Aurelia: not recognizing feature module - aurelia

I just discovered this framework and I was loving it so far. But then I tried to create a feature module and for some reason it's not working.
I created a new Aurelia app using the CLI:
au new
Then I started coding, created an HTML-only custom element and used it, it worked great.
The problem came when I wanted to create a feature module.
First, this is my src folder (yeah, I'm going with a classic todo-list app):
So, in the main.js file I've declared the todo feature module:
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
import * as environment from '../config/environment.json';
import {PLATFORM} from 'aurelia-pal';
export function configure(aurelia) {
aurelia.use.developmentLogging(environment.debug ? 'debug' : 'warn');
if (environment.testing) {
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName('app')));
Now, depending on what I do I get one error or another.
Option 1
If I configure todo/index.js as a module like this:
export function configure(config) {
config.globalResources(['./todo-list', './todo-item']);
Then I get this warning and the web goes blank:
Option 2
If I comment out the config.globalResources() line in todo/index.js then I don't get the warning, the page seems to work. But when I click on the button to add a new Todo item I get an error that the function doesn't exist.
In app.html I import todo/todo-list.html:
<require from="./app-header.html"></require>
<require from="./todo/todo-list.html"></require>
And this is the content of todo-list.html:
<label for="item-text">Añadir elemento: </label>
<input id="item-text" value.bind="newTodo"/>
<button type="button" click.trigger="addTodo()">Añadir</button>
This is todo-list.js:
import {TodoItem} from './todo-item';
export class TodoList {
constructor() {
this.todos = [];
this.newTodo = '';
this.lastId = 0;
addTodo() {
this.todos.push(new TodoItem(this.lastId, this.newTodo));
this.newTodo = '';
So, I guess if I don't configure todo/index.js as a module Aurelia doesn't know that todo-list.html and todo-list.js are related and that's why it can't find the function addTodo().
What am I doing wrong?
I have created a github repo with the code:

You need to wrap all references to module names (files) in PLATFORM.moduleName calls.
So instead of
export function configure(config) {
config.globalResources(['./todo-list', './todo-item']);
switch to
export function configure(config) {
Also note that I got rid of wrapping the paths in an array. The framework does that for you.


Can not override theme of Chakra UI in NUXT js using extendTheme

Update 1
I tried the following as #kissu said but it didn't worked,
1.Adding the key directly in nuxt.config.js is not working :
chakra: {
extendTheme: {
breakpoints: ['89rem', '86rem', '90rem', '120rem', '200rem', '300rem'],
Theme provider looks like this
<div class="container">
<CBox font-family="body" as="main">
<CReset />
<nuxt />
import {
} from '#chakra-ui/vue'
3.I tried applying classes corresponding to the breakpoints and also a custom color but it didn't helped too
<CBox bg="mpw.50" height="2rem" width="2rem">sadsad</CBox>
<CBox as="ul" list-style="none" d="flex" flexDirection="column">
<CBox as="li" list-style="none" borderBottom="2px solid #E8E8E8">
padding="1rem" d="flex" v-bind="mainStyles[colorMode]">
<CImage :src="require('#/assets/imgs/patient.png')" w="5rem" h="5rem" alt=""/>
<CBox flex="1 1 0" padding="1rem" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0" v-bind="mainStyles[colorMode]">
<CText fontSize="2xl" >
Home Isolation Patients
<CText pr="0.5rem">
Lorem ipsum xyzzzz
anything else that I should try now ?
Original Post is below
I am unable to extendTheme in Chakra UI in my NUXT JS app. I want to use my own breakpoints as per my designs, which means that I need to have more than 4 breakpoints in my app.
In my nuxt.config.js I am importing it and using like below :
import customTheme from './customTheme/custom-theme.js'
chakra: {
extendTheme : customTheme
The file custom-theme.js
export default {
// '38rem', '48rem', '62rem', '80rem',
breakpoints:[ '89rem','86rem','90rem','120rem','200rem','300rem'],
When I do console.log in my index.vue
mounted() {
console.log("ON SERVER")
console.log("ON CLIENT")
then I don't see my custom breakpoints
How can I add my own set of breakpoints like those breakpoints:['89rem', '86rem', '90rem', '120rem', '200rem', '300rem'] ?

Vue Template - Making any URLs found in returned text string to a link

I am working on a project that is Vue modular based (code used is:
Linking to the file I think need to make the change to, have been trying but I don't really know Vue at all and had not luck.
The returned message is plain text for example: this is a test message, please visit
What I am trying to do, is from that text string, if a URL found is to create a link from that found URL
<RichComponent><RichBubble v-if="message.queryResult.fulfillmentText" :text="message.queryResult.fulfillmentText" /></RichComponent>
Is what the current code is that returns the data.
Is there a best way to achieve this? Is there a core function maybe?
I have tried to npm install linkify but cannot seem to get it working so maybe a direct approach would be better?
You can use linkifyjs to convert links in a string into anchor tags. The linkifyjs/lib/linkify-string.js file augments the String prototype with a linkify() method.
<p v-html="msg.linkify()"></p>
import 'linkifyjs/lib/linkify-string' // side effect: creates String.prototype.linkify
export default {
props: ['msg'],
It also exports that method if you prefer an explicit call:
<p v-html="linkify(msg)"></p>
import linkify from 'linkifyjs/lib/linkify-string'
export default {
props: ['msg'],
methods: {

Vue.js - Embed Swagger UI inside a Vue component?

I have a form in my Vue component which uploads the api file. Now I want to render the contents of the file like this:
I have imported swagger client library:
Now, here
is an example of how you do it in a static page. But I need to do it inside a Vue component (or Quasar, specifically), so I do it like that:
Register swagger-ui inside my register components file:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="swagger-ui.css">
Now it is available as:
anywhere in my components. Inside my component I have a div in a template to render the api file:
<q-form>here lies q-file element, submit button and other stuff</q-form>
<div id="swagger-ui"></div>
In the mentioned question he had something like:
window.onload = function() {
const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
url: "",
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
presets: [
window.ui = ui
Here's the difference: first of all, no window.onload, I must render it on submit button. Then, I deal with an uploaded file stored in my model, so no URL here. Now, I don't get how to make it work with locally stored file, when I try with the remote url, it gives me:
vue.esm.js?a026:628 [Vue warn]: Error in v-on handler: "Invariant Violation: _registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element."
I was getting a similar error (Target container is not a DOM element) trying to use a static swagger spec. Instead of using window.onload, I found that Vue has the mounted() function, so this Vue 3 file worked for me:
<div class="swagger" id="swagger"></div>
import SwaggerUI from 'swagger-ui';
import 'swagger-ui/dist/swagger-ui.css';
export default {
name: "Swagger",
mounted() {
const spec = require('../path/to/my/spec.json');
spec: spec,
dom_id: '#swagger'
This one appeared to be a simple yet very unobvious typo: in windows.onload function:
dom_id: '#swagger-ui',
must instead be
dom_id: 'swagger-ui',
without hash sign, that's it!

Using <object> to embed svg but doesn't show anything

I was trying to use to embed the svg picture but it does not show anything. I looked at some other threads and it was suggested to add type="image/svg+xml", however, it did not solve the issue. When I am trying to look at the DOM for some reason it seems to create an endless loop. I attached the picture
This is the compononent
<div class="logo">
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="logo.svg">
This is the app.vue
<div id="app">
import Demo from './components/Demo.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
This happen because vue-loader doesn’t recognize paths in just any attribute. By default just recognize these ones:
So, there are 3 possible solutions
Note: If you are not using eslint as linter you could remove eslint comments
1: Bind the route to your image
First add the next variable to your data in the component
data() {
return {
// eslint-disable-next-line global-require
mySvg: require('../assets/logo.svg'),
Next modify your template
<object type="image/svg+xml" :data="mySvg">
2: Add vue-loader rule
If you don't want to have to bind every svg image, you could add a rule to vue-loader in order to say how to handle data attribute in a object
Go to your webpack config file, if you created the project using vue-cli 3.x you have to create a vue.config.js file in the root (same level that package.json)
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: (config) => {
.tap((options) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
options.transformAssetUrls = {
object: 'data',
return options;
if you want to check that the config was added, execute vue inspect > webpack.config and expect see something like this (inside webpack.config):
loader: 'vue-loader',
options: {
transformAssetUrls: {
object: 'data'
More info:
3: Replace default loader and use svg as vue components
Other option is use vue-svg-loader. This loader inlines the SVGs which enables you to modify them using css. Also optimize your files with SVGO
See more:
It is worth checking that you don't have a CSS rule hiding object tags. Otherwise it seems correct. You probably need to check the path and make sure you can reach your image. I assume your filename is a dummy, but try to use an absolute path. And make sure you can hit the path and see the image in your browser.

vue-apollo: GraphQL queries only run when using <ApolloQuery> tags. Never works in script code. this.$apollo.queries is empty

I know I'm probably missing something really super basic here, I'm trying to run a graphql query with vue-apollo... if I use tags, it works fine
If I try to run queries from inside my code, like in the basic examples in the docs (links below) then nothing happens. The server never receives any request, and this.$apollo.queries is empty.)
Basic examples from the docs:
I've defined the query in the "apollo" property/object... how do I actually execute it when the page loads? Note that I'm using typescript, which is why it's using a "get apollo()" method.
Here's my code...
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
export default class List extends Vue {
myQueryName='my default value';
get apollo() {
return {
myQueryName: {
query: require('../graphql/listMeta.graphql'),
// prefetch: true <-- tried with and without this
<!-- THIS DOESN"T WORK ... -->
queries are: {{this.$apollo.queries}} <!-- THIS JUST SHOWS AN EMPTY OBJECT: {} -->
myQueryName value is: {{myQueryName}} <!-- THIS JUST SHOWS "my default value" -->
<ApolloQuery :query="this.apollo.myQueryName.query" >
<template slot-scope="{ result: { loading, error, data } }"></template>
Note that this.$apollo.queries is empty in the template, probably a clue... but still no idea why its empty. From the docs and examples I've seen it should be populated from my get apollo data method.
Looks basically the same as as far as I can tell, I don't know what the difference is.
I've tried rebuilding the project from scratch multiple times (with and without nuxt), over teh course of months and many different versions of vue/nuxt/apollo/vue-apollo... the queries never run (from memory) unless I use tags.
What am I missing?
You are missing #Component decorator, it is needed to set initial properties of Vue component, so vue-apollo can detect it when component created and make a smartquery property.
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import listMetaDocument from '../graphql/listMeta.gql'
name: 'List',
apollo: {
listMeta: {
query: listMetaDocument
export default class List extends Vue { }