be created but even when you obtain your API key and put it in the header of request (as x-api-key) it still returns an error. It doesn't make sense but it turned out that defining the request is not enough. For me it only started returning a response when I added an Example for the request.
So I suggest for each request that you create, also create at least one example. The request you send will be matched with the examples you have created and the matched response will be returned. You can define body, headers and the HTTP status code of the example response..
I have no Pro Postman subscription and it worked for me using my free subscription.
Menu for adding an example or selecting one of them for editing:
UI for defining the example (See body, headers and status) :
How to go back to the request page:
Here is the correct reply I get based on my example:
If you request in the example is a GET on then the mockPath is /api/foo and your mock endpoint is a GET call to https://{{mockid}}
The HTTP request methods and the the pathname as shown in the image below constitute a mock.
For ease of use the mock server is designed to be used on top of collections. The request in the examples is used as is along with response attached to it. The name of the folder or collection is not a part of the pathname and is not factored in anywhere when using a mock. Mocking a collection means mocking all the examples in within your collection. An example is a tuple of request and response.
An optional response status code if specified lets you fetch the appropriate response for the same path. This can be specified with the x-mock-response-code header. So passing x-mock-response-code as 404 will return the example that matches the pathname and has a response with status code of 404.
Currently if there are examples with the same path but different domains, and mock is unable to distinguish between them it will deterministically return the first one.
Also if you have several examples for the same query :
Mock request accept another optional header, x-mock-response-code, which specifies which integer response code your returned response should match. For example, 500 will return only a 500 response. If this header is not provided, the closest match of any response code will be returned.
Optional headers like x-mock-response-name or x-mock-response-id allow you to further specify the exact response you want by the name or by the uid of the saved example respectively.
Here's the documentation for more details.
{{mockPath}} is simply the path for your request. You should start by adding an example for any of your requests.
After adding your mock server, you can access your examples at:

RESTful - when should I use POST and GET?

This is my WCF service, where user can find message for him.
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/GetMessages/{UserGLKNumber}/{UserPassword}/{SessionToken}")]
Messages GetMessages(string SessionToken, string UserPassword, string UserGLKNumber);
I have concerns about that line: {UserGLKNumber}/{UserPassword}/{SessionToken}
I have to authenticate user, before he get that messages. But with GET method, I cannot send objects, like in POST.
Is it consistent with REST pattern?
Please, clear up my doubts.
There are already posts & question about this, I am summarizing all of them
POST verb is used when are you creating a new resource (a file in your case) and repeated operations would create multiple resources on the server. This verb would make sense if uploading a file with the same name multiple times creates multiple files on the server.
PUT verb is used when you are updating an existing resource or creating a new resource with a predefined id. Multiple operations would recreate or update the same resource on the server. This verb would make sense if uploading a file with the same name for the second, third... time would overwrite the previously uploaded file.
POST everytime you are modifying some state on the server like database update, delete. GET for readonly fetching like database select.
GET: Get a collection of entries (as a feed document) or a single entry (as an entry document).
POST: Create a new entry from an entry document.
PUT: Update an existing entry with an entry document.
DELETE: Remove an entry.
Source:Difference between PUT and POST using WCF REST
Another Useful reads are:
What's the difference between a POST and a PUT HTTP REQUEST?
In terms of Restful services...
Post :
1. Its a secure to use in application rather than get.
2. Its not configure proxy server.
3. Big length of data restricted by web server.
4. Its not cached on browser.
5. Its take input as xml
Get :
1. Its a not secure to use in application rather than get.
2. Its configure proxy server.
3. Its use url encoding technique.
4. Its cached on browser.
5. Its a default if you are not declaring anyone.
6 Its take input as a string an returned a formatted output.

Handling dynamic http requests instead of hardcoded http requests in Jmeter

I'm creating a 50 users load test on a JSF web application.
I record a scenario using JMeter proxy for one user who logs in, does some db operations and logs out. After recording the scenario, the recorded test contains http requests and data that particularly belongs to the user used while scenario recording.
At the time of running the test for 50 unique virtual users, the recorded test sends http requests and data which was in the recorded scenario. But in our application, the http requests and data vary depending upon the user. So how do I handle such situations in JMeter when it comes to methods being called depending upon the existence or non-existence of data for a user after logging in?
To be precise how would I make changes in my Test plan to manage dynamic urls and dynamic data for each virtual user?
Latest versions of JMeter allow you to write the whole parameters (raw data) from scratch, so you could use variables in this field.
To achieve dynamic URLs use a Regular Expression Extractor (Post-Processor) on a prior request that define what request will be sent and use the variable in HTTP Request's path field.
If you know what request each type of users will send you could use If Controllers and test a thread variable, created by a previous Regular Expression Extractor, and inside each controller add the specific request.
If the subsequent request for each user is defined by the server, using redirection, just check "Follow Redirection" field.
See JMeter Wiki for more examples on how to do this.

How to design a REStful API for a media analysis engine

I am new to Restful concept and have to design a simple API for a media analysis service I need to set up, to perform various tasks, e.g. face analysis, region detection, etc. on uploaded images and video.
Outline of my initial design is as follows:
Client POSTs a configuration XML file to This creates a profile that can be used for multiple analysis sessions. Response XML includes a ProfileID to refer to this profile. Clients can skip this step to use the default config parameters
Client POSTs video data to be analyzed to (with ProfileID as a parameter, if it's set up). This creates an analysis session. Return XML has the SessionID.
Client can send a GET to to receive the status of the session.
Am I on the right track? Specifically, I have the following questions:
Should I include facerecognition in the URL? Roy Fielding says that "a REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies" Is this an instance of that mistake?
The analysis results can either be returned to the client in one large XML file or when each event is detected. How should I tell the analysis engine where to return the results?
Should I explicitly delete a profile when analysis is done, through a DELETE call?
You can fix the entry point url,
GET /facerecognition
<Profiles href="/facerecognition/profiles"/>
<AnalysisRequests href="/facerecognition/analysisrequests"/>
Create a new profile by posting the XML profile to the URL in the href attribute of the Profiles element
POST /facerecognition/profiles
201 - Created
Location: /facerecognition/profile/33
Initiate the analysis by creating a new Analysis Request. I would avoid using the term session as it is too generic and has lots of negative associations in the REST world.
POST /facerecognition/analysisrequests?profileId=33
201 - Created
Location: /facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103
Check the status of the process
GET /facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103
<Cancel Method="DELETE" href="/facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103" />
when the processing has finished, the same GET could return
<Results href="/facerecognition/analysisrequest/2103/results" />
The specific URLs that I have chosen are relatively arbitrary, you can use whatever is the clearest to you.