How to configure Spring Security to allow HAL Browser to be accessed without authentication - spring-data-rest

In My Spring DATA REST application, after we put spring security, then HAL-browser did't access. how to void security for HAL-browser


Jmeter load tests against WCF service with wsHttpBinding and TransportWithMessageCredential

I have a few WCF Services with wsHttpBinding with TransportWithMessageCredential security. Windows credentials must be provided on each request and therefore are used for authentication (by design by AD), authorization (with AD by AZman) and to identity the user who performed the action (auditory purposes).
The thing is now I need to perform some load tests on these services, using Jmeter, and I'm strugling how can I authenticate the user for each request, I was wondering if anyone had ever mede this?
I really need to test with this security concern because the authentication and authorization processes are part of the load tests itself. I could remove them but then the load tests wouldn't be accurate.
The solutions I have in my mind are:
Ensure this is possible to achieve via JMeter
Create a WCF Routing Service on top of these services, exposed as basicHttpsBinding which then routes the requests to appropriate destination service, performing impersonation (seems to be a choise but it is not the original test case as well)
Remove security for load test purposes, but then a part of the tests would be removed as well (along with security)
Out of box JMeter doesn't support any SOAP security implementations so you might want to use i.e. WS Security for SOAP plugin
You should be able to provide your Windows credentials via SOAP Message UsernameToken
and the plugin will generate the relevant wsse:Username token
More information: Running SOAP WS-Security Load Tests in JMeter

Apache camel saml authentication

Anyone implemented SAML SSO authentication using Apache camel? I need sample authentication code for same in Apache camel.I checked in that camel site but didn't find any useful information
Read the section on Spring Security integration, you need to implement the AuthorizationPolicy using camel-spring-security module. The Spring Security SAML project on GitHub have a sample application.

Apply Role security to WSO2 ESB Proxy using Java API

I am looking for a way to apply Role based security on existing Proxy WSDLs of WSO2 ESB using Java API.
Using org.wso2.carbon.proxyadmin.stub.ProxyServiceAdminStub I could manage to enable security for unsecured proxy service, but unable to find a way to apply Role based security (please note the roles are coming from WSO2 Identity Server). I understand it's possible to perform this action with Wso2 ESB management console, but is there is a way to handle it through Java API? Any carbon backend web service available?
Sample Client here
This helped in disabling and enabling security as well as applying Role based security for a given proxy service. This is what I was looking for. Hope it helps some one out there...
public void applySecurity(String serviceName, String policyId,
String[] userGroups, String[] trustedKeyStoreArray,
String privateStore)
throws SecurityAdminServiceSecurityConfigExceptionException, RemoteException {
ApplySecurity applySecurity;
applySecurity = new ApplySecurity();
applySecurity.setPolicyId("scenario" + policyId);
securityAdminServiceStub.applySecurity(applySecurity);"Security Applied");

Is it possible to configure wsHttpBinding for authentication only (Kerberos token), no signing/encryption

I have a web service running outside of .net that I need to invoke from a .NET client.
I was given a .NET client written in Visual Basic to test with.
The .NET client can access the web service with a clear-text SOAP message using basicHttpBinding.
I can configure a policy/binding for the external web service to use the Kerberos token for Message Level Protection and authentication. I can access this web service from the .NET client by modifying the configuration file to use wsHttpBinding.
Now, the requirement is to use the Kerberos token for authentication only and not sign/encrypt the SOAP message. That is, I only need the tags in the SOAP header. I have this configuration working on the external web service, but now I want to modify the configuration file so the .NET client only sends the and does not sign/encrypt any part of the SOAP message.
Is it possible to modify the .net client's .config file to do this?
My understanding is that basicHttpBinding can not be modified to use a Kerberos token (only UserName/Certificate).
I've tried disabling signing/encryption in wsHttpBinding via an attribute such as "defaultProtectionLevel=Sign/SignEncrypt/None", but this isn't available in wsHttpBinding (or I can't find it). I can only disable or enable message level protection and authentication with .
I've also tried building a customBinding, but can not disable signing/encryption and use the Kerberos token for authentication only.
Does anyone have a solution or some tips that could point me in the right direction to go about solving the above issues?

WCF Data Services with Integrated Authentication issue

I have a web project that has Anonymous access and Integrated Windows authentication enabled. I built a WCF Data Service and since it allows only one authentication, I enabled Integrated authentication on the service. I am able to view the service in browser. However when I try to query the service for any Entity, it gives me Forbidden error. I tried to enable Anonymous access on service too, but it does not work.
Do I need to give it some other access or it is not possible to enable one authentication on the service itself keeping the project virtual directory as Anonymous and Integrated.
Update: I do no have any operations in my Data Service. For the entities, I have already set the "All" permission on all entities.
Only one authentication method is permitted on a WCF Data Service.
If you choose to go the Integrated Security route then you need to set the credentials after constructing the DataServiceContext.
Something like this would work for using the current user's Windows identity.
employeeEntities = new EmployeeDataService.EmployeeEntities(new Uri("http://.../employeedata.svc"));
employeeEntities.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;