Does SNOMED provide upgrade maps for code that have become inactive? - snomed-ct

It seems that the SNOMED codeset is rapidly evolving. New codes are being added, old codes are being deactivated. Do the releases provide upgrade maps from old code to new codes? (In particular, I'm interested in the UK extension).

The information you're after will be in two files.
Concept inactivation indicator reference set
This reference set will tell you why a concept was inactivated. E.g. Duplicate, Erroneous, Outdated Etc.
The referencedComponentId is the concept that was inactivated.
The files are all IDs so you'll need to lookup the human readable terms.
Specifications are here 5.2.3 Attribute Value Reference Set
Historical association reference set
Not this refset itself, but it's subtypes, will be the mapping you are looking for. Each reference set provides a specific association as required.
For example."SAME AS association reference set" provides the mappings for duplicate concepts. The referencedComponentId is the inactive concept (X) and the targetComponentId is the association (Y). Read as "X SAME AS Y" 5.2.5 Association Reference Set
As a holistic example:
247702001|Bad trips (finding)| is a retired concept.
Has the following entries in the above reference sets
|d09da0d7-b8f9-4d07-9b28-5c74ab247cb1|...|247702001|28368009(Psychoactive substance-induced organic hallucinosis)|
Presumably you've got the RF2 snapshot in a database? My advice is to create a table or view, of the three tables joined.
select * from concepts
left join conceptInactivationRefset
on = conceptInactivationRefset.referencedComponentId
left join SAMEASrefset
on = SAMEASrefset.referencedComponentId
where = 1 and = 1;
That should give you a start.


Is a Workday WID a UUID?

I'm working on an integration with Workday, and am tracking people by their WID (Workday ID), such as 85bb0669d8ac412582c0a473f7074d79. That WID may be interleaved with WID's from unrelated employers using completely distinct Workday accounts, as well as with IDs (known to be UUID's) from other other (non-Workday) sources.
The only ID source that is not known to be a UUID is the WID.
My standard approach to ensure uniqueness of ID's from various external sources would be to save two fields, external_source (e.g. "workday") and external_id (e.g. "85bb0669d8ac412582c0a473f7074d79"). When combined, these two fields assure uniqueness of person ID's across all sources and employers. But if I can confirm that the WID is in fact a UUID, I can make some desirable optimizations.
I've found no explicit definition of WID in Workday documentation of the WID other than, "The unique identifier type. Each "ID" for an instance of an object contains a type and a value. A single instance of an object can have multiple 'ID' but only a single 'ID' per 'type'. " from
All the samples of WID's I've seen are 32-character hexadecimal strings, matching some non-authoritative articles I've found. I've not found any Workday documentation that spec's that they will always be in that format. They are not formatted with hyphens like a UUID, but could be arranged that way.
So...does anyone have a reference to Workday documentation that specify the contents of a WID? Lacking official docs, does anyone have practical knowledge about it?

O.O.P and Class Properties

I'm new to O.O.P and would like advice on best practice.
Say for example I have a Course class which holds course information, and a Location class which holds location details. Classes have corresponding repository classes. Now, each Course HAS A location which I have added Location as a property.
When I am pulling the details of a Course from the database, is it best practice to:
A – Populate the Location object from within the CourseRepository Class meaning SQL would return both course and location details
B – Only populate Course object, returning the Location ID, then use the LocationRepository class to find the location details
I’m leaning more towards B as this is a separation of responsibility, however, the thing that’s getting me is performance. Say I need a List instead which returns a result of 50. Would it be wise to query SQL 50 times to seek location details? Would appreciate your thoughts on this.
In part, you're thinking in a wrong conceptual direction. It should be: one location can have many courses, not the reciprocal.
That said, theoretical, a Course domain object should not contain a location as class member, but just a location id. On the other hand, a domain object Location could contain an array of Course objects as class member, if needed. You see the difference?
Now, in your case, indeed pass a Location as argument to a Course object. And, in the Course repository, define a method like fetchCoursesWithLocations() in which you run only one sql query to fetch 50 courses TOGETHER WITH the corresponding location details - based on your criterias - into an array. Then loop through the records array. For each of the record item build a Location object and a Course object (to which you pass the Location object as argument). Then pass each so created Course object to another array holding all resulting Course objects, or to a CourseCollection object (which I recommend). In the end return the Courses array (or the CourseCollection content) from the method.
Now, all is somehow too complex to present in here. But I'll give you here three great articles (a serie) which will make the whole process very clear to you. You'll find out in there how a CourseCollection should see, too. In the articles (from the second one upwards), it is used the term "Mapper", which I'm pretty sure it's the same as your "repository". Actually, there are two abstraction layers for data access in the db: mappers and repositories. Plus the adapters.
Look to the part with the PostMapper and the CommentMapper. They are the parallels to your CourseRepository, respectively your LocationRepository. The same roles have Post and Comment models (domain objects!): as parallels to your Course and Location.
The articles are:
Building a Domain Model - An Introduction to Persistence
Building a Domain Model - Integrating Data Mappers
Handling Collections of Aggregate Roots - the Repository Pattern

Recursive Hierarchy Ranking

I have no idea if I wrote that correctly. I want to start learning higher end data mining techniques and I'm currently using SQL server and Access 2016.
I have a system that tracks ID cards. Each ID is tagged to one particular level of a security hierarchy, which has many branches.
For example
- Management
- Supervisory
- Manager
- Executive
- Vendors
- Secure
- Per Diem
- Inside Trades
There are many other departments like Maintenance, some simple, some with much more convoluted, hierarchies.
Each ID card is tagged to a level so in the Maintenance example, - Per Diem:Vendors:Maintenance:Root. Others may be just tagged to Vendors, Some to general Maintenance itself (No one has root, thank god).
So lets say I have 20 ID Cards selected, these are available personnel I can task to a job but since they have different area's of security I want to find a commonalities they can all work on together as a 20 person group or whatever other groupings I can make.
So the intended output would be
CommonMatch = - Per Diem
CardID = 1
CardID = 3
CommonMatch = Vendors
CardID = 1
CardID = 3
CardID = 20
So in the example above, while I could have 2 people working on -Per Diem work, because that is their lowest common security similarity, there is also card holder #20 who has rights to the predecessor group (Vendors), that 1 and 3 share, so I could have three of them work at that level.
I'm not looking for anyone to do the work for me (Although examples always welcome), more to point me in the right direction on what I should be studying, what I'm trying to do is called, etc. I know CTE's are a way to go but that seems like only a tool in a much bigger process that needs to be done.
Thank you all in advance
Well, it is not so much a graph-theory or data-mining problem but rather a data-structure problem and one that has almost solved itself.
The objective is to be able to partition the set of card IDs into disjoint subsets given a security clearance level.
So, the main idea here would be to layout the hierarchy tree and then assign each card ID to the path implied by its security level clearance. For this purpose, each node of the hierarchy tree now becomes a container of card IDs (e.g. each node of the hierarchy tree holds a) its own name (as unique identification) b) pointers to other nodes c) a list of card IDs assigned to its "name".)
Then, retrieving the set of cards with clearance UP TO a specific security level is simply a case of traversing the tree from that specific level downwards until the tree's leafs, all along collecting the card IDs from the node containers as they are encountered.
Suppose that we have access tree:
And card ID assignments:
At the moment, B,C,E only make sense as tags, there is no structural information associated with them. We therefore need to first "build" the tree. The following example uses Networkx but the same thing can be achieved with a multitude of ways:
import networkx
G = networkx.DiGraph() #Establish a directed graph
Now, assign the card IDs to the node containers (in Networkx, nodes can be any valid Python object so I am going to go with a very simple list)
So, now, to get everybody working under "A" (the root of the tree), you can traverse the tree from that level downwards either via Depth First Search (DFS) or Breadth First Search (BFS) and collect the card IDs from the containers. I am going to use DFS here, purely because Networkx has a function that returns the visited nodes depending on visiting order, directly.
#dfs_preorder_nodes returns a generator, this is an efficient way of iterating very large collections in Python but I am casting it to a "list" here, so that we get the actual list of nodes back.
vis_nodes = list(networkx.dfs_preorder_nodes(G,"A")); #Start from node "A" and DFS downwards
cardIDs = []
#I could do the following with a one-line reduce but it might be clearer this way
for aNodeID in vis_nodes:
if G.node[aNodeID]:
In the end of the above iteration, cardIDs will contain all card IDs from branch "A" downwards in one convenient list.
Of course, this example is ultra simple, but since we are talking about trees, the tree can be as large as you like and you are still traversing it in the same way requiring only a single point of entry (the top level branch).
Finally, just as a note, the fact that you are using Access as your backend is not necessarily an impediment but relational databases do not handle graph type data with great ease. You might get away easily for something like a simple tree (like what you have here for example), but the hassle of supporting this probably justifies undertaking this process outside of the database (e.g, use the database just for retrieving the data and carry out the graph type data processing in a different environment. Doing a DFS on SQL is the sort of hassle I am referring to above.)
Hope this helps.

In UML/ER diagramming, how to notate & make transaction requirements with entity that has different values depending on a certain attribute?

I am diagramming an art museum system, where there are Permanent_Art_Objects. Each Permanent_Art_Object has many attributes, and can also be either a 1) Sculpture/Statue, 2) Painting, or 3) Other. Depending on whether it's a sculpture/statue, painting, or other, it has sub-attributes unique to itself.
Here is an example of these sub-attributes.
What is the proper notation for showing these 'sub-attributes'?
For example, if Permanent_Art_Object is Other, it has as sub-attributes Type and Style.
Also, how would I make a query to INSERT INTO Permanent_Art_Object VALUES() for a new art object, if there's so much variety??
It all depends on what you are making. If this is purely for a database, I think ERD's are the cleanest way for modeling but a sidenote is that there are atleast 4 types of notations. Below is how I would do it in UML and ERD with the limited context I have.
More info about ERD's:
Overview of different types:
My example:

Designing a solution to retrieve and classify content based on given attributes

This is a design problem I am facing. Let's say I have a cars website. Cars have the following attributes with different possible values.
Color: red, green, blue
Size: small, big
Based on those attributes I want to classify between cars for young people, cars for middle aged people and cars for elder people, with the following criteria:
Cars_young: red or green
Cars_middle_age: blue and big
Cars_elder: blue and small
I'll call this criteria target
I have a table cars with columns: id, color and size.
I need to be able to:
a) when retrieving a car by id, tell its target (if it's young, middle age or elder people)
b) be able to query the database to know how many views had cars belonging to each target
Also, as a developer, I must implement it in a way that those criteria are easily changed.
Which is the best way to implement it? Is there a design pattern for it? I can explain two possible solutions I thought about but I don't really like:
1) create a new column in the database table called target, so it's easy to make both a) and b).
Drawbacks: Each time crieteria changes I have to update the column target for all cars, and also, I have to change the insertNewCar() function.
2) Implement it in the 'Cars' class.
Drawback: Each time criteria changes I have to change query in b) as well as code in 'getCarById' in a).
3) Use TRIGGERS in SQL, but I would like to avoid this solution if possible
I would like to be able have this criteria definition somewhere in the code which can be changed easily, and would also hopefully be used by 'Cars' class. I'm thinking about some singleton or global objects for 'target' which can be injected in some Cars methods.
Anyone can explain a nice solution or send documentation about some post that faces this problem, or a pattern design that solves it?
On first sight specification pattern might meet your expectations. Wikipedia gives a nice explanation how it works, small teaser bellow:
OverDueSpecification OverDue = new OverDueSpecification();
NoticeSentSpecification NoticeSent = new NoticeSentSpecification();
InCollectionSpecification InCollection = new InCollectionSpecification();
ISpecification SendToCollection = OverDue.And(NoticeSent).And(InCollection.Not());
InvoiceCollection = Service.GetInvoices();
foreach (Invoice currentInvoice in InvoiceCollection) {
if (SendToCollection.IsSatisfiedBy(currentInvoice)) {
You can consider combine specification pattern with observers.
Also there are few other ideas:
extention of specification pattern on SQL generation, WHERE clauses in particular
storing criteria configuration in database
criteria versioning: storing information about version of rules used to assign to category comined with category itself